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Objectives were to assess reproductive and productive outcomes associated with failure of clinical cure in dairy cows diagnosed with metritis following antimicrobial therapy. This retrospective cohort study included data from 3 experiments performed in 5 dairies. Metritis was characterized by the presence of watery, fetid, reddish-brownish vaginal discharge within 21 DIM (study d 0). Cows not diagnosed with metritis (i.e., cows may have had other diseases postpartum; NoMT; n = 1,194) were paired based on lactation number and calving date. All cows with metritis received antimicrobial therapy (ampicillin or ceftiofur). Clinical cure was evaluated on d 10 based on vaginal discharge score, and cows were categorized as cured (MTC; n = 1,111) or not cured (MTnoC; n = 299). Purulent vaginal discharge (28 ± 3 or 32 ± 3 DIM), cytological endometritis (35 ± 3 or 39 ± 3 DIM), and estrous cyclicity (50 ± 3 and 64 ± 3, 36 ± 3 and 50 ± 3, or 37 ± 5 and 51 ± 5 DIM) were evaluated in subgroups of cows. Proportions of cows with purulent vaginal discharge and cytological endometritis were greatest for MTnoC (91.7 and 91.4%), intermediate for MTC (74.0 and 73.3%), and smallest for NoMT (38.1 and 36.4%). Proportion of cyclic cows was smaller for MTnoC compared with MTC and NoMT (62.0, 71.0, and 71.0%). Pregnancy per artificial insemination following first service was smaller for cows with metritis compared with their counterparts with no metritis (NoMT = 28.1, MTC = 26.1, MTnoC = 22.0%). Pregnancy loss tended to be greater for MTnoC compared with MTC (NoMT = 11.5, MTC = 11.1, MTnoC = 18.4%). Hazard of pregnancy by 300 DIM was smallest for MTnoC, intermediate for MTC, and greatest for NoMT. Death by 60 DIM (3.9, 1.1, and 0.6%) and removal from herd by 300 DIM (26.3, 17.4, and 15.4%) were greatest for MTnoC compared with MTC and NoMT, respectively. Milk production among multiparous cows was smaller for MTnoC compared with MTC and NoMT in the first 10 mo postpartum, whereas MTC produced less milk compared with NoMT only during the first 2 mo postpartum (NoMT = 42.0 ± 0.22, MTC = 40.6 ± 0.28, MTnoC = 37.7 ± 0.54 kg/d). Failure of clinical cure was not associated with milk yield in primiparous cows (NoMT = 35.2 ± 0.31, MTC = 33.9 ± 0.31, MTnoC = 35.0 ± 0.52 kg/d). Cows diagnosed with metritis that do not undergo clinical cure by 10 d of onset of antimicrobial therapy have impaired reproductive performance, reduced milk production, and increased risk of leaving the herd.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2019,102(12):11786-11797
Until 2010, our knowledge of the uterine microbiome in cows that developed uterine disease relied almost exclusively on culture-dependent studies and mostly included cows with clinical endometritis (i.e., with purulent uterine discharge). Those studies consistently found a strong positive correlation between Trueperella pyogenes and clinical endometritis, whereas other pathogens such as Escherichia coli, Fusobacterium necrophorum, Prevotella melaninogenica, and Bacteroides spp. were also commonly cocultured. In contrast, Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp., and Bacillus spp. were usually isolated from healthy cows. Starting in 2010, culture-independent studies using PCR explored the microbiome of cows with metritis and clinical endometritis, and observed that E. coli was a pioneer pathogen that predisposed cows to infection with F. necrophorum, which was strongly associated with metritis, and to infection with T. pyogenes, which was strongly associated with clinical endometritis. Starting in 2011, culture-independent studies using metagenomic sequencing expanded our knowledge of the uterine microbiome. It has been shown that cows have bacteria in the uterus even before calving, they have an established uterine microbiome within 20 min of calving, and that the microbiome structure is identical between cows that develop metritis and healthy cows until 2 d postpartum, after which the bacterial structure of cows that developed metritis deviates in favor of greater relative abundance of Bacteroidetes and Fusobacteria and lesser relative abundance of Proteobacteria and Tenericutes. The shift in the uterine microbiome in cows that develop metritis is characterized by a loss of heterogeneity and a decrease in bacterial richness. At the genus level, Bacteroides, Porphyromonas, and Fusobacterium have the strongest association with metritis. At the species level, we observed that Bacteroides pyogenes, Porphyromonas levii, and Helcococcus ovis were potential emerging uterine pathogens. Finally, we have shown that the hematogenous route is a viable route of uterine infection with uterine pathogens. Herein, we propose that metritis is associated with a dysbiosis of the uterine microbiota characterized by decreased richness, and an increase in Bacteroidetes and Fusobacteria, particularly Bacteroides, Porphyromonas, and Fusobacterium.  相似文献   

