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Fix a finite commutative ringR. Letuandvbe power series overR, withv(0) = 0. This paper presents an algorithm that computes the firstnterms of the compositionu(v), given the firstnterms ofuandv, inn1 + o(1)ring operations. The algorithm is very fast in practice whenRhas small characteristic.  相似文献   

《Information and Computation》2007,205(7):1078-1095
Assume that G = (V, E) is an undirected graph, and C  V. For every v  V, denote Ir(G; v) = {u  C: d(u,v)  r}, where d(u,v) denotes the number of edges on any shortest path from u to v in G. If all the sets Ir(G; v) for v  V are pairwise different, and none of them is the empty set, the code C is called r-identifying. The motivation for identifying codes comes, for instance, from finding faulty processors in multiprocessor systems or from location detection in emergency sensor networks. The underlying architecture is modelled by a graph. We study various types of identifying codes that are robust against six natural changes in the graph; known or unknown edge deletions, additions or both. Our focus is on the radius r = 1. We show that in the infinite square grid the optimal density of a 1-identifying code that is robust against one unknown edge deletion is 1/2 and the optimal density of a 1-identifying code that is robust against one unknown edge addition equals 3/4 in the infinite hexagonal mesh. Moreover, although it is shown that all six problems are in general different, we prove that in the binary hypercube there are cases where five of the six problems coincide.  相似文献   

With the use of Adomian decomposition method, the prototypical, genuinely nonlinear K(m,n) equation, ut+(um)x+(un)xxx=0, which exhibits compactons  solitons with finite wavelength  is solved exactly. Two numerical illustrations, K(2,2) and K(3,3), are investigated to illustrate the pertinent features of the proposed scheme. The technique is presented in a general way so that it can be used in nonlinear dispersive equations.  相似文献   

We prove new lower bounds for nearest neighbor search in the Hamming cube. Our lower bounds are for randomized, two-sided error, algorithms in Yao's cell probe model. Our bounds are in the form of a tradeoff among the number of cells, the size of a cell, and the search time. For example, suppose we are searching among n points in the d dimensional cube, we use poly(n,d) cells, each containing poly(d, log n) bits. We get a lower bound of Ω(d/log n) on the search time, a significant improvement over the recent bound of Ω(log d) of Borodin et al. This should be contrasted with the upper bound of O(log log d) for approximate search (and O(1) for a decision version of the problem; our lower bounds hold in that case). By previous results, the bounds for the cube imply similar bounds for nearest neighbor search in high dimensional Euclidean space, and for other geometric problems.  相似文献   

We describe probabilistic primality tests applicable to integers whose prime factors are all congruent to 1 mod r where r is a positive integer;r =  2 is the Miller–Rabin test. We show that if ν rounds of our test do not find n   =  (r +  1)2composite, then n is prime with probability of error less than (2 r)  ν. Applications are given, first to provide a probabilistic primality test applicable to all integers, and second, to give a test for values of cyclotomic polynomials.  相似文献   

Let L = K(α) be an Abelian extension of degree n of a number field K, given by the minimal polynomial of α over K. We describe an algorithm for computing the local Artin map associated with the extension L / K at a finite or infinite prime v of K. We apply this algorithm to decide if a nonzero a  K is a norm from L, assuming that L / K is cyclic.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe scalable parallel algorithms for building the convex hull and a triangulation ofncoplanar points. These algorithms are designed for thecoarse grained multicomputermodel:pprocessors withO(n/p)⪢O(1) local memory each, connected to some arbitrary interconnection network. They scale over a large range of values ofnandp, assuming only thatnp1+ε(ε>0) and require timeO((Tsequential/p)+Ts(n, p)), whereTs(n, p) refers to the time of a global sort ofndata on approcessor machine. Furthermore, they involve only a constant number of global communication rounds. Since computing either 2D convex hull or triangulation requires timeTsequential=Θ(n log n) these algorithms either run in optimal time,Θ((n log n)/p), or in sort time,Ts(n, p), for the interconnection network in question. These results become optimal whenTsequential/pdominatesTs(n, p) or for interconnection networks like the mesh for which optimal sorting algorithms exist.  相似文献   

We present a parallel algorithm for solving thenext element search problemon a set of line segments, using a BSP-like model referred to as thecoarse grained multicomputer(CGM). The algorithm requiresO(1) communication rounds (h-relations withh=O(n/p)),O((n/p) log n) local computation, andO((n/p) log p) memory per processor, assumingn/pp. Our result implies solutions to the point location, trapezoidal decomposition, and polygon triangulation problems. A simplified version for axis-parallel segments requires onlyO(n/p) memory per processor, and we discuss an implementation of this version. As in a previous paper by Develliers and Fabri (Int. J. Comput. Geom. Appl.6(1996), 487–506), our algorithm is based on a distributed implementation of segment trees which are of sizeO(n log n). This paper improves onop. cit.in several ways: (1) It studies the more general next element search problem which also solves, e.g., planar point location. (2) The algorithms require onlyO((n/p) log n) local computation instead ofO(log p*(n/p) log n). (3) The algorithms require onlyO((n/p) log p) local memory instead ofO((n/p) log n).  相似文献   

