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Adam   《Technology in Society》2008,30(3-4):423
Perhaps no three countries have benefited from the globalization of science and technology (S&T) more than India, China, and the United States. All three have leveraged the growing internationalization of innovation to offset weaknesses in their own national innovation systems. Still, globalization raises critical questions of autonomy, security, and equality, and in turn the political struggle over these three issues shapes the pace and scope of the globalization of S&T. Significant deterioration on any one of these criterion could lead to substantially less support among policy makers and the public for the globally networked system of innovation that appears to be emerging.  相似文献   

Neal   《Technology in Society》2008,30(3-4):248
The US has emerged as the world leader in science and technology research and development in the 60 years following World War II. This status is due, in part, to a successful public–private partnership in research and higher education fostered after the war, and to the fiercely competitive and innovative nature of US industry. This paper provides some background to the complexities of US federal funding of research and development, as well as a brief history of US science and technology policy following World War II. The paper describes how research is managed and funded in the US; outlines how the US federal government interacts with universities and private industry; remarks on the nature of international cooperation; and comments on the future direction of US science and technology policy, including growing challenges to its position of leadership.  相似文献   

Mu  Qu 《Technology in Society》2008,30(3-4):319
In “The Outline of the Medium and Long-term National Plan for Science and Technology Development (2006–2020)” (OMLP)), the Chinese government outlined an ambitious goal to become an innovation-driven country by 2020. However, there are many barriers that restrain the development of the national innovation capacity of enterprises. This paper reviews the capacity for science and technology (S&T) and innovation in China, including the factors that influence capacity building, the supporting policies for implementing the OMLP, and the promotion of capacity building for S&T and innovation in China. The paper concludes with recommendations for promoting further development of S&T and innovation in China.  相似文献   

This Issues and Opinions Essay provides insights on developments and challenges related to responsible governance in the field of science and technology (S&T) across Europe, China and India. The Essay presents an overview of policy debates and some key public policy documents in these three geopolitical areas, exploring how responsibility is viewed and outlined in the policy domain. Considerations on the range of processes and actors affecting the relationship between science and society in China and India are also presented. Finally, the Essay introduces ‘responsiveness’ as a possible area for comparative research work on responsibility in S&T and relevant policy collaboration amongst the three regions.  相似文献   

K.   《Technology in Society》2008,30(3-4):275
New opportunities appear every day in India. Which are real and will lead to equitable and sustainable development when taken, and which are a mirage? Today, many do not see India's obvious and enormous problems and drawbacks as obstacles to change. These optimists exude confidence in mechanisms whose implementation will make India a knowledge superpower in 20 years. The pessimists, seeing barely half a dozen experts in each major area of science, see a system without content or form, where the ballast of the past keeps the ship of change in port, and chaotic spinning is mistaken for progress. Both optimists and pessimists talk constantly about China as an example to follow—or not—depending on the day of the week. Is India's knowledge economy actually headed somewhere? Or is it impossible to meaningfully use the words policies, systems, institutions, and India in the same sentence?  相似文献   

就当前内外部环境给我国科技馆特种影院科普教育功能实践带来的机遇和挑战进行分析,发现科技馆特种影院具有一流的硬件设施、多元的节目内容、良好的运行机制以及场馆阵地化科普资源等优势,但也存在资源整合水平不足、高端人才缺乏等待创新问题,同时也面临着科普新媒体冲击、国产科普影片缺乏等挑战。本文以上海科技馆特种影院为例,对我国科技馆特种影院科普教育功能实践进行策略分析并提供新的发展思路。  相似文献   

Roddam   《Technology in Society》2008,30(3-4):330
During the first three decades after 1947, the Indian economy grew only 3% per year but there was vast expansion in the science and technology (S&T) infrastructure. Decades later, especially during the last few years, the economy has grown much faster, but the S&T systems have not experienced the transformation that business and industry have. The net result is that the public sector S&T system is facing a major crisis even as the private sector contributes little to the national R&D effort. Wealth generation in India by private S&T services, especially in information technology, has led to greater prosperity for the educated middle class, but has also led to greater inequalities in income. The national scene is one of generally uneven achievement and extraordinary potential. This paper argues that unless another major shift in S&T policy occurs, there is real danger that India will not move beyond its status as a blue-collar S&T power.  相似文献   