The objective of the current study was to evaluate the effect of GnRH early postpartum on induction of ovulation, uterine health, and fertility in dairy cows. Holstein cows without a corpus luteum (CL) at 17 ± 3 DIM were assigned randomly to receive i.m. GnRH (n = 245) at 17 ± 3 and 20 ± 3 DIM or remain as controls (n = 245). Ovaries were scanned by ultrasonography twice weekly totaling 4 examinations. Ovulation was characterized by the appearance of a CL ≥20 mm at any ultrasound or CL <20 mm in 2 consecutive examinations. Clinical and cytological endometritis were diagnosed at 35 DIM. Compared with control, GnRH increased ovulation up to 3.5 d after the last treatment (78.7 vs. 45.0%) and did not affect the prevalence of clinical endometritis (23.9 vs. 18.6%) or cytological endometritis (30.9 vs. 32.8%). Prevalence of clinical endometritis increased in cows that had calving problems (32.6 vs. 15.9%) and metritis (40.6 vs. 15.8%). Metritis increased prevalence of cytological endometritis (50.7 vs. 23.5%). Treatment with GnRH did not affect pregnancy per artificial insemination at 32 (37.6 vs. 38.6%) or 74 d after artificial insemination (35.0 vs. 31.5%), but reduced pregnancy loss (6.8 vs. 18.1%). No overall effect of GnRH treatment on hazard of pregnancy was observed; however, an interaction between GnRH treatment and ovulation showed that GnRH-treated cows that ovulated had increased hazard of pregnancy by 300 DIM compared with GnRH-treated and control cows that did not ovulate (hazard ratio = 2.0 and 1.3, respectively), but similar to control cows that ovulated (hazard ratio = 1.1). Gonadotropin-releasing hormone early postpartum induced ovulation without affecting uterine health, but failed to improve pregnancy per artificial insemination or time to pregnancy, although it reduced pregnancy loss.  相似文献   

The objective was to quantify the effect of postpartum uterine diseases on milk production and culling. Data from 2,178 Holstein cows in 6 herds enrolled in a randomized clinical trial were used. Milk production data from the first 4 Dairy Herd Improvement Association (DHIA) test-days and culling data from farm records were collected. Retained placenta (RP; ≥24 h after parturition) and metritis [≤20 d in milk (DIM)] were diagnosed by farm managers using standardized definitions. Farms were visited weekly and cows were examined at 35 and 56 (±3) DIM using endometrial cytology (cytobrush device), vaginal discharge scoring (Metricheck device), and measurement of cervical diameter by transrectal palpation. Diagnostic criteria for cytological endometritis (CYTO) and purulent vaginal discharge (PVD) were established based on a detrimental effect on subsequent reproduction. Statistical analyses were performed using linear mixed models, logistic regression models, and Cox proportional hazard models, accounting for the effects of experimental treatments and herd clustering. Milk production and culling were the outcomes. Primiparous and multiparous cows were modeled separately for milk production. Milk production of primiparous cows was unaffected by uterine diseases. The effect of metritis on milk production was variable over time in multiparous cows: it decreased production per cow by 3.7 kg at the first DHIA test, but was not different at later tests. Retained placenta decreased milk production by 2.6 kg/d in multiparous cows through the first 4 DHIA tests. The projected effects of metritis and RP in multiparous cows were reductions of 259 kg and 753 kg over 305 DIM, respectively; these effects were additive. Neither CYTO nor PVD affected milk production. Culling risks at 30 and 63 DIM were unaffected by RP and metritis. Culling hazard up to 300 DIM was unaffected by RP, metritis, CYTO, or PVD, whether or not pregnancy status, milk production, and displaced abomasum were accounted for. Uterine disease decreased pregnancy rate, which was a substantial risk factor for culling; however, if affected cows became pregnant they were not at greater risk of culling.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(2):1464-1474
Uterine diseases and heat stress (HS) are major challenges for the dairy cow. Heat stress alters host immune resilience, making cows more susceptible to the development of uterine disease. Although HS increases the incidence of uterine disease, the mechanisms by which this occurs are unclear. We hypothesize that evaporative cooling (CL) to alleviate HS in prepartum cows has carry-over effects on postpartum innate immunity. Nulliparous pregnant Holstein heifers were assigned to receive either forced CL that resulted in cool conditions (shade with water soakers and fans; n = 14) or to remain under HS conditions (barn shade only; n = 16) for 60 d prepartum. Postpartum, all cows were housed in a freestall barn equipped with shade, water soakers, and fans. Respiratory rate and rectal temperature during the prepartum period were greater in HS heifers compared with CL heifers, indicative of HS. Although milk production was decreased in HS cows compared with CL cows, the incidence of uterine disease and content of total or pathogenic bacteria in vaginal mucus on d 7 or d 21 postpartum was not affected by treatment. Whole blood was collected on d 21 and subjected to in vitro stimulation with lipopolysaccharide. Lipopolysaccharide-induced accumulation of IL-1β, IL-10, and MIP-1α was greater in blood collected from HS cows compared with CL cows. Our results imply that prepartum HS during late pregnancy has carry-over effects on postpartum innate immunity, which may contribute to the increased incidence of uterine disease observed in cows exposed to prepartum HS.  相似文献   

