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The objective was to determine the effects of bovine somatotropin (bST) and two artificial insemination (AI) protocols on reproductive performance of Holstein cows. Lactating cows (n = 840) were assigned at 37 d in milk (DIM) to one of four treatments in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement. Treatments consisted of either bST (500 mg/14 d) starting at 63 +/- 3 DIM or no bST (control), with cows either submitted for timed AI following a synchronized ovulation (Ovsynch) protocol or assigned to receive AI based on estrus detection (ED). Two injections of PGF2, at 37 +/- 3 and 51 +/- 3 DIM were used to presynchronize estrous cycles. Cows then received an injection of GnRH at 63 +/- 3 DIM, followed 7.5 d later by PGF2. Cows assigned to ED treatments were inseminated after observed estrus during a 7-d period. Cows in Ovsynch treatments received a second GnRH injection 48 h after the last PGF2alpha and received timed AI 16 to 18 h later. Pregnancy was diagnosed by ultrasound at 31 d after AI and confirmed 14 d later. Frequency of anovulation (18.5%) at 63 DIM was similar across treatments, but proportions of anovulatory cows decreased quadratically as body condition at 70 DIM increased from 2.25 to 3.75. Estrus detection rate after PGF2alpha tended to be lower in multiparous cows receiving bST, and bST reduced returns to estrus in nonpregnant cows. Conception rates were higher in cows receiving AI after ED and bST improved conception rates to first AI in cyclic cows by reducing embryonic mortality. Pregnancy loss was similar for cows inseminated following ED or the Ovsynch protocol. There was a positive impact of bST on fertility of cyclic cows inseminated at fixed time or at detected estrus, but effective resynchronization protocols are needed to optimize reinsemination of non-pregnant bST-treated cows.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the reproductive performance, milk production, live weight, and body condition loss during early lactation of purebred Holstein (H) cows to Jersey × H (J × H) crossbred cows in 4 Victorian herds. Cows of H and J × H breeding were managed together within each herd, and all herds had a seasonally concentrated calving pattern that commenced in early spring (July). All crossbred cows included in the study were 25, 50, or 75% H and were considered collectively as J × H regardless of the sire and dam breeds used to reach those percentages. Each herd owner provided records of reproductive performance and milk production. Compared with H cows, J × H cows had higher first-service conception rates (52 vs. 42%), higher percentages confirmed pregnant by 6 (68 vs. 54%) and 14 wk (86 vs. 78%) after the first day of inseminating, and lower final not-in-calf rates (11 vs. 16%); however, these differences were not observed in all herds. A random selection of H and J × H cows had body condition assessed on 3 occasions between the start of calving and the first day of the artificial insemination program. The selected cows were also weighed on the final occasion. Overall, body condition scores were slightly higher for J × H cows than for H cows, but changes in body condition score between calving and the start of inseminating were similar between breed groups. The H cows were 40 kg heavier than J × H cows and had daily milk yields in early lactation that were 2.2 kg higher. Daily yields of milk fat and protein did not differ between H and J × H cows during the study period. The improved reproductive performance of J × H cows compared with H cows may render them more suitable for use in dairy herds with seasonally concentrated calving patterns. Their improved reproductive performance was not associated with differences in condition loss in early lactation.  相似文献   

Objectives were to quantify lying behavior (LB) during an estradiol and progesterone-based synchronization protocol, to assess risk factors for ovulation, pregnancy per AI (P/AI), and degree of behavioral change at estrus, and to investigate the associations between estrus LB and walking activity. Holstein cows (43.6 ± 11.0 kg of milk/d) were fitted with leg-mounted accelerometers. Total lying time/d (L_time), bout frequency (bout_N), average lying bout duration, and relative increase in walking activity (ACT%) were evaluated for 1,411 timed artificial insemination events. The day with lowest L_time or bout_N among d ?2, ?1, and 0 (day of timed artificial insemination) determined the day of behavioral estrus. The variables L_time% and bout_N% represent relative ratios between lowest L_time and baseline (d ?7), L_time, and lowest bout_N, and baseline (d ?7) bout_N, respectively [e.g., (lowest L_time/baseline L_time) × 100]. Correlation coefficients between L_time% and bout_N% and ACT% were ?0.38 and ?0.31, respectively. Estrus LB change was considered large if <75% of baseline and small if ≥75% of baseline for both L_time% and bout_N%; average lying bout duration did not change with estrus. Lowest L_time% and bout_N% corresponded to, respectively, 65 ± 21% (mean ± standard deviation; 447 ± 157 min/d) and 65 ± 24% (8.5 ± 4.0 bouts/d) of baseline. The change in L_time% at estrus was smaller when cows had milk yield above average; the change in bout_N% was smaller among multiparous cows and for estrus occurring in the colder season. Likelihood of ovulation was greater when there was larger change in L_time% [odds ratio = 4.9; ovulation rate = 93 (large change) and 76% (small change)], as well as when a corpus luteum was present at start of protocol (odds ratio = 3.6; in the model with L_time%). Likelihood of pregnancy at d 32 was 1.6 times greater for estrus with large change in LB [L_time% or bout_N%; P/AI = 34% (large change in L_time%) and 26% (small change in L_time%)]. Among estrus events with ACT% ≥300% (high intensity), classification by small or large L_time% did not influence P/AI at 32 d. The magnitude of LB change at estrus and its association with fertility suggest potential application toward improved use of activity monitors (e.g., increased estrus detection, fertility prediction). The contribution of LB to accuracy of estrus detection when physical activity is known remains to be addressed. The relationship between intensity of estrus expression and fertility requires further investigations of its physiological rationale and on-farm applications.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(10):8411-8425
