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Animals readily acquire positive odor-taste hedonic associations, but evidence for this in humans remains weak and was explored further. Retronasal pairing of odors with sucrose or salty stimuli (Experiment 1) increased the rated sweetness of sucrose-paired odors without altering liking, although changes in odor pleasantness correlated with sucrose liking. Experience of odors with sucrose or quinine by sweet likers (Experiment 2) found increased pleasantness and sweetness for sucrose-paired odors, whereas quinine-paired odors became less liked and more bitter. Odor-sucrose pairings in sweet likers and dislikers (Experiment 3) found increased sweetness in both groups but increased odor liking only in likers. These data suggest that evaluative and sensory learning are dissociable and that evaluative changes are sensitive to individual differences in sweet liking. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study sought to determine whether a taste can potentiate a conditioned odor aversion based on amphetamine as well as those based on lithium. A taste-potentiated odor aversion (TPOA) based on lithium was obtained in Experiment 1 only with a low concentration of an almond odor. This concentration was used in Experiment 2 where the taste, 0.1% saccharin, potentiated an odor aversion based on 1 mg/kg d-amphetamine. This was replicated in Experiment 3 where potentiation was found with doses of both 1 and 3 mg/kg amphetamine, and no effect of dose was detected. It was concluded that TPOA learning is not restricted to drugs such as lithium that produce conditioned unpalatability as well as conditioned aversions to a taste, because amphetamine does not produce conditioned unpalatability at the doses used here. Furthermore, because in Experiment 3 postconditioning extinction of the saccharin aversion removed the potentiation effect, it appears that this form of TPOA may depend on an association between the odor and taste, as proposed by within-compound theory.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of odor cues to support nutrient-conditioned flavor preferences in rats was studied. When the rats drank fluid, the CS+ odor was paired with intragastric (IG) infusions of Polycose, and the CS– odor with IG water. In Experiment 1, rats trained with almond and anise odors presented with plain drinking water failed to acquire a CS+ odor preference. In contrast, rats in Experiment 2 formed a strong aversion to anise (or almond) paired with lithium chloride, which indicated that the odors were distinguishable to the rats. Experiment 3 showed that providing unique tastes (bitter or sour) in combination with the odors during training potentiated odor conditioning. The rats displayed a strong preference for the odor?+?taste CS+ and for the odor component alone. Experiment 4 showed that with another pair of odors (peppermint and vanilla), CS+ preferences could be conditioned in the absence of taste cues during training. These results demonstrate that rats can acquire strong nutrient-conditioned odor preferences. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present research addresses whether rats can express odor aversions to the odor of taste stimuli. In Experiment 1, saccharin or salt were either mixed in distilled water, so the rats could taste and smell them, or presented on disks attached to the tubes' metal spouts so the rats could only smell them. Aversions were established to taste stimuli under both conditions. The results of Experiment 2 indicate that conditioning was to the odor of the tastes when they were presented on disks in Experiment 1, hence both taste and odor aversions were established by means of "taste" stimuli. Taste aversion learning thus may more properly be termed flavor aversion learning, with flavor referring to both taste and odor components. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

1. The primate orbitofrontal cortex receives inputs from the primary olfactory (pyriform) cortex and also from the primary taste cortex. To investigate how olfactory information is encoded in the orbitofrontal cortex, the responses of single neurons in the orbitofrontal cortex and surrounding areas were recorded during the performance of an olfactory discrimination task. In the task, the delivery of one of eight different odors indicated that the monkey could lick to obtain a taste of sucrose. If one of two other odors was delivered from the olfactometer, the monkey had to refrain from licking, otherwise he received a taste of saline. 2. Of the 1,580 neurons recorded in the orbitofrontal cortex, 3.1% (48) had olfactory responses and 34 (2.2%) responded differently to the different odors in the task. The neurons responded with a typical latency of 180 ms from the onset of odorant delivery. 3. Of the olfactory neurons with differential responses in the task, 35% responded solely on the basis of the taste reward association of the odorants. Such neurons responded either to all the rewarded stimuli, and none of the saline-associated stimuli, or vice versa. 4. The remaining 65% of these neurons showed differential selectivity for the stimuli based on the odor quality and not on the taste reward association of the odor. 5. The findings show that the olfactory representation within the orbitofrontal cortex reflects for some neurons (65%) which odor is present independently of its association with taste reward, and that for other neurons (35%), the olfactory response reflects (and encodes) the taste association of the odor. The additional finding that some of the odor-responsive neurons were also responsive to taste stimuli supports the hypothesis that odor-taste association learning at the level of single neurons in the orbitofrontal cortex enables such cells to show olfactory responses that reflect the taste association of the odor.  相似文献   

