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圆形冲击射流传热性能的实验研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
应用萘升华传质/传热比拟技术,对单个圆形射流在不同喷嘴到被冲击表面距离(1≤H/D≤12),在7×103≤R e≤1.9×104时,进行了局部传质/传热实验;研究了不同喷嘴到被冲击表面距离和不同R e对单个圆形射流局部换热特性的影响。单个圆形射流局部传热系数随着R e的增加而大幅度增加,R e是影响局部换热系数的主要因素。在同一R e下局部换热系数沿轴向非单调变化,在驻点处当H/D≌6时换热系数达到峰值;H/D<6时,局部换热系数沿径向有两个峰值;随H/D的增加,中心区局部N u减小,但影响范围变大。  相似文献   

周定伟  马重芳  刘登瀛 《动力工程》2003,23(4):2578-2581,2529
以强润湿性液体为工质,就圆形自由和浸没射流冲击r/d=0.2,3.5和5处的换热系数及局部换热系数的径向分布进行了系统测定并予以关联。详细研究了射流出口Re数和液体温度等对局部换热系数的影响,最后就Nu0~Re关系式中Re数指数的物理含义作了说明。图4表3参14  相似文献   

阵列射流冲击冷却传热特性的数值研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以涡轮叶片冷却技术为背景,采用带转捩的剪切应力输运(Transition SST)模型对阵列射流冲击冷却的传热特性进行数值模拟,分析了冲击Re、冲击间距、初始横向流和冲击孔排列方式的影响规律。结果表明:冲击间距对靶面平均Nu的影响存在最优值,在所计算的范围内,Zn/d=2时平均Nu最大;在冲击孔排列方式影响中,当冲击间距Zn/d≤2时,顺排孔冲击冷却传热效果优于错排,而当Zn/d≥3时,错排孔冷却传热效果优于顺排。  相似文献   

矩形管湍流冲击射流流动与传热的数值研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
采用SIMPLE算法和RNG k-ε湍流模型,通过求解三维N-S方程和能量方程,对雷诺数为10000和冲击高度为4倍喷管水力直径的矩形管湍流冲击射流进行了数值模拟。结果发现在冲击面附近的射流横截面上,伴随着两个反向旋转涡对的出现,形成了主流速度的两个偏心峰值。分析认为双偏心速度峰值的形成是由冲击面产生的涡量向上游截面扩散而引起的。温度场和冲击面局部№数分布的研究结果表明:射流的传热特性受流动结构的控制,采用矩形管湍流射流可以获得较大的冲击区和较均匀的冷却效果。  相似文献   

湍流射流冲击移动平板的流动和传热分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用雷诺应力湍流模型对半封闭射流冲击移动平板进行了数值分析,得到了不同平板速度下的流场和温度场结构以及近壁面湍流强度和平板表面局部努谢尔数分布曲线。结果表明,平板速度的提高会导致流场和温度场关于射流中心线呈现非对称性,且在流场一侧形成二次漩涡区。平板表面的湍流强度值随平板速度的提高而提高,而冲击区域的局部努谢尔数峰值则随平板速度的提高而降低。当平板速度大于入口射速时,表面平均努谢尔数值随平板速度的提高而逐渐升高。当平板速度提高到入口射流速度两倍时,冲击点处的平板表面湍流强度值升高了约40%,努谢尔数峰值下降了约60%,而平板表面的平均努谢尔数值则提高了30%以上。  相似文献   

自激振荡脉冲射流强化换热实验研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
高虹  曾丹苓 《热能动力工程》2003,18(4):349-351,360
对自激振荡射流强化换热的机理进行了初步探讨,并对有无共振腔时的换热情况进行了对比实验。实验中发现,由Helmholtz共振腔产生的自激振荡脉冲射流增强了管内流体的掺混,破坏了边界层,从而达到了强化换热的目的。实验中还发现,当共振腔两端的压差增大时,将产生更为强烈的脉动流,明显地提高流体的紊流程度,从而强化了管内流动换热。  相似文献   