The primary objective of this randomized controlled experiment was to evaluate the insemination dynamic and reproductive performance of cows managed with a targeted reproductive management (TRM) program designed to prioritize artificial insemination (AI) at detected estrus (AIE) and optimize timing of AI by grouping cows based on detection of estrus during the voluntary waiting period (VWP). Our secondary objective was to evaluate reproductive outcomes for cows with or without estrus during the VWP. Lactating Holstein cows fitted with an ear-attached sensor for detection of estrus were randomly assigned to a TRM treatment that prioritized AIE based on detection of estrus during the VWP (TP-AIE; n = 488), a non-TRM treatment that prioritized AIE (P-AIE; n = 489), or an all timed AI (TAI) treatment with extended VWP (ALL-TAI; n = 491). In TP-AIE, cows with or without automated estrus alerts (AEA) recorded during the VWP received AIE if detected in estrus for at least 31 ± 3 or 17 ± 3 d after a 49 d VWP, respectively. Cows not AIE with or without AEA during the VWP received TAI after Ovsynch with progesterone supplementation and 2 PGF treatments (P4-Ov) at 90 ± 3 or 74 ± 3 d in milk (DIM), respectively. In P-AIE, cows received AIE if detected in estrus for 24 ± 3 d after a 49 d VWP, and if not AIE received TAI at 83 ± 3 DIM after P4-Ov. In ALL-TAI, cows received TAI at 83 ± 3 DIM after a Double-Ovsynch protocol. Data were analyzed by logistic and Cox's proportional hazard regression. The proportion of cows AIE did not differ for TP-AIE (71.0%) and P-AIE (74.6%). Overall P/AI at 39 d after first service was greater for the ALL-TAI (47.6%) than for the P-AIE (40.2%) and TP-AIE (39.5%) treatments. The hazard of pregnancy up to 150 DIM was greater for cows in TP-AIE (hazard ratio = 1.2; 95% confidence interval: 1.1–1.4) and P-AIE (hazard ratio = 1.2; 95% confidence interval: 1.1–1.4) than for cows in the ALL-TAI treatment which resulted in median time to pregnancy of 89, 89, and 107 d. Conversely, the proportion of cows pregnant at 150 DIM did not differ (ALL-TAI 78.5%, P-AIE 76.3%, TP-AIE 76.0%). Except for a few outcomes for which no difference was observed, cows detected in estrus during the VWP had better performance than cows not detected in estrus. Cows with AEA during the VWP were more likely to receive AIE, had greater P/AI, and greater pregnancy rate up to 150 DIM regardless of first service management. We conclude that a TRM program designed to prioritize AIE by grouping cows based on detection of estrus during the VWP was an effective strategy to submit cows for first service resulting in similar or improved performance than a non-TRM program that prioritized AIE or an all-TAI program with extended VWP. Also, AEA recorded during the VWP might be used as a strategy for identifying subgroups of cows with different reproductive performance.  相似文献   

Two experiments evaluated milk production, serum progesterone and insulin, and reproductive performance of lactating Holstein cows receiving or not receiving Ca salts of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), or receiving Ca salts of PUFA at different daily frequencies. In experiment 1, 1,125 cows randomly distributed in 10 freestall barns were enrolled. Barns were assigned randomly to receive a high-concentrate diet containing (PF) or not containing (control, CON) 1.1% (dry matter basis) Ca salts of PUFA. Diets were offered 6 times daily, whereas the Ca salts of PUFA were included in the PF treatment in the first feeding of the day. In experiment 2, 1,572 cows were randomly distributed in 10 freestall barns, which were assigned randomly to receive a diet similar to PF, but with Ca salts of PUFA included only in the first feeding of the day (PF1X), or equally distributed across all 6 feedings (PF6X). During both experiments, cows were artificially inseminated 12 h after the onset of estrus. Once per month, cows that did not conceive to artificial insemination were assigned to a fixed-time embryo transfer protocol. Pregnancy was determined via transrectal ultrasonography 28 and 60 d after expected ovulation. Pregnancy loss was considered in cows that were pregnant on d 28 but nonpregnant on d 60. During both experiments, feed intake, milk yield, and milk protein and fat content were recorded weekly. Blood samples were collected concurrently with embryo transfer. During experiment 1, feed intake was similar between treatments. Compared with CON, PF cows had greater milk yield (37.8 vs. 35.3 kg/d), and reduced milk fat content (3.41 vs. 3.55%). However, PF cows had reduced pregnancy losses per service compared with CON (12.6 vs. 18.3%). Serum progesterone was greater and serum insulin tended to be greater in primiparous cows receiving PF compared with CON cohorts (4.50 vs. 3.67 ng of progesterone/mL, and 10.4 vs. 7.5 µUI of insulin/mL). During experiment 2, no treatment effects were detected for feed intake, milk yield, or milk fat, whereas PF1X cows tended to have reduced pregnancy losses per service compared with PF6X (14.4 vs. 18.4%). In summary, feeding Ca salts of PUFA to dairy cows increased milk production, did not alter feed intake, and reduced pregnancy losses per service. Further, the total daily amount of Ca salts of PUFA should be fed during the first feeding of the day to optimize its benefits on pregnancy maintenance of dairy cows.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(5):4679-4689