The role of the temporal order of odor and taste was studied in two experiments, and a third experiment studied the role of odor intensity in flavor-toxicosis conditioning with thirsty rats licking water spouts in a "wind tunnel." In all experiments, odors and tastes were presented for 2 min to rats, and 30 min later, a toxin (lithium chloride) was intubated. In Experiment 1, an odor was presented 90 s before, during, or 90 s after a taste to independent groups. Experiment 2 was a within-subjects partial replication of the first. Each rat was presented with one odor, then a taste, then a second odor with each stimulus separated by 45 s. The results of Experiments 1 and 2 indicated that (a) odor alone is not associated with illness under our conditions, (b) presenting an odor and a taste at the same time potentiates the odor component so that it is associated with illness, (c) 45-s and 90-s intervals between odor and taste eliminate potentiation, and (d) taste and odor interact asymmetrically; that is, odor has little effect on the development of taste-illness associations. In Experiment 3, an odor and a taste were presented simultaneously, and odor intensity varied. As odor intensity increased, the strength of the taste-potentiated odor aversion increased, whereas the aversion to the taste remained constant. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Three experiments with 94 male Sprague-Dawley rats tested the contribution of nonassociative neophobia and sensitization to the potentiation of odor by taste. In Exp I, neophobia for almond odor (O), saccharin taste (T), and odor-taste compound (OT) cues was tested before and after noncontingent LiCl poisoning and compared with conditioned aversions produced by OT–LiCl temporal pairing. The OT compound potentiated unconditioned neophobia, but there was no evidence of poison-enhanced neophobia, disinhibition of neophobia, or sensitization by noncontingent LiCl; temporal pairing produced aversions for the compound and its elements. In Exp II, generalization to a novel odor was tested after O–LiCl or compound OT–LiCl pairing. The potentiated odor aversion did not generalize to the novel odor; it was specific to the odor paired with taste and LiCl. In Exp III, potentiation of the odor component by a discriminant or nondiscriminant taste component was tested. Potentiation was evident only when a novel discriminant taste was in compound with odor prior to LiCl poisoning. Results from all experiments support an associative "indexing" hypothesis of the potentiation effect in rats. (14 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Rats running in a runway emit discriminable odors when encountering reward (R) or nonreward (N) goal events, and subsequent rats use these odors as discriminative stimuli to alter their approach speeds. In the present studies, a third goal event, aversively conditioned denatonium saccharide (A), was introduced. In Experiment 1, rats evidently emitted an odor when encountering the A goal event, because in the presence of this A odor subsequent conspecifics slowed their approach to the goal, much like their behavior on N trials. In Experiment 2, when N odor signaled R goal events and A odor signaled A goal events, rats approached quickly to N but slowly to A, indicating that they could discriminate N and A odors at the given concentrations. These studies indicate that rats emit an odor when confronted with a signal of impending illness and that this odor seems readily discriminable from R and N odors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The role of odors in food memory formation, especially for aversions, has long been considered secondary to taste. However, the importance of odor ingestion in conditioned odor aversion (COA) has recently challenged this assumption (B. M. Slotnick, F. Westbrook, & F. M. C. Darling, 1997). The aim of the present study was to evaluate the respective role of orthonasal and retronasal olfactory experience in COA acquisition, long-term retention, extinction, and spontaneous recovery. To this end, the odor was presented either close to the drinking spout (orthonasal stimulation) or close to and mixed with the drinking water (eliciting both orthonasal and retronasal stimulation). The authors brought evidence that odor ingestion was crucial for COA acquisition, especially when odor presentation and gastric malaise were separated by long delays. On the contrary, once formed, a distal (orthonasal) odor recognition was sufficient for COA to be retrieved. COA was odor specific and long lasting (more than 50 days). Moreover, results brought evidence for a spontaneous recovery of odor aversion tested 57 days after its extinction. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The learning capacities of rats with electrolytic lesions of the gustatory thalamus (GT) were investigated in 3 experiments. In Experiment 1, the presence of a taste cue failed to overshadow odor aversion learning in the lesioned rats, yet these same animals acquired normal taste and odor aversions. Thalamic lesions had no discernible effect on the acquisition of a conditioned flavor preference in Experiment 2. Finally, GT lesions completely reversed the anticipatory contrast effect shown by control subjects in Experiment 3. These results suggest that damage to the GT spares taste detection and recognition and simple associative learning but interferes with learning that involves more complex gustatory information processing. