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水资源对我国工业发展的影响及对策建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
党的十六大提出了全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标,十六届三中全会又强调指出,要树立全面、协调、可持续的发展观,促进经济社会和人的全面发展.树立和贯彻科学的发展观,很重要的一个方面,就是要坚持人与自然的和谐,正确处理发展与资源、环境的关系.水是人类的生命线,因此,水不仅是重要的自然资源,而且是战略资源.  相似文献   

在过去的2010年里,你的生活发生了哪些变化?我们大家共同身处的通讯,数码行业又发生了哪些变化?时代不断前进,科技日新月益,每一天这个世界都在发生着或澎湃,或沉默的变化。因为创新,思考以及梦想,一切都在变得越来越美好,而你,正是这一切改变的源动力,有你,世不同,因你,改变生活。  相似文献   

影响水价调整效果的经济分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北京是水资源严重匮乏的城市,人均占有水资源量不足300m3,是国内人均的八分之一,世界人均的三十分之一.同时随着城市建设的发展,用水需求快速增长,加剧了供需矛盾.为缓解水资源紧张状况,用经济手段进行调控是抑制用水量增长的有效手段之一,其核心就是调整水价.而水资源作为商品,在市场经济的环境下,水价调整的效果究竟如何,在很大程度上取决于水资源的经济特性.本文试图以北京市水价体系为背景,对影响水价调整效果的经济因素进行初步的分析.  相似文献   

过去,人们一提起厨房,就会联想到弥漫的油烟,四溅的火星,满地的污水,和闷热的感觉,随着生活质量的不断提高,人们对健康、环保、节能的要求也越来越高.  相似文献   

近十几年来,我国的铝冶炼工业迅速发展,为国民经济的增长做出了重要贡献.但在冶炼铝生产过程中,会产生大量有害烟气,这种气体严重危害人类的健康,破坏生态环境.由于受经济利益的驱动,环保领域和扩大产量方面的研究工作成果较多,降低能耗方面的研究尚待深入进行.以铝冶炼烟气净化余热利用技术为研究内容,通过建立烟气净化余热利用系统,解决铝冶炼生产过程中的能源利用问题,从而实现能源再生的目的.  相似文献   

真空除氧冷凝系统原采用混合式冷凝器,给系统运行带来许多问题,重新设计计算后,系统改用表面式换热器,不但完全达到了原要求的工艺指标,而且,停用了新鲜水,回收了蒸汽的余热,改善了工人的劳动条件,取得了较好的经济效益和社会效益.  相似文献   

iPhone 4不仅是一件时尚的饰品,用于衬托你的品味,你的格调,以及你的自我。更是以最顶尖的科技,诠释了自己,诠释了,何谓轻薄。  相似文献   

<正>终点和中点,这两个词语仅仅相差一个字,而且不同的字其发音又相同,但两个词语表达的意思却完全不同。学生时代,几乎所有人都喜欢期终,而不喜欢期中,尽管期终必须经历一场大考,但仍不能改变我们的态度,因为前者连接着一个长长的无忧无虑的快乐的假期,而后者预示着我们又将开启一段新的艰苦的学习历程。仅仅还有两周时间,在关心全球应对气候变化的人们的眼里是短暂的,  相似文献   

泥英耀  滕明钧 《风能》2014,(2):16-17
正新疆小草湖风电场(华能小草湖),位于新疆吐鲁番地区,总装机容量4.95万千瓦,共安装33台1.5兆瓦的风电机组,是华能的三期项目。说起小草湖风电场,可能大家脑海里闪现的是这样一幅画面:一片碧波荡漾的湖水,一抹青山上绿树迎风摇曳,一台台风电机组错落在这美丽的湖畔,傲然而立,缓缓转动间,为这一片静逸的美丽画面增添了别样的生动.......然而,熟知小草湖的人是知  相似文献   

建筑多样化是世界各国的共同追求,不少国家在城市一定区域内不允许出现相同造型和色彩的建筑,以追求城市格调的丰富多彩,避免呆板、单一.想达到此目的,烧结装饰砖的采用可起到一定的作用.烧结装饰砖的突出特点是体现了一种纯朴的自然美,它通过焙烧曲线控制烧成颜色,外观美丽.经表面处理后,产品有各种花纹图案和造型,如树皮状、斑形状等,能体现建筑物个性化差异,且砌筑外墙无需另贴饰面,可大大减少建筑工程造价,对美化人居环境起到重要作用.在国际建筑潮流影响下,国内发达的沿海城市已开始从国外购买烧结装饰砖建筑样板住宅及别墅群,达到美化城市的目的.该产品定会成为我国建筑墙体用材的发展方向.  相似文献   

