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非电解质溶液扩散系数的理论研究评述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
阎建民  罗先金  R.Krishna 《化工学报》2006,57(10):2263-2269
许多过程都涉及扩散控制的传质,相应的扩散速率计算对过程工程的精确量化具有重要意义.本文简述了扩散速率的理论表述模型,并着重介绍了非电解质溶液内扩散系数的理论分析计算途径.分子动力学模拟正处于发展中,并用于估算自扩散系数,但进入实用化阶段尚需时日,唯象模型仍为最重要的理论计算手段.作为最常用的方法,由无限稀释浓度下的扩散系数以及合适的插值方法可计算特定浓度下的扩散系数;自由体积理论是半经验性模型,可以计算自扩散系数,并借助混合规则计算相互扩散系数;最后,对扩散系数的理论研究作了展望.  相似文献   

Maxwell-Stefan方程及其在多元相间传质中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王维德 《化学工程》2002,30(4):8-12
多元物系传质过程与二元物系传质过程有着本质的区别 ,由于组分间的交互作用 ,多元物系传质各组分传质效率不相等 ,其分布范围可在 -∞至 +∞之间 ,某些组分可能产生逆向传质、渗透传质、传质障碍等传质奇异现象 ,这些现象用传统的二元物系传质规律无法作出解释 ,必须用Maxwell Stefan方程进行描述。该文综述了Maxwell Stefan方程的由来、求解方法及其在多元相间传质中的应用。  相似文献   

综述了MFI型沸石分子筛的渗透分离性能,探讨了其可能的分离机理,并介绍了包括膜分离与经在内的前沿进展。  相似文献   

综述了MFI型沸石分子筛膜制备方法的研究进展,突出介绍了较为成熟的水热合成法、微波合成法以及气相转移法,讨论了MFI型沸石分子筛膜在应用方面具有优势的有机物提纯、气体分离以及催化反应的研究进展,并提出了MFI型沸石分子筛膜制备和应用方面一些亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

许多化工过程涉及扩散控制的质量传递,扩散系数的获取对过程工程的精确量化具有重要意义.今提出了基于局部组成的扩散系数模型,以估算Maxwell-Stefan扩散系数随浓度的变化.仅通过无限稀释下的扩散系数,以及溶液的Wilson或NRTL参数,能够预测二元混合物的扩散系数.与文献发表的实验数据比较,对15种二元组分溶液的计算结果平均误差是6.35%.结果显示,这种模型优于目前常用的Darken模型.  相似文献   

通过热浸渍晶种法制备了高质量的NaA沸石膜,并将其应用于蒸汽渗透脱除一氯甲烷中的微量水. 实验结果表明,NaA膜对该体系显示了优异的分离性能,水对一氯甲烷的分离系数高达74831,产品中的水含量从0.2582%(w)降低到0.005%(w). 将基于Maxwell-Stenfan理论和Langmuir理想吸附理论推导的吸附-扩散模型用于模拟水渗透流速与渗透侧真空度和进料温度的关系,预测趋势与实验值吻合很好,且拟合得到的参数与文献报道较接近,表明水蒸汽在NaA沸石膜中的传递为表面扩散机制,水蒸汽的吸附对渗透速率的贡献很大. 水蒸汽的吸附热为-34.15 kJ/mol.  相似文献   

简介了测定沸石晶内扩散系数的各种方法,重点介绍了零长柱(ZLC)技术基本原理、实验方法和测定探针分子在沸石晶内扩散系数的研究进展,对采用ZLC技术表征探针分子在新型多孔材料中的扩散行为进行了展望。  相似文献   

采用巨正则蒙特卡洛(GCMC)分子模拟方法研究了CO2,CH4分子在全硅MFI型沸石中的吸附行为,计算得到了纯组分和两组分的混合物在不同温度时的吸附等温线;分析了全硅MFI型沸石对混合组分的选择性吸附;模拟还得到了COz,CHt分子在全硅MFI型沸石中的吸附位。  相似文献   

沸石催化剂内液相交互扩散系数的测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用简单实用的试验方法研究了苯和异丙苯在沸石内的交互扩散情况,通过测定不同时间点的扩散质的浓度,利用适宜的数学模型和最小二乘法关联出两种体系中各扩散质在沸石催化剂内的交互扩散系数。可以为苯烷基化反应的工业模拟提供重要的基础数据。  相似文献   

采用巨正则蒙特卡洛(GCMC)分子模拟方法研究了CO2,CH4分子在全硅MFI型沸石中的吸附行为,计算得到了纯组分和两组分的混合物在不同温度时的吸附等温线;分析了全硅MFI型沸石对混合组分的选择性吸附;模拟还得到了CO2,CH4分子在全硅MFI型沸石中的吸附位。  相似文献   

Adsorption rates of 2,2-dimethylbutane (DMB) from the liquid phase into MFI zeolite crystals were measured by a volumetric/gravimetric method. Desorption rates in the presence of liquid n-hexane were measured by a non-adsorbing solvent (isooctane) method. Dimethylbutane desorbed, and was replaced by n-hexane, approximately three orders of magnitude faster than it adsorbed. Adsorption was slow and reached only 40% of saturation loading in 6-μm crystals after 45 days at 295 K, but this DMB loading desorbed into n-hexane in less than 1 h. Desorption may be faster due to slight expansion of the MFI unit cell by n-hexane adsorption. Although DMB diffused slower than n-hexane in MFI crystals, its transient time through a silicalite-1 membrane was an order of magnitude shorter than the n-hexane time at 313 K because DMB diffused through defects, whereas n-hexane diffused mainly through zeolite pores. The n-hexane transient time was longer because n-hexane: (1) expanded the MFI crystal size slightly and shrank non-zeolitic pores, and (2) adsorbed in the zeolite as it moved through the remaining non-zeolitic pores. A silicalite-1 membrane saturated with DMB at 423 K was sealed so effectively, and DMB desorbed slowly enough, that the helium permeation flux at 313 K was below the detection limit.  相似文献   