Lactating dairy cows are classified as spontaneous ovulators, in which establishment of pregnancy depends on the accuracy of detection of behavioral estrus for correct timing of artificial insemination (AI). Development of the Ovsynch protocol, a hormonal protocol that synchronizes ovarian function, thereby allowing for timed AI (TAI) without the need to detect estrus, provided a management tool for increasing AI service rates but not pregnancies per AI (P/AI). A review of 7 randomized, controlled experiments that compared P/AI of cows inseminated after a detected estrus to that of cows receiving TAI after submission to Presynch-Ovsynch or Double-Ovsynch protocols supports that the newest programs for TAI yield more P/AI than cows inseminated after a detected estrus. The physiologic and endocrine mechanisms that explain how fertility programs increase P/AI are a culmination of over 20 yr of research aimed at increasing reproductive performance in lactating dairy cows. We illustrate the dramatic change in reproductive performance of US dairy cows over time by comparing the phenotypic trend in days open with the genetic trend in daughter pregnancy rate and the phenotypic trend in cow conception rate. Whereas days open increased from 1955 to 2000, days open from 2000 to 2010 dramatically decreased without a concurrent increase in the genetic trend for daughter pregnancy rate. By contrast, the dramatic decrease in days open over the past 20 yr is associated with a dramatic increase in the phenotypic trend in cow conception rate. Although many management factors affect P/AI, adoption and implementation of TAI programs that directly increase P/AI is an important component of the dramatic increase in reproductive performance in lactating dairy cows in the United States over the past 20 yr.  相似文献   

Apparent digestibility and retention of Mn by dairy cows was used to compare 2 sources of Mn and to estimate Mn requirements. In experiment 1, Holstein cows at dry-off (60 d prepartum) were fed a basal diet with no supplemental Mn (43 mg of Mn/kg of dry matter) and received a daily bolus of 0 or 200 mg/d supplemental Mn from MnSO4 or from Mn-Met (6 cows per treatment) until parturition. Approximately 30 d before parturition, cows were moved to metabolism stalls for total collection of feces and urine. No differences were observed between Mn sources, but apparent absorption of Mn (6.4 vs. 2.3%) tended to be greater, and apparent retention of Mn (44 vs. 12 mg/d) was greater, for cows given supplemental Mn compared with control cows. In the second experiment, apparent Mn digestibility data from 8 experiments conducted with lactating dairy cows (39 dietary treatments and 160 observations) were combined with data from experiment 1. The regression equation of intake of digestible Mn on Mn intake (i.e., Lucas test) was as follows: intake of digestible Mn (mg/d) = −151 + 0.26 × Mn intake (mg/d). Based on that equation, Mn intake had to equal 580 mg/d to meet the metabolic fecal Mn requirement. The corresponding dietary concentration, assuming dry matter intakes of 21 and 12 kg/d for lactating and dry cows, respectively, were 28 and 49 mg/kg dry matter. These concentrations are approximately 1.6 and 2.7 times higher than those needed to meet the Mn requirements for lactating and dry cows, respectively, as calculated using the 2001 National Research Council dairy requirements model.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2021,104(10):11210-11225
Our primary objective was to evaluate the effect of feeding rumen-protected Met (RPM) in the pre- and postpartum total mixed ration (TMR) on pregnancy per artificial insemination (AI) and pregnancy loss in multiparous Holstein cows. We also evaluated multiple secondary reproductive physiological outcomes before and after AI, including uterine health, ovarian cyclicity, response to synchronization of ovulation, and markers of embryo development and size. A total of 470 multiparous Holstein cows [235 at the University of Wisconsin (UW) and 235 at Cornell University (CU)] were used for this experiment. Experimental treatment diets were applied at the pen level (2 and 4 close-up pens at CU and UW, respectively, and 12 and 6 postfresh pens at CU and UW, respectively); thus, pen was the experimental unit, and cow was the observational unit. Cows were enrolled and randomly assigned to be fed the experimental treatment diets at approximately 4 wk before parturition until 67 d of gestation [147 d in milk (DIM)] after their first service. Close-up dry cow and replicated lactation pens were randomly assigned to treatment diets: RPM, prepartum = 2.83% (UW) and 2.85% (CU), postpartum = 2.58% (UW) and 2.65% (CU); and control (CON), prepartum = 2.30% (UW) and 2.22% (CU), postpartum = 2.09% (UW) and 2.19% (CU; Met as percentage of metabolizable protein). Vaginal discharge and uterine cytology (percentage of polymorphonuclear leucocytes) were evaluated at 35 ± 3 DIM. Cows received timed AI (TAI) at 80 ± 3 DIM after synchronization of ovulation with the Double-Ovsynch protocol. Ovarian cyclicity status, response to synchronization of ovulation, and luteal function were determined by measuring circulating concentrations of progesterone at 35 and 49 ± 3 DIM, 48 and 24 h before TAI, and 8, 18, 22, 