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The conditions for the exclusive oxidation of the most-reactive component during the corrosion of binary, two-phase alloys by a single oxidant are reexamined by using a more correct form of the mass balance for this component. Moreover, the previous treatment is extended to include the case in which the transition falls in the range of alloy compositions corresponding to the stability of the single phase rich in the most-reactive component. The limiting conditions for the transition in the single and two-phase fields are examined and discussed.  相似文献   

Further aspects of the oxidation of binary two-phase alloys   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The corrosion behavior of binary, two-phase alloys is considered in which the matrix contains mostly the less-noble metal that forms a fast-growing oxide, while the second phase is rich in a component that forms a more stable but slowly-growing oxide. It is assumed that the second phase exists as a dispersion of isolated, rod-like particles. It is further assumed that both phases form external films with no internal oxidation. It is shown that the oxidation behavior of this type of alloy depends on both the oxidation time and the size of the second-phase particles. In particular, for short oxidation times and large second-phase particles the matrix will oxidize faster than the dispersed phase, so that the dispersed particles will be only partly corroded or even incorporated into the matrix-oxide scale as unoxidized islands, forming an irregular alloy-scale interface. On the contrary, for long times and small particle sizes the two phases will tend to oxidize at approximately the same rate, leading to the formation of regular alloy-scale interfaces. The time for the transition between the two corrosion regimes depends not only on the ratio between the rate constants for the growth of the two oxides but also on the size of the dispersed-phase particles, smaller sizes producing shorter transition times. Eventually, under favorable conditions the formation of the fast-growing oxide may even stop, leading to the formation of a protective layer of the most-stable oxide.  相似文献   

The main features of the internal oxidation in two-phase binary alloys are examined for insignificant and important diffusion of the most-reactive component and are compared with the behavior of corresponding single-phase systems. It is shown that two-phase alloys may have two different types of internal oxidation, one of which is similar to that of the single-phase alloys (classical type), producing a uniform distribution of small oxide particles in the zone of internal oxidation, while another is typical of two-phase systems and involves the in situ conversion of the most-reactive component into its oxide. It is also shown that, under the same values of all the relevant parameters, the classical internal oxidation of two-phase alloys involves faster kinetics and smaller degrees of enrichment of the most-reactive component in the zone of internal oxidation than for single-phase alloys. As a consequence of this, the transition to the external oxidation of the most-reactive component in these systems involves higher overall concentrations of the most-reactive component than in corresponding single-phase alloys.  相似文献   

The steady-state kinetics in the high-temperature oxidation of binary A-B alloys containing a mixture of the conjugated solid solutions of B in A (alpha phase) and A in B (beta phase) with exclusive formation of the most-stable oxide BOv have been examined, assuming that the external scale grows on top of a subsurface layer of alpha phase. The results obtained are compared with the corresponding behavior of alloys which are single phase in the whole range of composition. Under identical values of all the parameters involved the concentration of B at the alloy-scale interface is smaller for two-phase than for single-phase alloys under the same concentration of B in the alloy as a result of the restricted flux of B through the alpha-phase layer. As a consequence of this, the two-phase alloys corrode more slowly than single-phase alloys and this difference increases as the solubility of B in the alpha phase decreases. Finally, the simultaneous formation of BOv both externally and as internal oxide is more likely for two-phase than for single-phase materials.  相似文献   

The internal oxidation of two phase binary A-B alloys by a single oxidant at high temperatures, under partial pressures sufficient to also form external scales of the less-stable oxide, is examined by means of quantitative models and compared with the corresponding behavior of single-phase alloys. It is shown that, depending on various factors, particularly on the solubility and diffusivity of the most-reactive component B in the most-noble component A, this process may or may not involve a diffusion process of the alloy components, leading to different scale morphologies. It is also concluded that even when the solubility and diffusivity of B in A are sufficiently high, so that the internal oxidation of the common type occurs, the restriction to the diffusion of B in the alloy due to its limited solubility affects the kinetics of internal oxidation, producing an increase of the rate of internal oxidation and of the critical concentration of B in the alloy required for the transition to the external oxidation of B with respect to single-phase alloys under the same values of all the relevant parameters. The lower the solubility of B in A, the larger these effects.  相似文献   

The oxidation in air of three two phase Cu-Cr alloys with nominal Cr contents of 25, 50, and 75 wt. % was studied at 700–900°C. The alloys corroded nearly parabolically, except at 900°C, when the corrosion rates decreased with time more rapidly than predicted by the parabolic rate law. The corrosion rate decreased for higher Cr contents in the alloy under constant temperature and generally increased with temperature for the same alloy composition. The scales were complex and consisted in most cases of an outermost copper oxide layer free from chromium and an inner layer composed of a matrix of copper oxide or of the double oxide Cu2Cr2O4, often containing particles of chromium metal surrounded by chromia and then by the double oxide. Metallic copper was also frequently mixed with chromia. Cr-rich regions tended to form continuous chromia layers at the base of the scale, especially at the highest temperature. No chromium depletion was observed in the alloy.  相似文献   

