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Powder X-ray and neutron diffraction and magnetic measurements have been performed on R2RhSi3 (R=Ho and Er) compounds at low temperatures. The compounds crystallize in a derivative of the hexagonal AlB2-type structure. The crystal structure parameters have been refined on the basis of the X-ray and neutron diffraction patterns collected in the paramagnetic region. These compounds are antiferromagnets with Néel temperatures of 5.2 K for Ho2RhSi3 and 5 K for Er2RhSi3. Both compounds exhibit collinear magnetic structures, described by the propagation vector k=(1/2,0,0) for Ho2RhSi3 and k=(0,0,0) for Er2RhSi3. This magnetic order is stable in the temperature range between 1.5 K and the Néel temperature.  相似文献   

Magnetization, magnetic susceptibility, neutron diffraction and X-ray photoemission spectroscopy measurements were performed on polycrystalline samples: PrCo0.85Ge2 and NdCo0.82Ge2, crystallizing in an orthorhombic structure of the CeNiSi2-type. The magnetometric data indicate that both compounds are antiferromagnetic at low temperatures, PrCo0.85Ge2 below 5 K and NdCo0.82Ge2 below 2.1 K. The neutron diffraction data indicate an antiferromagnetic structure in PrCo0.85Ge2 at 1.5 K and give no evidence of any magnetic ordering in NdCo0.82Ge2. The X-ray photoemission data indicate that the valence bands are formed predominantly by R 4f5d6s and Co 3d bands. The spin-orbit splitting values determined from the Pr and Nd, 3d5/2 and 3d3/2 XPS spectra are equal to 20.9 eV for the Pr compound and 23.0 eV for the Nd compound. The analysis of these spectra performed on the basis of the Gunnarsson–Schönhammer model revealed a small hybridization between 4f-electrons of the rare earths with the conduction band which implies rather good stability of the f shell in these compounds.  相似文献   

A powder X-ray diffraction investigation of the new ternary compounds Zr6CoAs2-type R6MnSb2 and R6MnBi2 (R=Y, Lu, Dy, Ho) is reported. The compounds Ho6MnSb2 (a=0.8070(2) nm, c=0.4230(1) nm), Lu6MnSb2 (a=0.7930(1) nm, c=0.4173(1) nm), Y6MnBi2 (a=0.8242(1) nm, c=0.4292(1) nm), Dy6MnBi2 (a=0.8211(1) nm, c=0.4286(1) nm), Ho6MnBi2 (a=0.8164(1) nm, c=0.4250(1) nm) and Lu6MnBi2 (a=0.8019(2) nm, c=0.4185(1) nm) crystallize in the hexagonal Zr6CoAs2-type structure (space group P6b2m No. 189). The Zr6CoAs2-type structure is a superstructure of the Fe2P-type structure.  相似文献   

A comparative survey is given on the variety of magnetic structures of the series of RCoC2 and RNiC2 with R=Pr, Nd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er and Tm, which have been analysed by neutron diffraction. Rare earth structure relevant features are summarized. All compounds, except those with Pr, order magnetically at low temperatures. Magnetic order is confined to the rare earths; Co and Ni sites remain non-magnetic. RCoC2 become ferromagnets; RNiC2 order antiferromagnetically in different spin configurations. The type of order and R dependent moment configurations are explained by RKKY exchange and additional crystal field interactions.  相似文献   

Ho3Pd4Ge4 crystallizes in the orthorhombic Gd6Cu8Ce8-type of structure (space group Immm) in which the Ho atoms occupy two nonequivalent crystallographic positions: 2a and 4j. Neutron diffraction measurements indicate that the Ho moments in the 4j site below 6.7 K form a collinear antiferromagnetic structure with the magnetic moments parallel to the a axis, whereas the Ho moments in the 2a site below 5 K form a sine-wave modulated structure with the magnetic moments parallel to the c axis.  相似文献   

