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The phase relations in CeO2–Eu2O3 and CeO2–Sm2O3 systems have been established under slow-cooled conditions from 1400 °C. The two-phase relations differ as the CeO2–Eu2O3 system showed only two monophasic phase fields, namely F-type cubic and C-type cubic, whereas CeO2–Sm2O3 system showed three phase fields namely F-type cubic, C-type cubic and a biphasic field comprising of C-type cubic and monoclinic phase. An interesting observation of this investigation is the stabilization of C-type rare-earth oxide after Ce4+ substitution, which is attributed to decrease in average cationic size on Ce4+ substitution at RE3+ site. The lattice thermal expansion behavior of F-type solid solution and C-type solid solution in CeO2–Eu2O3 system was investigated by high-temperature XRD. 相似文献
Zhiliang Xiu Mengkai Lü Suwen Liu Haiping Zhang Guangjun Zhou 《Materials Letters》2006,60(29-30):3514-3516
Strontium chloroapatite (Sr5(PO4)3Cl) nanocrystals doped with Ni2+ ions were synthesized by a precipitation method. The obtained nanocrystals appeared to be rod-like with diameters of 50 nm and lengths of 150–350 nm by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The photoluminescence (PL) properties of Ni2+ ions in strontium chloroapatite were studied by photoluminescence spectroscopy. 相似文献
Yanwei Ma M. Guilloux-Viry P. Barahona O. Pea C. Moure J. Ghilane P. Hapiot 《Thin solid films》2006,510(1-2):275-279
Highly oriented YNixMn1−xO3 thin films on SrTiO3 (100) substrates were achieved by using pulsed laser deposition for x = 0.33 and x = 0.50. We used a combination of X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and magnetic-property measurements. The magnetic transition temperatures (Tc) of the as-grown films are higher than the corresponding bulk values (typically 85 K instead of 80 K, for x = 0.5, and 60 K instead of 50 K, for x = 0.33). Our magnetic measurements also suggest a spin-glass characteristic in the x = 0.33 films, while a cluster glasslike behavior is observed for the films with x = 0.5, which is quite different from that of the bulk samples. Finally, the influence of post-deposition heat treatment on the magnetic properties of the as-grown films is discussed. 相似文献
Nanocrystalline Nd2(Zr1 − xSnx)2O7 series solid solutions were prepared by a convenient salt-assisted combustion process using glycine as fuel. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. The results showed the Zr ion can be partially replaced by Sn ion. The partial substituted products were still single-phase solid solutions and the crystal form remained unchanged. TEM images reveal that the products are composed of well-dispersed square-shaped nanocrystals. The method provides a convenient and low-cost route for the synthesis of nanostructures of oxide materials. 相似文献
Gadolinium-doped, yttrium oxide thin films have been deposited on silicon (001) substrates by radio-frequency (RF) magnetron reactive sputtering that exhibit cathodoluminescence (CL) at ultraviolet frequencies. The maximum CL brightness occurred at λ314–315 nm characteristic of the 6P3 / 2 → 8S (λ = 314 nm) transition observed in Gd-doped, yttrium oxide powders. The radiative recombination takes place at the rare earth activator Gd3+ site embedded in the Y2O3−δ host; the optical transition resides within the band gap of the Y2O3−δ host and the transition observed is characteristic of atomic gadolinium. A combinatorial approach to sputtering was used to deposit a film of variable composition from 1 to 23 at.% Gd in Y2O3−δ in order to rapidly discern the composition node of optimal CL brightness. A simulation was created for the purpose of predicting the film combinatorial composition for binary and ternary alloys prior to sputtering experiments in order to facilitate our combinatorial thin film synthesis technique. The model prediction varied from the real experimental composition profile by only 2.2 at.% Gd ± 1.6 at.% proving the predictor as a useful aide to complement combinatorial thin film experiments. A film of composition Y1.56Gd0.44O3.25 (8.3 at.% Gd) yielded the maximum CL brightness. CL brightness increased continuously up to the 8.3 at.% Gd composition due to the increased number of activators present in the host. Beyond this composition the brightness drastically decreased. The oxygen composition in the combinatorial film was strongly dependent on the Gd composition; films were sub-stoichiometric δ > 0 below 6 at.% Gd and was over-stoichiometric δ < 0 beyond this composition. 相似文献