Leon M.   《Technology in Society》2008,30(3-4):397
The ominous projections of global climate change loom as a unique menace to the survival of civilization. Collective action will require the citizens of both technological and emerging nations to collaborate in order to bring about drastic modifications of lifestyle. This raises the issue of what high-school graduates should know about science. With science literacy becoming an ever-increasing component of education in this 21st century, a rigorous education in mathematics, science, and technology can, with modest variations, serve vocational or liberal arts students just as well as future scientists and engineers. However, the comments in this article on how to teach science successfully imply sweeping changes in curriculum, in teaching styles, and in the recruitment, training, and professional development of teachers.  相似文献   

R Narasimhan  PVS Rao 《Sadhana》1984,7(3):203-222
Information technology, which has as its base the integration of computing and communication, is bringing about far-reaching changes in the economies and life-styles of the advanced industrialized countries. In India, the preoccupation so far has been in the development of computer technology to manufacture stand-alone computers. Even to accomplish this the industrial capability is very fragmented. The mastery of information technology in all its ramifications requires building up indigenous capabilities in a variety of sub-technologies. In this context, this paper analyses in some detail the current strengths and weaknesses in computer science and technology in India and the efforts that need to be made to build up a viable base in information technology to promote economic growth and modernize industrial practices.  相似文献   

Not only have science and technology received growing priority in China's development strategy, but basic research has also received greater attention in the country's policies on science and technology. From Deng Xiaoping's notion that “science and technology are the primary productive force” to the national strategy of “invigorating China through science and education,” China has experienced a deepening and maturing process in understanding the characteristics and values of modern science—especially basic research—and the roles of science in the country's economic and social development.  相似文献   

Kuangdi   《Technology in Society》2008,30(3-4):265
As the world embarks on the 21st century, China—with a population of 1.3 billion—has arrived at a new stage of development: building a prosperous society and speeding up the national drive toward industrialization and modernization. Nearly 30 years after the adoption in 1979 of its reform and opening-up policy, China is experiencing historic leaps from poverty to subsidence, and thence to modest prosperity. The next goal for development is modernization by the middle of this century. This will be accomplished based on the following framework: within the first 20 years, China will build a moderately prosperous society with higher standards featuring a more developed economy, greater democracy, advanced science and education, more social harmony, and a more affluent life for the Chinese people. These major changes in this new stage of China's economic and social development set the stage for this discussion of engineering technology and engineering education in China.  相似文献   

为了方便材料研究者和开发者快速检索所需的材料科技信息资源,建立了一个以英文网页为主的搜索引警式的材料科技信息平台,抽样分析了Internet上材料信息资源的分布规律和发展趋势,以满足信息平台分类的需要,综合分析结果表明,当前材料科技信息网站资源正朝着英文化,综合化,商业化方向发展,充分利用本文建立的平台可加快材料工作者信息检索的速度。  相似文献   

在明确交通科技项目实施流程的基础上,站在后评价视角分析项目的社会经济效益,制订出一套相对完善的项目评价标准,同时应用Microsoft Visual Basic6.0和Access2003搭建系统框架,充分实现交通科技项目评价的科学性、有效性、合理性,促进决策过程的程序化、科学化。  相似文献   

This paper selectively discusses a number of technology and innovation policy initiatives in Central and South America that target small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). The examples highlight the transition towards a balanced supply–demand approach to innovation. They also highlight that assisting small firms, whether high- or lower-tech, requires long-term dedication, policy consistency, and work at the local level involving all primary stakeholders. Intermediate organizations are found to play a very important role in the success of policy initiatives targeting SMEs. The importance of large firms for development and upgrading of SMEs cannot be underestimated. Frequently, the most useful type of assistance to SMEs is not technological but more general business oriented such as locating and approaching the customer, achieving a steady cash flow, developing relationships of trust, accessing finance, managing the firm effectively, and training the employees. While clusters, industrial districts, and networks can work, the extent to which such business agglomerations can successfully emerge solely as a result of government policy is currently under debate.  相似文献   