Powder X-ray diffraction results and macroscopic magnetic properties of new ternary RRh5Ge3 compounds (R=Sm, Gd, Tb) are reported. The compounds SmRh5Ge3 (a=2.2744(4) nm, c=0.3888(1) nm), GdRh5Ge3 (a=2.2711(5) nm, c=0.3872(1) nm) and TbRh5Ge3 (a=2.2628(7) nm, c=0.3851(1) nm) crystallize in the hexagonal SmRh5Ge3-type structure (space group P63/m; No. 176). The GdRh5Ge3 and TbRh5Ge3 compounds are Curie–Weiss paramagnets down to 5 K.  相似文献   

The nature of the magnetic ordering of Tb4Sb3 compound (Th3P4-type, cubic; cI28, space group , No. 220, a = 0.91518(7) nm) has been investigated by using the techniques of magnetization and neutron diffraction. AC and DC magnetisation measurements indicate antiferromagnetic ordering at 108 K in zero magnetic field that is accompanied by a field-induced metamagnetic transition to a ferromagnetic state, in fields above 0.3 T. Neutron diffraction experiment in zero applied magnetic field shows that below TN = 112(4) K Tb4Sb3 exhibits an antiferromagnetic flat spiral-type ordering with propagation vector K1 = [±1/8, ±1/8, ±1/8]. The magnetic moment of Tb atoms is found to be MTb = 6.7(3) μB at 80 K. The magnetic moment of Tb atoms lie in the (1 1 1) plane of Tb4Sb3 unit cell (the cone axis arranges along [1 1 1] direction with cone angle β = 90°). Below TN2  50 K, Tb4Sb3 shows second antiferromagnetic transition with K2 = [1/2, 1/2, 1/2] with possible re-orientation of Tb magnetic moments.  相似文献   

Structural studies were performed for the ternary RIr3B2 compounds (R=Ce and Pr) from as cast samples. The crystal structure of the ternary boride CeIr3B2 (CeCo3B2 structure type, space group P6/mmm, a=5.520(3) Å, c=3.066(2) Å, Z=1, V=80.91 Å3, ρx=15.154 g cm−3) was refined to R1=0.0470, wR2=0.1240 from single-crystal X-ray diffraction data. The new ternary boride PrIr3B2 was found to be isostructural with the CeIr3B2 compound. Its lattice parameters a=5.5105(2) Å, c=3.1031(1) Å were obtained from a Rietveld refinement of X-ray powder diffraction data.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of binary germanides R3Ge4 (R Er, Ho, Tm, Lu) has been determined by means of powder X-ray diffraction. For Er3Ge4 a full-structure determination has been performed using the Rietveld method (306 reflections, space group Cmcm,

). The location of the atoms in Er3Ge4 is similar to that in the W3CoB3 structure, with the Ge atoms substituting for Co and B. For the other R3Ge4 compounds (RHo, Tm and Lu) the lattice parameters are given.  相似文献   

The phase transitions of the RCo2 (R=Er, Ho and Dy) compounds are of first-order type and a metamagnetic transition is observed above the Curie temperature. Owing to their large magnetic entropy change, the RCo2 compounds are competitive candidates as the working substance for magnetic refrigeration. In this paper we discuss the origin of this large magnetic entropy change.  相似文献   

The crystal and magnetic structures of HoCoSi and TbCoGe were determined by neutron diffraction on polycrystalline samples. Both compounds exhibit the orthorhombic TiNiSi-type of crystal structure and order magnetically, at low temperatures. In HoCoSi at T = 1.7 K magnetic moments of holmium atoms form a conical spiral. It transforms with increasing temperature into a ferromagnetic structure. The Curie point of HoCoSi is 13 K. The magnetic moment of the Ho3+ ion is 6.5(1) μB at 1.7 K. In TbCoGe, a noncollinear ferromagnetic F1Cz and a sine-modulated ordering are present at 1.5 K. The former disappears at 17.5 K and the latter at 20.5 K, which is the Néel point of TbCoGe. The magnetic moment localized on the Tb3+ ion at 1.5 K amounts to 8.9(1) μB in a noncollinear ferromagnetic phase and 1.5(2) in a modulated phase.  相似文献   

