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After the Great Lakes, Lake Simcoe is the largest lake in southern Ontario. Located within a 1 hour drive of half the population of Ontario, there is currently major concern over the impact of rapid urbanization on the nutrient status of the lake. However, despite a more than doubling of the human population in the Lake Simcoe watershed over the past two decades, average total phosphorus (TP) levels were lower in 2000–2003 compared with 1980–1983 at six of eight lake stations, and declines were significant at the most nutrient-enriched near-shore sites located in Kempenfelt Bay (0.29 μg/L/year) and Cook's Bay (0.31–0.41 μg/L/year). Total P concentrations varied two-fold across the lake, and phytoplankton bio-volume followed a similar pattern, with greatest phytoplankton abundance occurring at high TP sites, particularly in Cook's Bay. Nevertheless, steep declines in bio-volume occurred at all sites beginning in the mid-1990s, and water clarity (Secchi disk depth) improved concurrently such that Secchi depths were 40–80% greater in 2000–2003 compared with 1980–1983. Zebra mussels, which became established in Lake Simcoe around 1995, likely contributed to decreased phytoplankton bio-volume and related improvements in water clarity, which began during the mid-1990s. Despite major reductions in phytoplankton bio-volume, average rates of dissolved oxygen (DO) depletion (18 m-bottom zone; normalized to 4°C) did not change substantially over time, and were similar in 2000–2003 (average 1.25 ± 0.21 g O2/m3/month) compared with 1980-1983 (average 1.26 ± 0.19 g O2/m3/month). In contrast, minimum, end-of-summer DO levels (18 m-bottom) increased slightly over the period of record. Although there has been some improvement in end-of-summer DO availability, DO concentrations continue to decline to levels that are limiting to many fish species (e.g., 3.8 mg O2/L in 2001) by the end of the summer stratified period.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic sources of total phosphorus (TP) and chloride (Cl?) to lakes and rivers have been issues of concern for many decades in the Great Lakes Basin with northern Boreal Shield headwater tributaries less well studied. In the Sturgeon River – Lake Nipissing – French River basin, a headwater basin of Georgian Bay, Lake Huron, water quality monitoring of major inflows to Lake Nipissing, the third largest inland lake located entirely within Ontario, is only available from the mid-1960s to the 1990s. During the period of 2015–2018, we conducted monthly water quality surveys of major and minor inflows for two water years and have generated the first chloride (Cl?) and total phosphorus (TP) elemental budgets for the lake. Review of available long-term concentration data indicate decreasing TP concentrations by decade in major inflows, but select inflows continue to exhibit concentrations above provincial objectives, including inflows from agricultural areas that are no longer part of provincial monitoring programs. Some inflows also show high average Cl? concentrations with potential influences (e.g., road salt, agricultural activities) to stream water quality throughout the year. Water and elemental budgets indicate that while specific runoff (l/s/km2) is quite similar across contributing catchments, yields of Cl? and TP (kg/ha/yr) are disproportionately higher in catchments with urban and agricultural activities. While uncertainties in the water balance and elemental yields remain, this first effort to quantify annual elemental budgets of Lake Nipissing highlights the need to develop community-based, spatially distributed water quality surveying for long-term ecosystem monitoring and future planning.  相似文献   

千岛湖现状污染负荷分析与限制排污总量研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据千岛湖水质现状和水功能区划,确定2015年和2020年千岛湖水质保护目标的污染物浓度,核算现状污染负荷量。将现状CODMn、NH3-N和TP污染负荷量作为千岛湖CODMn、NH3-N和TP的纳污能力,即千岛湖湖区CODMn、NH3-N和TP指标纳污能力分别为16420 t/a、2225 t/a和434 t/a。采用狄龙模型核算千岛湖TN指标的纳污能力,2015年千岛湖TN质量浓度目标值为0.88 mg/L,对应湖区限排总量为3468 t/a;2020年将千岛湖TN质量浓度目标值进一步提高至0.8 mg/L,此时对应湖区TN限排总量为3176 t/a。  相似文献   