This study aimed to quantify the relationship between CH4 emission and fatty acids, volatile metabolites, and nonvolatile metabolites in milk of dairy cows fed forage-based diets. Data from 6 studies were used, including 27 dietary treatments and 123 individual observations from lactating Holstein-Friesian cows. These dietary treatments covered a large range of forage-based diets, with different qualities and proportions of grass silage and corn silage. Methane emission was measured in climate respiration chambers and expressed as production (g per day), yield (g per kg of dry matter intake; DMI), and intensity (g per kg of fat- and protein-corrected milk; FPCM). Milk samples were analyzed for fatty acids by gas chromatography, for volatile metabolites by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, and for nonvolatile metabolites by nuclear magnetic resonance. Dry matter intake was 15.9 ± 1.90 kg/d (mean ± SD), FPCM yield was 25.2 ± 4.57 kg/d, CH4 production was 359 ± 51.1 g/d, CH4 yield was 22.6 ± 2.31 g/kg of DMI, and CH4 intensity was 14.5 ± 2.59 g/kg of FPCM. The results show that changes in individual milk metabolite concentrations can be related to the ruminal CH4 production pathways. Several of these relationships were diet driven, whereas some were partly dependent on FPCM yield. Next, prediction models were developed and subsequently evaluated based on root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP), concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) analysis, and random 10-fold cross-validation. The best models with milk fatty acids (in g/100 g of fatty acids; MFA) alone predicted CH4 production, yield, and intensity with a RMSEP of 34 g/d, 2.0 g/kg of DMI, and 1.7 g/kg of FPCM, and with a CCC of 0.67, 0.44, and 0.75, respectively. The CH4 prediction potential of both volatile metabolites alone and nonvolatile metabolites alone was low, regardless of the unit of CH4 emission, as evidenced by the low CCC values (<0.35). The best models combining the 3 types of metabolites as selection variables resulted in the inclusion of only MFA for CH4 production and CH4 yield. For CH4 intensity, MFA, volatile metabolites, and nonvolatile metabolites were included in the prediction model. This resulted in a small improvement in prediction potential (CCC of 0.80; RMSEP of 1.5 g/kg of FPCM) relative to MFA alone. These results indicate that volatile and nonvolatile metabolites in milk contain some information to increase our understanding of enteric CH4 production of dairy cows, but that it is not worthwhile to determine the volatile and nonvolatile metabolites in milk to estimate CH4 emission of dairy cows. We conclude that MFA have moderate potential to predict CH4 emission of dairy cattle fed forage-based diets, and that the models can aid in the effort to understand and mitigate CH4 emissions of dairy cows.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(7):4860-4873
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the use of intravaginal probiotics prepartum on the incidence risk of metritis postpartum and conception risk after first artificial insemination (AI). A total of 606 Holstein cows were enrolled 3 wk before their expected calving date from 2 farms. Cows were randomly assigned to either receive a 2-mL dose of a combination of 3 lactic acid bacteria (probiotic treatment) washed with approximately 2 mL of a sterile saline solution, into the vaginal canal twice weekly until parturition, or no intervention (control). Metritis diagnoses were carried out on 6 and 12 d postpartum. Vaginal discharge and rectal temperature were assessed, and vaginal discharge was scored on a scale from 1 to 4, where 1 = clear and 4 = fetid, purulent discharge. Metritis was defined as cows having a vaginal discharge score of 4 with or without fever (rectal temperature ≥39.5°C) on either 6 or 12 d postpartum, or both. Cows were bred after a 60-d voluntary waiting period primarily via the detection of estrus using automated activity monitors; cows not found in estrus were enrolled onto timed AI protocols to receive first breeding before 100 DIM. Pregnancy diagnosis was carried out at d 35 ± 7 post-AI on both farms. Data were analyzed via ANOVA using linear mixed regression models and survival analysis using a Cox proportional hazard model. Total incidence risk of metritis was 23.7% and 34.4% on farm A and farm B, respectively. Overall, the incidence of metritis was not different between treatment groups (control: 41.6 ± 3.8%; probiotic: 38.6 ± 4.0%); however, an interaction by farm was detected, where the probiotic treatment reduced metritis on one farm but not on the other. Conception