The main possible modes of the high-temperature corrosion of binary twophase alloys by a single oxidant under gas-phase pressures sufficient to corrode both alloy components are examined to highlight the differences in their behavior with respect to single-phase alloys. It is shown that in the absence of important diffusion processes of the metal components in the alloy the expected scale structures are significantly different from those typical of single-phase alloys. The effects due to the existence of different degrees of deviation from equilibrium as a result of kinetics hindrances for the formation of the most stable oxide and in the absence of alloy diffusion are then examined. It is also shown that when diffusion in the alloy becomes important the alloy may develop an outer single-phase layer depleted in the most-reactive component, which may lead to various possible scale structures. The conditions for the transition between the various oxidation modes as well as the effect of the various parameters of kinetics, thermodynamic and structural nature over the corrosion behavior of two-phase alloys are also examined.  相似文献   

The critical concentration required for the transition from internal to external oxidation of the most reactive component B of a binary A-B alloy for the case of simultaneous formation of an outer AO scale is calculated by extending Wagner's original analysis, which excluded the presence of an AO oxide. It is shown that the formation of an outer AO scale tends to produce an increase in the critical concentration of B, essentially as a result of a decrease of the enrichment of B in the internal oxidized region. Examples of the calculation of some parameters are presented to examine the effect of the different factors on the properties of internal oxidation and on its transition to the formation of an external scale of the oxide of the less noble component.  相似文献   

The main possible modes of the high-temperature corrosion of binary two-phase alloys by a single oxidant under gas-phase pressures sufficient to corrode only the most-reactive alloy component are examined to compare their behavior with that of single-phase alloys. In the absence of important diffusion processes of the metal components in the alloy, the scale structures expected are different from those typical of single-phase alloys. Moreover, when diffusion in the alloy becomes important, these systems may develop an outer single-phase layer depleted in the most-reactive component, which may lead to different possible scale structures. The conditions for the transition between the various oxidation modes as well as the effect of the various parameters of kinetic, thermodynamic, and structural nature over the corrosion behavior of two-phase alloys are also examined.  相似文献   

During the growth of the most-stable oxide BO v in the oxidation of binary alloys containing nonnoble components A and B, the oxygen pressure prevailing at the alloy-scale interface is higher than the corresponding value for equilibrium between BO v and pure B. The effects of this change on the rate constant for the growth of BO v and on the critical concentration of B in the bulk alloy required for the stability of BO v on its surface are examined and discussed. The general treatment is then applied to the growth of NiO on Cu–Ni alloys and of Cr2O3 on Fe–Cr, Co–Cr, and Ni–Cr alloys by using appropriate defect models for these oxides, considering also the possibility of oxide doping.  相似文献   

The oxidation of Ni-2.05Si and Ni-4.45Si was studied in oxygen over the range of 600°–1000°C for 18 hr. The oxidation kinetics did not follow a parabolic rate law, bur rather a power law of the form (w)n=kt was followed. The value of n ranged from 2.7 to 4.9 for Ni-2.05Si and from 3.0 to 6.4 for Ni-4.45Si. The low-silicon alloy exhibited extensive internal oxidation, whereas the higher-silicon alloy did not internally oxidize. In general, NiO containing little or no silicon formed as an exterior layer on both alloys. The internal oxidation zone in Ni-2.05Si was highly irregular in thickness, and in some areas there was no internal oxidation. The higher-silicon alloy formed a continuous layer of a silicon-rich oxide. X-ray diffraction did not detect silica (amorphous), and no evidence of Ni2SiO4 was observed, although EDAX analysis suggests that small amounts of the silicate might have formed. Theaverage thickness of the internal oxidation zone was found to agree well with calculated values based on oxygen solubility and diffusivity data. No enrichment of silicon occurred in the internal oxidation zone. Calculated values, 0.033 and 0.038 (depending on the model used), of the mole fraction of silicon required for the transition from internal oxidation to continuous silica film formation agreed well with experimental data obtained in both this study and with others reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Analytical solutions for the concentration profile and the surface concentration of an oxidizable component during the selective oxidation of a binary alloy following pseudoparabolic kinetics are examined, assuming a fixed alloy-scale boundary. A solution similar to that already proposed for rate control by metal transfer across the metal-scale interface can be obtained also assuming diffusion control. In the case of formation of a metal-deficit scale growing mainly by cation diffusion it is shown that oxidation is controlled by the diffusion in the alloy. The rate law is found to be pseudoparabolic, although different from that usually found in practice, leading to negative intercepts in a parabolic plot. Positive intercepts cannot be obtained if the regression of the alloy interface during oxidation is disregarded.  相似文献   

The steady-state, high-temperature oxidation kinetics of single phase alloys rich in a most-reactive componentB in binaryA-B systems presenting a limited solubility of the two components (beta phase alloys) have been examined assuming the exclusive formation of the most-stable oxideBO v. Alloys sufficiently rich inB can form externalBO v scales directly in contact with the beta phase, while below a criticalB content the growth ofBO v involves also the appearance of an intermediate layer ofB-depleted solid solution ofB inA (alpha phase). The parabolic rate constants for the oxidation of single-phase beta alloys are lower than those of alloys of identicalB content which are single-phase over the whole range of composition (solid-solution alloys) but higher than for two-phase alpha + beta alloys under the same values of all the relevant parameters. Moreover, the tendency of single-phase beta alloys to form the most-stable oxide simultaneously as an external scale and internally to the alloy is greater than for solid-solution alloys but smaller than for two-phase alloys.  相似文献   