Loading rates of the herbicides atrazine, alachlor, cyanazine, metolachlor, and metribuzin to western and central Lake Erie for the period 1983–1993 were determined for the Raisin, Maumee, Sandusky, Cuyahoga, and Grand River tributaries. Knowledge of these loads is important as input: (1) to the development and refinement of the Lakewide Management Plans (LAMPs); (2) to understand the dynamics of these herbicides in the Great Lakes for the prediction of their effects on human and ecosystem health; and (3) for the comparative assessment of agricultural pollution and its management on a regional and national scale. Loads were calculated using a new implementation of the Beale Ratio Estimator. Variability in annual loads is substantial, and is linked to year-to-year differences in rainfall and river discharge, particularly during the several months following herbicide application. The highest loads were observed in 1990, and the lowest loads in the drought year of 1988; the highest annual loads exceeded the lowest by as much as 60-fold. The Sandusky and Maumee rivers have substantially higher unit area loads than the other tributaries, reflecting the extent of row crop agriculture in these basins and their propensity toward surface runoff of precipitation because of fine-grained soils. For the Maumee and Sandusky rivers, atrazine and metolachlor loads are typically in the range 2–5 g/ha/yr, and infrequently reach 9–12 g/ha/yr. Alachlor loads are typically in the range 1–2 g/ha/yr and have not exceeded 4 g/ha/yr during the period of record. Cyanazine and metribuzin loads are typically less than 1.5 g/ha/yr, and rarely exceed 2 g/ha/yr. Loads in the Cuyahoga and Raisin rivers are typically less than 1 g/ha/yr.,with atrizine the highest, typically about 1 g/ha/yr and rarely reaching 3 g/ha/yr. Herbicides are infrequently detected in the Grand River, and loads are low and estimated with considerable uncertainty. Total loads for the five stations combined range from 500–20,000 kg/yr and 600–14,000 kg/yr for atrazine and metolachlor to 100–6,000 kg/yr for alachlor, 70–3,300 kg/yr for cyanazine, and 60–2,800 kg/yr for metribuzin.  相似文献   

Hypoxia and cyanobacterial blooms were extensive in Lake Simcoe during the 1980s and are still a problem to a lesser degree despite extensive nutrient load reduction from the catchment basin. The continuing signs of productivity indicate a potential internal phosphorus (P) source. Internal P load, as a redox-dependent release from bottom sediments, is hard to determine in a large, relatively shallow and partially unstratified lake such as Lake Simcoe. Of the lake's three major basins, only Kempenfelt Bay stratifies long enough to develop hypoxia in the stagnant summer hypolimnion. The following indications of sediment P release are available from historic data: 1) hypolimnetic hypoxia still occurs in Kempenfelt Bay although the hypoxic factor (number of days that an area equal to the bay's surface area is overlain by water of ≤ 2 mg/L dissolved oxygen, DO) has decreased substantially and significantly from 15.8 d/yr (1980–1994) to 4.0 d/yr (1995–2011); 2) hypoxic factors for other lake sections and at different DO levels also indicate widespread hypoxia; 3) concentrations of redox dependent metals, Fe and Mn, increase with depth; and 4) euphotic zone P and chlorophyll concentrations increase and water clarity decreases during fall turnover. Cyanobacterial blooms appear to occur in response to internal load as supported by occasional cyanobacteria counts. These indicators provide evidence that internal loading is likely occurring and affecting the water quality in Lake Simcoe. We expect that further monitoring, specific for internal load, will corroborate these results.  相似文献   

We chronicled the seasonally recurring hypolimnetic hypoxia in Muskegon Lake – a Great Lakes estuary over 3?years, and examined its causes and consequences. Muskegon Lake is a mesotrophic drowned river mouth that drains Michigan's 2nd largest watershed into Lake Michigan. A buoy observatory tracked ecosystem changes in the Muskegon Lake Area of Concern (AOC), gathering vital time-series data on the lake's water quality from early summer through late fall from 2011 to 2013 (www.gvsu.edu/buoy). Observatory-based measurements of dissolved oxygen (DO) tracked the gradual development, intensification and breakdown of hypoxia (mild hypoxia <4?mg DO/L, and severe hypoxia <2?mg DO/L) below the ~6?m thermocline in the lake, occurring in synchrony with changes in temperature and phytoplankton biomass in the water column during July–October. Time-series data suggest that proximal causes of the observed seasonal hypolimnetic DO dynamics are stratified summer water-column, reduced wind-driven mixing, longer summer residence time, episodic intrusions of cold DO-rich nearshore Lake Michigan water, nutrient run off from watershed, and phytoplankton blooms. Additional basin-wide water-column profiling (2011–2012) and ship-based seasonal surveys (2003–2013) confirmed that bottom water hypoxia is an annually recurring lake-wide condition. Volumetric hypolimnetic oxygen demand was high (0.07–0.15?mg DO/Liter/day) and comparable to other temperate eutrophic lakes. Over 3?years of intense monitoring, ~9–24% of Muskegon Lake's volume experienced hypoxia for ~29–85?days/year – with the potential for hypolimnetic habitat degradation and sediment phosphorus release leading to further eutrophication. Thus, time-series observatories can provide penetrating insights into the inner workings of ecosystems and their external drivers.  相似文献   