risk after first AI was not affected by treatment. However, we detected an interaction between parity and treatment, where multiparous cows receiving the probiotic treatment were more likely to become pregnant compared with multiparous cows within the control group (hazard ratio: 1.33; 95% confidence interval: 1.10–1.60); no effect of probiotic treatment was found on the hazard of pregnancy for primiparous cows. In addition, the probiotic treatment was associated with an increased proportion of cows being detected in estrus for the first AI postpartum. In conclusion, vaginal probiotic treatment applied during the 3 wk prepartum was associated with a decreased incidence of metritis on one farm but not the other, suggesting that farm management may be a key player influencing treatment efficacy. Overall, probiotic treatment was found to have only limited effects on fertility in the current study.  相似文献   

Metritis is a prevalent disease with effects on production, reproduction, and survival, thereby affecting dairy farm profitability. A component of the cost of metritis is antimicrobial therapy. Some antimicrobials result in milk withhold that adds to the cost of disease. The objectives were (1) to determine cost of metritis for 2 antimicrobial treatments using a herd budget that includes costs associated with incidence of concurrent diseases, milk production and reproduction losses, and removal from the herd and (2) to apply sensitivity analysis to determine the cost of different scenarios. Cows with metritis from a previous study assigned randomly to receive ampicillin (AMP, n = 259), an antimicrobial that requires milk withhold, or ceftiofur (CEFT, n = 269), an antimicrobial with no milk withhold, were used for the economic analysis. A group of cows with no metritis (NOMET, n = 268), matched by parity and calving day, served as the baseline for comparison. The incidence of other diseases in the first 60 d postpartum, culling and death, reproductive performance, discarded milk, milk yield, total milk sold per cow, and residual cow value were used as responses. The economic analysis considered the costs associated with therapy, reproductive management, discarded milk, estimated DM consumed, income from saleable milk, and the residual cow value at 300 d postpartum or earlier if the cow was removed from the herd. Sensitivity analyses were performed considering 3 scenarios for milk and feed prices. The incidence of diseases other than metritis (NOMET, 30.4%; AMP, 45.4%; CEFT, 34.0%) and days in the hospital (NOMET, 2.7 d; AMP, 8.6 d; CEFT, 3.5 d) were greater for cows treated with AMP than CEFT. Treatment did not affect the risk of leaving the herd (NOMET, 15.5%; AMP, 15.0%; CEFT, 19.1%). The 21-d pregnancy rate was lower for cows with metritis but did not differ between AMP and CEFT (NOMET, 24.9%; AMP, 18.9%; CEFT, 17.0%). Milk yield was greater for cows without metritis than those with metritis and greater for AMP than CEFT (NOMET, 33.7 kg/d; AMP, 32.5 kg/d; CEFT, 31.2 kg/d). Cost of metritis did not differ with choice of therapy, but it increased as milk price increased. When both milk and feed prices were the average values considered ($0.44/kg and $0.26/kg, respectively), the costs of a case of metritis for AMP and CEFT were, respectively, $344 and $410 when milk was discarded and $267 and $406 when milk was fed to calves. Cost of therapy for AMP and CEFT represented 16.6 and 24.6% of the total cost of metritis when milk was discarded and 21.5 and 24.8% of the total cost of metritis when milk was fed to calves. The largest component of cost of metritis for both therapies was the reduced income from milk minus feed cost, ranging from 40.0 to 56.7%. Collectively, metritis is an expensive disease, and choice of antimicrobial therapy did not influence survival, reproduction, or cost of the disease.  相似文献   

The objective was to investigate the economic effect of treating dairy cows with metritis using ceftiofur-free acid or leaving them untreated at the time of diagnosis. Cows with a fetid, watery, red-brownish vaginal discharge were diagnosed with metritis (d 0). Data from 875 dairy cows (506 primiparous and 369 multiparous) from 1 herd in northern Florida that had been part of a larger study evaluating different treatments for metritis were used for the economic analysis. Holstein cows with metritis had been randomly assigned to: Ceftiofur (CEF, n = 239) = subcutaneous injection of 6.6 mg/kg of ceftiofur crystalline-free acid in the base of the ear at d 0 and d 3; Untreated (UNT, n = 233) = no treatment applied at metritis diagnosis. Both groups could receive escape therapy if condition worsened. A group of nonmetritic healthy cows (NMET; n = 403) from the same cohort was randomly selected for comparison. Continuous outcomes such as 300-d milk production (kg/cow), milk sales ($/cow), cow sales ($/cow), treatment cost by 60 days in milk ($/cow), reproduction cost ($/cow), replacement cost ($/cow), feeding cost ($/cow), and gross profit per cow ($/cow) were analyzed using the ANOVA (MIXED procedure of SAS version 9.4). Dichotomous outcomes such as pregnancy and culling by 300 d were analyzed using logistic regression (GLIMMIX procedure of SAS). Models included the fixed effects of treatment, parity, and the interaction between treatment and parity. A stochastic analysis was performed with 10,000 iterations using the observed results from each group. The CEF treatment resulted in greater treatment cost by 60 DIM than UNT ($112 vs. $37), but resulted in a greater proportion of pregnant cows (71 vs. 61%) and decreased culling by 300 DIM (29 vs. 39%) compared with UNT. Gross profit was lesser for UNT than NMET ($2,969 vs. $3,426), and CEF was intermediate ($3,219). The stochastic analysis showed that the mean difference in gross profit between UNT and NMET was ?