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Oligomannopeptoids from the dimer to the hexamer were produced by solid phase synthesis and their abilities to bind to concanavalin A (ConA) were assessed. The assessment indicated similarity between the oligomannopeptoids and the naturally occurring oligomannosides in the enthalpy of the binding and the valence number vs binding strength relationship, encouraging the use of the oligomannopeptoids as oligomannoside mimics.  相似文献   

Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus causes a chronic demyelinating disease in susceptible strains of mice that is similar to human multiple sclerosis. Several nonmajor histocompatibility complex-linked genes have been implicated as determinants of susceptibility or resistance to either demyelination or virus persistence. In this study, we used linkage analysis of major histocompatibility complex identical H-2d (DBA/2J x B10.D2) F2 intercross mice to identify loci associated with susceptibility to virus-induced demyelinating disease. In a 20-cM region on chromosome 14, we identified four markers, D14Mit54, D14Mit60, D14Mit61, and D14Mit90 that are significantly associated with demyelination. Because two peaks were identified, one near D14Mit54 and one near D14Mit90, it is possible that two loci in this region are involved in controlling demyelination.  相似文献   

Lung cancers occur more commonly in the upper lobes than in the lower lobes, but its pathophysiologic basis is not well understood. Because numerous studies have reported a consistent inverse relationship between lung cancer risk and intake of certain vegetables and fruits, we hypothesized that the balance between diet-derived protective substances delivered via the circulation and cigarette-derived carcinogenic substances delivered via the airways would be less favorable in the upper lobes compared with the lower lobes, hence accounting for the upper lobe predominance of tumors among smokers. Thus, we examined the association between diet and tumor location in 328 patients with lung cancer. The ratio of upper to lower lobe tumors was 2.5:1.0. In univariate analysis, age, height, weight, sex, race, family history of cancer, education level, tumor histology, calories consumed per day, and intake of animal fat did not differ significantly between patients with upper versus lower lobe tumors. Predictors of tumor location in univariate analysis were family history of lung cancer; smoking history; history of asbestos exposure; and intakes of yellow-orange vegetables, alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, and vitamins A, C, and E. In multivariable logistic regression analysis, the independent predictors of upper lobe tumor location were family history of lung cancer (p = 0.03), history of asbestos exposure (p = 0.02), less intake of yellow-orange vegetables (p < 0.04), and less intake of vitamin E (p = 0.05). Our results show a strong inverse association between upper lobe location of lung cancer and intake of yellow-orange vegetables and vitamin E.  相似文献   

Mitotic lineage has been found to determine the cellular identity of leech neurons (reviewed in Stent et al., 1992), Int. Rev. Neurobiol. 33:109-133. However, the details of the adult phenotype of many neurons in the central nervous system of the leech have been shown to be shaped by interactions either with other neurons or with non-neuronal tissues in the environment. Four effects of cell-cell interactions will be considered in this article: stimulation of mitosis that generates new neurons, modulation of cell death or axonal retraction, modification of neurotransmitter metabolism, and modification of other physiological properties. In all cases, the interactions that modify development are thought to occur at a location distant from the soma, requiring that signals be transmitted a significant distance from the site of interaction to the metabolic machinery in the soma.  相似文献   

