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One potential source of starch is the tropical legume baby lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus) that contains around 56—60% of starch. The objectives of this work were to evaluate this starch's physicochemical and functional properties and compare it with the properties of other starches. The chemical composition of lima bean starch was: 10.16% moisture, 0.20% protein, 0.67% fiber, 0.14% ash, 0.54% fat, 98.43% starch and 0.013% phosphorus. The amylose content was higher (32.7%) than that of other cereal and tuber starches but similar to other legume starches. The average granule size (diameter 17.9 μm) was comparable to that of corn starch and of other legume starches. The granule was heterogeneous, presenting an oval shape. The gelatinization temperature was 80.16 °C (range 75—87 °CC), which is similar to other legume starches but higher than that of corn starch. The molecular size (alkali number 3.22), was smaller than that of potato starch but similar to that of corn starch. Compared to corn starch, the gels were firmer and presented a higher degree of retrogradation even at high concentrations. The water solubility was positively correlated with the temperature: i.e., 1.8, 3.4, 8.5 and 12.3% at 60, 70, 80 and 90 °C, respectively. The swelling power had the same behaviour: 2.6, 3.3,12.8 and 19.9 g of water/per gram of starch at 60, 70, 80 and 90 °C, respectively. The amylogram showed that the viscosity (680 Brabender units) and stability were higher than those of commercial corn starch (252 Brabender units). The use of this starch in the preparation of syrups with high glucose contents, as well as in baked and canned products that require heating, is suggested.  相似文献   

RS from mung bean starch was prepared by autoclaving, pullulanase debranching, and retrogradation. Physicochemical properties, crystalline structure, and in vitro digestibility of selected RS samples with different RS content were investigated. Compared to native starch, AAM content of RS increased but MW decreased greatly. SEM clearly showed RS samples exhibited irregular shaped fragments with compact structure. XRD pattern indicated that RS samples had typical B‐type pattern with sharp peaks at 17.0°, 22.2°, and 23.9° 2θ. The relative crystallinity, gelatinization temperatures, and enthalpy increased with increasing RS content. The α‐amylase digestibility of RS was lower than that of native starch. The results suggested that the decrease in enzymatic digestion of RS might due to compact and ordered crystalline structures after debranching and recrystallization.  相似文献   

Maize flour (Zea mays) (M), Lima bean flour (Phaseolus lunatus) (B) and blends of these in proportions of 75M/25B, 50M/50B and 25M/75B (w/w) were extruded and their nutritional quality evaluated. Extrusion was done with a single screw extruder at 160 °C, 100 rpm and 15.5% moisture. In vitro protein digestibility (87%) was higher in the extruded products. Available lysine and resistant starch were highest in 50M/50B raw flour (59.5 g kg−1 protein, 67.9 g kg−1, respectively) but decreased after extrusion (45.5 g kg−1 protein, 16.6 g kg−1, respectively). The same treatment had the lowest available starch (561.6 g kg−1 flour, 507.9 g kg−1 extrudate). Total dietary fiber in the 50M/50B raw flour blend was 144 g kg−1 versus 176 g kg−1 in its extrudate. This was most noticeable for soluble dietary fiber, which increased from 10.6 g kg−1 to 79.4 g kg−1 after processing. Extrusion of blends is feasible up to a 50% bean inclusion level, which improves the nutritional value of the expanded product.Copyright © 2006 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Beans are rich and inexpensive sources of proteins and carbohydrates around the world, but particularly in developing countries. However, many legume varieties are still underutilized. In this study, physical characteristics of the seeds of three Phaseolus lunatus cultivars were characterized. Also, the chemical composition and starch digestibility in the cooked beans were assessed. RESULTS: ‘Comba floja’ variety exhibited the highest thousand‐kernel weight whereas the lowest was found in ‘comba violenta’. This agrees with seed dimensions: ‘comba floja’ had the Longest seeds (16.36 mm) and ‘comba violenta’ the shortest ones (13.98 mm). All samples exhibited high protein content, but levels in ‘comba blanca’ variety (216 g kg?1) were lower than the in other two cultivars. Total starch (370–380 g kg?1) and potentially available starch content (330–340 g kg?1) were similar in the three varieties. Resistant starch level in the cooked seeds ranged between 38 and 45 g kg?1. Low enzymatic hydrolysis indices (HI) were recorded (30.2–35%), indicating a low digestion rate for Phaseolus lunatus starch. HI‐based predicted glycemic indices ranged between 34% and 39%, which suggests a ‘slow carbohydrate’ feature for this legume. CONCLUSION: Phaseolus lunatus beans appear to be a good source of protein and slow‐release carbohydrates with potential benefits for human health. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Starches isolated from four Kidney bean cultivars (French Yellow, Contender, Master Bean, Local Red) grown in temperate climate were studied for their physico‐chemical, morphological, thermal, pasting, textural and retrogradation properties. Physico‐chemical properties such as composition, amylose content, water absorption capacity, swelling power, syneresis, freeze–thaw stability and light transmittance showed significant differences among starches. Amylose content (36.4–41.7%) showed strong correlations with peak, trough, breakdown, final and setback viscosity, gel hardness, gumminess and chewiness. The starch granule morphology of these starches showed considerable variation when studied by scanning electron microscopy. Starch granules were observed to be round, irregular or elliptical with smooth surfaces. Master Bean starch granules were larger than those of other kidney bean starches. Pasting and textural properties of French Yellow starches were found to be higher than other kidney bean starches. Local Red starches showed the highest gelatinisation transition temperatures, whereas Master Bean starches showed the lowest transition temperatures.  相似文献   