Ti1−xVxO2 solid solution film photoelectrodes were prepared by the dip-coating sol–gel method. X-ray diffraction and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy were employed to ensure the formation of the solid solution and their composition. Obvious photoresponses were observed in the visible region for the solid solution film electrodes with x0.05 and the red shift of the photoresponse was enhanced with increasing x. Moreover, the solid solution film electrodes were found to be photoelectrochemically stable. However, the onset potential of photocurrent shifted positively with increasing x. Band model of the solid solution was suggested to explain the effects of the vanadium incorporation on the photoelectrochemical properties. 相似文献
S. Seiro G. Remnyi M. Saint-Paul H. R. Salva A. A. Ghilarducci P. Monceau P. Ljay 《Materials Science and Engineering: A》2004,370(1-2):384-387
Manganese oxides with distorted perovskite structure have attracted much attention during the last decade due to their colossal magnetoresistance (CMR), and the strong correlations among the various degrees of freedom involved. In particular, Pr1−xCaxMnO3 compounds present in a wide Ca-doping range a charge ordering phenomenon, consisting of real space ordering of Mn3+ and Mn4+ in alternate lattice sites below a certain temperature TCO. This ordering brings about a lattice distortion and a large hardening of the sound velocity below TCO. Tomioka et al. have observed that an applied magnetic field can melt this charge ordered state and induce a transition from an insulating to a metallic state. In order to study the effects of this charge order melting, ultrasonic longitudinal sound velocity measurements were performed on polycrystalline Pr1−xCaxMnO3 (x=0.35 and 0.5) as a function of magnetic field and temperature. Interesting anomalies were found related to the melting of the charge ordered phase into a metal-like state even at low temperatures. 相似文献
K. Knoth S. Engel C. Apetrii M. Falter B. Schlobach R. Hühne S. Oswald L. Schultz B. Holzapfel 《Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science》2006,10(5-6):205-216
At present, the development of superconducting YBa2Cu3O7−x coated conductors attracts much attention due to their enormous application potential in electric power systems. Worldwide research is focused on the investigation and improvement of buffer materials and YBa2Cu3O7−x superconducting properties as well as low-cost manufacturing processes in cooperation with industrial companies. Accordingly, chemical solution deposition has emerged as a highly competitive, versatile, and cost-effective technique for fabricating coated conductors of high performance. New chemical solution approaches are under development for buffer layer deposition. In order to achieve high critical current carrying YBa2Cu3O7−x layers, the established trifluoroacetate route is favored. This paper reviews the most recent work on chemical solution deposition within the IFW Dresden while also considering achievements on this specific research topic worldwide. 相似文献
Magnetic susceptibility, spin transition, and electrical conductivity of LaCo1 + xO3 and NdCo1 + xO3
S. V. Shevchenko L. A. Bashkirov G. S. Petrov S. S. Dorofeichik N. N. Lubinskii 《Inorganic Materials》2008,44(1):82-88