生物质是可再生能源的重要组成部分,储量巨大,但其含水量高、能量密度和热值低等缺点致使其研磨难度大、存储运输不便,难以资源化利用。本文对烘焙预处理技术的过程及特点、能耗分析和较为理想的烘焙标准进行了简述;并重点阐述了烘焙对生物质燃烧、热解和气化特性影响的研究进展。经烘焙处理后的生物质在炉膛内可快速、稳定燃烧,炉内温度迅速升高,产生的烟气量减少;热解产生的生物质焦油中水和乙酸含量明显减少,苯酚含量增加,热值总体升高;气化合成气品质明显提升,能量密度增大,总气化效率显著提高。此外,对烘焙预处理技术在城市固体废弃物处理的应用进行了简要的概述,并对其在生物质和城市固体废弃物研究方向上进行了展望。  相似文献   

The plugging mechanism of multiphase mixed rich-liquid transportation in submarine pipeline is a prerequisite for maintaining the fluid flow in the pipeline and ensuring safe fluid flow. This paper introduced the common experimental devices used to study multiphase flow, and summarized the plugging progress and mechanism in the liquid-rich system. Besides, it divided the rich-liquid phase system into an oil-based system, a partially dispersed system, and a water-based system according to the different water cuts, and discussed the mechanism of hydrate plugging. Moreover, it summarized the mechanism and the use of anti-agglomerates in different systems. Furthermore, it proposed some suggestions for future research on hydrate plugging. First, in the oil-based system, the effect factors of hydrates are combined with the mechanical properties of hydrate deposit layer, and the hydrate plugging mechanism models at inclined and elbow pipes should be established. Second, the mechanism of oil-water emulsion breaking in partially dispersed system and the reason for the migration of the oil-water interface should be analyzed, and the property of the free water layer on the hydrate plugging process should be quantified. Third, a complete model of the effect of the synergy of liquid bridge force and van der Waals force in the water-based system on the hydrate particle coalescence frequency model is needed, and the coalescence frequency model should be summarized. Next, the dynamic analysis of a multiphase mixed rich-liquid transportation pipeline should be coupled with the process of hydrate coalescence, deposition, and blockage decomposition. Finally, the effects of anti-agglomerates on the morphological evolution of hydrate under different systems and pipeline plugging conditions in different media should be further explored.  相似文献   

本文对“山水气林田湖草城”系统治理的理论与工程技术进行了全面深入地研究.提出了修复山形地貌、净化水体质量、调节大气成分、优化森林结构、改良农田土质、重建湖域生态、扩大种草面积、完善城市规划的方法.对“山水气林田湖草城”进行整体保护、系统恢复、综合治理;量化生态资源的隐性价值;发展新气候经济;实施碳热氧产品交易;设立碳热氧税制度;建立经济生产总值与生态生产总值平衡发展体系;创建零碳模式;使人与植物、动物、微生物和自然环境之间,生物各个种群之间,生态诸子系统之间,通过能量流动、物质循环和信息传递达到高度适应、协调和统一的平衡状态,减弱减少自然灾害,延长人类在地球上的生存时间.  相似文献   

Gasification or combustion of coal and biomass is the most important form of power generation today. However, the use of coal/biomass at high temperatures has an inherent problem related to the ash generated. The formation of ash leads to a problematic phenomenon called slagging. Slagging is the accumulation of molten ash on the walls of the furnace, gasifier, or boiler and is detrimental as it reduces the heat transfer rate, and the combustion/gasification rate of unburnt carbon, causes mechanical failure, high-temperature corrosion and on occasions, superheater explosions. To improve the gasifier/combustor facility, it is very important to understand the key ash properties, slag characteristics, viscosity and critical viscosity temperature. This paper reviews the content, compositions, and melting characteristics of ashes in differently ranked coal and biomass, and discusses the formation mechanism, characteristics, and structure of slag. In particular, this paper focuses on low-rank coal and biomass that have been receiving increased attention recently. Besides, it reviews the available methodologies and formulae for slag viscosity measurement/prediction and summarizes the current limitations and potential applications. Moreover, it discusses the slagging behavior of different ranks of coal and biomass by examining the applicability of the current viscosity measurement methods to these fuels, and the viscosity prediction models and factors that affect the slag viscosity. This review shows that the existing viscosity models and slagging indices can only satisfactorily predict the viscosity and slagging propensity of high-rank coals but cannot predict the slagging propensity and slag viscosity of low-rank coal, and especially biomass ashes, even if they are limited to a particular composition only. Thus, there is a critical need for the development of an index, or a model or even a measurement method, which can predict/measure the slagging propensity and slag viscosity correctly for all low-rank coal and biomass ashes.  相似文献   

Experimental study on combustion characteristics and method for evaluating flame stability was carried out. Methyl palmitate, ethyl palmitate, propyl palmitate, butyl palmitate, and amyl palmitate were prepared using pyridine n-butyl bisulfate ionic liquid as catalyst in a self-designed reactor to catalyze esterification reaction of palmitic acid with methanol, ethanol, propanol, butanol, and pentanol, respectively. Combustion characteristics including the flame height, flame front area, and flame speed were analyzed; and OH-PLIF time-average total signal strength by the OH-PLIF technique and cold flow properties of linear-chain alkyl esters of palmitic acid were also studied. Image diagnosis was applied to the study of flame stability, and an image segmentation method using three color feature matrices of flame corresponding to the red, green, and blue components was proposed. A color was selected as the evaluation color and the iterative method was used to obtain the optimal threshold for the area where the flame was located. Each pixel in the matrix was compared with an optimal threshold, and the flame stability was evaluated by calculating the ratio variance under continuous conditions. The method is simple in operation, accurate in repeatability, less interfered, and provides some guidance for analysis and optimization of biodiesel combustion process.  相似文献   