Starches separated from four kidney bean cultivars were modified by acetylation to reduce retrogradation and increase gel stability and compared with respective native starches (data of native starch reported by Wani et al., 2010 ). Acetylation was carried out by treating starches with 0.04 and 0.08 g of acetic anhydride per gram of starch dry weight basis (dwb) at 25 °C and pH between 8.0 and 8.5. The extent of acetylation increased proportionally with the concentration of acetic anhydride used. The pasting curves of 10.7% starch determined by Rapid Visco Analyzer at 160 rpm showed that acetylation decreased the setback viscosity values by 0.64–34.58% and pasting temperature by 4.4–9.2 °C when compared with the native starch. Differential scanning calorimetry observations also revealed significant (P ≤ 0.05) decrease in gelatinisation temperature of acetylated starches than the corresponding native starches. Hardness of starch gels varied between 14.3 and 44.0 g, which was significantly (P ≤ 0.05) lower than the corresponding native starch gels.  相似文献   

 Resistant starch (RS), isolated by hydrolysis with Termamyl, protease and amyloglucosidase, of five-cycle autoclaved rice was purified by size exclusion chromatography. Structural characterization by β-amylolysis, 13C NMR and methylation followed by GC-MS analysis revealed RS to be a linear (1→4)-α-d-glucan, originating probably from amylose. Its molecular weight was low, 1.20×106 Da, and amounted to 7400 d-glucose residues. X-ray diffraction measurements showed RS to have both B-type and V-type diffraction patterns. Differential scanning calorimetry data revealed the thermal stability characteristics of RS. The undigested material (equivalent to RS) recovered from the ileum of rat intestine exhibited an almost comparable GPC profile, molecular weight and λmax characteristics with those of in vitro isolated RS. Received: 7 September 1998  相似文献   

Velvet bean (Mucuna pruriens) protein hydrolysates were produced with gastrointestinal enzymes. Functional properties such as nitrogen solubility, emulsifying capacity and emulsion stability, foam capacity and stability of the hydrolysates were determined. Angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitory, antioxidant and antithrombotic capacities were evaluated to determine the biological activity of hydrolysates. For pepsin, degree of hydrolysis (DH) increased sharply between 5 min (22.33 %) and 60 min (28.07 %), respectively, with a maximum DH of 33.50 % (90 min). For pancreatin, DH increased sharply between 5 min (25.08 %) and 90 min (34.92 %), respectively, with a maximum DH of 37.23 % (120 min). For sequential system pepsin–pancreatin, DH increased sharply between 5 min (25.21 %) and 60 min (32.82 %), respectively, with a maximum DH of 34.14 % (120 min). Hydrolysates with the lowest DH and the highest DH were selected to assess the functional and biological potential. Mucuna pruriens limited hydrolysates can be considered a useful food additives to provide functional properties, while M. pruriens extensive hydrolysates can be used as nutraceutical ingredients.  相似文献   

Structural characteristics and digestibility of starches isolated from the kernels of two mango cultivars (Chausa and Kuppi) were studied and compared with those of a commercial normal corn starch. Mango kernel starches showed an A-type X-ray diffraction pattern, with relative crystallinities of 35.4% and 38.3%, respectively for Kuppi and Chausa cultivars. The structural characterisation obtained, using high performance size exclusion column chromatography connected to multi-angle laser light scattering and refractive index detectors (HPSEC-MALLS-RI), revealed that the mango kernel starches had lower molecular weight (Mw) and radius of gyration (Rg) of amylopectin and amylose compared to those of corn starch. The Mw of amylopectin for Chausa and Kuppi starches were 179 × 106 and 140 × 106 g/mol, respectively. The amounts of readily digestible starch (RDS) and slowly digestible starch (SDS) were lower for mango kernel starch than those of corn starch. Resistant starch (RS) contents in the mango kernel starches (75.6% and 80.0%, respectively) were substantially higher than those of corn starch (27.3%). The glycemic index (GI) values for mango kernel starches were 48.8 and 50.9 (for Chausa and Kuppi, respectively), whereas that of corn starch was 74.8, indicating that the mango kernel starch granules were highly resistant to digestion with significant contents of RS.  相似文献   