The magnetic susceptibility of Nd2O3, NdCo1 + x O3, and LaCo1 + x O3 (x = 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15) has been measured at temperatures from 80 to 950 K, and the electrical conductivity of the neodymium and lanthanum cobaltites (enriched in cobalt relative to neodymium or lanthanum) with the general formulas Nd(La)Co1 + x O3 + 1.5x , or Nd1/(1 + x)(La)1/(1 + x)CoO(3 + 1.5x)/(1 + x), has been measured between 300 and 1050 K. The effective magnetic moments of paramagnetic ions have been determined in the temperature ranges of CurieWeiss behavior and have been used to evaluate the fractions of low-, intermediate-, and high-spin Co3+ ions. Raising the temperature from 320 to 660 K (non-Curie—Weiss behavior) increases the fraction of high-spin Co3+ ions in LaCo1 + x O3 + 1.5x (La1/(1 + x)CoO(3 + 1.5x)/(1 + x) from 27–43 to 56–61%. Moreover, in this temperature range the conductivity of the lanthanum cobaltites rises most steeply. In the range 660–950 K, no spin transition occurs in LaCo1 + x O3 + 1.5x , the slope of the conductivity versus temperature curves gradually decreases, and the conductivity gradually saturates. The conductivity of NdCo1 + x O3 + 1.5x (Nd1/(1 + x)CoO(3 + 1.5x)/(1 + x)) varies considerably in the range 550–950 K, and the spin transition in these cobaltites takes place between 260 and 760 K. Above 760 K, the NdCo1 + x O3 + 1.5x cobaltites with x = 0.05 and 0.10 contain, respectively, 72 and 83% high-spin Co3+ ions and 28 and 17% high-spin Co4+ ions, whereas neodymium cobaltite with x = 0.15 contains 83% high-spin and 17% intermediate-spin Co3+ ions. Original Russian Text ? S.V. Shevchenko, L.A. Bashkirov, G.S. Petrov, S.S. Dorofeichik, N.N. Lubinskii, 2008, published in Neorganicheskie Materialy, 2008, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 88–94. 相似文献
Gd-doped BiFeO3 polycrystalline ceramics were synthesized by solid-state reaction method and their dielectric and magnetic properties were investigated. X-ray diffraction pattern showed that Bi1 − xGdxFeO3 (x = 0, 0.05 and 0.1) ceramics were rhombohedral. The Gd substitution has suppressed the usual impurity peaks present in the parent compound and we obtained single phase Bi0.9Gd0.1FeO3 ceramic. Gd substitution reduced the antiferromagnetic Néel temperature (TN) in Bi1 − xGdx FeO3. An anomaly in the dielectric constant(ε) and dielectric loss(tan (δ)) in the vicinity of the antiferromagnetic Néel temperature (TN) was observed. Ferroelectric and magnetic hysteresis loops measured at room temperature indicated the coexistence of ferroelectricity and magnetism. The room temperature magnetic hysteresis loops were not saturated, but the magnetic moment was found to increase with increase in Gd concentration. 相似文献
Dong-ge Tong Jian-long Cao Qiong-yu Lai Ai-dong Tang Ke-long Huang Yi He Xiao-yang Ji 《Materials Chemistry and Physics》2006,100(2-3):217-223
The single phase of LiCo0.3−xGaxNi0.7O2 (x = 0, 0.05) was synthesized by a sol–gel method. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electrochemical performance. The powders are homogeneous and have a good-layered structure. The synthesized LiCo0.25Ga0.05Ni0.7O2 exhibits better electrochemical performance with an initial discharge capacity of 180.0 mAh g−1 and a capacity retention of 95.2% after 50 cycles between 2.8 and 4.4 V at 0.2C rate. The study on the structural evolution of the material during the cycling shows that Ga-doping improves the structure stability of LiCo0.3Ni0.7O2 at ambient temperature and 55 °C. Meanwhile, Ga-doping not only suppresses the alternating current (AC) impedance of LiCo0.3Ni0.7O2 but also promotes the Li+ diffusion in LiCo0.3Ni0.7O2. Furthermore, thermal stability of the charged LiCo0.25Ga0.05Ni0.7O2 is improved, which may be attributed to the retard of O2 evolution in LiCo0.3Ni0.7O2 and the suppression of electrolyte oxidation during cycling by Ga-doping. 相似文献
N. Santha M.T. Sebastian Vimala George J. Philip 《Materials Chemistry and Physics》2006,100(2-3):423-429