$457; saleable milk (49%) and replacement cost (24%) accounted for most of the variation. The mean difference in gross profit between CEF and NMET group was ?$207; saleable milk (82%) and initial metritis treatment cost (9%) accounted for most of the variation. The mean difference in gross profit between the UNT and the CEF group was ?$250; replacement cost (41%) and cow sales (31%) accounted for most of the variation. In summary, metritis caused large economic losses when left untreated, and CEF reduced those losses by improving fertility, reducing culling and replacement cost, and reducing milk yield losses.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2021,104(11):12066-12078
The aims of this study were to determine changes in lying and rumination behavior of transition dairy cows that were healthy or affected by metritis during the autumn and spring calving season in a temperate climate and determine the effect of some weather variables (precipitation and heat stress) on these behaviors. A total of 103 multiparous cows were monitored during the autumn (February to April) and spring calving season (July to October) from 10 d before to 10 d after calving. Cows were chosen retrospectively by diagnosis of metritis [autumn season, (n = 11); spring season, (n = 13)] or as healthy [autumn season, (n = 25); spring season, (n = 25)] based on vaginal discharge characteristics evaluated during the first 10 days in milk. In all animals, electronic data loggers recorded lying (Hobo Pendant G Acceleration, Onset Computer Corp.) and rumination behavior (Hi-Tag rumination monitoring system, SCR Engineers Ltd.) during the study period. We included precipitation level (>1 mm/d = with rain, and ≤1 mm/d = without rain) and heat stress [no heat stress = temperature-humidity index (THI) < 68 vs. heat stress = THI ≥ 68] as weather factors that may have affected lying and rumination behavior during the spring and autumn season in a temperate climate, respectively. Metritis during the spring calving season was associated only with longer lying times (≥1.3 h/d) after calving. During the autumn calving season cows with metritis lay down longer the day of calving (~2.1 h/d) and had fewer lying bouts of longer duration during the prepartum period compared with healthy cows. Rumination time did not differ by health status during the spring calving season, whereas cows with metritis during autumn ruminated 30, 21, and 24 min/d less than healthy cows during the prepartum, calving, and postpartum period, respectively. Precipitation and heat stress were associated with decreased daily lying and rumination time in sick cows. Our results indicate that differences in lying and rumination behavior depended on the metritis status, and support the idea that weather factors such as rainfall or heat stress requires to be considered in analyses of transition cow behavior in seasonal calving pasture-based dairy systems.  相似文献   

Dairy cows experience a high incidence of disease and metabolic disorders in the weeks immediately following calving, but early and accurate diagnosis remains a challenge. Cows suffering from metritis, one common disease following calving, exhibit reduced milk yield and reproductive performance. However, afflicted cows show few overt signs of illness and frequently go unnoticed in the absence of veterinary examination. To determine whether changes in feeding behavior could be used to identify animals at risk for metritis, attendance at the feed alley was monitored continuously for 26 Holstein cows during the transition period, beginning 2 wk before and ending 3 wk after calving. Every 3 ± 1 d, cows were examined for metritis based on rectal body temperature and condition of vaginal discharge. Over the 3 wk of observations after calving, 69% of cows showed some signs of metritis. These cows spent on average 22 min/d less time at the feed alley during the transition period than did non-metritic cows. For every 10-min decrease in average daily feeding time, cows were twice as likely to be diagnosed with metritis. A threshold of 75 min of average daily feeding time was 89% sensitive and 62% specific for detection of acute metritis. In conclusion, reduced time at the feeder can be used to identify dairy cows at risk for metritis. More research is required to determine how soon before calving at-risk cows can be identified and whether these behavioral differences can also be used in the early diagnosis of other diseases or metabolic disorders.  相似文献   