The velvet bean (Mucuna pruriens) is an excellent potential starch source as it contains approximately 52 % of this carbohydrate. The physicochemical and functional properties of velvet bean starch were evaluated and compared to those of other starches. The chemical composition was: moisture 10.78 %; solid matter: protein 0.71 %; fiber 0.54 %; ash 0.28 %; fat 0.40 %; starch 98.1 %; and phosphorus 0.015 %. Amylose content was higher (39.21 %) than in tuber and cereal starches but similar to other legume starches. Average granule size was 23.6 μm, granules having an oval shape. Paste properties were: gelatinization temperature, 74.82 °C; gelatinization temperature range, 70—80 °C; and alkali number, 3.22. Gels produced with velvet bean starch were firmer than those produced with corn starch, and had a higher degree of retrogradation, even at high concentrations. At 90 °C, solubility was 16.2 % and swelling power was 16.17 g of water/g of starch. Given these properties, velvet bean starch has potential applications in food products requiring high temperature processing, such as jams, jellies and canned products.  相似文献   

Three cultivars (red, black and white) of lima bean were studied to determine the best medium in which to cook them in order to reduce their hydrocyanic acid content to tolerable levels. The study also investigated the effects of processing media on the trytophan content of lima beans. Samples of each cultivar were parboiled in each of three media, 0.94 M HCl, 0.47 M H2SO4 and distilled water, for various times. Portions of each cultivar were also parboiled in the three media after enzyme incubation. Boiled samples were dried, pulverised and analysed for cyanide and tryptophan contents. There were 96.82, 99.78 and 99.62% reductions in cyanide content of the red cultivar after boiling in water, dilute HCl and dilute H2SO4 respectively for 30 min. The corresponding values for the white cultivar were 96.39, 99.59 and 94.77% respectively. Dehydrocyanation was more effective in enzyme‐incubated samples when they were parboiled in dilute mineral acids. The residual cyanide content in enzyme‐incubated samples was below tolerable limits after 30 min of treatment. However, the longer the parboiling time, the higher was the trytophan loss. Therefore parboiling for 30 min in dilute HCl will produce the desired result of insignificant residual cyanide content and minimal tryptophan loss in all samples. Copyright © 2004 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Some nutritional and anti-nutritional characteristics of mucuna (Mucuna utilis (Wight) Burck) bean seeds were studied. The mature seeds contained 264 g crude protein, 63 g crude fibre, 41 g crude fat, 37 g ash and 595 g carbohydrates kg?1 DM. The essential amino acid profile compared well with the FAO/WHO scoring pattern except for a deficiency of sulphur-containing amino acids. Mineral composition was similar to those reported for most tropical grain legumes. Raw mucuna seed samples contained moderately high levels of anti-tryptic activity (2170 trypsin units inhibited g?1 DM), but this was completely destroyed by cooking. The other anti-nutritional factors (phytate, cyanide and tannins) are probably of little nutritional significance provided that the beans are properly processed. The in-vitro protein digestibility of raw and cooked beans were 71·5 and 80·3 %, respectively. In view of the high L-DOPA contents reported in some mucuna cultivars, overconsumption of mucuna beans should be viewed with some caution until suitable processing methods are developed.  相似文献   

Mung bean starch was subjected to a range of heat-moisture treatments (HMT) based on different moisture contents (15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, and 35%) all heated at 120 °C for 12 h. The impact on the yields of resistant starch (RS), and the microstructure, physicochemical and functional properties of RS was investigated. Compared to raw starch, the RS content of HMT starch increased significantly, with the starch treated at 20% moisture having the highest RS content. After HMT, birefringence remained at the periphery of the granules and was absent at the center of some granules. The shape and integrity of HMT starch granules did not change but concavity was observed under scanning electronic microscopy. Apparent amylose contents of HMT starch increased and the HMT starch was dominated by high molecular weight fraction. Both the native and HMT starches showed A-type X-ray diffraction pattern. Relative crystallinity increased after HMT. The gelatinization temperatures (To, Tp, and Tc), gelatinization temperature range (Tc–To) and enthalpies of gelatinization (ΔH) increased significantly in HMT starch compared to native starch. The solubility increased but swelling power decreased in HMT starches. This study clearly shows that the HMT exhibited thermal stability and resistance to enzymatic hydrolysis owing to stronger interactions of starch chains in granule.  相似文献   