This paper presents the development of a three-dimensional hydrodynamic-ecological model for Lake of the Woods (LoW) to assess the impact of nutrient inputs on the lake’s ecological processes. LoW is a large bi-national water body with complex geometry and topography and receives significant nutrients mainly from the Rainy River, with additional inputs from a few other smaller tributaries, and suffers from degraded water quality with seasonal cyanobacterial and harmful algal blooms. A high-resolution model developed here has a horizontal grid resolution of 250 m with a variable vertical grid resolution and can simulate hydrodynamics, in-lake nutrients dynamics, and phytoplankton biomass. Our model reproduced observed temporal and spatial distribution of nutrient and chlorophyll-a concentrations reasonably well. The calibrated model is used to explore simulating the spatial and temporal variability of ecological conditions of the lake and its response to nutrient load reductions. Based on a range of potential nutrient loadings, the model results suggest that different areas within LoW may respond differently to decreased phosphorus loadings. The model simulations predict that as nutrient loads into LoW decrease, water quality conditions will improve in most of the segments. In addition to naturally reducing internal load, external load reductions of 160 MTA from the baseline conditions (877 MTA) are necessary to reduce late summer average TP concentrations to 0.03 mg/L and total chlorophyll-a concentrations in the range of 7–12 μg/L.  相似文献   

Total phosphorus data from tributaries, municipal and industrial sources, connecting channels, and atmospheric deposition have been evaluated to estimate the loading of phosphorus to Lake Erie. The annual total load from these sources has declined over the study period from a high of 27,944 tonnes in 1968 to a low of 10,452 tonnes in 1981. Of all sources the Detroit River represented the single largest component of the total load. Reductions in the Detroit River annual load, which is a complement of both U.S. and Canadian loads, from 17,822 tonnes to 3,541 tonnes was principally responsible for the overall total phosphorus loading decrease. These decreases were attributed principally to the phosphorus abatement program on municipal sources and the restriction of phosphate concentrations in detergents. In 1978 the contribution to the total load from tributary sources for the first time exceeded the load of phosphorus from the Detroit River, with U.S. tributary sources representing approximately 47 percent of the total lake load.  相似文献   

Lake Erie has undergone re-eutrophication beginning in the 1990s, even though total phosphorus (TP) loads to the lake continued to slowly decline. Using our 1982 and 2007–10 studies of the bioavailability of dissolved and particulate phosphorus export from major Ohio tributaries, together with our long-term TP and dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) loading data, we estimated long-term annual export of dissolved and particulate bioavailable phosphorus. DRP was found to adequately represent dissolved bioavailable export while 26–30% of the particulate phosphorus (PP) was extractable by 0.1 N NaOH, a frequently used indicator of PP bioavailability. During the period of re-eutrophication (1991–2012), DRP export from nonpoint sources in the Maumee and Sandusky rivers increased dramatically while NaOH-PP export had a slight decline for the Maumee and a small increase in the Sandusky. For the Cuyahoga River, both DRP and NaOH-PP increased, but these changes were small in relation to those of the Maumee and Sandusky. During this period, whole lake loading of both non-point and point sources of phosphorus declined. This study indicates that increased nonpoint loading of DRP is an important contributing factor to re-eutrophication. Although nonpoint control programs in the Maumee and Sandusky have been effective in reducing erosion and PP export, these programs have been accompanied by increased DRP export. Future target loads for Lake Erie should focus on reducing bioavailable phosphorus, especially DRP from nonpoint sources. Agricultural P load reduction programs should address both DRP and PP, and take into account the lower bioavailability of PP.  相似文献   