25, and 29 d after TAI. Interferon-stimulated gene expression in white blood cells were compared on 18 d after TAI (CU only) and pregnancy-specific protein B concentrations at 22, 25, 29, 32, and 67 d after TAI. Pregnancy status was determined using pregnancy-specific protein B at 25 and 29 d after TAI, and by transrectal ultrasonography at 32, 39, and 67 d after TAI. Embryo and amniotic vesicle size were determined at 32 and 39 d after TAI. Pregnancy per AI (25 d: 64.7 vs. 64.0%, 32 d: 54.3 vs. 55.1% for CON and RPM, respectively) and pregnancy loss (25 to 67 d: 22.6 vs. 19.2% for CON and RPM, respectively) for synchronized cows did not differ. The proportion of cows with purulent vaginal discharge (CON = 7.7 vs. RPM = 4.6%) and cytological endometritis (CON = 20.8 vs. RPM = 23.6%) did not differ. Cyclicity status, ovarian responses to the synchronization protocol, and synchronization rate also did not differ. In addition, fold change for interferon-stimulated genes, concentrations of pregnancy-specific protein B, and embryo size were not affected by treatments. In conclusion, feeding RPM in the pre- and postpartum TMR at the amounts used in this experiment did not affect uterine health, cyclicity, embryo development, or reproductive efficiency in dairy cows.  相似文献   

The objective of this observational study was to evaluate the association of estrous expression within 40 days in milk (DIM) using a neck-mounted automated activity monitor (Heatime Pro; SCR Engineers Ltd.) with reproductive performance in lactating Holstein cows. A total of 2,077 cows (614 primiparous cows and 1,463 multiparous cows) from 5 commercial dairy farms were included in the statistical analyses. Activity data from the first 7 d after calving were excluded. An estrus event was defined as an activity change index ≥35 for more than 2 h. Cows were classified according to the number of estrus events from d 7 until d 40 postpartum into 3 categories: (1) no estrus event (Estrus0); (2) one estrus event (Estrus1), and (3) 2 or more estrus events (Estrus2). Generalized linear mixed models were used to analyze continuous and categorical data. Shared frailty models were used for time to event data. Overall, 52.7% of cows had no estrus event detected by an automated activity monitor system from d 7 until d 40 postpartum. Herd level prevalence of Estrus0 ranged from 37.5 to 58.4%. Estrous expression from d 7 until d 40 postpartum affected estrous duration and estrous intensity at first artificial insemination (AI). Cows in Estrus0 had the shortest duration (13.2 ± 0.33 h) compared with cows in Estrus1 (13.8 ± 0.36 h) and Estrus2 (14.8 ± 0.41 h). Cows in Estrus2 had a longer estrous duration at first postpartum AI compared with cows in Estrus1. Among Estrus0 cows, 46.2% had an estrus event with high intensity at first postpartum AI. Among cows in Estrus1 and Estrus2, 50.8 and 53.8% had an estrus event with high intensity at first postpartum AI, respectively. There was a significant difference between Estrus2 and Estrus0 and a tendency between Estrus0 and Estrus1. There was no difference between Estrus1 and Estrus2. For Estrus0, Estrus1, and Estrus2 cows, pregnancy per AI was 29.4, 30.9, and 37.8%, respectively. There was a significant difference between Estrus0 and Estrus2 and Estrus1 and Estrus2. There was no difference between Estrus0 and Estrus1. Estrous expression from d 7 until d 40 postpartum affected time to first AI and time to pregnancy. Compared with Estrus0 cows, cows in Estrus1 [hazard risk (HR) = 1.74] and Estrus2 (HR = 1.77) had an increased hazard of being inseminated within 100 DIM. There was no difference between Estrus1 and Estrus2. Median DIM to first AI were 70, 59, and 58 for cows in Estrus0, Estrus1, and Estrus2, respectively. Compared with Estrus0 cows, cows in Estrus1 (HR = 1.28) and Estrus2 (HR = 1.33) had an increased hazard of becoming pregnant within 200 DIM. There was no difference between Estrus1 and Estrus2. Median DIM to pregnancy were 127, 112, and 103 for Estrus0 cows, Estrus1 and Estrus2, respectively. In conclusion, cows with no estrous expression from 7 to 40 DIM had reduced estrous expression at first AI and inferior reproductive performance compared with cows that displayed estrous activity.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to measure ruminal and lactational responses of Holstein dairy cows fed diets containing 3 different starch levels: 17.7 (low; LS), 21.0 (medium; MS), or 24.6% (high; HS). Twelve multiparous cows (118 ± 5 d in milk) were assigned randomly to dietary treatment sequence in a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square design with 3-wk periods. All diets were fed as total mixed rations and contained approximately 30.2% corn silage, 18.5% grass silage, and 5.0% chopped alfalfa hay. Dietary starch content was manipulated by increasing dry ground corn inclusion (% of dry matter) from 3.4 (LS) to 10.1 (MS) and 16.9 (HS) and decreasing inclusion of beet pulp and wheat middlings from 6.7 and 13.4 (LS) to 3.4 and 10.1 (MS) or 0 and 6.8 (HS). In vitro 6-h starch digestibility of the diet increased as nonforage sources of fiber replaced corn grain (% of dry matter; 73.6, HS; 77.3, MS; 82.5, LS) resulting in rumen-fermentable starch content by 14.6, 16.2, and 18.1% for the LS, MS, and HS diets, respectively. Diets had similar neutral detergent fiber from forage and particle size distributions. Dry matter intake, solids-corrected milk yield, and efficiency of solids-corrected milk production were unaffected by diet, averaging 26.5 ± 0.8, 40.8 ± 1.6, and 1.54 ± 0.05 kg/d, respectively. Reducing dietary starch did not affect chewing time (815 ± 23 min/d), mean ruminal pH over 24 h (6.06 ± 0.12), acetate-to-propionate ratio (2.4 ± 0.3), or microbial N synthesized in the rumen (585 ± 24 g/d). Total tract organic matter digestibility was higher for HS compared with MS and LS diets (69.2, 67.3, and 67.0%, respectively), but crude protein, neutral detergent fiber, and starch digestibilities were unaffected. As dietary starch content decreased, in vitro ruminal starch fermentability increased and, consequently, the range between HS and LS in rumen-fermentable starch (3.5 percentage units) was less than the range in starch content (6.9 percentage units). Under these conditions, dietary starch content had no measurable effect on ruminal fermentation or short-term lactational performance of high-producing Holstein dairy cows.  相似文献   