Data partitioning and scheduling is one the important issues in minimizing the processing time for parallel and distributed computing system. We consider a single-level tree architecture of the system and the case of affine communication model, for a general m processor system with n rounds of load distribution. For this case, there exists an optimal activation order, optimal number of processors m* (m *  m), and optimal rounds of load distribution n* (n *  n), such that the processing time of the entire processing load is a minimum. This is a difficult optimization problem because for a given activation order, we have to first identify the processors that are participating (in the computation process) in every round of load distribution and then obtain the load fractions assigned to them, and the processing time. Hence, in this paper, we propose a real-coded genetic algorithm (RCGA) to solve the optimal activation order, optimal number of processors m* (m *  m), and optimal rounds of load distribution n* (n *  n), such that the processing time of the entire processing load is a minimum. RCGA employs a modified crossover and mutation operators such that the operators always produce a valid solution. Also, we propose different population initialization schemes to improve the convergence. Finally, we present a comparative study with simple real-coded genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization to highlight the advantage of the proposed algorithm. The results clearly indicate the effectiveness of the proposed real-coded genetic algorithm.  相似文献   

A polynomial P(X)  = Xd + ad  1Xd  1 + ⋯ is called lacunary when ad  1 =  0. We give bounds for the roots of such polynomials with complex coefficients. These bounds are much smaller than for general polynomials.  相似文献   

We modify the concept of LLL-reduction of lattice bases in the sense of Lenstra, Lenstra, Lovász, Factoring polynomials with rational coefficients, Math. Ann. 261 (1982) 515–534 towards a faster reduction algorithm. We organize LLL-reduction in segments of the basis. Our SLLL-bases approximate the successive minima of the lattice in nearly the same way as LLL-bases. For integer lattices of dimension n given by a basis of length 2O(n), SLLL-reduction runs in O (n5 +ε) bit operations for every ε > 0, compared to O (n7 +ε) for the original LLL and to O (n6 +ε) for the LLL-algorithms of Schnorr, A more efficient algorithm for lattice reduction, Journal of Algorithm, 9 (1988) 47–62 and Storjohann, Faster Algorithms for Integer Lattice Basis Reduction. TR 249, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH-Zurich, Department of Computer Science, Zurich, Switzerland, July 1996. We present an even faster algorithm for SLLL-reduction via iterated subsegments running in O (n3log n) arithmetic steps. Householder reflections are shown to provide better accuracy than Gram–Schmidt for orthogonalizing LLL-bases in floating point arithmetic.  相似文献   

The well-known Goldbach Conjecture (GC) states that any sufficiently large even number can be represented as a sum of two odd primes. Although not yet demonstrated, it has been checked for integers up to 1014. Using two stronger versions of the conjecture, we offer a simple and fast method for recognition of a gray box group G known to be isomorphic to Sn(or An) with knownn   20, i.e. for construction1of an isomorphism from G toSn (or An). Correctness and rigorous worst case complexity estimates rely heavily on the conjectures, and yield times of O([ρ + ν + μ ] n log2n) or O([ ρ + ν + μ ] n logn / loglog n) depending on which of the stronger versions of the GC is assumed to hold. Here,ρ is the complexity of generating a uniform random element of G, ν is the complexity of finding the order of a group element in G, and μ is the time necessary for group multiplication in G. Rigorous lower bound and probabilistic approach to the time complexity of the algorithm are discussed in the Appendix.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce “approximate solutions" to solve the following problem: given a polynomial F(x, y) over Q, where x represents an n -tuple of variables, can we find all the polynomials G(x) such that F(x, G(x)) is identically equal to a constant c in Q ? We have the following: let F(x, y) be a polynomial over Q and the degree of y in F(x, y) be n. Either there is a unique polynomial g(x)   Q [ x ], with its constant term equal to 0, such that F(x, y)  = j = 0ncj(y  g(x))jfor some rational numbers cj, hence, F(x, g(x)  + a)   Q for all a  Q, or there are at most t distinct polynomials g1(x),⋯ , gt(x), t  n, such that F(x, gi(x))   Q for 1   i  t. Suppose that F(x, y) is a polynomial of two variables. The polynomial g(x) for the first case, or g1(x),⋯ , gt(x) for the second case, are approximate solutions of F(x, y), respectively. There is also a polynomial time algorithm to find all of these approximate solutions. We then use Kronecker’s substitution to solve the case of F(x, y).  相似文献   

