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A pattern-matching feature for the Prolog language is described. Through the use of patterns, introduced as Prolog predicates, the feature favors the specification of string handling algorithms in a declarative style. A number of convenient pre-defined patterns, adapted from SNOBOL 4, are included. The use of two-level grammars as a paradigm for developing Prolog programs incorporating the pattern-matching feature is also discussed.  相似文献   

Saumya K. Debray 《Software》1993,23(12):1337-1360
Janus is a language designed for distributed constraint programming. This paper describes QD-Janus, a sequential implementation of Janus in Prolog. The compiler uses a number of novel analyses and optimizations to improve the performance of the system. The choice of Prolog as the target language for a compiler, although unusual, is motivated by the following: (i) the semantic gap between Janus and Prolog is much smaller than that between Janus and, say, C or machine language—this simplifies the compilation process significantly, and makes it possible to develop a system with reasonable performance fairly quickly; (ii) recent progress in Prolog implementation techniques, and the development of Prolog systems whose speeds are comparable to those of imperative languages, indicates that the translation to Prolog need not entail a significant performance loss compared to native code compilers; and (iii) compilation to Prolog can benefit immediately from a significant body of work on, and implementations of, parallel Prolog systems. Our experience indicates that translation of logic programming languages to Prolog, accompanied by the development of good program analysis and optimization tools, is an effective way to quickly develop flexible and portable implementations with good performance and low cost.  相似文献   

This paper presents a system for parallel execution of Prolog supporting both independent conjunctive and disjunctive parallelism. The system is intended for distributed memory architecture and is composed of a set of workers with a hierarchical structure scheduler. The execution model has been designed in such a way that each worker's environment does not contain references to terms in other environments, thus reducing communication overhead. In order to guarantee the improvement of the performance by the parallelism exploitation, a granularity control has been introduced for each kind of parallelism. For conjunctive parallelism PDP applies a control based on the estimation provided by CASLOG. The features of the system allow to introduce this control without adding overhead. For disjunctive parallelism PDP controls granularity by applying a heuristic-based method, which can be adapted to other parallel Prolog systems. Different scheduling policies have also been tested. The system has been implemented on a transputer network and performance results show that it provides a high speedup for coarse grain parallel programs.  相似文献   

This paper, one of a simultaneously published set, describes the establishment in 1984 of the standards project for the programming language Prolog, and subsequent progress of the project, which at the end of 1993 is almost complete. This brief overview of the forthcoming standard concentrates on issues of general interest: for example, concepts such as unification and a user-defined syntax are being standardized for the first time. Their definitions can and should be re-used in the standard for any other language which includes these concepts.  相似文献   

Reasoning about Java bytecode (JBC) is complicated due to its unstructured control-flow, the use of three-address code combined with the use of an operand stack, etc. Therefore, many static analyzers and model checkers for JBC first convert the code into a higher-level representation. In contrast to traditional decompilation, such representation is often not Java source, but rather some intermediate language which is a good input for the subsequent phases of the tool. Interpretive decompilation consists in partially evaluating an interpreter for the compiled language (in this case JBC) written in a high-level language with respect to the code to be decompiled. There have been proofs-of-concept that interpretive decompilation is feasible, but there remain important open issues when it comes to decompile a real language such as JBC. This paper presents, to the best of our knowledge, the first modular scheme to enable interpretive decompilation of a realistic programming language to a high-level representation, namely of JBC to Prolog. We introduce two notions of optimality which together require that decompilation does not generate code more than once for each program point. We demonstrate the impact of our modular approach and optimality issues on a series of realistic benchmarks. Decompilation times and decompiled program sizes are linear with the size of the input bytecode program. This demonstrates empirically the scalability of modular decompilation of JBC by partial evaluation.  相似文献   