The use of evaporative cooling for mitigating heat stress in lactating cows in humid areas is controversial. In Taiwan, Holstein cow performance is significantly restricted by hot and humid weather. This study investigated the efficacy of using a tunnel-ventilated, water-padded freestall (TP) barn for reducing heat stress in lactating cows. From August to October 2006, 36 cows allocated in a 3 × 3 Latin square were raised in 3 barn cooling treatments: a conventional freestall barn with fans and sprinklers in the feed line (Fan+SP, control), a TP barn, and a TP barn with sprinkler cooling (TP+SP). Daytime air speeds in the 3 barns were 1.23, 2.38, and 2.06 m/s, respectively. Both TP barns were more efficient than the control in reducing the daytime temperature and temperature-humidity index. The barn temperature was <26°C for an extra 4.2 h per day, but the relative humidity was >96% in both TP barns. Cows in both TP barns had higher respiration rates and skin temperatures at 0300 h than cows in the Fan+SP barn. The TP environment increased the cows’ serum cholesterol level and the activities of alkaline phosphatase and alanine aminotransferase, but blood partial pressure of CO2 was not affected. Vaginal temperature was persistently high in cows in the TP barn; in the 2 SP barns, it decreased 0.4 to 0.6°C following sprinkling and milking. The intake activity and rumen digestion of cows raised in the 3 environments were similar. Cows in both TP barns ingested more dry matter. Cows in the TP+SP barn tended to produce more milk than those in the Fan+SP barn (25.4 vs. 24.7 kg). Although heat stress was not completely alleviated in these 3 barns, the TP+SP treatment resolved the negative effect of a previous TP barn built in 2004 on intake and milk yield by increasing air speed and using sprinkler cooling. Thus, it is expected that TP+SP barns will be beneficial in regions with high humidity. Adequate air speed and sprinkler cooling are likely to be key factors for further study.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(2):1674-1686
This observational study aimed to determine the effect of genetic merit for fertility traits on estrous expression and estrous cycle duration in grazing dairy cows, as measured by an activity monitoring device. A secondary aim was to describe changes in expression of estrus that occur during successive estrous cycles postpartum. Neck-mounted, activity-monitoring devices (Heatime, SCR Engineers Ltd.) were fitted to nulliparous Holstein-Friesian heifers with positive (POS FertBV) or negative genetic merit for fertility traits (NEG FertBV) to capture activity data during their first and second lactations (POS FertBV: n = 242, n = 188; NEG FertBV: n = 159, n = 87 in lactation 1 and 2, respectively). An estrous event was identified when the activity change index exceeded 26 activity units (AU) for 4 h. A total of 1,254 and 892 estrous events were identified in lactation 1 and 2, respectively. Estrous duration was defined as the interval between when the threshold was first exceeded and when activity dropped below the threshold, with no new event starting within 24 h of the end of the previous event. This definition of estrus included cows in which activity crossed the threshold multiple times in a day and were classified as a single estrous event. A second measure, high activity duration, was defined as the total hours that activity exceeded the threshold. To characterize estrous activity, peak activity (above baseline) and total activity (area under the curve of activity above baseline) were measured. Compared with NEG FertBV cows, POS FertBV cows had more active, longer estrous events. In lactation 1, the POS FertBV group had a mean estrous duration and a high activity duration of 12.5 and 12.4 h compared with 11.4 and 11.3 h for the NEG FertBV group [standard error of the difference (SED) = 0.5 and 0.4 h, respectively]. This significant difference also occurred in lactation 2, with a mean estrous duration of 13.1 versus 11.8 h (SED = 0.5 h) and a high activity duration of 13.0 versus 11.8 h (SED = 0.4 h) in the POS and NEG FertBV groups, respectively. Total activity and peak activity were greater in the POS compared with the NEG FertBV group in lactation 1 (peak activity: 65.5 vs. 55.8 AU, SED = 2.4 AU; total activity: 588 vs. 494 AU, SED = 25 AU) and lactation 2 (peak activity: 72.5 vs. 61.2 AU, SED = 2.9 AU; total activity: 648 vs. 541 AU, SED = 30 AU). Estrous cycle duration did not differ between the POS and NEG FertBV groups (lactation 1: 20.4 vs. 20.6 d, SED = 0.25; lactation 2: 20.8 vs. 21.0 d, SED = 0.28). Less estrous activity of the cow was associated with the first postpartum estrus. In contrast, the number of previous estrous events did not consistently affect the duration of the subsequent estrous cycle. The outcomes of this study provide evidence that positive genetic merit for fertility traits is associated with more overt estrous expression. Selection for these traits may improve estrous expression and thus estrous detection in commercial herds.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(6):4429-4442