The hypercube Qn is one of the most popular networks. In this paper, we first prove that the n-dimensional hypercube is 2n  5 conditional fault-bipancyclic. That is, an injured hypercube with up to 2n  5 faulty links has a cycle of length l for every even 4  l  2n when each node of the hypercube is incident with at least two healthy links. In addition, if a certain node is incident with less than two healthy links, we show that an injured hypercube contains cycles of all even lengths except hamiltonian cycles with up to 2n  3 faulty links. Furthermore, the above two results are optimal. In conclusion, we find cycles of all possible lengths in injured hypercubes with up to 2n  5 faulty links under all possible fault distributions.  相似文献   

Diagnosis of reliability is an important topic for interconnection networks. Under the classical PMC model, Dahura and Masson [5] proposed a polynomial time algorithm with time complexity O(N2.5) to identify all faulty nodes in an N-node network. This paper addresses the fault diagnosis of so called bijective connection (BC) graphs including hypercubes, twisted cubes, locally twisted cubes, crossed cubes, and Möbius cubes. Utilizing a helpful structure proposed by Hsu and Tan [20] that was called the extending star by Lin et al. [24], and noting the existence of a structured Hamiltonian path within any BC graph, we present a fast diagnostic algorithm to identify all faulty nodes in O(N) time, where N = 2n, n ? 4, stands for the total number of nodes in the n-dimensional BC graph. As a result, this algorithm is significantly superior to Dahura–Masson’s algorithm when applied to BC graphs.  相似文献   

《Information Sciences》2007,177(8):1782-1788
In this paper, we explore the 2-extra connectivity and 2-extra-edge-connectivity of the folded hypercube FQn. We show that κ2(FQn) = 3n  2 for n  8; and λ2(FQn) = 3n  1 for n  5. That is, for n  8 (resp. n  5), at least 3n  2 vertices (resp. 3n  1 edges) of FQn are removed to get a disconnected graph that contains no isolated vertices (resp. edges). When the folded hypercube is used to model the topological structure of a large-scale parallel processing system, these results can provide more accurate measurements for reliability and fault tolerance of the system.  相似文献   

We present a divide and conquer based algorithm for optimal quantum compression/decompression, using O(n(log4n)log log n) elementary quantum operations. Our result provides the first quasi-linear time algorithm for asymptotically optimal (in size and fidelity) quantum compression and decompression. We also outline the quantum gate array model to bring about this compression in a quantum computer. Our method uses various classical algorithmic tools to significantly improve the bound from the previous best known bound of O(n3) for this operation.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the following problems: we are given a set of n items {u1,  , un} and a number of unit-capacity bins. Each item ui has a size wi  (0, 1] and a penalty pi  0. An item can be either rejected, in which case we pay its penalty, or put into one bin under the constraint that the total size of the items in the bin is no greater than 1. No item can be spread into more than one bin. The objective is to minimize the total number of used bins plus the total penalty paid for the rejected items. We call the problem bin packing with rejection penalties, and denote it as BPR. For the on-line BPR problem, we present an algorithm with an absolute competitive ratio of 2.618 while the lower bound is 2.343, and an algorithm with an asymptotic competitive ratio arbitrarily close to 1.75 while the lower bound is 1.540. For the off-line BPR problem, we present an algorithm with an absolute worst-case ratio of 2 while the lower bound is 1.5, and an algorithm with an asymptotic worst-case ratio of 1.5. We also study a closely related bin covering version of the problem. In this case pi means some amount of profit. If an item is rejected, we get its profit, or it can be put into a bin in such a way that the total size of the items in the bin is no smaller than 1. The objective is to maximize the number of covered bins plus the total profit of all rejected items. We call this problem bin covering with rejection (BCR). For the on-line BCR problem, we show that no algorithm can have absolute competitive ratio greater than 0, and present an algorithm with asymptotic competitive ratio 1/2, which is the best possible. For the off-line BCR problem, we also present an algorithm with an absolute worst-case ratio of 1/2 which matches the lower bound.  相似文献   

Congruence closure algorithms for deduction in ground equational theories are ubiquitous in many (semi-)decision procedures used for verification and automated deduction. In many of these applications one needs an incremental algorithm that is moreover capable of recovering, among the thousands of input equations, the small subset that explains the equivalence of a given pair of terms. In this paper we present an algorithm satisfying all these requirements. First, building on ideas from abstract congruence closure algorithms, we present a very simple and clean incremental congruence closure algorithm and show that it runs in the best known time O(n  log  n). After that, we introduce a proof-producing union-find data structure that is then used for extending our congruence closure algorithm, without increasing the overall O(n  log  n) time, in order to produce a k-step explanation for a given equation in almost optimal time (quasi-linear in k). Finally, we show that the previous algorithms can be smoothly extended, while still obtaining the same asymptotic time bounds, in order to support the interpreted functions symbols successor and predecessor, which have been shown to be very useful in applications such as microprocessor verification.  相似文献   

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