The actin assembly-regulating activity of actin depolymerizing factor (ADF)/ cofilin is inhibited by phosphorylation. Studies were undertaken to characterize the signaling pathways and phosphatases involved in activating phosphorylated ADF (pADF), emphasizing signals related to neuronal process extension. Western blots using antibodies to ADF and cofilin, as well as an ADF/cofilin phosphoepitope-specific antibody characterized in this paper, were used to measure changes in the phosphorylation state and phosphate turnover of ADF/cofilin in response to inhibitors and agents known to influence growth cone motility. Increases in both [Ca2+]i and cAMP levels induced rapid pADF dephosphorylation in HT4 and cortical neurons. Calcium-dependent dephosphorylation depended on the activation of protein phosphatase 2B (PP2B), while cAMP-dependent dephosphorylation was likely through activation of PP1. Growth factors such as NGF and insulin also induced rapid pADF/pcofilin dephosphorylation, with NGF-stimulated dephosphorylation in PC12 cells correlated with the translocation of ADF/cofilin to ruffling membranes. Of special interest was the finding that the rate of phosphate turnover on both pADF and pcofilin could be enhanced by growth factors without changing net pADF levels, demonstrating that growth factors can activate bifurcating pathways that promote both phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of ADF/cofilin. All experimental results indicated that dynamics of phosphorylation on ADF and cofilin are coordinately regulated. Signals that decreased pADF levels are associated with increased process extension, while agents that increased pADF levels, such as lysophosphatidic acid, inhibit process extension. These data indicate that dephosphorylation/activation of pADF is a significant response to the activation of signal pathways that regulate actin dynamics and alter cell morphology and neuronal outgrowth.  相似文献   

5-Thiomannose-containing oligomannoside mimics, 5SMan alpha(1,6)Man, 5SMan alpha(1,3)Man, 5SMan alpha(1,6)?Man alpha(1,3)Man?, Man alpha(1,6)?5SMan alpha(1,3)Man?, and 5SMan alpha(1,6)?5SMan alpha(1,3)Man?, were synthesized. Dissociation constants for the binding of these mimics to concanavalin A (ConA) were determined by a fluorescence anisotropy inhibition assay. Comparison of these data with those of the natural oligomannosides and with a crystal structure of the trimannoside-ConA complex established that replacing a ring oxygen atom with a sulfur atom causes about 1 kcal/mol decrease in the binding free energy when the ring oxygen is recognized with a hydrogen bonding.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to assess the alteration in serum free fatty acid concentrations during heat stress and dehydration. Each subject was exposed to heat stress in an environment chamber on 2 separate occasions. During the first exposure the subjects remained seated until the core temperature was elevated 1.4degreesC resulting in a mean weight loss of 1.66 kg due to dehydration. The second condition involved water replacement equal to the weight loss of the initial dehydration condition. Blood samples were obtained prior to heat exposure, when the core temperature was elevated 0.7degreesC and 1.4degreesC. They were subsequently analyzed for free fatty acids (FFA), glucose and lactin acid. Heart rates and core temperatures were monitored at 4 min intervals. During the dehydration condition the mean change in serum FFA was 0.9 muEq/ml in contrast to 0.2 muEq/ml for the rehydration condition. Serum levels of glucose increased moderately throughout the exposure (8 mg-%).  相似文献   

We recently identified a 28-kDa protein in the intestinal brush border that resembled tropomyosin in terms of size, homology, and alpha helical content. This protein contained 27 heptad repeats, nearly all of which began with leucine, leading to its name zipper protein. Subsequent analysis, however, indicated that both a 49-kDa and a 28-kDa immunoreactive protein existed in intestinal brush-border extracts. Using 5'-rapid amplification of cDNA ends analysis, we extended the N-terminal sequence of zipper protein to the apparent translation start site. This additional sequence contained a putative transmembrane domain and two potential tryptic cleavage sites C-terminal to the transmembrane domain which would release a 28-kDa cytoplasmic protein if utilized. The additional sequence was highly homologous to members of the B-G protein family, a family with no known function. Immunoelectron microscopy showed that zipper protein was confined to the membrane of the microvillus where it was in close association with brush-border myosin 1 (BBM1). Recombinant zipper protein (28-kDa cytoplasmic portion) blocked the binding of actin to BBM1 and inhibited actin-stimulated BBM1 ATPase activity. In contrast, zipper protein had no effect on endogenous or K/EDTA-stimulated BBM1 ATPase activity. Furthermore, zipper protein displaced tropomyosin from binding to actin, suggesting that these homologous proteins bind to the same sites on the actin molecule. We conclude that zipper protein is a transmembrane protein of the B-G family localized to the intestinal epithelial cell microvillus. The extended cytoplasmic tail either in the intact molecule or after tryptic cleavage may participate in regulating the binding and, thus, activation of BBM1 by actin in a manner similar to tropomyosin.  相似文献   