张宝忠  刘晓鹏 《工业催化》2014,22(12):938-943
为了研究MFI/MFI核壳分子筛壳层b取向的形成机理,以圆柱形ZSM-5为核相,用碱性溶液对其表面预处理后,水热晶化合成具有高硅b取向壳层的MFI/MFI核壳分子筛,采用SEM、XRD、TEM、XPS和NMR等表征核相表面与晶化产物的结构。结果表明,核壳分子筛的(020)晶面衍射峰强度明显增强,壳层覆盖度为84%。核相碱处理是壳层形成的关键,未处理核相的表面上壳层不能生长,碱处理后在核相上形成的表面非骨架铝对高硅壳层颗粒的形貌和取向影响较大。在低铝含量条件下成核方式可能从非均相成核转变为均相成核,溶液中形成片状晶体,后经表面Si-OH强作用自组装得到二维紧密堆积的b取向壳层。  相似文献   

The achievement of compact and defect-free film structure is crucial for the application of b-oriented MFI zeolite film. In this work, a novel heat treatment technique was used to treat zeolite seeded substrates prior to secondary growth. The influence of the heat treatment parameters such as treat temperature and time on the final film morphology were systematically investigated. The relationship between film compactness and the parameters was established. Under the optimized treat temperature of 120?°C and treat time of 1?h, compact and uniform b-oriented MFI zeolite film was achieved. The applicability of the optimum heat treatment condition was validated by employing various film substrates.  相似文献   

The reactions of ethylbenzene in the presence of toluene were studied over external surface passivated MFI zeolite. With increase in extent of external surface passivation the para selectivity of both transalkylation and disproportionation reactions enhanced. The effects of mole ratio of ethylbenzene to toluene, reaction temperature and WHSV on the performance of the modified zeolite are discussed. It was observed that the high para selectivity feature of the modified zeolite is not influenced by changes in reaction conditions.  相似文献   

Branched and cyclic hydrocarbons such as iso-butane, 2-methylpentane, 3-methylpentane, 2,2-dimethyl-butane and benzene are preferentially adsorbed at the intersections of the channels of MFI zeolite; they serve as bottlenecks for molecular traffic in mixtures with linear C1–C6 alkanes. Molecular dynamics simulations show that as the loadings of tardier iC4, 2MP, 3MP, 22DMB, and Bz is progressively increased to four molecules per unit cell the diffusivity of the more mobile linear alkane reduces nearly to zero. The reduction in the n-alkane diffusivity is quantitatively similar irrespective of the branched/cyclic hydrocarbon.  相似文献   

孔晴晴  张春  王学瑞  顾学红 《化工学报》2014,65(12):5061-5066
以氟化铵为矿化剂、四丙基溴化铵为模板剂,在负载晶种的钇稳定氧化锆(YSZ)中空纤维支撑体表面合成了MFI型分子筛膜,并用于乙醇/水的分离;系统考察了氟硅比(nNH4F/nSiO2)、合成时间等条件对膜分离性能的影响,在nNH4F/nSiO2为0.8、合成时间为8 h下合成出高性能膜,其通量达8.2 kg·m-2·h-1、乙醇/水分离因子为47;同时研究了MFI型分子筛膜在乙醇/水体系中的分离稳定性,揭示出该方法所合成膜表面无Si-OH,从而避免了Si-OH与乙醇反应而带来膜分离性能的下降.  相似文献   

Literature data show that gas permeability of MFI zeolite membrane varies depending on the geometry of supports. The present work investigates the effects of the surface curvature of substrates on the microstructure and the gas permeation property of supported zeolite membranes. MFI zeolite membranes were grown on porous alumina hollow fibers with different diameters (surface curvature) by the secondary growth method. Single gas permeation and H2/CO2 binary gas separation from 25 to 300 were conducted to study the membrane quality. The zeolite membranes on supports of larger surface curvature have higher permeability and lower selectivity due to the presence of more inter‐crystalline gaps in the zeolite layer formed during the template removal step. The effects of the support surface curvature (and geometry) on zeolite membrane microstructure and gas permeation characteristics are semi‐quantitatively analyzed by a transport model considering both structural change and gas diffusion in micropores. © 2018 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 64: 3419–3428, 2018  相似文献   

In the present study, we aimed at the development of an easy and reproducible synthesis method of giant MFI zeolite crystals. We used a new synthesis method, modified bulk material dissolution (M-BMD) method, in which a piece of quartz glass tube was inserted as a silica source in a small PTFE sleeve together with ZSM-5 powder as seed crystals. We adopted a higher HF concentration (25 mmol/25 ml) of the synthesis solution than that usually used. By using this method, only a few crystal nuclei were formed separately from each other on the surface of the quartz glass tube in the PTFE sleeve and giant zeolite crystals were reproducibly synthesized on it. Giant single crystals of MFI as large as 5.0 mm were successfully synthesized at 453 K for 90 days by using the M-BMD method.  相似文献   

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