The objective of this observational study was to evaluate the association of transition cow health and estrous expression, detected by an automated activity monitoring system (Smarttag Neck, Nedap Livestock Management), with reproductive performance in lactating Holstein cows. A total of 3,750 lactating Holstein cows (1,563 primiparous cows and 2,187 multiparous cows) from a commercial dairy farm in Slovakia calving from January 2020 until July 2021 were enrolled on an ongoing basis. Activity data were recorded from d 7 until d 60 postpartum. Within this observational period, cows were classified into 3 categories: (1) no estrus event (Estrus0), (2) 1 estrus event (Estrus1), or (3) 2 or more estrus events (Estrus2+). Transition cow health was assessed by farm personnel within the first 30 d in milk (DIM) using standard operating procedures. Generalized linear mixed models were used to analyze continuous and categorical data. Cox proportional hazard models were used for time to event data. The overall prevalence of anestrus was 20.8%. Multiparous cows had a greater risk for anestrus compared with primiparous cows [odds ratio (OR) = 1.4]. Cows with stillbirth (OR = 1.76), retained placenta (OR = 2.19), puerperal metritis (OR = 1.48), or subclinical ketosis (OR = 1.51) had a greater risk for anestrus. In addition, cows calving in summer (OR = 0.82), autumn (OR = 0.38), or winter (OR = 0.56) had a higher incidence of anestrus than cows calving in spring. Estrous expression from d 7 until d 60 postpartum was associated with estrous duration (DU) and estrous intensity at first artificial insemination (AI). Cows in Estrus0 had the shortest DU at first postpartum AI (9.4 ± 0.18 h) compared with cows in Estrus1 (10.5 ± 0.13 h) and Estrus2+ (11.4 ± 0.12 h). Cows in Estrus2+ had a longer DU at first postpartum AI compared with cows in Estrus1. For Estrus0, Estrus1, and Estrus2+ cows, pregnancy per AI at first service was 42.5%, 50.9%, and 55.4%, respectively. Estrous expression from d 7 until d 60 postpartum was associated with time to first AI and time to pregnancy. Compared with Estrus0 cows, Estrus1 [hazard ratio (HR) = 1.43] and Estrus2+ cows (HR = 1.62) had an increased hazard of being inseminated within 100 DIM. Compared with Estrus2+, Estrus1 cows had a reduced hazard of being inseminated within 100 DIM (HR = 0.89). Compared with Estrus0 cows, Estrus1 (HR = 1.24) and Estrus2+ cows (HR = 1.46) had an increased hazard of becoming pregnant within 200 DIM. Median DIM to pregnancy were 121, 96, and 92 for Estrus0, Estrus1, and Estrus2+ cows, respectively. In conclusion, cows with transition cow disorders (i.e., stillbirth, retained placenta, puerperal metritis, or subclinical ketosis) had a greater chance for anestrus compared with healthy cows. Cows in Estrus0 had reduced estrous expression at first AI and inferior reproductive performance compared with cows that displayed estrous activity from d 7 until d 60.  相似文献   

Many genetic markers related to health or production traits are not evaluated in populations independent of the discovery population or related to phenotype. Here we evaluated 68 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in candidate genes previously associated with genetic merit for fertility and production traits for association with phenotypic measurements of fertility in a population of Holstein cows that was selected based on predicted transmitting ability (PTA) for daughter pregnancy rate (DPR; high, ≥1, n = 989; low, ≤ ?1.0, n = 1,285). Cows with a high PTA for DPR had higher pregnancy rate at first service, fewer services per conception, and fewer days open than cows with a low PTA for DPR. Of the 68 SNP, 11 were associated with pregnancy rate at first service, 16 with services per conception, and 19 with days open. Single nucleotide polymorphisms in 12 genes (BDH2, BSP3, CAST, CD2, CD14, FUT1, FYB, GCNT3, HSD17B7, IBSP, OCLN, and PCCB) had significant associations with 2 fertility traits, and SNP in 4 genes (CSPP1, FCER1G, PMM2, and TBC1D24) had significant associations with each of the 3 traits. Results from this experiment were compared with results from 2 earlier studies in which the SNP were associated with genetic estimates of fertility. One study involved the same animals as used here, and the other study was of an independent population of bulls. A total of 13 SNP associated with 1 or more phenotypic estimates of fertility were directionally associated with genetic estimates of fertility in the same cow population. Moreover, 14 SNP associated with reproductive phenotype were directionally associated with genetic estimates of fertility in the bull population. Nine SNP (located in BCAS, BSP3, CAST, FUT1, HSD17B7, OCLN, PCCB, PMM2, and TBC1D24) had a directional association with fertility in all 3 studies. Examination of the function of the genes with SNP associated with reproduction in more than one study indicates the importance of steroid hormones and immune function as determinants of reproductive function. All but 1 of the 68 evaluated SNP were variable in 11 breeds besides Holstein, indicating the potential effects of these SNP on reproductive function across breeds of cattle.  相似文献   