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Several series of experiments are reported that investigate learning in the Africanized honey bee. In the first series, classical conditioning of proboscis extension was studied by confining bees to small metal tubes where they received pairings of an odor with a 3-s feeding of sucrose. After a number of odor-sucrose pairings, the bees began to extend their proboscis to the odor. Controls include Unpaired, Discrimination, and Pseudoconditioning Groups. This technique was used to look at conditioning to a light CS, and to the odors of beeswax, geraniol, citral, and hexanal. The results indicate that acquisition was best when sucrose was paired with the odor of beeswax. Conditioning to the remaining odors was roughly similar, but acquisition did not occur using a light. In a second series of experiments, odors were no longer followed by sucrose feedings and the conditioned response slowly disappeared. With the exception of geraniol as a CS, this extinction effect did not occur if the animals continued to be fed on an unpaired schedule. In a third series of experiments, conditioned inhibition was demonstrated when geraniol was used as conditioned stimuli, but no effect was found when the odors of hexanal, citral and wax were used. In a fourth series of experiments, unrestrained bees flew back and forth from the laboratory to the hive, where they were taught to distinguish targets based on color and odor. With this technique, color and odor discrimination in the Africanized bees was demonstrated. In addition, it was found that more intruder bees visited the experimental station when the stimuli used were olfactory rather than visual.  相似文献   

Intracerebral cannulas were implanted in both olfactory bulbs of 6 New Zealand albino rabbits. A surface electrode array was implanted epidurally on the lateral surface of the left bulb. Each S was conditioned to respond to sniffing to an odor paired with cutaneous shock while receiving continuous intrabulbar infusion of propranolol (100 μM at 1 μl/hr) or vehicle. After 2 training sessions to the original odor, a response to a new odor was conditioned under the influence of the alternate infusate. EEG activity was sampled on inspirations before and during odor presentations. During vehicle infusion a transient alteration in the pattern of activity was acquired that occurred during the 2nd and 3rd inspirations following presentation of the reinforced odor. The acquisition did not occur when propranolol was infused. No significant pattern changes occurred with unreinforced odors in either condition. Intrabulbar norepinephrine injection (100 μM) resulted in an amplitude increase of the bulbar 40–80 Hz EEG and a potentiation of the transient spatial pattern change to a novel odor, when compared with those observed during vehicle infusion. It is concluded that norepinephrine released under centrifugal control may act to prevent or delay habituation that otherwise occurs rapidly to unreinforced odors. (49 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The possibility of olfactory function being affected at a very early stage of Alzheimer's disease (AD) was investigated by comparing patients with questionable AD with normal controls on odor and taste detection and short-term odor- and visual-recognition memory, including familiarity ratings. Taste and vision were studied for comparison. The questionable AD patients compared with the controls had higher thresholds for odor but not for taste, performed significantly poorer on recognition memory for odors and visual stimuli, and tended to be less familiar with odors but not with visual stimuli. The poor odor recognition memory was not found to be explained by poor odor sensitivity but may partly be due to poor long-term memory reflected by the familiarity ratings. Although further research is required, the findings indicate that performance on olfactory mediated tasks may contribute to early diagnosis of AD. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

On the basis of previous work that has shown a taste can potentiate odor-aversion conditioning in AX+ conditioning, 6 experiments used rats to examine the effects of pairing a preconditioned taste (A) with a novel odor cue (X) in an A+/AX+ aversion conditioning design. Experiments 1A and 1B demonstrated that a preconditioned taste produced a robust odor aversion that was significantly stronger than a potentiated odor aversion. The results of Experiment 2 showed that the robust odor aversion produced by A+/AX+ conditioning was not the result of the potentiated odor aversion summating with generalization from the taste aversion. The augmented odor aversion was produced only when the taste and odor stimuli were presented simultaneously (Experiment 3) and the preconditioned taste aversion was intact at compound conditioning (Experiment 4). Pairing a novel odor with a preconditioned taste was not sufficient to condition an aversion to odor (Experiment 5), although other results implicated a role for an association between odor and taste in the odor augmentation effect (Experiment 6). The present results have implications for current models of taste + odor interactions in flavor-aversion conditioning. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Five experiments investigated how rats' conditioned preferences or aversions for aqueous odors paired with sucrose or salt are affected by their unconditioned response to those tastes. Rats preferred an odor paired with 30% sucrose over an odor paired with 5% sucrose when both were presented in 5% sucrose, but they showed no preference or, if thirsty, showed the reverse preference, when the odors were presented in 30% sucrose. These changes in conditioned preference corresponded to changes in the rats' unconditioned preference for the accompanying sucrose solution. Rats' conditioned aversions for odors paired with salt showed a similar dependence on their reaction to the accompanying salt solution. The results were interpreted as showing that conditioned and unconditioned flavor preferences combine additively, as if mediated by the same sensory representation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Rats were given exposure either to an odor (almond) or a compound of odor plus taste (almond plus saline), prior to training in which the odor served as the conditioned stimulus. It was found, for both appetitive and aversive procedures, that conditioning was retarded by preexposure (a latent inhibition effect), and the extent of the retardation was greater in rats preexposed to the compound (i.e., latent inhibition to the odor was potentiated by the presence of the taste). In contrast, the presence of the taste during conditioning itself overshadowed learning about the odor. We argue that the presence of the salient taste in compound with the odor enhances the rate of associative learning, producing a rapid loss in the associability of the odor. This loss of associability will generate both overshadowing and the potentiation of latent inhibition that is observed after preexposure to the compound. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Male sweat smells disgusting to many adults, but it is unclear whether children find it so. In Experiment 1A, children (mean age=8.7 years) and adolescents (M=16.6 years) smelled male sweat and other odors, rated each for liking, and attempted their identification. Only female adolescents disliked male sweat and could identify it. Experiment 1B, using the same procedure, obtained this gender difference in adults (M=26.7 years). In Experiment 2, children (M=8.1 years) and adolescents (M=16.6 years) were cued about the identity of the same odors. Irrespective of gender, adolescents disliked male sweat more than did children. In sum, dislike for the odor of male sweat may be an acquired social response that is based on odor identification. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In this investigation, the authors used habituation techniques to explore similarities and differences in the qualities of individual odors from hamsters. In Experiment 1, male Turkish hamsters (Mesocricetus brandti) treated flank-gland odors of 2 males from 1 litter as similar compared with the odor of a male from another litter, whether the odor donors were familiar or unfamiliar. At the same time, the Turkish hamsters discriminated between the subtle differences in the individual odors of their familiar brothers. In Experiment 2, male Turkish and golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) treated the flank-gland odors of 2 unfamiliar, unrelated conspecifics as similar compared with the flank odor of a heterospecific individual. The results suggest that similarities in individual odors are related to genetic similarity of the odor donors. These similarities could provide a basis for different types of social recognition, including kin and species recognition. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the relative contributions of the amygdaloid basolateral complex (ABL) and central nucleus (CN) to taste-potentiated odor aversion (TPOA) learning, an associative learning task that is dependent on information processing in 2 sensory modalities. In Exp 1, rats with neurotoxic lesions of these systems were trained on the TPOA task by presenting a compound taste–odor conditioned stimulus (CS), which was followed by LiCl administration. Results showed that ABL damage caused an impairment in potentiated odor aversion learning but no deficit in the conditioned taste aversion. In contrast, rats with CN damage learned both tasks. Exp 2 examined the effects of ABL damage on TPOA and odor discrimination learning. The odor discrimination procedure used a place preference task to demonstrate normal processing of olfactory information. Results indicated that although ABL-lesioned animals were impaired on TPOA, there was no deficit in odor discrimination learning. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Odor “sweetness” may arise from experiencing odors and tastes together, resulting in a flavor memory that is later reaccessed by the odor. Forming a flavor memory may be impaired if the taste and odor elements are apparent during exposure, suggesting that configural processing may underpin learning. Using a new procedure, participants made actual flavor discriminations for one odor–taste pair (e.g., Taste A vs. Odor X–Taste A) and mock discriminations for another (e.g., Odor Y–Taste B vs. Odor Y–Taste B). Participants, who were successful at detecting the actual flavor discriminations, demonstrated equal amounts of learning for both odor–taste pairings. These results suggest that although a capacity to discriminate flavor into its elements may be necessary to support learning, whether participants experience a configural or elemental flavor representation may not. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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