Microwave dielectric properties of Ba6−3xSm8+2xTi18O54 (x = 2/3) [BST] ceramics with the addition of 0–3 wt.% of various glasses have been studied. It has been found that the addition of 0.5 wt.% of the glasses decreases the sintering temperature by about 150 °C. In general, addition of 0.5 wt.% of Zn, Mg and Pb-based glasses deteriorate the quality factor, whereas aluminum and barium borosilicates do not decrease it considerably. The quality factor and dielectric constant decrease with increasing amount of glass. The temperature coefficient of resonant frequency shifts towards positive or negative depending on the composition of the glass. A glass–ceramic composite with a dielectric constant 64, Q × f nearly 8500 GHz and near to zero τf could be obtained at a sintering temperature of 1175 °C when 3–4 wt.% Al2O3–B2O3–SiO2 glass was added to BST ceramic. The Young's modulus decreases with increasing amount of glass, irrespective of the composition of glass. 相似文献
Niladri Dasgupta R. Krishnamoorthy K. Thomas Jacob 《Materials Science and Engineering: B》2002,90(3):278-286
The crystal structure, thermal expansion and electrical conductivity of the solid solution Nd0.7Sr0.3Fe1−xCoxO3 for 0≤x≤0.8 were investigated. All compositions had the GdFeO3-type orthorhombic perovskite structure. The lattice parameters were determined at room temperature by X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD). The pseudo-cubic lattice constant decreased continuously with x. The average linear thermal expansion coefficient (TEC) in the temperature range from 573 to 973 K was found to increase with x. The thermal expansion curves for all values of x displayed rapid increase in slope at high temperatures. The electrical conductivity increased with x for the entire temperature range of measurement. The calculated activation energy values indicate that electrical conduction takes place primarily by the small polaron hopping mechanism. The charge compensation for the divalent ion on the A-site is provided by the formation of Fe4+ ions on the B-site (in preference to Co4+ ions) and vacancies on the oxygen sublattice for low values of x. The large increase in the conductivity with x in the range from 0.6 to 0.8 is attributed to the substitution of Fe4+ ions by Co4+ ions. The Fe site has a lower small polaron site energy than Co and hence behaves like a carrier trap, thereby drastically reducing the conductivity. The non-linear behaviour in the dependence of log σT with reciprocal temperature can be attributed to the generation of additional charge carriers with increasing temperature by the charge disproportionation of Co3+ ions. 相似文献
The E1 and E1+Δ1 energy bands of metal–organic chemical vapor deposition grown AlxGa1−xAs, with x in the range 0–0.55, have been determined using photoreflectance technique. The aluminum composition for each sample was determined using the energy of the room-temperature photoluminescence compensated peak value and a suitable fundamental band gap formula. The positions of the E1 and E1+Δ1 peaks were determined from curve-fitting an appropriate theoretical model to our experimental data by a modified downhill simplex method. Using the results, we propose new E1 and E1+Δ1 cubic expressions as functions of the aluminum composition, x, and compare them with the available reported expressions. 相似文献
A series of YBa2Cu3−x oxides was synthesized. The results show a cubic system with a simple perovskite structure for x < 0.2 and a face-centered doubled perovskite cell for x > 0.2. There was no indication of the existence of the superconducting 1-2-3 phase for x > 0.2. Solid solution of tungsten was exhibited over the composition region 0.2 < x as well as in the simple perovskite composition range. Analyses of a sample of nominal composition YBa2Cu2W oxide indicates a non-superconducting perovskite with
. 相似文献
R.V. Mangalaraja S. Thomas Lee K.V.S. Ramam S. Ananthakumar P. Manohar 《Materials Science and Engineering: A》2008,480(1-2):266-270
The mechanical properties like hardness, Hv and compressive strength, σ of Ni1−xZnxFe2O4 (x = 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5) prepared by the non-conventional flash combustion and citrate-gel decomposition techniques are studied and reported. It is observed that there is an increase in hardness with zinc content as well as sintering temperature. The hardness in the order of 2.0–3.63 GPa and compressive strength in the order of 150–240 MPa are obtained for Ni–Zn ferrites prepared by these non-conventional techniques. The influence of density, porosity and microstructure on hardness and compressive strength of Ni–Zn ferrites with respect to sintering temperature was studied. 相似文献
