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一种基于FPGA实现的真随机数发生器 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文分析和实现了一种基于FPGA的真随机数发生器,采用对延迟链各级输出同时采样的方法来增加输出序列的随机性。电路为纯数字形式,50MHz采样时钟采得的输出数据可以无需后处理,直接通过随机性测试,且未发现随机性与采样频率存在显著联系。 相似文献
We present a metastability-based true random number generator that achieves high entropy and passes NIST randomness tests. The generator grades the probability of randomness regardless of the output bit value by measuring the metastable resolution time. The system determines the original random noise level at the time of metastability and tunes itself to achieve a high probability of randomness. Dynamic control enables the system to respond to deterministic noise and a qualifier module grades the individual metastable events to produce a high-entropy random bit-stream. The grading module allows the user to trade off output bit-rate with the quality of the bit-stream. A fully integrated true random number generator was fabricated in a 0.13 mum bulk CMOS technology with an area of 0.145 mm2. 相似文献
针对真随机数广泛应用的现状,基于振荡器采样和反馈电路竞争冒险机制,分析和设计了一款真随机数发生器。采用VHDL语言为描述工具,以纯数字IP核的形式提供了该发生器,并给出了一种与微控制器OC8051 IP核的挂接方法。选用Ahera Cyclone—Ⅱ FPGA开发板对随机数发生器进行验证,结果表明其逻辑和时序工作稳定,且随机数产生速率可达7.85M/s,完全通过7种随机性检测,可应用于实际的工程开发中。 相似文献
Very High-Speed True Random Noise Generator 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Ada Fort Fabrizio Cortigiani Santina Rocchi Valerio Vignoli 《Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing》2003,34(2):97-105
In this work an original CMOS implementation of a discrete-time deterministic-chaos algorithm for random bit generation is presented. The proposed circuit topology prevents the degradation of the generated-sequence statistical properties that can be caused by several factors, including the parameter spreading of the technological processes. Experimental results show that, with a final rate of 3 Mbit/s, the circuit is compliant with the most recent security requirements for cryptographic modules issued by the American National Institute of Standards and Technologies. 相似文献
一种基于混沌原理的真随机数发生器 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
选取一维分段线性混沌映射函数设计真随机数发生器的随机源,具体分析了函数中各参数对输出序列随机性和电路稳定性的影响.通过改进函数在混沌吸引盆外的映射关系,成功解决了真随机源电路在各种噪声干扰和器件失配影响下所可能存在的失效问题,显著提高了电路的稳定性.该混沌函数以电压作为迭代变量,电路采用了负反馈形式的运放、采样保持电路和逻辑判断电路等模块,并运用了电荷再分配技术.以该随机源构成的真随机数发生器不但具有理想的随机性,在1M bit/s的输出速率下,平均功耗不超过0.3mW,可广泛应用在SoC等嵌入式环境中. 相似文献
基于振荡器的高性能真随机数发生器 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
设计了一种应用于信息安全SoC平台的基于振荡器的高性能真随机数发生器,其利用放大的电阻热噪声来增大慢振荡器的抖动,使得前后两次采样相互独立,提高了序列的随机性能。采用T触发器采样消除快振荡器占空比偏差的影响。真随机数发生器采用TSMC 0.25μm CMOS工艺,输出速率达4Mbps,通过NIST FIPS140-1和SP800-22中的各项测试。芯片面积为0.09mm2,工作电压为2.5V,功耗为4.15mW。 相似文献
基于混沌的高速随机数发生器 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
基于混沌的随机数发生器采用了离散时问的决定论混沌系统。决定论混沌的一个本质特征是对初始值的敏感依赖性。由于初始值是一个模拟电路的初值,对于数字测量系统是永远无法逼近或达到的,它的偏差使得测量系统产生的符号序列以后有着充分大的分离,从而使得符号序列不可预知、不可再现,具有真随机的特性。在分析了一类分段线性映射的决定论混沌系统的基本特性后,设计了由开关电容电路等组成的模拟电路。为了保证随机序列的分布特性,针对CMOS电路中主要的噪声,即MOS管的热噪声与闪烁噪声,设计时建立了二种噪声仿真模型;同时为了加快分析的效率和速度,提出了一种快速分析方法。最后,采用NIST标准进行了测试。 相似文献