冲机射流在机翼除霜、电子元器件散热等工程领域应用广泛,为进一步研究其传热机理,利用两种低雷诺数κ-ε模型对单股冲击射流的传热进行数值模拟,并与标准κ-ε模型及雷诺应力模型的计算结果进行对比。结果表明,低雷诺数κ-ε模型在两种工况下的计算结果均优于其他模型。湍流热扩散系数作为求解温度场最重要的参数,对传热的计算结果影响极大,通常用湍流普朗特数作为常数求解。在低雷诺数κ-ε模型的基础上,分别通过湍流普朗特数函数求解和t2-εt方程直接求解进行改进,并将计算结果进行比较。结果表明,使用湍流普朗特数函数形式求解湍流热扩散系数能给出更好的预测结果,直接求解仍需进一步改进。  相似文献   

对不同射流与主流流速比下T型三通管中横向射流的流动与传热进行了实验研究,得到了流动的基本特性以及不同流速比下局部点的温度波动特性,测量了几个关键处的局部传热系数。  相似文献   

为了探究轴向气体流动特征对旋流管状火焰传热性能的影响,在实验中引入轴向喷出的N2作为稀释剂。研究了不同的轴向流量、喷嘴孔径及喷孔数量下的火焰结构及传热规律,重点分析了不同流动条件下管状燃烧室内火焰径向传热的温度分布特征。分析结果表明:旋流管状火焰能将一定量的气体工质快速升温至1 000℃以上;随着轴向稀释气体流量的增加,火焰根部被吹离切向入口,火焰锋面向燃烧室下游移动,导致火焰根部温度显著降低,而且最高温度区域也向下游移动,最高温度值也有所降低;随着喷嘴孔径的增大,火焰锋面位置无明显变化,而火焰根部向喷嘴侧移动,且相同轴向位置的径向温度更高,即喷嘴孔径的增加有助于对轴向气流的快速加热;在当前实验条件下由于受到空间限制,喷孔数量的变化对火焰位置与温度分布无明显影响。  相似文献   

T型三通管横向射流流动与传热实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对不同射流与主流流速比下T型三通管中横向射流的流动与传热进行了实验研究 ,得到了流动的基本特性以及不同流速比下局部点的温度波动特性 ,测量了几个关键处的局部传热系数。  相似文献   

The present work experimentally investigates the effect of vortex generators, in the form of small tabs projecting normally into the flow at the nozzle exit, on the fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics of an axisymmetric impinging air jet in the subcritical Reynolds number range. With this comes the expectation of a large eddy structure variation and the possibility of active control. Local heat transfer and static pressure were measured on a target plate for a round air jet issuing from a circular nozzle with rectangular tabs whose numbers and lengths changed at a constant nozzle‐to‐plate gap (L/d = 8) and jet Reynolds number (Re = 34,000). The main results are the following: When two tabs were set at the exit of the circular nozzle, Cpw and Nu profiles flatten in the direction of the tab setting. In the case of three tabs, however, among both Cpw and Nu profiles a concentric profile is found, as well as in the case without any tabs. © 2001 Scripta Technica, Heat Trans Asian Res, 30(7): 561–570, 2001  相似文献   

Previous studies on boiling heat transfer by impinging jets were mainly concerned with the impinging point by using small heat transfer surfaces of about 20 mm. An experimental study was made of the boiling heat transfer to an impinging water jet on a massive hot block. The upward heating surface was made of copper, its diameter and the nozzle diameter being 80 and 2.2 mm, respectively. The velocity of the impinging jet was varied between 0.6 and 2.1 m/s. Saturated water impinged normally on the heating surface, flowed radially, and subsequently dispersed into the atmosphere. It is clarified in the present study that heat transfer characteristics vary with the temperature of the heat transfer surface, and also with the distance from the impinging point. © 1999 Scripta Technica, Heat Trans Asian Res, 28(5): 418–427, 1999  相似文献   

