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This contribution investigates the effect of seeding the growth of thin film microcrystalline silicon (µc‐Si : H) deposited by radio frequency plasma‐enhanced chemical vapor deposition on the material properties of µc‐Si : H film and the device performance of p‐i‐n and n‐i‐p µc‐Si : H solar cells. By means of Raman measurement, x‐ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), we investigate the structure of seeded µc‐Si : H. In particular, the effect of seed layers on the crystallinity development is investigated. Measurements of the depth profile of the crystalline mass fraction using Raman spectroscopy show that seed layers lead to a more rapid and uniform crystallinity development in growth direction. The amorphous incubation layer is suppressed and crystallization begins directly from onset of film growth without evolving through the intermediate growth phases. From TEM analyses, we observe that crystal sizes are not affected by seed layers. Horizontal cracks are however observed to dominate the early growth of µc‐Si : H in p‐i‐n solar cell and this is reduced upon seeding. For the n‐i‐p cells, these cracks are not affected by seeding. XRD results also indicate that the use of seed layers does not affect the crystal sizes but affects the direction of preferential orientation. Solar cell external parameters show that seeding of p‐i‐n solar cells leads mainly to increase in short‐circuit current density, Jsc with a slight drop in open‐circuit voltage, Voc. For the n‐i‐p cells, a reverse effect is observed. In this case, the Voc increases and the Jsc decreases. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Using plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition(PECVD) at 13.56 MHz,a seed layer is fabricated at the initial growth stage of the hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon germanium(μc-Si1-xGex:H) i-layer.The effects of seeding processes on the growth ofμc-Si1-xGex:H i-layers and the performance ofμc-Si1-xGex:H p-i-n single junction solar cells are investigated.By applying this seeding method,theμc-Si1-xGex:H solar cell shows a significant improvement in short circuit current density(Jsc) and fill factor(FF) with an acceptable performance of blue response as aμc-Si:H solar cell even when the Ge content x increases up to 0.3.Finally,an improved efficiency of 7.05%is achieved for theμc-Si0.7Ge0.3:H solar cell.  相似文献   

The growth of polycrystalline silicon layers on glass from tin solutions at low temperatures is presented. This approach is based on the steady-state solution growth of Si crystallites on nanocrystalline seed layers, which are prepared in a preceding process step. Scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy investigations reveal details about the seed layer surfaces, which consist of small hillocks, as well as about Sn inclusions and gaps along the glass substrate after solution growth. The successful growth of continuous microcrystalline Si layers with grain sizes up to several ten micrometers shows the feasibility of the process and makes it interesting for photovoltaics.  相似文献   

Hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon (μc-Si:H) intrinsic films and solar cells with n-i-p configuration were prepared by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD). The influence of n/i and i/p buffer layers on the μc-Si:H cell performance was studied in detail. The experimental results demonstrated that the efficiency is much improved when there is a higher crystallinity at n/i interface and an optimized a-Si:H buffer layer at i/p interface. By combining the above methods, the performance of μc-Si:H single-junction and a-Si:H/μc-Si:H tandem solar cells has been significantly improved.  相似文献   

Hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon (μc-Si:H) intrinsic films and solar cells with n-i-p configuration were prepared by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD). The influence of n/i and i/p buffer layerson the μc-Si:H cell performance was studied in detail. The experimental results demonstrated that the efficiency is much improved when there is a higher crystallinity at n/i interface and an optimized a-Si:H buffer layer at i/p interface. By combining the above methods, the performance ofμc-Si:H single-junction and a-Si:H/μc-Si:H tandemsolar ceils has been significantly improved.  相似文献   

We fabricate thin epitaxial crystal silicon solar cells on display glass and fused silica substrates overcoated with a silicon seed layer. To confirm the quality of hot‐wire chemical vapor deposition epitaxy, we grow a 2‐µm‐thick absorber on a (100) monocrystalline Si layer transfer seed on display glass and achieve 6.5% efficiency with an open circuit voltage (VOC) of 586 mV without light‐trapping features. This device enables the evaluation of seed layers on display glass. Using polycrystalline seeds formed from amorphous silicon by laser‐induced mixed phase solidification (MPS) and electron beam crystallization, we demonstrate 2.9%, 476 mV (MPS) and 4.1%, 551 mV (electron beam crystallization) solar cells. Grain boundaries likely limit the solar cell grown on the MPS seed layer, and we establish an upper bound for the grain boundary recombination velocity (SGB) of 1.6x104 cm/s. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Microcrystalline silicon films were deposited at a high rate and low temperature using jet-type inductively coupled plasma chemical vapor deposition(jet-ICPCVD).An investigation into the deposition rate and microstructure properties of the deposited films showed that a high deposition rate of over 20 nm/s can be achieved while maintaining reasonable material quality.The deposition rate can be controlled by regulating the generation rate and transport of film growth precursors.The film with high crystalli...  相似文献   