The corrosion of three two phase Cu-Ag alloys containing 25, 50, and 75 wt% Ag has been studied at 650 and 750°C. In all cases the alloys formed external scales of copper oxides. At the same time, an internal precipitation of Cu2O within a silver matrix was also produced, with an oxide volume fraction larger for the alloys richer in Cu. Beneath this mixed layer a region of single-phase solid solution of Cu in silver formed for Cu-50Ag and especially for Cu-75Ag. Silver metal remained in the metal-consumption zone, acting essentially as an inert marker, except for a few particles with were incorporated into the growing scales. Both pure Cu and the alloys corroded parabolically, but the rate constants for the alloys decreased with increased Ag content under constant temperature. The various aspects of the corrosion of these alloys are examined by taking into account the possible effects associated with the presence of two metal phases.  相似文献   

The initial transient stage in the oxidation of binary alloys forming scales exclusively composed of the most stable oxide is examined by means of a simplified approach which avoids the numerical integration of the diffusion equation for the transport of the metal components in the alloy. At variance with previous solutions to this problem obtained by means of numerical methods, this treatment takes into account also the effect of the gas-scale reaction at the outer surface of the oxide. The concentration of the most-reactive component at the alloy surface changes gradually with time from the initial bulk value towards the corresponding steady-state value without involving any minimum, while the overall rate of the reaction presents a gradual transition from an initial nearly linear towards final parabolic behavior.  相似文献   

A nonsteady-state diffusional analysis has been applied to the oxidation of binary multiphase alloys. In addition to the solubility of the solute element in the continuous solid-solution phase, the volume fraction and the size of the second-phase particles have been found to be crucial for the exclusive formation of the solute oxide. By solving the diffusion equations, the oxidation behavior of a multiphase alloy has been quantitatively related to a microstructure parameter, P L ,which is a function of both the volume fraction and shape of the second phase. Moreover, the effectiveness of alloying for alloys with differently shaped second-phase particles on the oxidation of multiphase alloys has been discussed.  相似文献   

The initial transient high-temperature oxidation stage for binary alloys forming the most-stable oxide has been examined by means of a numerical procedure based on the finite-difference method. At variance with previous models, the present treatment takes into account the effect of the rate of the reaction at the scale/gas interface over the corrosion kinetics. The calculations concerning the transient stage are developed either using the general parabolic rate law to represent the overall scaling kinetics or using the rate law of the reaction at the scale/gas interface as a boundary condition without imposing any particular rate law to the overall process. A correct analysis of the oxidation behavior of binary alloys during the transient stage must take into account the kinetics effect of the rate of the surface reaction. The concentration of the most-reactive element at the alloy/scale interface changes regularly with time, decreasing gradually from the initial bulk value to its final steady-state value. The present results are in good agreement with those obtained by means of an approximate analytical model developed previously.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONMetallicmaterialsforhightemperatureapplica tionsoftencontainmorethanone phase ,andele mentsAl,CrandSiaremainlyintroducedtoimprovetheirmechanical properties ,suchasstrengthandcreepresistance .Thecorrosionresistanceoftheseal loysdependsontheira…  相似文献   

Oxidation of the relatively simple, two-phase alloy Ni-70 wt.%Cr in oxygen between 1073 and 1473°K results in the formation of a Cr2O3 scale containing less than O.5 wt.% Ni in solid solution. The oxidation kinetics are irreproducible for an initial period, which is brief at 1073 and 1273°K but much more pronounced at 1473°K, both in duration and degree. This behavior is associated with the failure of the protective Cr2O3 scale. However, after longer periods a compact layer of Cr2O3 becomes established under isothermal conditions and results in a change to more reproducible kinetics, especially at 1073 and 1273°K. Oxidation causes chromium depletion and the formation of a single-phase zone which separates the scale and the two-phase bulk alloy. The depth of Cr2O3 internal oxide coincides with this zone. The oxidation behavior is compared with that of more Ni-rich, single-phase Ni-Cr alloys, with particular reference to the effects of the constitution of the underlying alloy and the integrity of the protective oxide.  相似文献   

A series of iron-chromium alloys were oxidized for 102 to 6×104 s in air and in the 295–500 K temperature range. Room-temperature oxidation of iron, chromium, antimony, and copper were also conducted at extended times. Oxidation characteristics such as oxide thickness and composition of the oxide and of the underlying alloy were evaluated from measurements by electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA). An initial selective oxidation of chromium with a concomitant chromium depletion in the alloy was found. This initial oxidation step is followed by growth of an outer, iron rich oxide which causes the former chromium depletion to vanish. Apparent activation energies extracted from parabolic oxidation kinetics (295–500 K) of the investigated metals were found to be in the 10–20 kcal/mole range.  相似文献   

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