Hypoxia and cyanobacteria still occur occasionally in large, mesotrophic Lake Simcoe, and total phosphorus (TP) concentration has remained relatively constant despite external nutrient load reduction. This may indicate a potential internal P source. Internal load as redox-dependent P release from bottom sediments is hard to determine in such a relatively shallow and mostly mixed lake. This study represents the first attempt to quantify internal P loading over many years for the three main sections of Lake Simcoe. Internal load was determined (a) as in situ estimate based on TP increases between July and October and (b) as gross estimate from the product of experimentally determined P release rates and hypoxic extent of sediment surfaces in space and time. Hypoxic extent was quantified (1) as the hypoxic factor determined from dissolved oxygen profiles below the level of 3.5 mg/L, and (2) as active sediment area release factor (AA) modeled from summer euphotic TP concentration, which is especially useful in the mixed sections. Annual internal load for the whole lake was determined as a near constant 62.2 metric tonnes/yr (86 mg/m2/yr) for 1980–2011 using the gross estimates of the AA approach and 88 t/yr before and 53 t/yr after external load abatement and zebra mussel invasion using in situ estimates. Means of in situ and AA-based estimates for 2000–2011 are in close agreement except for polymictic Cook's Bay. These estimates are 45 to 89% of external load, which suggests that internal loading is an important source of P in Lake Simcoe.  相似文献   

Sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) are a nuisance aquatic species in the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain that have devastated native fish populations and hampered the restoration of sport fisheries. This study examined inter-basin movement of sea lamprey in Lake Champlain to identify tributaries that contribute parasitic-phase sea lamprey and provide information for prioritizing those tributaries for sea lamprey control. A total of 4,125 recently metamorphosed sea lamprey was captured in tributaries to Lake Champlain and marked using coded wire tags between the fall of 2001 and winter 2003. These sea lamprey migrated to the lake to prey on salmonids and other fishes and returned to tributaries to spawn about 12–18 months after migration. We recaptured 6 tagged sea lamprey from the lake from spring 2002 through winter 2004, and 35 from tributaries in spring 2003 and 2004. We noted no apparent trends in movement among basins. Sea lamprey were collected at distances up to 64 km from their natal tributaries. Tributary contributions of parasites were significantly different from expectations in the 2002 parasitic-phase cohort (χ2 = 9.668, p < 0.011, 3 df), suggesting differential survival rates among out-migrating transformers from different tributaries. Estimates of the lake-wide out-migrating transformer population for the 2002 and 2003 parasitic-phase cohorts were 269,139 ± 55,610 (SD) and 111,807 ± 23,511 (SD). Results from this study suggest that sea lamprey movement is not inhibited by causeways dividing sub-basins, but movement among sub-basins is somewhat constrained. This indicates that management efforts to control sea lamprey should continue to treat the lake as a single system.  相似文献   

Long-term monitoring data on Lake Champlain spanning the past two to five decades were analyzed to document water quality and biological changes in the lake. August mean surface water temperatures increased during 1964–2009 in most Lake Champlain regions at rates (0.035–0.085 °C/year) similar to what has been observed in the Laurentian Great Lakes and elsewhere. Secchi disk transparency increased by over a meter during 1964–2009 in regions along the main stem of the lake, with much of the increase occurring after the 1993 zebra mussel invasion. Transparency declined in northeastern regions where zebra mussel densities were lower. No trends in hypolimnetic dissolved oxygen concentrations or depletion rates were found in any of the deep lake regions during 1990–2009. Sodium concentrations tripled in the Main Lake region since the 1960s. Chloride increased in the Main Lake by 30% since 1992, but declined in northeastern regions of the lake during recent years, coincident with reductions in road salt use in Vermont. Total phosphorus concentrations decreased during 1979–2009 in southern and northwestern lake regions, but increased by 72% in Missisquoi Bay where chlorophyll-a concentrations doubled over the period. There was a general lakewide trend of decreasing total nitrogen levels during 1992–2009 that may have been due in part to reductions in atmospheric nitrogen loading to the watershed. Cyanobacteria increased their dominance within the phytoplankton community in northeastern regions of the lake since the 1970s.  相似文献   

Lake of the Woods (LoW) is a large, transboundary lake that continues to experience harmful algal blooms despite large declines in phosphorus (P) inputs from point sources. Tributary runoff is considered the largest source of P to the lake; however, there are few monitoring data within the Canadian portion of the basin (~60% of total area), to guide management. To address this gap, we monitored five rivers of contrasting land use within the lower Rainy River region, an acknowledged “hot spot” of P delivery in the basin. Total P (TP) concentrations were consistently high at all five rivers (volume-weighted range: 19–215 μg/l) despite differences in agriculture across sites (7–27%), suggesting ‘natural’ background P levels are high in this landscape. Furthermore, TP concentrations were strongly correlated with total suspended sediment and geogenic metals, iron (Fe) and aluminum, and TP was especially high during events (>400 μg/l) indicating erosion is an important source of P delivery. However, equally high TP and Fe during periods of slow, stagnant flow in the summer and under winter ice suggest erosion is not the only source of P. Instead, we suggest redox release of P from streambed sediment is also important. This observation is significant, because internal P release within the tributaries, especially during the summer could ‘seed’ downstream algal blooms. The strong sensitivity of TP to both high and low flow conditions indicates that frequent, all-season, multi-year measurements are needed to understand the mechanisms of P delivery in this basin.  相似文献   