Microcrystalline silicon films were deposited at a high rate and low temperature using jet-type inductively coupled plasma chemical vapor deposition(jet-ICPCVD).An investigation into the deposition rate and microstructure properties of the deposited films showed that a high deposition rate of over 20 nm/s can be achieved while maintaining reasonable material quality.The deposition rate can be controlled by regulating the generation rate and transport of film growth precursors.The film with high crystallinity deposited at low temperature could principally result from hydrogen-induced chemical annealing.  相似文献   

We report a new wide‐bandgap p‐type microcrystalline silicon oxycarbide (p‐μc‐SiOxCy:H) film prepared by plasma‐enhanced chemical vapor deposition. As an additional doping gas, trimethylboron was introduced into the standard processing gas‐mixture of silane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and diborane. With both trimethylboron and diborane as doping gases, the optical bandgap (E 04) of the formed p‐μc‐SiOxCy:H film was 0.18 eV higher than that of reference microcrystalline silicon oxide (p‐μc‐SiOx:H) processed with only diborane doping gas for the same levels of film thickness and electrical conductivity. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the developed p‐layer, we applied it as an emitter in silicon heterojunction solar cells, which delivered a markedly high open circuit voltage of 0.702 V and a power conversion efficiency of 18.9% based on a non‐textured flat wafer. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

二维流体模型的建立及其在微晶硅薄膜中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立二维流体模型,研究甚高频等离子体化学气相沉积(VHF-PEVCVD)高速沉积氢化微晶硅(μc-Si:H)薄膜.模型采用平行电容耦合放电方式. 模拟条件与实验条件相同,均为甚高频(70 MHz)、高H2稀释SiH4和高压耗尽区域.模型的几何结构是根据实际高速沉积μc-Si:H薄膜的反应腔室建立的.模型是自适应的,建立在玻尔兹曼方程和泊松方程基础之上,包含87个气相反应和25个表面反应.将模拟沉积速率与相同实验条件下的结果相比较,结果发现,模型在微晶区域运行结果与实验结果吻合得很好.  相似文献   

We compare the performance of two back reflector designs on the optoelectrical properties of microcrystalline silicon solar cells. The first one consists of a 5‐µm‐thick low‐pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD)‐ZnO electrode combined with a white sheet; the second one incorporates an Ag reflector deposited on a thin LPCVD‐ZnO layer (with thickness below 200 nm). For this latter design, the optical loss in the nano‐rough Ag reflector can be strongly reduced by smoothing the surface of the thin underlying ZnO layer, by means of an Ar‐plasma treatment. Because of its superior lateral conductivity, the thin‐ZnO/Ag back reflector design provides a higher fill factor than the dielectric back reflector design. When decreasing the roughness of the front electrode with respect to our standard front LPCVD‐ZnO layer, the electrical cell performance is improved; in addition, the implementation of the thin‐ZnO/Ag back reflector leads to a significant relative gain in light trapping. Applying this newly optimized combination of front and back electrodes, the conversion efficiency is improved from 8.9% up to 9.4%, for cells with an active‐layer thickness of only 1.1 µm. We thereby highlight the necessity to optimize simultaneously the front and back electrodes. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

采用磁控溅射技术在石墨衬底上制备多晶硅籽晶层,系统研究了不同衬底温度、不同快速热退火(RTA)温度和时间对籽晶层结构性质的影响。通过X射线衍射(XRD)仪测试分析,发现溅射过程中衬底温度对于结晶质量有着至关重要的影响,即衬底温度为700℃是形成Si(220)晶面择优取向的临界温度,当衬底温度高于700℃时,Si(220)晶面衍射峰峰高随衬底温度的增加显著增大。在RTA过程中,提高退火温度和延长退火时间均能够提高薄膜多晶硅籽晶层Si(220)晶面的择优取向。  相似文献   

Long Yongfu  Ge Jin 《半导体学报》2009,30(5):052003-052003-5
Porous silicon (PS) samples were fabricated by pulse current etching using different times. The downward uniformity and optical properties of the PS layers have been investigated using reflectance spectroscopy, photoluminescence spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The relationship between the refractive index and the optical thickness of PS samples and the etching depth has been analyzed in detail. As the etching depth increases, the average refractive index decreases, indicating that the porosity becomes higher, and the formation rate of the optical thickness decreases. Meanwhile, the reflectance spectra exhibit less intense interference oscillations,which mean the uniformity and interface smoothness of the PS layers become worse. In addition, the intensity of PL emission spectra is slightly increased.  相似文献   

