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该项目建在著名的康尼岛散步道(Coney Island Boardwalk)旁,毗邻康尼岛游乐公园,坐落在纽约水族大世界内。原来的水族馆具备多种展出空间,出展的历史已超过50年,其内容的丰富多样足以和一个小型世界博览会相媲美。该项目表达了它自己的设计宗旨--既要作为附加建筑,也要也为这个综合建筑的另一个焦点。新水族馆增加了另一种独特的表现手法,在作为许多空间序列中的不和谐因素的同时,强调整体的空间体验。而且场地规划的目标是让新水族馆与周围的建筑建立完美一致的关系。  相似文献   

水族馆是一座为鱼类建造的家园。如果这座家园很适合它的海洋居民的话,那么它就是一件杰出的建筑作品。从小型鱼船的角度来看,水族馆是悬浮在水面的,模拟洞穴的建筑,它在体量和形状等方面都与自然的栖息地很相似。  相似文献   

蓝色星球是欧洲最大最重要的水族馆.它位于厄勒海峡的重要位置,距哥本哈根市政厅广场只有8km。而且,这个理想地坐落在Taarnby市的水族馆与高速公路、哥本哈根机场、厄勒海峡大桥、地铁和国际列车仅有几百米之遥。  相似文献   

水族馆是观光渔业的一个分支,在国内旅游市场发展过程中显示出极强的生命力和独具特色的魅力,它不仅能为公众提供良好的娱乐休闲场所,而且又是科学技术和文化知识的载体。水族馆的设计流程相对于其他公共建筑的设计工作来说较为复杂,涉及水产养殖技术及建筑结构机电等十几个专业,而且需要各专业之间紧密配合和协调,以统筹兼顾为原则,加上科学的选材及施工,才能最终达到最初的设计目标,因此水族馆的全过程设计管理尤其重要。  相似文献   

巴塞尔动物园设在城市当中。是居民和游客常去的一座公园。绿带Nachtigallenwaldeli的重新设计和新的海洋水族馆0zeanium的建造。使得动物园与市中心的关系更为紧密,而且塑造了具有吸引力的居住和娱乐环境。以此同时。Ozeanium水族馆与周围的建筑形成了对应关系。如Rialto泳池、市场大厅以及环线上的高层建筑等。外形独特的水族馆是丰富城市景观的一个要素。屋顶和立面从材料和形式语言上来说是均质化的:混凝土板材在水平方向上有着渐变的效果。  相似文献   

通过将体育馆附馆半层置于地面以下的冒险设计,将屋面处理为贝壳状是一种创新设计,这样的冒险与创新将带来一个与众不同的建筑。  相似文献   

二战期间,出于战略上的考虑,在维也纳城中建造了6座防空炮塔。这些混凝土块建筑物几乎没有开口,因此,它们很难具备有意义的功能。在第六区,一座巨型水族馆找到了自己的位置;另外一个功能将显示炮塔的使用从侵略到和平的转变:楼顶附加的玻璃结构是咖啡博物馆和咖啡屋,在这里人们可以一览维也纳的奇妙景色。另一座附加建筑物利用了炮塔的边墙,那是一个陆地动物饲养场,是水族馆的配套建筑。  相似文献   

1 3XN设计的丹麦Фresund"蓝色星球"水族馆2013年3月21日开放丹麦事务所3XN在哥本哈根的resund沿岸设计了一座旋转型的闪亮金属建筑,并于2013年3月21日正式开放。这座名为"蓝色星球"(Blue Planet)的水族馆面积为1.1万m2,是北欧地区最大的水族馆。水族馆的室内面积为9000m2,室外面积为2000m2,为参观者提供了体验陆地和海洋环境的机会。入口处是金属弯曲向内  相似文献   

陈越  陈栋  单荣 《世界建筑》2005,(3):77-77
项目内容 地铁站 水族馆 设计理念 该地铁站位于南京新街口商业中心的一个十字交叉路口。由“光”与“水”所营造出室内空间的特殊氛围十分吸引人,其功能远不只是一个地铁站。  相似文献   