C.N.R.   《Technology in Society》2008,30(3-4):242
During the years preceding India's independence on August 15, 1947, the Indian National Congress focused considerable attention on the importance of science and technology, including scientific planning in an independent country. Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of independent India, held the portfolio for science and technology, as have most of his successors. Nehru was largely responsible for Parliament's adoption of the 1958 Science Policy Resolution. In 1971, the governments of Indira Gandhi and her son, Rajiv Gandhi, took important steps to integrate scientific planning with economic planning. During these years, significant new government institutions were created. The current government of Manmohan Singh, which maintains an active national science advisory committee, has made significant changes in the Indian government's science and technology structure and is creating new institutions for science, technology, and higher education.Currently, India's total investment in research and development is somewhat less than 1% of the gross domestic product, but this ratio is expected to rise to 2% or more in the next few years. The government currently accounts for 85–90% of the country's R&D, but there are indications that private-sector investments will become more important.India has long enjoyed wide-ranging cooperation with several countries, including the US, Western Europe, the Soviet Union, and Russia. During the years immediately following independence, the UK exerted more influence on Indian science than any other country. Today the US has considerable influence, especially as it is also a preferred destination for Indian students and post-doctoral fellows.  相似文献   

As a certain society's military strength depends on its technological capabilities, decision makers that do not retain the capacity to produce a full spectrum of defense systems to meet the country's requirement (herein Third Tier Countries, or TTCs), need to administer different acquisition policies than countries that furnish a complete range of arms. South Korea, with its limited defense industrial base, has implemented Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration (ACTD) programs since 2007. Provided that other TTCs are considering the ACTD process, analogous cases should be instructive. Thus, this paper is a comparative analysis of Korean ACTDs vis-a-vis those of the United States to draw distinctive ACTD policy implications for TTCs. For a review of 32 programs, four perspectives are suggested: imminent threats, technological capabilities, budgetary constraints, and transition plans. Examined from these dimensions, prioritization and reification of imminent threats should be a beginning point. If there are some identified threats that can be countered by ACTDs, then boundaries in technological capabilities and budgetary constraints ought to be taken into account. Finally, an effective technology transition plan for ACTDs in accordance with other non-military-led defense R&D projects would help in determining the success of the open acquisition process.  相似文献   

The inception of radioisotope and its application in China are introduced. The research,development, production, application progress and the future development prospect of radioisotope and its products are described.  相似文献   

Real-world retrospective evaluation of the safety benefits of new integrated safety technologies is hampered by the lack of sufficient data to assess early reliable benefits. This MUNDS study set out to examine if a “prospective” case-control meta-analysis had the potential to provide more rapid and rigorous analyses of vehicle and infrastructure safety improvements. To examine the validity of the approach, an analysis of the effectiveness of ESC using a consistent analytic strategy across 6 European and Australasian databases was undertaken. It was hypothesised that the approach would be valid if the results of the MUNDS analysis were consistent with those published earlier (this would confirm the suitability of the MUNDS approach). The findings confirm the hypothesis and also found stronger and more robust findings across the range of crash-types, road conditions, vehicle sizes and speed zones than previous. The study recommends that while a number of limitations were identified with the findings that need be addressed in future research, the MUNDS approach nevertheless should be adopted widely for the benefit of all vehicle occupants.  相似文献   

随着我国月球取样返回、火星探测的开展以及空间站建设的推进,航天任务的发展对高性能材料提出了新的要求.本文在对我国航天发展现状和趋势进行简要分析的基础上,从轻质高性能结构机构材料、轻质高效热防护材料、结构功能一体化材料、新型多功能复合防护材料、耐极端温度功能材料、智能材料、高性能航天服材料、功能梯度材料、超材料、3D打印材料及4D打印材料与结构等角度论述了我国航天科技发展对高性能材料的需求,最后提出了利用纳米技术、材料基因工程等新技术,并将空间环境纳入航天材料的研制全流程中,进一步开展航天材料的研制和开发.  相似文献   

Evan S.   《Technology in Society》2008,30(3-4):405
The field of nanotechnology offers the possibility of transforming the international science and technology (S&T) policy landscape and making a significant impact on the direction of research and development for a wide range of nations and companies. Nanotechnology endeavors in the United States, China, and India remain some of the most interesting because of the opportunities and challenges this field poses for future competition and collaboration between these three nations. This paper examines how nanotechnology will raise new science and policy questions—and lead to new strategic linkages—that will have a major impact on the futures of these nations for decades to come. Then the paper analyzes and compares the current state of nanotechnology in these three countries, discusses some of the main drivers of collaboration, investigates current and potential uncertainties associated with nanotechnology, and offers policy suggestions on ways that these difficulties may be addressed.  相似文献   

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