The objective of this meta-analysis was to assess the efficacy of the treatment of bovine metritis with common antibiotic and nonantibiotic treatment options. Acute puerperal metritis, a systemic and potentially painful illness with rectal temperature >39.5°C and signs of toxemia due to an infection of the uterus, occurs within 21 d after parturition. Because of the infectious nature, antibiotics are considered beneficial for the treatment of acute puerperal metritis. Each use of an antimicrobial drug, however, is associated with selective pressure for eventual emergence of resistant bacteria. The 23 trials evaluated in the course of a previously conducted systematic review were the basis for meta-analytic investigations. Selected trials were screened regarding their eligibility for the following investigations: (1) comparison of different antibiotic treatments with respect to metritis prevalence at time of re-examination, (2) efficacy of ceftiofur treatment with respect to metritis prevalence at time of re-examination, (3) comparison of efficacy of antibiotic versus nonantibiotic drugs with respect to metritis prevalence at time of re-examination, and (4) equivalence assessment of treatment effects on reproductive performance measures. Where at least 3 trials had investigated the same outcome variable and met the inclusion criteria (inclusion of a control or reference group diagnosed with metritis; reporting means and standard deviation in case of continuous data), meta-analytic investigations were carried out. Due to a shortage of comparable studies, we could not conduct investigations (1) and (3). Ceftiofur treatment of 828 metritic cows was associated with a decrease in the prevalence of metritis following treatment in comparison to 804 untreated cows. In conclusion, meta-analytic investigations uncovered a need for more high-quality studies. Furthermore, a positive effect of the most commonly used antibiotic drug, ceftiofur, for the treatment of bovine metritis could be shown. A comparison with other antibiotic or nonantibiotic treatment options could not be made.  相似文献   

Favorable uterine involution and ovarian activity are very important for the next reproductive cycle of postpartum cows. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of parity on uterine involution and resumption of ovarian activity in Chinese Holstein dairy cows after calving under similar postpartum nutritional conditions. Traits of the status of uterus and ovaries detected by ultrasonography, dry matter intake (DMI), milk yield, body condition score (BCS), and estradiol concentration in milk samples were analyzed for 46 Chinese Holstein dairy cows in various parities (primiparous = 18; biparous = 13; multiparous = 15). The results showed that there was no significant difference for DMI, BCS, and milk yield among different parities; all cows were considered to be under similar nutritional conditions. Days of the previous gravid uterine horn involution were significantly greater in primiparous dairy cows than in biparous and multiparous dairy cows. Days from calving to ovulation (first and second) and the number of follicular waves to first ovulation were significantly greater in primiparous cows than in multiparous cows. In summary, there was a significant negative relationship between parity and postpartum uterine involution and resumption of ovarian activity in Chinese Holstein cows under similar body conditions.  相似文献   

The uterine lumen in early postpartum dairy cows is contaminated with different bacteria. The most relevant uterine pathogens are Escherichia coli and Trueperella pyogenes. Prevalence of α-hemolytic streptococci and coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) is also high; however, these pathogens are considered opportunistic. The overall objective of this study was to investigate effects of the intrauterine presence of E. coli, T. pyogenes, α-hemolytic streptococci, or CNS at 10 ± 1 d in milk (DIM) on the type of bacteria 2 wk later and their influence on uterine infections and subsequent reproductive performance. Furthermore, we set out to quantify 2 relevant methodological factors (i.e., laboratory and sampling instrument). Bacteriological samples were collected at 10 ± 1 and 24 ± 1 DIM from the uterine lumen using a cytobrush (CB). Vaginal mucus was classified by vaginoscopy. In a subsample, bacteriological results of 3 different laboratories and of CB and cotton swabs (CS) were compared. Samples of uterine discharge were collected at 10 ± 1 DIM and bacteriological samples were taken using CB and CS. Bacteria were identified and bacterial growth quantified on a 4-point scale. Animals infected with E. coli or T. pyogenes at 10 ± 1 DIM had a higher risk for an infection with the same bacterial species at 24 ± 1 DIM [E. coli relative risk (RR) = 3.7 and T. pyogenes RR = 2.9]. Moreover, the risk of being diagnosed with abnormal vaginal discharge at 24 ± 1 DIM increased