大力发展生活垃圾及农林废弃物等生物质直接燃烧发电和煤炭掺烧生物质燃烧发电对缓解我国能源安全问题和实现“双碳”战略目标具有重要意义。然而生活垃圾和农林废弃物中较高含量的碱/碱土金属、硫、氯和硅等元素在高温燃烧过程中会发生复杂交互反应,导致锅炉结焦、积灰和腐蚀等一系列问题,严重影响锅炉的安全稳定运行。通过系统分析生活垃圾和农林废弃物等固体燃料燃烧过程中可能的结焦、积灰和腐蚀形成机理,探讨了原料灰分组成和结焦、积灰、腐蚀形成的关联关系和预测方法,在此基础上比较了不同类型结焦、积灰和腐蚀抑制剂的作用机制及其施加效果,并对未来高效抑制剂的开发进行了展望。  相似文献   

The application of hydrogen direct-injection enrichment improves the performance of gasoline Wankel rotary engine, and the hydrogen injection strategy has a significant impact on combustion, knock, and emissions. The Z160F Wankel rotary engine was used as the investigated compact engine, and the simulation model was developed using CONVERGE software. The combustion, knock and emissions characteristics of the engine were studied with the different mass flow of hydrogen injection, i.e., the trapezoid, wedge, slope, triangle and rectangle type of gas injection rate shape. In the numerical simulations, the in-cylinder pressure oscillations were monitored using monitoring points, and the knock index (KI) was used as an evaluation indicator. The study revealed that the gas injection rate shape significantly affected the mixture of hydrogen and air, thus impacting combustion, knock and emissions. When the injection rate shape was rectangle, the flame speed was faster, the peak pressure in the cylinder was higher, and the corresponding crank angle was earlier, which led to higher pressure oscillations in the cylinder and larger KI. Based on the rectangle injection rate shape, the KI decreased by 75.81%, 33.47%, 26.46% and 76.58% for trapezoid, wedge, slope, and triangle, respectively, and the indicated mean effective pressure increased by 15.68%, 5.07%, 0.56% and 14.98%, respectively. Due to the small difference in maximum temperature, which resulted in very little variation in nitrogen oxides for each injection rate shape, the total hydrocarbon emissions of the trapezoid and triangle injection rate shape was high due to the delayed combustion phase. This paper provides a solution for direct hydrogen injection to improve the combustion, knock and emissions behavior of the rotary engine.  相似文献   

钻井液处理剂现状分析及合成设计探讨   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
王中华 《中外能源》2012,17(9):32-40
近年来,国内钻井液处理剂新品种逐年上升,而投入生产及应用的产品却很少。对于聚合物处理剂,尽管从上世纪70年代到90年代相继研制应用了不少新产品,特别是AMPS聚合物的应用,使聚合物处理剂的水平上了一个新台阶,但处理剂主体结构与基团没有变,只是基团与相对分子质量的优化而已,产品性能没有取得突破性进展。对于沥青、褐煤、单宁等类产品,虽然名称没有变,而有效物减少,且大多数产品通过复配而得,产品质量大幅下滑。淀粉、纤维素、植物胶改性产品,由于改性难度大,研究多、应用少。阳离子黏土稳定剂,正电胶,乳化沥青/石蜡,聚合醇或多元醇,凝胶聚合物,"不渗透"产品和"聚胺"等产品得到了一定应用和发展。纵观上世纪70年代以来钻井液处理剂的发展,整体情况是从初期具有明确化学名称及成分的产品,逐步出现了产品成分模糊,以代号为主体的现象,特别是90年代以来,随意编代号的现象越发严重。由于存在较多制约因素,国内钻井液处理剂研制出现停滞不前的局面。应从研制专用原料、聚合物优化设计、SMP改性、天然高分子材料改性等方面出发,结合钻井液发展需要,研制新单体、适用于高钙环境下合成聚合物、传统产品的替代品、超支化聚合物、天然材料改性产品、固相控剂(清洁剂)、润滑剂、沥青类产品、高性能凝胶材料及油基泥浆处理剂,以及工业废料的利用等,推动钻井液技术进步。  相似文献   

锅炉与炉窑燃料油使用中的常见问题及解决方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对燃油锅炉与炉窑使用中的常见问题以及燃料油主要质量指标的优劣对燃烧工况的关联影响进行分析,并提出一种经济实用简便的解决方法,达到改善燃油锅炉与炉窑燃烧工况与抑制硫、钒的腐蚀,灰分积焦、积炭、油泥生成等,又达到降低能耗、减少烟气排放的目的。  相似文献   

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