A neutron diffraction investigation has been performed on the Ho5Si3 and Ho5Ge3 compounds (hexagonal Mn5Si3-type, hP16, P63/mcm) to study their magnetic structure. The results prove that these intermetallic phases show a complex sine-modulated type magnetic ordering, both presenting on cooling two subsequent antiferromagnetic orderings (TN1 and TN2).Between TN1 = 24(2) and TN2 = 16(4) K Ho5Si3 shows a first antiferromagnetic ordering of the sine-modulated type with a propagation vector K1 = [0, 0, ±0.284(1)]; then, below TN2 the sine-modulated type ordering is conserved, but by the two propagation vectors K1 = [0, 0, ±0.2773(7)] and K2 = [±1/5, ±1/5, 0].For Ho5Ge3, between TN1 = 27(2) and TN2 = 18(4) K, the sine-modulated ordering is realized through the propagation vectors K1 = [0, 0, ±3/10] and K2 = [0, 1/2, 0], whilst below TN2 the ordering takes place with propagation vectors K1 = [0, 0, ±3/10], K2 = [0, 1/2, 0], K3 = [0, 0, ±2/5] and K4 = [±1/5, ±1/5, 0]. For both the Ho5Si3 and Ho5Ge3 compounds, the dimensions of the magnetic unit cell are 5a × 5a × 10c times the crystal unit cell of Mn5Si3-type.  相似文献   

Using X-ray powder and single crystal diffraction, the crystal structures of the Nd(Ru0.6Ge0.4)2 and ErRuGe compounds were investigated. The compounds belong to the KHg2 and TiNiSi type structure, respectively.  相似文献   

The crystal structures of the R2Pd2Pb (R=Y, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, and Lu) compounds were determined using X-ray powder diffraction. The investigated compounds crystallize with Mo2FeB2 structure type (space group P4/mbm, Pearson code tP10). The importance of stabilization by polar intermetallic R–Pd bonding is underscored by a bonding analysis derived from electronic band structure calculations.  相似文献   

Neutron diffraction and magnetization measurements have been performed on the Tb5Si3 compound (hexagonal Mn5Si3-type, hP16, P63/mcm) to understand its magnetic structure and magnetic properties. The temperature-dependent neutron diffraction results prove that this intermetallic phase shows a complex flat spiral magnetic ordering, presenting three subsequent changes in magnetization at on cooling. However, the magnetization data depict two transitions at 72 K (TN1) and 55 K (TN2). The extended temperature range between and over which the neutron diffraction patterns slowly evolve might correspond to the high-temperature antiferromagnetic transition at TN1 and low-temperature antiferromagnetic transition at TN2 of the magnetic data. Between Tb5Si3 shows a flat spiral antiferromagnetic ordering with a propagation vector K1 = [0,0, ±1/4]; then, between the flat spiral type ordering is conserved, but by two coexisting propagation vectors K1 = [0,0, ±1/4] and K2 = [0,0, ±0.4644(3)]. The terbium magnetic moments arrange in the XY(ab) plane of the unit cell. Below the magnetic component with K1 = [0,0, ±1/4] vanishes and magnetic structure of Tb5Si3 is a flat spiral with K2 = [0,0, ±0.4644(3)], only. Low field magnetization measurements confirm the occurrence of complex, multiple magnetic transitions. The field dependence of the magnetization indicates a metamagnetic transition at a critical field of 3 T.  相似文献   