We present the RFuzzy framework, a Prolog-based tool for representing and reasoning with fuzzy information. The advantages of our framework in comparison to previous tools along this line of research are its easy, user-friendly syntax, and its expressivity through the availability of default values and types.In this approach we describe the formal syntax, the operational semantics and the declarative semantics of RFuzzy (based on a lattice). A least model semantics, a least fixpoint semantics and an operational semantics are introduced and their equivalence is proven. We provide a real implementation that is free and available. (It can be downloaded from http://babel.ls.fi.upm.es/software/rfuzzy/.) Besides implementation details, we also discuss some actual applications using RFuzzy.  相似文献   

Difference-lists are terms that represent lists. The use of difference-lists can speed up most list-processing programs considerably. Prolog programmers routinely use “difference-list versions” of programs, but very little investigation has taken place into difference-list transformation. Thus, to most programmers it is either unknown that the use of difference-lists is far from safe in all contexts, or else this fact is known but attributed to Prolog’s infamous “occur check problem.” In this paper we study the transformation of list-processing programs into programs that use differencelists. In particular we are concerned with finding circumstances under which the transformation is safe. We show that dataflow analysis can be used to determine whether the transformation is applicable to a given program, thereby allowing for automatic transformation. We prove that our transformation preserves strong operational equivalence. This paper is a revised and extended version of a paper10) that was presented to theInternational Computer Science Conference 88 in Hong Kong December 1988.  相似文献   

Memoing is often used in logic programming to avoid redundant evaluation of similar goals, often on programs that are inherently recursive in nature. The interaction between memoing and recursion, however, is quite complex. There are several top-down evaluation strategies for logic programs that utilize memoing to achieve completeness in the presence of recursion. This paper’s focus, however, is on the use ofnaive memoing in Prolog. Using memoingnaively in conjunction with recursion in Prolog may not produce expected results. For example, adding naive memoing to Prolog’s evaluation of a right-recursive transitive closure may be incomplete, whereas adding naive memoing to Prolog’s evaluation of a left-recursive transitive closure may be terminating and complete. This paper examines the completeness of naive memoing in linear-recursive, function-free logic programs evaluated with Prolog’s top-down evaluation strategy. In addition, we assume that the program is definite and safe, having finite base relations and exactly one recursive predicate. The goal of the paper is a theoretical study of the completeness of naive memoing and recursion in Prolog, illustrating the limitations imposed even for this simplified class of programs. The naive memoing approach utilized for this study is based on extension tables, which provide a memo mechanism with immediate update view semantics for Prolog programs, through a source transformation known as ET. We introduce the concept ofET-complete, which refers to the completeness of the evaluation of a query over a Prolog program that memos selected predicates through the ET transformation. We show that left-linear recursions defined by a single recursive rule are ET-complete. We generalize the class of left-linear recursions that are ET-complete by introducing pseudo-left-linear recursions, which are also defined by a single linear recursive rule. To add left-linear recursions defined bymultiple linear recursive rules to the class of ET-complete recursions, we present a left-factoring algorithm that converts left-linear recursions defined by multiple recusive rules into pseudo-left-linear recursions defined by a single recursive rule. Based on these results, the paper concludes by identifying research directions for expanding the class of Prolog programs to be examined in future work. This work was partially supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant CCR-9008737. Suzanne Wagner Dietrich, Ph.D.: She is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Arizona State University. Her research emphasis is on the evaluation of declarative logic programs especially in the context of deductive databases, including materialized view maintenance and condition monitoring in active deductive databases. More recently, her research interests include the integration of active, object-oriented and deductive databases as well as the application of this emerging database technology to various disciplines such as software engineering. She received the B. S. degree in computer science in 1983 from the State University of New York at Stony Brook, and as the recipient of an Office of Naval Research Graduate Fellowship, earned her Ph.D. degree in computer science at Stony Brook in 1987. Changguan Fan, M.S.: He is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Arizona State University and a software engineer at the Regenisys Corporation in Scottsdale, AZ. His research interests include the evaluation of logic programs, deductive database systems and database management systems. He received his B.S. in Computer Science from the Shanghai Institute of Railway Technology, Shanghai, China in 1982 and his M.S. in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Arizona State University in 1989.  相似文献   