设计了一个基于FPGA的高速、高性能的高斯随机数发生器。首先简要介绍了以前的一些算法并指出其不足之处。然后阐明了本文的算法:对均匀随机数进行高效的变换以生成非常接近高斯分布的随机数,再依据中心极限定理把两个上述随机数相加得到高斯随机数。算法所需的运算只有RAM的读操作与乘法、加法运算。分析了算法的性能并与其他算法做了对比,证明了本文算法的高效性。最后给出了FPGA实现的系统结构,并分析了所需的硬件资源。 相似文献
1.5位每级流水型ADC子单元的传输函数满足混沌映射的特性,通过将子单元的两个数字输出进行异或,改变产生序列的分布特性,即可用来产生独立且均匀分布的随机数.根据这个原理设计实现了一种高速真随机数发生器,并引入了一种新型的高速低功耗预放大锁存比较器.仿真结果表明,在未加任何后处理电路修正的情况下,生成的随机序列即可通过NIST标准随机性检测,输出比特率可达200Mb/s. 相似文献
WANG Yu-hua NIU Li-ping 《半导体光子学与技术》2006,12(2):117-122
With the rapid development of cryptography, the strength of security protocols and encryption algorithms consumedly relies on the quality of random number. In many cryptography applications, higher speed is one of the references required. A new security random number generator architecture is presented. Its philosophy architecture is implemented with FPGA, based on the thermal noise and linear feedback shift register(LFSR). The thermal noise initializes LFSRs and is used as the disturbed source of the system to ensure the unpredictability of the produced random number and improve the security strength of the system. Parallel LFSRs can produce the pseudo-random numbers with long period and higher speed. The proposed architecture can meet the requirements of high quality and high speed in cryptography. 相似文献
《Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, IEEE Transactions on》2008,16(12):1677-1686
在密码学、仿真学以及集成电路测试等许多领域 ,随机数起着重要的作用。在密码学中 ,通常要求所使用的随机数具有不可预测性。基于混沌现象 ,使用开关电容技术 ,用集成电路实现了一种硬件随机数发生器。测试结果表明 ,其产生的序列具有不可预测性 ,可以满足密码学的应用要求。 相似文献
Mersenne Twister (MT) uniform random number generators are key cores for hardware acceleration of Monte Carlo simulations. In this work, two different architectures are studied: besides the classical table-based architecture, a different architecture based on a circular buffer and especially targeting FPGAs is proposed. A 30% performance improvement has been obtained when compared to the fastest previous work. The applicability of the proposed MT architectures has been proven in a high performance Gaussian RNG. 相似文献
This paper proposes low power, low voltage Truly Random Number Generators (TRNG) for Electrical Product Code (EPC Generation
2 Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tag. Design considerations and trade-offs among randomicity, chip area and power consumption
are analyzed according to the special requirements of Gen2 RFID tag. The proposed TRNG circuits consist of an analog random
seed generator which uses the oscillator sampling mechanism, and Linear Feedback Shift Registers for post digital processing.
These TRNG are implemented in SMIC 0.18 μm CMOS process. And their randomicity performances are verified by the FIPS 140-2
standard for security. One of the TRNG circuits outputs a random bit series at a speed of 40 kHz. Its power consumption is
1.04 μW and chip area is 0.05 mm2. The other one has a bit rate at 48 kHz. It has a power consumption of 2.6 μW and chip area of 0.018 mm2. The features of low power and small chip area in these TRNG circuits provide a good choice to solve the security and privacy
problems in RFID systems. 相似文献
本文分别从行为级和RTL级实现并且验证了DES电路。在DES的VLSI实现过程中充分考虑了DES的结构特征,采取一系列的优化措施,使得整个电路在速度和面积上取得了较好的效果。最后提出一个适用于IC卡等有嵌入式安全需要的系统中的DES模块的实现方案。 相似文献