英国building.co.uk网站报道,伦敦Silvertown码头的水族馆“Biota!”将通过Arup设计的步行桥与泰晤士Barrier公园连接起来。这就是Terry Farrell事务所公布的耗资9000万英镑的水族馆设计。  相似文献   

南京长江二桥南汊桥索梁锚固足尺模型试验研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
斜拉索与钢箱梁的锚固区是斜拉桥的关键部位,其结构和受力都相当复杂,一般的平面分析很难反映实际的应力分布.本文简要介绍了南京二桥锚箱模型试验,对锚箱及其附近腹板的应力大小和分布进行了研究,并对照有限元空间计算,得出了一些有益的结论.  相似文献   

A model based predictive control method is applied in order to determine the optimal supply fluid temperature in the case of concrete embedded water-based floor heating in low energy residential buildings. The aim of the control is to keep the indoor temperature within a defined comfort interval. The forthcoming supply fluid temperature is obtained through a numerical optimisation based on a prediction of the upcoming heat demand. The elementary response function, which is the basis for the method, is obtained from a numerical control volume model, and as an alternative, from a simplified 2-node lumped model. The accuracy of the results obtained from the simplified model is surprisingly good in comparison to the detailed numerical model. The control method is applied for a single room for which a perfect prognosis of the heat demand exists. The results show a fairly steady optimised supply fluid temperature.  相似文献   

谷振飞 《矿产勘查》2018,9(7):1360-1365
独石口沸石矿位于沽源晚侏罗世火山—沉积盆地南缘,赋矿地层主要为张家口组上亚组凝灰岩。矿床沉积古环境为小型陆相淡水盆地,盆地发育受燕山期岩浆岩侵入影响,在一系列同沉积断裂构造控制下形成。含矿层形成至今,矿区始终处于相对下降趋势。矿石矿物组分单一,主要为斜发沸石,矿化均匀,品位稳定,沉积环境稳定持久,矿床类型为内陆淡水湖火山碎屑沉积型矿床。同时代火山—沉积盆地成矿潜力巨大。  相似文献   

《Energy and Buildings》1996,24(3):223-230
The daylight coefficient approach is used for the theoretical analysis of various shading systems. Once a set of these coefficients has been calculated, it is very easy to calculate illuminance in the interior of a room under various sky luminance distributions. The present paper examines a method based on daylight coefficients to evaluate daylight in the interior of a room. The method is compared with existing radiosity and ray-tracing methods. The examined method is experimentaly validated using measurements obtained in a PASSYS test-cell equipped with shading devices.  相似文献   

褥垫层对复合地基承载机理的影响   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
首先利用数值试验的方法,系统研究了4种模量的代表性群桩复合地基(极柔性桩、一般柔性桩、半刚性桩、刚性桩)施加褥垫后的承载性状,分析了褥垫在复合地基中的加固机理与作用.提出利用褥垫层对复合地基承载力进行优化设计的基本方法与思路.  相似文献   

This paper presents the theoretical basis for the development of a fuzzy decision support system and its implementation on microcomputers. The system utilizes a fuzzy set arithmetic, called fuzzy weighted average (FWA), to evaluate a group of alternatives. The system allows the user to select the criteria (and sub-criteria if needed) on which the evaluation is to be based. Once the criteria are selected, the user is prompted for ratings (in terms of natural language) of each alternative. The ratings are represented by fuzzy sets in the system. The FWA operation is used to combine all ratings in different stages. For each alternative a final fuzzy set that represents an overall evaluation would be obtained. A simple ranking index model is adopted in the system to select the best alternative. The process is implemented in FORTRAN 77 on a microcomputer. The solution to a selected example problem is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