in cows with E. coli (RR = 1.7) or T. pyogenes (RR = 1.7) at 10 ± 1 DIM. Uterine infection with α-hemolytic streptococci or CNS did not increase the risk of an infection with T. pyogenes or E. coli or abnormal vaginal discharge 2 wk later. Cows with E. coli at 10 ± 1 DIM or T. pyogenes at 24 ± 1 DIM had greater days to first artificial insemination than cows positive for the 3 remaining bacterial species. Cows with T. pyogenes at 10 ± 1 DIM had more days to pregnancy and more cows were culled when positive for E. coli at 10 ± 1 DIM. Agreement of bacteriological results of 3 different laboratories were significant for laboratory A + B and A + C for the CB and CS. The highest agreement considering the bacterial species was for E. coli. All results for laboratory A + B and A + C for the CB and CS were significant. The results generated from samples collected with CB agreed nicely with those from CS from each laboratory (laboratory A: 250/272; laboratory B: 264/272; laboratory C: 253/272).  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(5):3436-3447
We aimed to compare the viability of circulating polymorphonuclear leukocyte (cPMN) and endometrial PMN (ePMN) and their function dynamics in postpartum dairy cows with subclinical (SCE) or clinical endometritis (CE). To do so, blood samples from 38 Holstein cows were collected at −7, 9, 21, and 36 d relative to calving, and endometrial cytology samples from 32 Holstein cows were harvested at 9, 21, and 36 d postpartum. Uterine health status was assessed at 36 d postpartum, and cows were classified as healthy (absence of abnormal vaginal discharge and ≤5% ePMN), SCE (absence of abnormal vaginal discharge and >5% ePMN), or CE (mucopurulent or purulent vaginal discharge and >5% ePMN). Viability (viable, apoptotic, and necrotic) and function parameters phagocytosis (PC), oxidative burst, and intracellular proteolytic degradation were evaluated for cPMN via flow cytometry. For ePMN, only viability and PC were evaluated. The association of cPMN and ePMN viability and functional parameters with reproductive tract health classification were fitted in mixed linear regression models, accounting for repeated measures, sampling day, and interactions of reproductive tract status and day. Cows with CE had a lower proportion of cPMN viability (84.5 ± 2.1%; least squares means ± standard error) and a higher proportion of apoptosis (14.4 ± 2.0%) than healthy (92.4 ± 1.3 and 6.7 ± 1.3%, respectively) or SCE (95.3 ± 2.4 and 3.8 ± 2.3%, respectively) at 9 d postpartum. Interestingly, cPMN intracellular proteolytic degradation was lower [6.2 ± 0.1 median fluorescence intensity (MFI)] in SCE compared with healthy (6.7 ± 0.08 MFI) or CE (6.8 ± 0.1 MFI) at d 9 postpartum. No other differences in cPMN function were found among experimental groups. The proportion of necrotic ePMN was higher for healthy (49.6 ± 5.1%) than SCE (27.4 ± 7.3%) and CE (27.7 ± 7.3%) cows at 36 d postpartum. Also, at 36 d postpartum, the proportion of ePMN performing PC was higher in CE (47.0 ± 8.6%) than in healthy (18.4 ± 7.6%) cows, but did not differ from SCE cows (25.9 ± 8.7%). Results of the present study suggest that cPMN viability and function at 9 d postpartum are associated with the development of uterine disease. Furthermore, ePMN at 36 d postpartum are mostly necrotic in healthy cows but viable and functional in cows with CE, probably due to active uterine inflammation. Remarkably, ePMN in cows with SCE at 36 d postpartum are also mostly viable but seem to display a numerically lower proportion of PC compared with ePMN in CE cows.  相似文献   

Left displaced abomasum (LDA) leads to substantial changes in the metabolism of dairy cows. Surgical correction of LDA can rapidly improve the health of cows; however, changes in metabolism following surgery are rarely described. To investigate the changes of plasma metabolome in cows with LDA before and after surgical correction, blood samples were collected from 10 healthy postpartum cows and 10 cows with LDA on the day of diagnosis, then again from the LDA cows 14 d after surgery. Serum nonesterified fatty acid, β-hydroxybutyric acid, cortisol and histamine concentration, and antioxidant enzyme (superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase) activities were evaluated, and the metabolic profile in plasma was analyzed using ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry. The results demonstrated that cows with LDA experienced severe negative energy balance and oxidative stress, which can be improved by surgical correction. The metabolic profile was analyzed using multidimensional and univariate statistical analyses, and different metabolites were identified. In total, 102 metabolites differed between cows with LDA and healthy cows. After surgical correction, 65 metabolites changed in cows with LDA, compared with these cows during the LDA event. Following surgical correction, AA levels tended to increase, and lipid levels tended to decrease in cows with LDA. Pathway analysis indicated marked changes in linoleic acid metabolism, Arg biosynthesis, and Gly, Ser, and Thr metabolism in cows at the onset of LDA and following surgical correction. Surgical treatment reversed the changes in AA and lipid metabolism in cows with LDA.