龙永福  葛进 《半导体学报》2009,30(5):052003-5
多孔硅样品使用脉冲电化学腐蚀法经过不同的腐蚀时间制备完成,使用反射光谱、光致发光光谱和SEM对多孔硅薄膜的纵向均匀性以及其光学特性进行了研究,还详细研究了随腐蚀深度变化的折射率和光学厚度(n*d)等光学参数。实验表明:随着腐蚀深度的增加,多孔硅薄膜的平均折射率n降低,即多孔度变大;多孔硅薄膜的光学厚度的形成速度减小;同时,反射光谱表现更弱的干涉性,表明薄膜的均匀性和界面的平整性变差;另外,光致发光谱的强度微弱变强。  相似文献   

The real and potential benefits of light trapping in microcrystalline silicon single‐junction solar cells are studied theoretically. Effects of a hypothetical high haze parameter of textured transparent conductive oxide on quantum efficiency and short‐circuit current of the solar cell are analysed by numerical simulation. The role of the angular distribution function of scattered light as a second important scattering parameter is shown. The potential thickness reductions of the intrinsic layer due to enhanced light trapping are demonstrated. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

采用高压高功率(hphP)甚高频等离子体强强化学气相沉积(VHF-PECVD)法对微晶硅(μc-Si:H)进行高速沉积,在最优沉积条件参数下对hphP和低压低功率(lplP)两组样品沉积速率、光电导、暗电导及光敏性等性能参数进行测试,得到了1.58 nm/s的较高沉积速率、光电性能优秀和更适合薄膜太阳能电池的μc-Si...  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a novel way of texturing glass facilitated by ZnO:Al thin film as sacrificial layer for thin film silicon solar cell application. We name this technique zinc oxide‐induced texturing (ZIT). The texturing of glass was achieved by wet etching of ZnO:Al covered glass with HF and HNO3 as etchants. We investigated the influence of the ZnO:Al layer sputtering condition, the layer thickness, and the etchant composition on the surface morphology of the textured glass. We demonstrate that we are able to control the roughness of the ZIT glass over a wide roughness range, ranging from 20 to 400 nm. Highly efficient microcrystalline silicon n‐i‐p solar cells were deposited on ZIT glass. The influence of the substrate morphology on the solar cell performance is also discussed. The highest efficiency for a single junction n‐i‐p microcrystalline silicon solar cell obtained in this work is 10.64% (Active area). Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Microcrystalline and amorphous Si:H films have been produced in a dc cathodic discharge in atmospheres containing silane diluted in hydrogen. The composition of the discharge atmosphere has a strong effect on the nucleation of microcrystalline Si:H films. Dopants such as boron enhance the formation of microcrystals while higher silanes such as disilane inhibit crystallization. The presence of other gases in the discharge atmosphere generally inhibits the formation of microcrystals. Research reported herein was supported by Solar Energy Research Institute, under Contract No. XG-0-9372-1, and by RCA Laboratories, Princeton, NJ, 08540, U.S.A.  相似文献   

为了减低非晶硅薄膜太阳能电池的光致衰减效应和提高其光电转换效率,用等离子体化学气相沉积系统制备了本征非晶硅薄膜,用波长为248nm的KrF准分子激光器激光晶化了非晶硅表层,用共焦显微喇曼测试技术研究了非晶硅薄膜在不同的激光能量密度和不同的频率下的晶化状态,并用扫描电子显微镜测试晶化前后薄膜的形貌。结果表明,随着激光能量密度的增大,薄膜晶化效果越来越好,能量密度达到268.54mJ/cm2时晶化效果最好,此时结晶比约为76.34%;最佳的激光能量密度范围是204.99mJ/cm2~268.54mJ/cm2,这时薄膜表面晶化良好;在1Hz~10Hz范围内,激光频率越大晶化效果越好;晶化后薄膜明显出现微晶和多晶颗粒,从而达到了良好的晶化效果。  相似文献   

应用高压高功率(hphP)甚高频等离子增强化学气相沉积(VHF-PECVD)法对微晶硅(μc-Si:H)进行高速沉积,确定了hphP VHF-PECVD法沉积μc-Si:H的最优条件参数,在此参数下对hphP和低压低功率(IplP)两组样品沉积速率、光电导、暗电导及光敏性等性能参数进行测试,得到了1.58 nm的较高沉...  相似文献   

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