Constraint programming languages stem from the integration of constraints in conditional rules. By taking a close look at the design choices made for Prolog IV, the author retraces the general evolution of this recent and novel paradigm, from its roots in inference systems and optimization, to its applications in model building and problem solving.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a predicate nameddosim which provides a new function for parallel execution of logic programs. The parallelism achieved by this predicate is a simultaneous mapping operation such as bagof and setof predicates. However, the degree of parallelism can be easily decided by arranging the arguments of the dosim goal. The parallel processing system with dosim was realized on a tight-coupled multiprocessor machine. To control the degree of parallelism and reduce the amount of memory required for execution, we introduce the grouping method for the goals executed in parallel and some variations of the dosim predicate. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated by the results of the execution of several applications.  相似文献   

Near-Horn Prolog and beyond   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Near-Horn Prolog is an extension of Prolog designed to handle disjunction and classical negation. The emphasis here is on minimal change from standard Prolog in regard to notation, derivation form, and speed of inner-loop computation. The procedure is optimized for the input program that is near-Horn; i.e., a program where almost all clauses are definite clauses. This paper goes beyond the near-Horn focus to report on the completeness of one version of nH-Prolog, along with soundness of the procedure. Completeness is important here not only for the usual reasons of guaranteed success on small problems and insight into the behavior of the procedure but also because we anticipate the introduction of negation-as-failure which requires conviction that a proof will be found if a proof exists.This research was supported in part by the U.S. Army Research Office under grants DAAG29-84-K-0072 and DAAL03-88-K-0082 and by NSF Grant IRI-8805696.  相似文献   

This paper presents the main features of an extension to Prolog toward modularity and concurrency—calledCommunicating Prolog Units (CPU)—whose main aim is to allow logic programming to be used as an effective tool for system programming and prototyping. While Prolog supports only a single set of clauses and sequential computations, CPU allows programmers to define different theories (P-unis) and parallel processes interacting via P-units, according to a model very similar to Linda’s generative communication. The possibility of expressingmeta-rules to specify where and how object-level (sub)golas have to be proved, not only enhances modularity, but also increases the expressive power and flexibility of CPU systems.  相似文献   

PAN is a general purpose, portable environment for executing logic programs in parallel. It combines a flexible, distributed architecture which is resilient to software and platform evolution with facilities for automatically extracting and exploiting AND and OR parallelism in ordinary Prolog programs. PAN incorporates a range of compile-time and run-time techniques to deliver the performance benefits of parallel execution while rertaining sequential execution semantics. Several examples illustrate the efficiency of the controls that facilitate the execution of logic programs in a distributed manner and identify the class of applications that benefit from distributed platforms like PAN. George Xirogiannis, Ph.D.: He received his B.S. in Mathematics from the University of Ioannina, Greece in 1993, his M.S in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Bristol in 1994 and his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh in 1998. His Ph.D. thesis concerns the automated execution of Prolog on distributed heterogeneous multi-processors. His research interests have progressed from knowledge-based systems to distributed logic programming and data mining. Currently, he is working as a senior IT consultant at Pricewaterhouse Coopers. He is also a Research Associate at the National Technical University of Athens, researching in knowledge and data mining. Hamish Taylor, Ph.D.: He is a lecturer in Computer Science in the Computing and Electrical Engineering Department of Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh. He received M.A. and MLitt degrees in philosophy from Cambridge University and an M.S. and a Ph.D. degree in computer science from Heriot-Watt University, Scotland. Since 1985 he has worked on research projects concerned with implementing concurrent logic programming languages, developing formal models for automated reasoning, performance modelling parallel relational database systems, and visualisizing resources in shared web caches. His current research interests are in applications of collaborative virtual environments, parallel logic programming and networked computing technologies.  相似文献   