Beginning as early as 1976 at many locations, total phosphorus concentrations (TP) were measured weekly in samples collected year-round in the intake water of 18 municipal water treatment plants in Canadian (Ontario) waters of the Laurentian Great Lakes. No consistent long-term trends were evident at two north-shore Lake Superior sampling locations, but there were significant long-term declines in TP measured at all three Lake Huron locations; however, concentrations there have remained relatively constant during the past decade. Declines in TP averaging about 1 μg/L/yr during 1976 to 1990 were prevalent at lower Great Lakes sampling locations and by the early 1990s TP had declined to 15–25 μg/L in Lake Erie and 10–20 μg/L in Lake Ontario. Declines generally levelled out in Lake Ontario after 1990, but TP increased substantially at some Lake Erie locations in the late 1990s. Recent (1996 to 1999) total phosphorus concentrations in north-shore Lake Erie locations in the range of 20 to 30 μg/L were 2 to 3 times higher than at Lake Ontario near-shore locations in the 8 to 11 μg/L range. Rates of decline of TP were generally highest for the March–April period (−1.88, −1.61, and −1.34 μg/L/yr in Lakes Ontario, Erie, and Huron, respectively for 1976 to 1990). The March–April Lake Ontario near-shore rate of TP decline was nearly twice as high as that reported previously for off-shore Lake Ontario (attributed to proximity to P loading sources and to lower net sedimentation losses of P in the near-shore environment). There were substantial declines in chlorophyll-to-TP ratios and in the slopes and Y-intercepts of chlorophyll-TP regressions for both Lake Erie and Lake Ontario following the establishment of dreissenid mussels.  相似文献   

地表雨水径流对上海海港新城滴水湖水质的影响分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
滴水湖是一个面积约4.5km^2的人工湖,位于上海海港新城的市中心。降雨期间,城市地表径流经过规划的网状水系汇入到滴水湖,经过与湖沟通的海闸排到东海。根据远景规划,滴水湖的水质需要满足城市娱乐和景观用水要求。因此,维持滴水湖良好的水质显得尤为重要。耦合一个简单的城市降雨一径流模型,CE-QUAL-W2水质模型被用来模拟远景年滴水湖的水质。模拟了3个不同年降雨概率的典型年。即2003(90%)、2004(50%)和2002(10%)年。模拟的污染指标主要有溶解氧(DO)、藻类、生化需氧量(BOD5)、总磷(TP)、氨氮(NH3-N)和总氮(TN)。结果显示,在3个典型年里滴水湖的综合水质能够维持在地表水Ⅲ~Ⅳ类。比较而言,在90%降雨保证率年,滴水湖的水质最好,因为地表径流最小以至携带的地面污染负荷最少。从各污染指标的日平均值来看,在各个典型年里DO优于Ⅲ类,因此远景年的水质对湖中的鱼类等生物几乎没有负面影响。  相似文献   

Large quantities of detritus can accumulate on the bottom sediments of eutrophic lakes, leading to depletion of dissolved oxygen (DO) in the hypolimnion. Decreased redox potential associated with low hypolimnetic DO concentrations can accelerate the remobilization of ammonia and phosphorus from the sediments back into the water column. As maintenance of aerobic conditions in the hypolimnion is an important consideration for successful lake management, this research focused on the use of periphyton production of DO to control hypolimnetic DO levels. To augment periphyton photosynthesis, light was irradiated to the bottom sediments via glass fibres, in order to examine the effects of light irradiation on DO restoration on bottom sediments in test chambers. Dissolved oxygen restoration by periphytic photosynthesis was confirmed in these experiments, with both temperature and light intensity having positive effects on the areal net oxygen production rate. The Q 10 temperature coefficient for net oxygen production was estimated to be 2.24. In typical temperate-zone lakes, the hypolimnetic water temperature is <15 °C, resulting in an expected areal net oxygen production rate ranging from 100 to 200 mg O2 m−2 day−1 at a light irradiation of 50 μE m−2 s−1. Based on these experimental results, the condenser area required to achieve DO restoration under hypolimnetic light irradiation alone was estimated to be 3.2–4.1% of the hypolimnetic area. Thus, hypolimnetic light irradiation combined with hypolimnetic aeration can reduce energy consumption required for hypolimnetic aeration in DO restoration efforts.  相似文献   