Xi Li Fabin Qiu Kui Guo Bo Zou Jianmin Gu Jing Wang Baokun Xu 《Materials Chemistry and Physics》1997,50(3):1105-232
Nanocrystalline Ba1−xSrxTiO3 (x=0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0) precursors were synthesized using the stearic acid gel method. After the precursors had been calcined at 600–950°C for 0.5–1 h, nanocrystalline powders with the cubic perovskite structure were obtained and these were made into thick films. The powder samples were characterized by differential thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy, and the thick film samples were characterized by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The humidity-sensitive properties of the nanocrystalline Ba1−xSrxTiO3 thick films were investigated. The results show that these nanocrystalline thick films possess higher humidity sensitivity and lower resistance than those of conventional materials. 相似文献
Structures and thermal expansion properties of Ln2−xCrxMo3O12 (Ln = Er and Y) have been investigated by X-ray powder diffraction. Rietveld analysis results of Ln2−xCrxMo3O12 indicate that compounds Er2−xCrxMo3O12 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.3) and Y2−xCrxMo3O12 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.2) crystallize in orthorhombic structure and exhibit negative thermal expansion, while both monoclinic and orthorhombic compounds Er2−xCrxMo3O12 (1.7 ≤ x ≤ 2.0) and Y2−xCrxMo3O12 (1.8 ≤ x ≤ 2.0) possess positive coefficient of thermal expansion. The coefficients of linear thermal expansion of orthorhombic Ln2−xCrxMo3O12 change from negative to positive with increasing chromium content. Thermogravimetric and differential scanning calorimetry have been used to study the hygroscopicity and the phase transition temperature. 相似文献
Gaoling Zhao Hiromitsu Kozuka Hong Lin Masahide Takahashi Toshinobu Yoko 《Thin solid films》1999,340(1-2):125-131
A design of a gradient bandgap Ti1−xVxO2 thin film electrode for wet-type solar cells is provided. The gradient bandgap film electrodes were prepared by heating stacked layers of varying V/Ti ratios using the sol-gel method. A composition gradient was observed for some of the samples by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy although it was not very large. For the Ti1−xVxO2 film electrodes, conspicuous visible light photoresponse and photoelectrochemical stability were observed. The photocurrent increased with increasing bias potential. However, the photocurrent onset potentials of the Ti1−xVxO2 film electrodes were more positive than those of TiO2 film electrodes, probably owing to the high surface state density introduced by the diffusion of vanadium ions. 相似文献
Qingwen Peng Zhiyuan Tang Lianqi Zhang Xingjiang Liu 《Materials Research Bulletin》2009,44(11):2147-2151
Li1.2+x[Ni0.25Mn0.75]0.8−xO2 (0 ≤ x ≤ 4/55) was prepared by a new simple microwave heating method and the effect of extra Li+ content on electrochemistry of Li1.2Ni0.2Mn0.6O2 (x = 0) was firstly revealed. X-ray diffraction identified that they had layered α-NaFeO2 structure (space group R-3m). Linear variation of lattice constant as a function of x value supported the formation of solid solution, that is, extra Li+ is possibly incorporated in structure of layered Li1.2Ni0.2Mn0.6O2 (x = 0), accompanying oxidization of Ni2+ to Ni3+ to form Li1.2+x[Ni0.25Mn0.75]0.8−xO2 (0 ≤ x ≤ 4/55). This was confirmed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy that Ni3+ appeared and increased in content with increasing x value. Charge–discharge tests showed that Li1.2+x[Ni0.25Mn0.75]0.8−xO2 (0 ≤ x ≤ 4/55) truly displayed different electrochemical properties (different initial charge–discharge plots, capacities and cycleability). Li1.2Ni0.2Mn0.6O2 (x = 0) in this work delivered the highest discharge capacity of 219 mAh g−1 between 4.8 and 2.0 V. Increasing Li content (x value in Li1.2+x[Ni0.25Mn0.75]0.8−xO2) reduced charge–discharge capacities, but significantly enhancing cycleability. 相似文献