A two dimensional model of a geosynthetic tube sitting on a rigid horizontal foundation and filled with several separated liquids with different densities is proposed. The material from which the tube is made is a special synthetic fabric which is inextensible, perfectly flexible, and leakproof. Such a model is useful for modeling a consolidations process in the tube filled with a slurry. The equilibrium equations of the model are formulated. Unknown values like the pressure on the top and bottom of the tube, the tension in the geosynthetic fabric, the length of the contact zone between the tube and the rigid foundation are searched with respect to the given perimeter, the volumes and densities of liquids. Such a problem is solved by the Newton’s method. The initial approximation is obtained by solving a simplified problem with one liquid with the average density. The problem is implemented in a MATLAB code for geosynthetic tubes filled with two, three, and four liquids with different densities. The tubes filled with two different liquids are studied in more detail. The graphs of the relations are compared with the graphs for the tube filled with the single liquid whose density is the average of the densities of the liquids. The comparison enables to discuss the influence of the consolidation process on the height, the contact zone, the pressures and the tension of the tube. The results of the proposed model for a tube filled with a single liquid are compared with another model.  相似文献   

吴江大厦是一座多功能政府办公楼。根据工程地质条件,采用钻孔灌注桩加厚板或独立桩承台。通过在高层与纯地下室之间设置沉降缝来消除差异沉降的不利影响。会议中心为框架结构,根据建筑功能的要求,在局部大空间处采用双向预应力混凝土框架梁。办公楼为双塔连体结构,在18层双塔之间设连廊;主体结构为框架-核心筒结构体系,连廊采用钢桁架,与主体结构采用刚性连接。结构计算分析结果表明,变形和承载力均满足要求。总结了结构设计中采取的主要技术措施,可供类似工程参考。  相似文献   

日本正在建造一种叫做蝴蝶腹板桥的新型桥梁,即田久保川桥。该桥是一座高速公路桥,共10跨,其中最大跨度为87.5m。蝴蝶腹板结构是在箱梁腹板处使用厚度为150mm的蝴蝶型的预制板。腹板的组成材料是强度为80MPa的混凝土,拉应力区用单根的预应力筋加强。另外,这个150mm厚的腹板内没有用钢筋而是用钢纤维加强。该桥使用自由悬臂法施工。蝴蝶型腹板是在混凝土厂预制,重3.3t。这使得主梁的施工重量比普通混凝土腹板的箱梁轻。因此,悬臂施工的速度比传统的现场浇筑法快约50%。  相似文献   

Schälin A  Nielsen PV 《Indoor air》2004,14(3):159-168
The influence of different turbulence models used in computational fluid dynamics predictions is studied in connection with room air movement. The turbulence models used are the high Re-number kappa-epsilon model and the high Re-number Reynolds stress model (RSM). The three-dimensional wall jet is selected for the work. The growth rate parallel to the wall in a three-dimensional wall jet is large compared with the growth rate perpendicular to the wall, and it is large compared with the growth rate in a free circular jet. It is shown that it is not possible to predict the high growth rate parallel with a surface in a three-dimensional wall jet by the kappa-epsilon turbulence model. Furthermore, it is shown that the growth rate can be predicted to a certain extent by the RSM with wall reflection terms. The flow in a deep room can be strongly influenced by details as the growth rate of a three-dimensional wall jet. Predictions by a kappa-epsilon model and RSM show large deviations in the occupied zone. Measurements and observations of streamline patterns in model experiments indicate that a reasonable solution is obtained by the RSM compared with the solution obtained by the kappa-epsilon model. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is often used for the prediction of air distribution in rooms and for the evaluation of thermal comfort and indoor air quality. The most used turbulence model in CFD is the kappa-epsilon model. This model often produces good results; however, some cases require more sophisticated models. The prediction of a three-dimensional wall jet is improved if it is made by a Reynolds stress model (RSM). This model improves the prediction of the velocity level in the jet and in some special cases it may influence the entire flow in the occupied zone.  相似文献   

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