The kinetics of saccharide binding to the treatment form of concanavalin A have been studies at pH 7.2 with the temperature-jump method. 4-Methylumbelliferyl alpha-D-mannopyranoside was used as a ligand; its fluorescence is totally quenched upon binding. A single relaxation of ligand fluorescence (tau = 20-400 ms) was observed and was investigated at three different temperatures, using kinetic titration and dilution types of experiments. The concentration dependence of the relaxation time and amplitude was consistent with a single-step bimolecular association and independent binding sites. In the temperature range 13-24 degrees C the association and dissociation rate parameters are in the range (6-10) X 10(4) M-1 s-1 and (1.4-3.2)s-1 respectively, corresponding to activation energies for the forward and reverse reactions equal to approx. 13 and 8 kcal/mol (54 and 33 kJ/mol) respectively. Two additional relaxations of protein fluorescence (3 ms and larger than 1 s at 25 degrees C) were unaffected by carbohydrate binding. Tetrameric concanavalin A shows carbohydrate binding parameters that are almost identical to those of native or derivatized dimeric concanavalin A.  相似文献   

Quantitative estimates of cancer risk generally involve low-dose extrapolation based on an exponential dose-response model for dichotomous response data. Frequently more than one data set is available. If a careful analysis of the biological issues indicates that more than one of the available data sets could be used in the quantitative estimate of cancer risk, it is reasonable to think of combining the data. Before combining data, however, it would be prudent to test whether the data sets are compatible with a common dose-response model. If they are not, it could be concluded that an underlying biological factor is responsible. If they are statistically compatible, the decision to combine data sets based on biological issues would be reinforced. A statistical test based on the generalized likelihood ratio method is proposed for evaluating the compatibility of different data sets with a common dose-response model. This method of constructing a statistical test and the associated asymptotic theory is consistent with the approach used by GLOBAL86 (R. B. Howe, K. S. Crump, and C. Van Landingham, GLOBAL86: A Computer Program to Extrapolate Quantal Animal Toxicity Data to Low Doses, K. S. Crump & Co., Ruston, LA, 1986) for estimating the confidence limits that are used as a basis for quantitative estimates.  相似文献   

The response of cultured peripheral blood lymphocytes from cattle affected with bovine leukosis and from animals free of detectable leukosis to the nonspecific mitogen Concanavalin A ws determined by the measurement of 3H-thymidine incorporation. The stimulatory effect of the mitogen was significantly decreased in leukotic lymphocytes in comparison with normal lymphocytes. This depression was dependent on the severity of the disease. Leukotic lymphocytes showed high basal levels of spontaneous thymidine uptake possibly due to their low maturity. It is suggested that leukotic lymphocytes are not stimulated by Concanavalin A because of their B cell characteristics. A residual cell population of normal reacting lymphocytes--enriched by nylon wool column fractionation--is probably responsible for the remaining but weak in vitro reaction of leukotic lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The E2A gene products, E12 and E47, are critical for proper early B-cell development and commitment to the B-cell lineage. Here we reveal a new role for E2A in T-lymphocyte development. Loss of E2A activity results in a partial block at the earliest stage of T-lineage development. This early T-cell phenotype precedes the development of a T-cell lymphoma which occurs between 3 and 9 months of age. The thymomas are monoclonal and highly malignant and display a cell surface phenotype similar to that of immature thymocytes. In addition, the thymomas generally express high levels of c-myc. As assayed by comparative genomic hybridization, each of the tumor populations analyzed showed a nonrandom gain of chromosome 15, which contains the c-myc gene. Taken together, the data suggest that the E2A gene products play a role early in thymocyte development that is similar to their function in B-lineage determination. Furthermore, the lack of E2A results in development of T-cell malignancies, and we propose that E2A inactivation is a common feature of a wide variety of human T-cell proliferative disorders, including those involving the E2A heterodimeric partners tal-1 and lyl-1.  相似文献   