Cortisol has long been used as a marker of the stress response in animals. Cortisol can be analyzed from different media, most notably from the blood, saliva, and feces; however, the collection of cortisol from some of these media requires invasive procedures or excessive handling of the animals. Furthermore, it is not possible to capture long-term increases in circulating concentrations of cortisol from the blood, saliva, or feces. Hair cortisol has been found to be a reliable alternative for measuring chronic stress. With this emerging measure, appropriate sampling methodology must be developed and validated. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of hair color, sampling location, and processing method on cortisol concentrations in hair from lactating black and white Holstein cows (n = 18). Furthermore, we aimed to measure the hair growth rates at different body locations (n = 12) and test hair cortisol levels when resampled over short intervals (n = 37). Both black- and white-colored hair was collected from the shoulder, top line, hip, and tail switch of Holsteins; due to breed characteristics only white hair was harvested from the tail switch. All samples were cleaned with water and isopropanol, and then ground in a ball mill or finely cut with scissors once dry. Cortisol was extracted with methanol before being measured using a commercially available ELISA kit. Concentrations of cortisol were greater in white than in black hair (7.8 ± 1.1 vs. 3.8 ± 1.1 pg/mg). When only white samples were analyzed, hair from the tail switch had more cortisol than hair from the shoulder (11.0 ± 1.2 vs. 6.2 ± 1.2 pg/mg), whereas no difference was found when compared with the hip and top line. Samples ground with a ball mill had greater concentrations of cortisol extracted than those minced with scissors (10.4 ± 1.2 vs. 4.7 ± 1.2 pg/mg). The growth rate of hair was significantly greater at the tail switch compared with the hip and shoulder (0.51 ± 0.05 vs. 0.04 ± 0.05 vs. 0.03 ± 0.05 mm/d). When hair was collected every 3 wk after calving, a tendency was detected for multiparous cows to have greater concentrations of hair cortisol and significantly greater concentrations of cortisol on d 0 and 21 after calving compared with d 42, 84, and 126. In Holsteins, the hair on the tail switch is always white, grows more rapidly than other sites, and is sensitive enough to capture changes in cortisol over intervals as short as 3 wk, making it the ideal location for measuring hair cortisol.  相似文献   

Detection of estrus is a key determinant of profitability of dairy herds, but estrus is increasingly difficult to observe in the modern dairy cow with shorter duration and less-intense estrus. Concurrent with the unfavorable correlation between milk yield and fertility, estrus-detection rates have declined to less than 50%. We tested ultra-wideband (UWB) radio technology (Thales Research & Technology Ltd., Reading, UK) for proof of concept that estrus could be detected in dairy cows (two 1-wk-long trials; n = 16 cows, 8 in each test). The 3-dimensional positions of 12 cows with synchronized estrous cycles and 4 pregnant control cows were monitored continuously using UWB mobile units operating within a network of 8 base units for a period of 7 d. In the study, 10 cows exhibited estrus as confirmed by visual observation, activity monitoring, and milk progesterone concentrations. Automated software was developed for analysis of UWB data to detect cows in estrus and report the onset of estrus in real time. The UWB technology accurately detected 9 out of 10 cows in estrus. In addition, UWB technology accurately confirmed all 6 cows not in estrus. In conclusion, UWB technology can accurately detect estrus and hence we have demonstrated proof of concept for a novel technology that has significant potential to improve estrus-detection rates.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine if estrous expression, as measured by an automated activity monitor (AAM), affects timing and failure of ovulation of lactating Holstein dairy cows. Cows were equipped with 2 AAM, 1 neck-mounted (AAMC) and 1 leg-mounted (AAML), by 10 d postpartum and enrolled into the trial when their activity crossed the alert threshold on the AAMC. A total of 850 episodes of estrus from 293 different cows were used for this study. When cows were enrolled, their ovaries were scanned by transrectal ultrasonography and gait and body condition scored. Ovaries of cows detected in estrus were scanned twice daily for a maximum of 3 d to determine the disappearance of the preovulatory follicle (ovulation) and the interval from estrus to ovulation was calculated. Physical activity data recorded from the AAM were used to determine estrus behavior using 2 traits: (1) peak activity and (2) duration. Peak activity was only available for the AAML. Peak activity was defined as the maximum activity during an estrus episode. Duration of estrus was defined as the time the activity of the cow exceeded threshold values set by the AAM software. The AAMC correctly identified 87.8% of the estrus alerts, with 12.2% false positives. The average (±standard deviation) intervals from activity alert to ovulation were 25.8 ± 10.2 and 24.7 ± 9.3 h for the AAMC and AAML, respectively. Changes in estrous expression were associated with differences in the interval from alert to ovulation. Cows with short intervals to ovulation were found to have less intense estrous expression than cows with medium and long length intervals to ovulation using the AAMC, whereas using the AAML, cows with short intervals to ovulation exhibited less intense estrous expression than cows with medium but the same as those with long intervals to ovulation. Furthermore, irrespective of the AAM, estrus events with less estrous expression had increased odds of having a short interval to ovulation (below the median of 20 h) when compared with those having greater estrous expression (2.6 and 1.9 increased odds for the AAMC and AAML, respectively). Ovulation failure was affected by estrous expression because estrus events with greater peak activity or longer duration had reduced ovulation failure compared with those with less estrous expression (AAMC peak activity: 1.9 ± 1.4 vs. 9.5 ± 1.7%; AAML peak activity: 2.3 ± 1.4 vs. 6.2 ± 1.5%; AAMC duration: 2.1 ± 1.4 vs. 8.9 ± 1.7%). In addition, cows with more estrous expression had greater pregnancy per artificial insemination than those with less estrous expression with both the AAMC (42.3 ± 0.4 vs. 31.7 ± 0.4%) and the AAML (43.1 ± 0.4 vs. 36.3 ± 0.4%). Pregnancy per artificial insemination results were consistent even when removing cows that failed to ovulate. In conclusion, expression of estrus was highly associated with ovulation timing, ovulation failure, and fertility when using 2 different AAM. Cows with greater estrous expression have longer intervals from activity alert to ovulation, experience less ovulation failure, and have greater pregnancy per artificial insemination.  