The Buffalo District, Corps of Engineers’ Lake Erie Wastewater Management Study and Heidelberg College's Water Quality Laboratory supported a tributary water quality monitoring program from 1974 to 1980 of the major United States tributaries to Lake Erie. This program was designed to measure nutrient loads by monitoring concentration changes occurring in association with increased streamflow. Soluble orthophosphate loads, chloride loads, and silica loads decreased from 1970 to 1980. Nitrogen species were highly variable and increased over the period. Total phosphorus loads to Lake Erie have decreased during the period as a result of phosphorus removal at wastewater treatment plants. The effect of the phosphorus reductions can be seen in the lake concentrations and were predicted by a three-basin phosphorus budget model developed in the early 1970s. The results show that phosphorus removal programs are having the predicted effect on Lake Erie water quality.  相似文献   

基于多元统计分析的滆湖水质时空变化特征及原因解析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探究滆湖水环境质量的时空变化特征,在全湖布设20个采样点,开展逐月监测并分析水环境时空变化现状,对滆湖水体进行营养状态评价,通过多元统计分析的手段识别水质时空变化特征。结果表明:春季DO、Chl-a、TN较高,DO最高月均值为11.90 mg/L,Chl-a最高月均值为50.46 mg/m3,TN最高月均值为3.41 mg/L;夏季藻密度、TP较高,藻密度最高月均值为5 462.3万个/L,TP最高月均值为0.29 mg/L;春冬季的SD较高,春冬季SD均值为31.1 cm;春夏季的pH、EC较高,春夏季pH均值为8.063,春夏季EC均值为358.9μS/cm;北部湖区SD、水温、DO、TN、TP高于其他两个湖区,中心湖区的pH、Chl-a和EC高,南部湖区的藻密度高。滆湖水体综合营养状态指数为中营养状态与水环境因子有显著相关性。将滆湖9个水质指标数据,可概括为3个主成分,聚类分析将20个样点按时间尺度上分为2组;按空间尺度上分为2组。DO、水温、TP是导致月份差异的主要指标,SD、DO、EC是导致空间差异的主要指标。通过对水质时空变化的进行客观全面的分析更有...  相似文献   

Precipitation samples were collected at six locations around Lake Michigan and analyzed for the concentrations of the different forms of phosphorus present. The concentrations were found to be higher in the southern part of the lake. Precipitation-weighted concentrations of total phosphorus and dissolved reactive phosphates were found to be 0.023 mg/1 and 0.011 mg/1, both higher than the concentrations found in the open lake of 0.009 and 0.002 mg/1. Inputs of total phosphorus to the lake were calculated to be 1.0 × 106& kg/yr or about 18% of the present phosphorus budget of the lake.More than 40% of the phosphorus in precipitation is in the form of dissolved reactive phosphates and it is estimated that about 0.6 × 106& kg/yr of the phosphorus coming into the lake in precipitation becomes available to organisms in the lake.  相似文献   

Perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAs) are a family of highly persistent compounds which are present in the environment as a result of degradation of polyfluorinated precursors, from use as processing aids for production of fluoropolymers, and use in fire fighting foams. The purpose of this study was to investigate prevailing concentrations and possible sources of PFAs in Lake Superior, as well as in Siskiwit Lake on Isle Royale. Between 2001 and 2005, replicate water samples were taken from lake surface waters, and from depth profiles, as well as from major tributaries including municipal waste water treatment plants (WWTPs) at three major population centers. Perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) was the predominant PFA in Lake Superior, with concentrations ranging from 0.07 to 1.2 ng/L in surface waters. PFOA concentrations were generally 1.5 to 2-fold greater than perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS) levels. WWTPs were found to contribute up to 20 fold higher concentrations of PFOA (22 ng/L) relative to the intake water from Lake Superior, while most tributaries contained lower concentrations of perfluorocarboxylates (PFCA) and perfluoroalkylsulfonates (PFSs) (< 0.1 ng/L). Overall tributaries and precipitation were estimated to be the major sources of PFCAs and PFSs to Lake Superior. Tributaries were estimated to be the largest source contributing 59% of PFOA and 57% of PFOS inputs to the lake. Profiles conducted over the deepest points in the lake showed that PFAs were found throughout the water column, however, there was no distinctive trend with depth.  相似文献   

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