In order to explore the potential effect of unsteady intermittent pulsations on the heat and mass transfer rate of multiple impinging jets, a numerical study is performed on a two-dimensional pulsating impinging jet array under large temperature differences between jet flows and impingement wall when the thermo-physical properties can change significantly in the flow domain. Computational fluid dynamic approach is used to simulate the flow and thermal fields of multiple pulsating impinging jets. The numerical results indicate a significant heat transfer enhancement due to intermittent pulsation over a wide range of conditions. The oscillatory flow periodically alters the flow patterns in contrast to steady jets, which can eliminate the formation of a static stagnation point and enhance the local Nusselt number along the impingement wall between adjacent jets. Examination of the velocity field shows that the instantaneous heat transfer rate on the target surface is highly dependent on the hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layer development with time.  相似文献   

Heat transfer and flow visualization experiments were conducted to investigate the performance of swirling and multi‐channel impinging jets and compare the results with those of a multi‐channel impinging jet (MCIJ) and conventional impinging jet (CIJ) for the present work at the same conditions. Swirling impinging jets (SIJs) employed the fixed blade lengths of 12.3 mm with four blades at the exit of the housing tube to divert the air flow through four narrow channels with a desired swirl angle (θ of 22.5, 41 and 50°). The MCIJ jet had the same dimensions as the SIJs, except that the narrow channels in the solid insert were vertical (θ=0°). The local and surface average Nusselt numbers of MCIJ were generally higher than those of the CIJ and SIJs. The SIJs, however, demonstrated significant improvement in radial uniformity of heat transfer compared to the MCIJ and CIJ. In the region of 2.7?X/D?0 for H/D=8 and Re=20 000, the average Nusselt number for the MCIJ was 11, 33, 72 and 98 per cent higher than that of the CIJ, θ=22.5, θ=41 and θ=50°, respectively. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An experimental and numerical study have been carried out to investigate the distribution of radial local heat transfer coefficients of impinging submerged circular jets. Good agreement is achieved between the experimental results and the predicted value. Results show that the outer peak usually occurs at the radial location of r/d= 1.8~2.0, in which transition from laminar to turbulence happens resulting from disappeared pressure gradient abruptly, and that the inner peak appears rigidly at r/d=0.5, where the boundary layer has a minimum thickness because of elevating pressure gradient.  相似文献   

The problem of cooling electronic components has become a subject of special interest in recent years due to the increasing capacity and rapidly decreasing size of electronic components. Direct contact cooling using multiple jet impingement is considered the most effective method. The heat transfer problem is complex and a better understanding of the jet impingement method is essential for the proper application of this method for electronic cooling. Investigations were carried out using an electrically heated test plate. Heat flux in the range of 25 to $200 \ \hbox{W/cm}^{2}$ , which is a typical requirement for cooling high power electronic components was dissipated using 0.5‐mm diameter water jets arranged in a 7×7 array with a pitch of 3 mm. Temperature difference between the test plate and water was within $30 \ ^{\circ}\hbox{C}$ . Tests were performed in the flow rate range of 22 to 40 ml/min, resulting in a Reynolds number range of 1100 to 1750. Results show a significant increase in the heat transfer coefficient or Nusselt number with an increase in heat flux. The effect of the flow rate or Reynolds number on the heat transfer coefficient is found to be negligible. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20291  相似文献   

An experimental study was performed to determine the effects of inclination of an impinging two dimensional slot jet on the heat transfer from a flat plate. Local Nusselt numbers and surface pressure distributions were determined depending on inclination angle, jet-to-plate spacing and Reynolds number. The results showed that the location of maximum heat transfer was mainly due to the angle of inclination. As the inclination angle increases, the location of the maximum heat transfer shifts towards the uphill side of the plate and the value of the maximum Nusselt number gradually increases at lower jet-to-plate spacings.  相似文献   

IntroductionUnder-expanded impinging jets have attracted theinterest of many researchers not only because they havepotentially engineering applications such as surfacecooling devicesl'], and plasma spray coating['], alsobecause they are not fully understood yet[' 5]. Goldsteinet al. confirmed that the stagnation temperature near thestagnation region on the impinging plate is larger thanthat in the settling chamber despite no heat added to theflow during its process from the settling chamber to…  相似文献   

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