相似文献   

Objectives were to determine effects of altering gossypol intake by feeding whole linted Upland (WUP) or a 1:2 blend of WUP and cracked Pima (BUPCP) cottonseed on plasma gossypol (PG) concentrations, reproduction, and health of Holstein cows. Cows, 813, on three dairy farms were assigned to one of two diets starting at 13 +/- 11 d in milk for a 170-d experiment. Diets contained 717 and 951 mg of free gossypol/kg of dry matter from WUP and BUPCP, respectively. Concentrations of PG, as well as the proportion of total gossypol (TG) as the minus isomer were higher for cows fed BUPCP vs cows fed WUP. Conception rate at the first postpartum artificial insemination did not differ between treatments. However, cows consuming the higher gossypol diet had reduced subsequent conception rates and a lower pregnancy rate. Incidence of abortions increased in the higher gossypol diet, and cows that aborted or remained open had higher PG concentrations. Increasing PG concentrations resulted in reduced conception rates and extended days open. The probability of conception after the first artificial insemination declined at a decreasing rate as the plasma TG increased. Incidence of health disorders were unaffected by gossypol intake and PG concentrations. Similarly, gossypol intake and PG concentrations had no effect on culling or mortality. Six cows died in each diet, and none had postmortem signs compatible with gossypol toxicity. Consumption of a high gossypol diet for 170 d had no effect on health of lactating dairy cows, but it increased PG concentrations and impaired reproductive performance.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to obtain prevalence estimates for subclinical endometritis (SCE), determine cow- and herd-level risk factors, and evaluate the reproductive consequences of SCE. A cross-sectional study was used to determine prevalence and risk factors with cows followed in a prospective study to determine reproductive outcomes. Lactating Holstein cows were sampled between 40 and 60 d in milk using low-volume uterine lavage, and cytology was evaluated to determine SCE status. In total, 779 cows from 38 herds were used in the analysis. The cow-level prevalence of SCE was 25.9%. Within-herd level prevalence ranged from 4.8 to 52.6% (median 26.3%, interquartile range 15.6 to 33.3%). Cow-level risk factors identified were ketosis [odds ratio (OR) 3.83; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.82-8.07], acute metritis (OR 1.86; 95% CI 1.05-3.30], and the interaction between milk production and parity. Primiparous cows that produced more milk had increased odds of having SCE, whereas multiparous cows that produced more milk had decreased odds of having SCE. Herd-level risk factors identified were housing early postpartum cows on bedded packs (herd-level SCE = 36.1%), which increased herd prevalence of SCE by 16.7% (SE 5.58) compared with early postpartum cows housed in freestalls (herd-level SCE = 19.4%), and straw bedding in the calving pen, which decreased herd prevalence of SCE by 10.7% (SE 3.59) compared with herds that used other bedding material. In this study, primiparous cows with and without SCE had similar reproductive performance; however, multiparous cows with SCE had median days open 44 d longer (159 d; 95% CI 126-186 d) compared with unaffected multiparous cows (115 d; 95% CI 106-132 d).  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effect of stillbirth on survival and reproductive performance of lactating dairy cows. Data were collected from 2 different regions of the US calving-ease scores (CES) were recorded by farm personnel on a scale of 1 (no problem) to 5 (extreme difficulty). Stillbirths were recorded by farm personnel. The final analysis included 13,608 calvings of which 93.4% were live calves and 6.6% stillbirths. An increasing or decreasing trend in the incidence of stillbirth by parity and by CES was analyzed by Cochran-Armitage trend tests. A significant decreasing trend in the incidence of stillbirth by parity group was detected. The incidence of stillbirth increased as the CES increased. The incidence of stillbirths was 3.6, 11.2, 25.9, and 60.1% for CES score 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. Dam survival in the herd and reproductive performance were analyzed by the Cox proportional hazards model. Variables that decreased dam survival time were stillbirths, primiparity, and CES of 3 and 4. The variables that reduced reproductive performance were stillbirths, multiparity, male calves, and CES of 3 and 4. Cows that had stillbirths had significantly increased risk of culling/death throughout the lactation and increased median days open by 88 d compared with cows that had live calves. In conclusion, losses from stillbirths are far greater than just the value of the calf.  相似文献   

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