We propose a visual computation model called theBox and Plane Model (BPM), which visually clarifies the semantics of backtracking, the cut operator, and side-effects, thus allowing the procedural features of Prolog to be grasped. On the bases of the BPM, we developed a visual debugger for Prolog, PROEDIT2, which has proved that this kind of pragmatic computation model for Prolog increases the efficiency of the debugging work.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a new way to represent P systems with active membranes based on Logic Programming techniques. This representation allows us to express the set of rules and the configuration of the P system in each step of the evolution as literals of an appropriate language of first order logic. We provide a Prolog program to simulate, the evolution of these P systems and present some auxiliary tools to simulate the evolution of a P system with active membranes using 2-division which solves the SAT problem following the techniques presented in Reference.10 Andrés Cordón-Franco: He is a member of the Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at the University of Sevilla (Spain). He is also a member of the research group on Natural Computing of the University of Seville. His research interest includes Mathematical Logic, Logic in Computer Science, and Membrane Computing, both from a theoretical and from a practical (software implementation) point of view. Miguel A. Gutiérrez-Naranjo: He is an assistant professor in the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Department at University of Sevilla, Spain. He is also a member of the Research Group on Natural Computing of the University of Seville. His research interest includes Machine Learning, Logic Programming and Membrane Computing, both from a theoretical and a practical point of view. Mario J. Pérez-Jiménez, Ph.D.: He is professor of Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at University of Seville, where he is the head of the Group of Research on Natural Computing, He has published 8 books of Mathematics and Computation, and more than 90 scientific articles in prestigious scientific journals. He is member of European Molecular Computing Consortium. Fernando Sancho-Caparrini: He is a member of the Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at the University of Sevilla (Spain). He is also a member of the research group on Natural Computing of the University of Seville. His research interest includes Complex Systems, DNA Computing, Logic in Computer Science, and Membrane Computing, both from a theoretical and from a practical point of view.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss an application of our OR-Parallel Prolog system to a search problem of importance in practice: the construction of phylogenetic trees. The use of a maximum likelihood method to construct such trees is based on concrete models of evolutional processes and is well-motivated statistically. However, the use of maximum likelihood methods has been hindered by the computational cost to calculate the likelihood of possible alternative trees (i.e. their confidence scores) at each search step for the optimal tree. To cope with this problem, we used OR-parallel Prolog as a coordination language to orchestrate the search for the optimal tree. A numerical computation written in C computed the likelihood of each alternative tree and a symbolic computation written in Prolog performed a parallel A* tree search. For constructing phylogenetic trees of bacterial organisms, our parallel algorithm allowed us to increase the size of the search space, allowing us to include nearly optimal as well as optimal intermediate trees in the search. Our priority mechanism reduced the generation of useless tasks and resulted in superlinear speedups in some cases.  相似文献   

ProbLog is a recently introduced probabilistic extension of Prolog (De Raedt, et al. in Proceedings of the 20th international joint conference on artificial intelligence, pp. 2468–2473, 2007). A ProbLog program defines a distribution over logic programs by specifying for each clause the probability that it belongs to a randomly sampled program, and these probabilities are mutually independent. The semantics of ProbLog is then defined by the success probability of a query in a randomly sampled program. This paper introduces the theory compression task for ProbLog, which consists of selecting that subset of clauses of a given ProbLog program that maximizes the likelihood w.r.t. a set of positive and negative examples. Experiments in the context of discovering links in real biological networks demonstrate the practical applicability of the approach. Editors: Stephen Muggleton, Ramon Otero, Simon Colton.  相似文献   

This paper describes automated reasoning in a PROLOG Euclidean geometry theorem-prover. It brings into focus general topics in automated reasoning and the ability of Prolog in coping with them.  相似文献   

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