The HfFe6Ge6-type RMn6Sn6−xXx′ solid solutions (R=Tb, Dy, X′=Ga, In; x≤1.4) have been studied by powder magnetization measurements. All the series are characterized by ferrimagnetic ordering and by a decrease in Curie temperatures with the substitution (ΔTcx≈−39 K for X′=Ga and ΔTcx≈−75 K for X′=In). The RMn6Sn6−xGax systems are characterized by a strong decrease in the spin reorientation temperature with substitution (ΔTtx≈−191 K and −78 K for R=Tb and Dy, respectively) while this transition almost does not change in systems containing indium. The coercive fields drastically decrease with the substitution in the TbMn6Sn6−xGax system while the substitution of In for Sn has a weaker effect. The coercive fields of the Dy compounds do not vary greatly with the substitution in both series. The behaviour of the TbMn6Sn6−xGax is compared with the evolutions observed in the TmMn6Sn6−xGax series. This comparison strongly suggests that the replacement of Sn by Ga changes the sign of the A02 crystal field parameter.  相似文献   

The structure, magnetization and magnetostriction of Laves phase compound TbCo2 are investigated by temperature dependent high resolution neutron powder diffraction. The compound crystallizes in the cubic Laves phase C15 structure above its Curie temperature TC and exhibits a rhombohedral distortion (space group ) below TC. By an appropriate extrapolation of the temperature factor of Co atom above TC, the Rietveld refinement of the neutron powder diffraction data of the rhombohedral structure converges satisfactorily and reveals that the moments of Co1(3b) and Co2(9e) are almost equal. Tb moment follows well the Brillouin function. The total magnetic moment of TbCo2 is about 5.8μB/f.u., the anisotropic magnetostriction constant λ111 is about 4.6 × 10−3 and the volume magnetostriction ωs is about 8.7 × 10−3 at 14 K.  相似文献   

Subsequent magnetic transitions were recently reported for the CeScSi-type RScGe (R = rare earth) equiatomic intermetallic compounds. The compounds TbScGe and NdScGe order ferromagnetically at TC = 216 K and TC = 200 K, respectively whereas PrScGe orders antiferromagnetically at TN = 140 K. In addition, PrScGe demonstrates two other magnetic transitions at TC1 = 88 K and TC2 = 80 K in an applied field of 5 kOe. An investigation by neutron diffraction has been now carried out on these phases in an attempt to solve the magnetic structures corresponding to each ordering, and in this article the results obtained are reported. Below the Curie point, the magnetic structure of TbScGe and NdScGe is collinear ferromagnetic. The magnetic moment of Tb atoms coincides with the Z-axis of CeScSi-type unit cell (MTb = 8.63μB at 2 K), whereas the magnetic moment of Nd atoms has the θ = 52(2)° angle with Z-axis (MNd = 3.53(2)μB at 2 K). Below the Néel temperature, TN = 140 K the magnetic structure of PrScGe consists of antiferromagnetic (0 0 2) rare-earth double layers with magnetic moments of the rare earth atoms collinearly ordered. The magnetic moments of Pr atoms (MPr = 1.72(3)μB at 100 K) have the θ = 62(2)° angle with the Z-axis. Between TC1 = 82 K and TC2 = 62 K the conversion of the commensurate antiferromagnetic collinear type structure to the ferrimagnetic collinear type structure with propagation vector K = [0, 0, 1/2] was observed: the magnetic moments of Pr double layers became sine modulated along the Z-axis. Below TC2 = 62 K the magnetic structure of PrScGe compound consists of ferrimagnetic (0 0 1/2) layers (amplitude of Pr magnetic moment MPr = 3.31(9)μB at 5 K).  相似文献   

The REFe6Sn4Ge2 (RE = Y, Gd–Er) compounds have been synthesized and studied by powder X-ray diffraction and magnetisation measurements. These compounds crystallize in the hexagonal HfFe6Ge6 structure although the parent ternary compounds REFe6X6 (X = Ge, Sn) display more complicated orthorhombic crystal structure. This evolution is discussed and interpreted on the basis of the relaxation of some RE–X contacts in the quaternary compounds. The iron sublattice order antiferromagnetically above room temperature (554 ≤ TN ≤ 560 K) while the paramagnetic RE compounds display a second transition at low temperature (7.3 ≤ Tt ≤ 42.7 K). The magnetisation versus field curves display a metamagnetic behaviour at 4.2 K. The corresponding value of the magnetisation suggests a non-collinear ordering of the RE sublattice.  相似文献   

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