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Much evidence suggests autoimmunity in the etiopathogenesis of periodontal disease. In fact, in periodontitis, there is antibody production against collagen, DNA, and IgG, as well as increased IgA expression, T cell dysfunction, high expression of class II MHC molecules on the surface of gingival epithelial cells in inflamed tissues, activation of NK cells, and the generation of antibodies against the azurophil granules of polymorphonuclear leukocytes. In general, direct activation of autoreactive immune cells and production of TNF can activate neutrophils to release pro-inflammatory enzymes with tissue damage in the gingiva. Gingival inflammation and, in the most serious cases, periodontitis, are mainly due to the dysbiosis of the commensal oral microbiota that triggers the immune system. This inflammatory pathological state can affect the periodontal ligament, bone, and the entire gingival tissue. Oral tolerance can be abrogated by some cytokines produced by epithelial cells and activated immune cells, including mast cells (MCs). Periodontal cells and inflammatory–immune cells, including mast cells (MCs), produce cytokines and chemokines, mediating local inflammation of the gingival, along with destruction of the periodontal ligament and alveolar bone. Immune-cell activation and recruitment can be induced by inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-1, TNF, IL-33, and bacterial products, including lipopolysaccharide (LPS). IL-1 and IL-33 are pleiotropic cytokines from members of the IL-1 family, which mediate inflammation of MCs and contribute to many key features of periodontitis and other inflammatory disorders. IL-33 activates several immune cells, including lymphocytes, Th2 cells, and MCs in both innate and acquired immunological diseases. The classic therapies for periodontitis include non-surgical periodontal treatment, surgery, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and surgery, which have been only partially effective. Recently, a natural cytokine, IL-37, a member of the IL-1 family and a suppressor of IL-1b, has received considerable attention for the treatment of inflammatory diseases. In this article, we report that IL-37 may be an important and effective therapeutic cytokine that may inhibit periodontal inflammation. The purpose of this paper is to study the relationship between MCs, IL-1, IL-33, and IL-37 inhibition in acute and chronic inflamed gingival tissue.  相似文献   

Interleukin (IL)-37 and IL-33 are among the latest cytokines identified, playing a role in several inflammatory conditions, spanning from systemic conditions to tumors to localized diseases. As newly discovered interleukins, their role is still scarcely understood, but their potential role as therapeutic targets or disease activity markers suggests the need to reorganize the current data for a better interpretation. The aim of this review is to collect and organize data produced by several studies to create a complete picture. The research was conducted on the PubMed database, and the resulting articles were sorted by title, abstract, English language, and content. Several studies have been assessed, mostly related to atopic dermatitis and immunologic pathways. Collective data demonstrates a pro-inflammatory role of IL-33 and an anti-inflammatory one for IL-37, possibly related to each other in an IL-33/IL-37 axis. Although further studies are needed to assess the safety and plausibility of targeting these two interleukins for patients affected by skin conditions, the early results indicate that both IL-33 and IL-37 represent markers of disease activity.  相似文献   

Chronic inflammation is considered to be the main mechanism contributing to the development of age-related metabolic and vascular conditions. The phases of chronic inflammation that mediate the progression of target organ damage in these conditions are poorly known, however. In particular, there is a paucity of data on the link between chronic inflammation and metabolic disorders. Based on some of our own results and recent developments in our understanding of age-related inflammation as a whole-body response, we discuss the hypothesis that cross-talk between the cytokine IL-37 and thyroid hormones could be the key regulatory mechanism that justifies the metabolic effects of chronic tissue-related inflammation. The cytokine IL-37 is emerging as a strong natural suppressor of the chronic innate immune response. The effect of this cytokine has been identified in reversing metabolic costs of chronic inflammation. Thyroid hormones are known to regulate energy metabolism. There is a close link between thyroid function and inflammation in elderly individuals. Nonlinear associations between IL-37 and thyroid hormones, considered within the wider clinical context, can improve our understanding of the phases of chronic inflammation that are associated with target organ damage in age-related metabolic and vascular conditions.  相似文献   

The systemic inflammatory syndrome concept is one of the foundations that stand at the basis of revolutionary modern and future therapies, based on the in-depth understanding of the delicate mechanisms that govern the collaboration between the systems and organs of the human body and, at the same time, the fine balance that ensures a reproach-free operation. An interesting concept that we propose is that of the environment-inadequacy status, a concept that non-specifically incorporates all the situations of the organism’s response disorders in the face of imprecisely defined situations of the environment. The correlation between these two concepts will define the future of modern medicine, along with the gene-adjustment mechanisms. Psoriasis is a clear example of an inadequate body response as a result of exposure to as of yet undefined triggers with an excessive systemic inflammatory reaction and hitherto insufficiently controllable. Modern biological therapies, such as TNF-α, IL-12 family, and IL-17 inhibitors, are intended to profoundly reshape the cytokine configuration of patients with inflammatory diseases such as psoriasis, with tremendous success in disease control. Yet, because of the important roles of cytokines in cancer promotion and control, concern was raised about the fact that the use of biologicals may alter immune surveillance and promote cancer progression. Both theoretical and practical data nevertheless showed that the treatment-induced control of cytokines may be beneficial for reducing the inflammatory milieu that promotes cancer and such have a beneficial role in maintaining health. We briefly present the intricate roles of those cytokine families on cancer control, with some debates on if their inhibition might or might not promote additional tumoral development.  相似文献   

The biological activities of interleukins, a group of circulating cytokines, are linked to the immuno-pathways involved in many diseases. Mounting evidence suggests that interleukin-1β (IL-1β) plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of various types of hypertension. In this review, we summarized recent findings linking IL-1β to systemic arterial hypertension, pulmonary hypertension, and gestational hypertension. We also outlined the new progress in elucidating the potential mechanisms of IL-1β in hypertension, focusing on it’s regulation in inflammation, vascular smooth muscle cell function, and extracellular remodeling. In addition, we reviewed recent studies that highlight novel findings examining the function of non-coding RNAs in regulating the activity of IL-1β and its associated proteins in the setting of hypertension. The information collected in this review provides new insights into understanding the pathogenesis of hypertension and could lead to the discovery of new anti-hypertensive therapies to combat this highly prevalent disease.  相似文献   

Inflammation is a major contributor to the development and progression of atherosclerosis. Interleukin (IL)-33 and IL-37, members of the IL-1 family, modulate inflammation, with IL-33 having a pro-inflammatory effect and IL-37 having anti-inflammatory properties. IL-37 is constitutively expressed at low levels but upregulated in inflammatory contexts. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of vitamin D on the expression of IL-33, IL-37, macrophages, and caspase-1 in the neointimal tissue of coronary artery in Yucatan microswine with vitamin D deficient, sufficient, and supplemented status. The intimal injury was induced by balloon angioplasty and stenting in the coronary artery, and tissues were harvested after 6 months. The expression of various proteins of interest was evaluated by immunostaining. Increased expression of IL-33 and IL-37 in the neointimal tissue of the vitamin D deficient, as compared to the sufficient and supplemented microswine, as revealed by histological evaluation and semi-quantitative analysis, suggested the immunomodulatory effect of vitamin D on the expression of IL-33 and IL-37. The minimal expression or absence of IL-33 and IL-37 expression in stented arteries is suggestive of an attenuated inflammatory response in stented arteries, compared to balloon angioplasty. The decreased IL-33 expression in the sufficient and supplemented microswine could be a potential mechanism for controlling the inflammatory process and neointima formation leading to attenuated luminal narrowing of the coronary artery. Overall, these results support supplementation of vitamin D to attenuate inflammation, neointima formation, and restenosis.  相似文献   

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