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热反应牛肉香精 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
张杰 《冷饮与速冻食品工业》2003,9(2):22-23
采用氨基酸、多肽(特别是含硫物)与还原糖进行美拉德反应制备牛肉香精,并对反应条件的各因素如反应时间、反应温度等进行了研究。 相似文献
非水酶解鱼油制备天然鱼味香精的工艺研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用脂肪酶水解鱼油制备鱼味香精.在非水介质下,得到了香味浓郁,赋香效果明显的鱼味香精。非水酶法水解以乙醇或乙酸乙酯为溶剂,脂肪酶用量1%~1.5%,pH值7.0,温度为50℃,水解3~4h时得到的鱼味香精香气最为浓郁。经过感官评定认为水解产物香气自然、柔和,可作为调配海鲜类香精的香基。 相似文献
Maillard反应制备牛肉香精及其香味成分分析 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
通过Maillard反应制备牛肉香精,根据正交实验设计安排实验,得到风味较好的牛肉香精配方,然后利用SDE和SPME 2种前处理方法对其香味成分进行提取浓缩,并采用GC-MS来分析其香味成分。 相似文献
采用DPPH.法测定了油溶性抗氧化剂叔丁基对苯二酚(TBHQ)、丁基羟基茴香醚(BHA)、二丁基羟基甲苯(BHT)、VE和水溶性抗氧化剂茶多酚(TP)、迷迭香酸、竹叶黄酮七种抗氧化剂对二苯代苦味肼基自由基(DPPH.)的清除作用。其50%抑制浓度IC50分别为1.14 ug/mL、2.20 ug/mL、2.85 ug/mL、1.79 ug/mL、1.17 ug/mL、1.67 ug/mL、3.81 ug/mL。清除能力排序为TBHQ>TP>迷迭香酸>VE>BHA>BHT>竹叶黄酮。七种抗氧化剂应用于牛肉膏体香精均具有较好的抗氧化作用,加入0.1 g/kg抗氧化剂60±1℃保温30天,牛肉膏体香精的过氧化值分别为TBHQ:5.23 meq/kg、BHA:7.28 meq/kg、BHT:8.71 meq/kg、VE:9.38 meq/kg、TP:7.57 meq/kg、迷迭香酸:9.21meq/kg、竹叶黄酮:11.58meq/kg、对照组:70.84 meq/kg。抗氧化能力为TBHQ>BHA>TP>BHT>迷迭香酸>VE>竹叶黄酮。过氧化值法与DPPH.法测得的抗氧化剂抗氧化能力有较大的不同,而将油溶性的抗氧化剂和水溶性的抗氧化剂分开进行比较则两者结果较为一致。 相似文献
Volatile Concentration and Flavor of Beef as Influenced by Diet 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Yearling steers (48) were finished on one of three intense pasture rotation systems: (1) Tifleaf pearl millet; (2) millet with restricted grain; or (3) millet followed by grain ad libitum in the feedlot. In both 20% fat ground beef and subcutaneous fat, gamey/stale off-flavor decreased and roasted beef flavor increased when steers were fed grain. Compounds (59) including acids, alcohols, aldehydes, diterpenoids, hydrocarbons, and lactones, were identified in the purge-and-trap volatiles. Lactones positively correlated with roasted beef flavor and negatively correlated with gamey/stale off-flavor, whereas diterpenoids positively correlated with gamey/stale off-flavor and negatively correlated with roasted beef flavor. 相似文献
对食品配料企业的牛肉香味粉加工工艺进行了研究,确定了牛肉香味粉的关键控制点,改进了产品的加工工艺,提高了产品的质量。 相似文献
本研究旨在探讨pH值(5.0~6.5)对牛肉酶解物美拉德反应产物(enzymic beef hydrolysate Maillard reaction product,EBH-MRP)风味特性的影响。结果表明:随着pH值的增加,EBH-MRP的感官特性主要从肉香、咸鲜味向烤香、苦味发展,对空白鸡汤的鲜味提升作用由强至弱,醇厚感提升作用稳步增强。苦味与烤香间存在显著的正相关关系,过度的烤香不仅掩盖肉香,还意味着苦味物质的生成,抑制味蕾对鲜味、鲜味提升作用及醇厚感的感知强度。结合风味物质含量的测定发现,肉香既不与重要前驱物半胱氨酸(Cys)的参与量具有相关性,也不与关键肉香味物质的含量具有相关性。说明肉香的感知是多类气味物质共同调控的结果,且生成机制极为复杂。此外,含氮杂环气味物质的总含量与烤香间有着极显著的正相关关系;大于3 000 D的糖肽交联产物对苦味具有一定贡献;适当的肽降解作用有利于醇厚感的提升。 相似文献
采用Flavourzyme与Protamex复合蛋白酶对牛肉进行水解,并以水解度为指标,采用响应面分析对其酶解条件进行优化,建立了一个水解模型,其最优化条件为:底物质量浓度 4. 8g/dL,反应起始pH值7.0,水解温度52.5℃,水解时间9 h,在此条件下达到最大水解度50.65%.并对不同水解度水解产物的游离氨基酸含量进行了分析. 相似文献
Of various cooking temperatures studied, broth from beef obtained on heating at 85°C for 60 min had the most intense brothy flavor. The components of the fractions with brothy flavor were isolated by gel filtration chromatography and characterized. A significant correlation between cooking temperature of the broth and the concentration of certain compounds such as free amino acids (FAA) (r = 0.88, p<0.005), camosine (r = 0.83, p <0.005) and inosine 5′-monophosphate (IMP) (r = 0.94, p<0.005) was detected. Because these results correspond to those of sensory evaluation, it was concluded that a wide mixture of FAA, peptides of low molecular weight (< 300 daltons) and IMP played an important role in the flavor intensity of beef broth. 相似文献
A laboratory thermal processing unit and reactor cell were adapted to aseptically process browned and unbrowned cubes from Choice an Utility Grade beef. Processing parameters of heating medium flow rate, time and temperature were established. Processed product was analyzed for changes in flavor and texture on day 0 and after 30 days refrigerated storage. Because sterility of each sample was not verified, sensory evaluation was only performed at day 0. Pre-browning improved flavor quality and did not reduce tenderness or yield. Low quality beef could be effectively utilized with proper processing parameters. Lipid oxidation and loss of sulfur compounds during storage were limiting factors in aseptically processing beef particulates. 相似文献
Optimizing Beef Chuck Flavor and Texture Through Cookery Methods 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1