选取豌豆、红豆和绿豆三种样品豆,并分别制备豆全粉、除纤维素豆粉、豆淀粉三种样品,研究它们溶胀度、可溶指数、直链淀粉含量、糊化性、质构性等性质。结果表明,三种样品豆的豆全粉、除纤维素豆粉、豆淀粉的粘度差异较大,其中以豆淀粉粘度最高,除纤维素豆粉次之,豆全粉粘度最低;豆淀粉硬度、胶粘性和咀嚼性高于豆全粉和除纤维素豆粉;随温度升高,三种样品豆的豆全粉、除纤维素豆粉、豆淀粉溶胀度和可溶指数均呈现递增趋势,其中豆全粉可溶指数明显高于除纤维素豆粉和豆淀粉;在较高温度下,豆淀粉溶胀度要高于除纤维素豆粉和豆全粉。  相似文献   

不同品种绿豆的淀粉品质特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为研究绿豆淀粉品质的品种变异性并从中筛选适宜加工的优良品种,选取我国16个绿豆品种,从中提取淀粉,并对淀粉的基本组成、糊化及凝胶特性进行了对比分析。结果表明,不同绿豆品种的总淀粉、直链淀粉及抗性淀粉含量存在不同程度的差异,其中总淀粉差异最小(变异系数2.32%)、抗性淀粉最大(变异系数22.77%),直链淀粉变幅为23.65%~34.08%。淀粉的糊化特性中,成糊温度的品种间差异最小、破损值差异最大,变幅分别为66.8~72.1℃及4.5~46.5 BU。凝胶特性中,硬度、黏附性和咀嚼度的差异尤为显著(变异系数>40%)。在所选取的绿豆样品中,中绿1号的淀粉易糊化,且淀粉糊的热稳定性强;郑绿8号及中绿10号的淀粉易老化、凝胶硬度大、弹性好。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Chemical structure and physical properties of starches isolated from 5 domestic mung bean cultivars ( Gyungsun , Geumsung , Sunhwa , Eohul , and Jangan ) were examined. The granules were jelly bean like in shape and smooth on surface, and the size was within 10 to 30 μm. Mung bean starches displayed a CA-type crystalline structure when judged by the X-ray diffraction patterns. Branch chain-length distribution patterns of amylopectin (AP) revealed that peak chain length of APs was at either DP (degree of polymerization) 12 or DP13. Apparent amylose contents of 5 cultivars by iodine affinity test were 31.7% to 33.8%. Mung bean APs showed a unique molecular size distribution that has not been observed from other plant-derived starches. Two distinct peaks of AP fraction were identified on the size-exclusion chromatogram, and the ratios of these 2 peaks were different depending on the mung bean cultivars. Weight-average chain length (CLavg) of APs was in the range of 16.9 ( Eohul ) and 17.5 ( Geumsung ). The onset temperature ( T o) and enthalpy change (Δ H gel) of starch gelatinization were 54.6 to 60.2 °C and 11.6 to 13.2 J/g. The Δ H of the retrograded mung bean starches was 5.5 to 6.6 J/g, which indicated 44.5% to 52.7% of recrystallization. The pasting temperature, peak viscosity, and setback were 66.1 to 69.2 °C, 510 to 579 Rapid Visco Unit (RVU), and 66 to 90 RVU, respectively.  相似文献   

The amino acid compositions of the seed meals of four varieties of yam bean and one variety of lima bean have been compared with the F.A.O.1 standard.  相似文献   

Structural characterizations and digestibility of debranched high-amylose maize starch complexed with lauric acid (LA) were studied. The cooked starch was debranched by using pullulanase and then complexed. Light microscopy showed that the lipids complexed starches had irregularly-shaped particles with strong birefringence. Gel-permeation chromatograms revealed that amylopectin degraded to smaller molecules during increasing debranching time, and the debranch reaction was completed at 12 h. Debranching pretreatment and prolonged debranching time (from 2 h to 24 h) could improve the formation of starch lipids complex. X-ray diffraction pattern of the amylose–lipid complexes changed from V-type to a mixture of B- and V-type polymorphs and relative crystallinity increased as the debranching time increased from 0 to 24 h. In DSC thermograms, complexes from debranched starch displayed three separated endotherms: the melting of the free lauric acid, starch–lipid complexes and retrograded amylose, respectively. The melting temperature and enthalpy changes of starch–lipid complex were gradually enhanced with the increasing of debranching time. However, no significant enthalpy changes were observed from retrograded amylose during the starch–lipid complex formation. Rapidly digestible starch (RDS) content decreased and resistant starch (RS) content increased with the increasing of debranching time, while the highest slowly digestible starch (SDS) content was founded at less debranching time of 2 h. The crystalline structures with dense aggregation of helices from amylose-LA complex and retrograded amylose could be RS, while SDS mostly consisted of imperfect packing of helices between amylopectin residue and amylose or LA.  相似文献   

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