Smokers' self-efficacy appraisals strongly predict smoking outcomes. However, the cognitive structures that regulate smokers' self-efficacy appraisals have not yet been identified. Knowledge of such structures could assist in designing treatments that target self-efficacy appraisals to improve smoking outcomes. This study evaluated whether 2 abstinence-related self-schemas, the abstainer ideal- and abstainer ought-possible selves, regulated self-efficacy to resist smoking when smokers were exposed to provocative smoking cues. Craving responses to the cues were a secondary outcome. Cognitively priming both of these abstainer selves increased self-efficacy and decreased craving compared with when a smoking-related self-schema was cognitively primed under the same provocative cue conditions. Higher levels of self-efficacy were consistently associated with decreased craving. These results have both theoretical and clinical implications for smoking cessation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The trithorax group gene brahma (brm) encodes the ATPase subunit of a chromatin-remodeling complex involved in homeotic gene regulation. We report here that brm interacts with another trithorax group gene, osa, to regulate the expression of the Antennapedia P2 promoter. Regulation of Antennapedia by BRM and OSA proteins requires sequences 5' to the P2 promoter. Loss of maternal osa function causes severe segmentation defects, indicating that the function of osa is not limited to homeotic gene regulation. The OSA protein contains an ARID domain, a DNA-binding domain also present in the yeast SWI1 and Drosophila DRI proteins. We propose that the OSA protein may target the BRM complex to Antennapedia and other regulated genes.  相似文献   

Lipoproteins are particles that contribute to overall metabolic homeostasis by transporting hydrophobic lipids in the blood plasma to and from different tissues in the body. Very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) is the principal vehicle for the transport of endogenous triglyceride (TG), and, ultimately, through its metabolic product, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), of cholesterol as well. It is synthesized mainly in hepatocytes, with small amounts also being produced by enterocytes in the fasting state. The mechanism of VLDL assembly is complex and is regulated at different levels by a variety of factors. The main structural protein of VLDL is called apolipoprotein B-100 (Apo B). Apo B formation and degradation therefore represent two major points of regulation of VLDL secretion. Hepatic levels of lipids such as phosphatidylcholine (PC), cholesteryl ester (CE), fatty acids (FA), and TG also affect VLDL synthesis. There are different views as to the specific mechanism by which each lipid class affects VLDL particle formation. In general, PC appears to promote the translocation of apo B from the cytosol to the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum, a step that is crucial in the early stages of VLDL assembly. Apo B degradation is suppressed, and therefore VLDL secretion is enhanced, in the presence of elevated CE levels. For TG to be incorporated into the lipoprotein, it requires the action of a protein called microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTP). MTP might have a preference for TG comprised of FA with a certain degree of saturation. It becomes apparent that changes in diet that are accompanied by variations in the type of fats that are ingested affect VLDL formation and secretion. Regulation also occurs post-prandially in response to elevations in plasma insulin levels. Acute elevations in insulin inhibit VLDL secretion by promoting the degradation of apo B. This action is consistent with insulin's anabolic properties as it allows for the hepatic storage of lipid rather than for its distribution in VLDL to other tissues for fuel. Many studies have attempted to unravel the mechanisms of VLDL formation and secretion. The fact that so many factors are involved complicates the issue. The purpose of this article is to describe the relationship between different factors involved in VLDL assembly and secretion so that a better understanding of its metabolic regulation may be achieved.  相似文献   