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and economic efficiency of a systemic treatment of toxic puerperal metritis in dairy cows with ceftiofur. Cows with abnormal vaginal discharge at a postpartum examination (d 4 to 6 after calving) and a rectal temperature > or = 39.5 degrees C were assigned to three treatment groups. Cows in group 1 (n = 70) received 600 mg of ceftiofur intramuscularly (i.m.) on 3 consecutive days. Cows in group 2 (n = 79) received an intrauterine treatment with antibiotic pills consisting of 2500 mg of ampicillin and 2500 mg of cloxacillin and an additional 6000 mg (i.m.) of ampicillin. This treatment was performed on 3 consecutive days. Cows in group 3 (n = 78) received the same intrauterine treatment as in group 2. In addition, 600 mg of ceftiofur was administered i.m. on 3 consecutive days. Body temperature was recorded daily for 6 d after first treatment. There were no significant differences among the groups regarding clinical efficacy at d 6 after first treatment. The cure rates based on rectal temperatures declining to below 39.5 degrees C on d 6 after treatment were 82.9, 84.8, and 84.6% for groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Reproductive performance did not differ significantly between group 1 and groups 2 and 3 for any of the measures tested. A financial analysis with 87 different cost scenarios demonstrated that a systemic treatment of toxic puerperal metritis in cattle with ceftiofur is an effective alternative to the combination of local and systemic treatments.  相似文献   

Milk composition has been known to change during lactation. To help understand the changes in metabolic profile throughout the whole lactation, liquid chromatography mass-spectrometry was used to analyze 306 milk samples from 82 primi- and multiparous dairy cows. Changes in metabolic profile common to all cows throughout lactation were ascertained based on principal component and general linear model analysis. Sets of specific markers; for instance, 225, 397, and 641–642 m/z (positive mode), and 186, 241, and 601–604 (negative mode), with at least a 1.5-fold higher intensity during the first 60 d compared with the last 60 d of lactation were observed. The metabolome was affected by parity and milking time. Markers, identified as peptides differentiating parity, were observed. A significant increase for citrate was observed in evening milk. Milk coagulation traits were strongly animal specific. The curd firmness values were influenced by milking time. Sets of markers were associated with curd firmness in positive (197 m/z) and negative (612, 737, 835, 836, 902, 1000, 1038, and 1079 m/z) ion mode.  相似文献   

Metritis is a disease of particular concern after calving because of its profound negative effects on the reproductive performance of dairy cows. Cows at risk for metritis have shorter feeding times in the days before calving but prepartum dry matter intake (DMI) and water intake may also be useful in identifying cows at risk for this disease. Feeding, drinking, and intake measures may also be affected by social interactions among group-housed cows. The objective of this study, therefore, was to measure intake, feeding, drinking, and social behavior to determine which measures could identify cows at risk for metritis after calving. Feeding and drinking behavior and intake measures were collected from 101 Holstein dairy cows from 2 wk before until 3 wk after calving using an electronic monitoring system. Social behavior at the feed bunk was assessed from video recordings. Metritis severity was diagnosed based on daily rectal body temperature as well as condition of vaginal discharge that was assessed every 3 d after calving until d +21. In this study, 12% of cows were classified as severely metritic and 27% as mildly metritic. Prepartum feeding time and DMI were best able to identify cows at risk for metritis. Cows that developed severe metritis spent less time feeding and consumed less feed compared with healthy cows beginning 2 wk before the observation of clinical signs of infection. For every 10-min decrease in average daily feeding time during the week before calving, the odds of severe metritis increased by 1.72, and for every 1-kg decrease in DMI during this period, cows were nearly 3 times more likely to be diagnosed with this disorder. During the week before calving, cows that were later diagnosed with severe metritis had lower DMI and feeding times during the hours following fresh feed delivery. During this period these cows also engaged in fewer aggressive interactions at the feed bins compared with cows that remained healthy. This research is the first to show that social behavior may play an important role in transition cow health. Research is now required to determine how management should be changed to reduce or prevent illness in transition dairy cows.  相似文献   

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