A mechanistic approach to antiepileptic drug interactions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVE: To describe the primary types of antiepileptic drug (AED) interactions by using a mechanistic approach. DATA SOURCES: A literature search was performed using MEDLINE and bibliographies of recent review articles and published abstracts. DISCUSSION: AEDs are associated with a wide range of drug interactions, including hepatic enzyme induction and inhibition and protein-binding displacement. Hepatic induction by AEDs affects the metabolism of a limited number of drugs with low therapeutic indices. Anticipation of induction interactions and careful clinical monitoring may alleviate potential problems. Most commonly used AEDs are eliminated through hepatic metabolism catalyzed by the cytochrome P450 (CYP) and uridine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) enzymes. Phenytoin, phenobarbital, and carbamazepine induce CYP and UGT enzymes. Lamotrigine is a weak inducer of UGT. Valproate is a broad-spectrum inhibitor of UGT enzymes, epoxide hydrolase, and CYP2C enzymes. Felbamate induces CYP3A4, but inhibits CYP2C19 substrates. Topiramate inhibits only CYP2C19 substrates. Ethosuximide, gabapentin, tiagabine, and vigabatrin are neither inducers nor inhibitors of drug metabolism. Hepatic enzyme inhibition usually occurs because of competition at the enzyme site. Knowledge of the specific metabolic enzymes involved in the metabolism of AEDs allows clinicians to predict potential interactions. CONCLUSIONS: By understanding the mechanisms of drug interactions, the pharmacist can play a key role in patient care by anticipating and preventing AED drug interactions.  相似文献   

Concanavalin A aggregated gel-filtered platelets in 0.9% NaCl solution signifying cross-bridging by the lectin. Aggregation of these platelets by concanavalin A was temperature dependent; it did not occur at 0-4 degrees C unless the platelets were previously trypsinized. The level of aggregation of trypsinized platelets by concanavalin A at 0-4 degrees C was similar to that of untreated platelets at 37 degrees C. It is suggested that trypsin facilitates platelet aggregation by concanavalin A at 0-4 degrees C by causing a configurational change in membrane glycoproteins which orientates concanavalin A receptor sites into positions that favour lectin cross-bridging. Concanavalin A failed to aggregate platelets in plasma. Radioisotope studies showed that the amount of [3H]concanavalin A which combined with platelets in plasma was extremely low compared with gel-filtered platelets in saline. The aggregation of Ehrlich ascites cells by concanavalin A was considerably reduced when platelet-free plasma was added to the medium suggesting that it was due to the presence of concanavalin A-reactive components in the plasma. Concanavalin A inhibited the ADP-induced aggregation of platelets suspended in plasma or in a salts solution supplemented with calcium and fibrinogen, although the inhibitory effect was more conspicuous in the latter case. The results suggests that concanavalin A produces its inhibitory effect on ADP-induced platelet aggregation by interacting with membrane glycoproteins, and this further suggests their involvement in aggregation.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate the effectiveness of adding interferon (IFN) alfa-2b to chemotherapy in the induction treatment of low-grade non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL), and to assess the role of maintenance IFN. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A multicenter, two-phase controlled trial with double randomization was conducted in 155 patients with low-grade NHL. In the first randomization, 78 patients received cyclophosphamide, vincristine, and prednisone (CVP) and IFN, 3 MU/m2 three times a week for 3 months, and 77 patients received CVP alone. Responding patients were randomized to receive IFN for 1 year versus observation. RESULTS: Of 144 assessable patients, 73 received CVP + IFN and 71 received CVP. Responses were similar: CVP + IFN 79% versus CVP 76% (P = .62). The number of patients who did not complete the treatment was higher in the CVP + IFN group than in the CVP group (18% v 4%; P = .009), although the received dose-intensity of chemotherapy was comparable. Duration of response and progression-free survival (PFS) were significantly higher in the CVP + IFN group than in the CVP group (P = .0004). However, we observed no differences in overall survival (OS) (P = .30), with a median follow-up for the surviving patients of 3 years. Grade 3/4 granulocytopenia was the most frequent toxicity and was similar in both groups (33% v32%). Eighty-three (74%) of the 112 responding patients were randomized to maintenance IFN or observation. The duration of response was similar between 42 patients that received IFN compared with 41 control patients (P = .83), independently of treatment previously administered. CONCLUSION: Adding IFN alfa-2b to induction CVP in low-grade NHL did not induce a higher response rate, but it significantly increased the duration of the responses. We found significant differences in PFS that favored the patients who received CVP + IFN, but not in OS. To date, no additional benefit has been seen from the administration of IFN for maintenance.  相似文献   

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