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Neural Computing and Applications - Early diagnosis of COVID-19, the new coronavirus disease, is considered important for the treatment and control of this disease. The diagnosis of COVID-19 is...  相似文献   

The COVID-19 virus has fatal effect on lung function and due to its rapidity the early detection is necessary at the moment. The radiographic images have already been used by the researchers for the early diagnosis of COVID-19. Though several existing research exhibited very good performance with either x-ray or computer tomography (CT) images, to the best of our knowledge no such work has reported the assembled performance of both x-ray and CT images. Thus increase in accuracy with higher scalability is the main concern of the recent research. In this article, an integrated deep learning model has been developed for detection of COVID-19 at an early stage using both chest x-ray and CT images. The lack of publicly available data about COVID-19 disease motivates the authors to combine three benchmark datasets into a single dataset of large size. The proposed model has applied various transfer learning techniques for feature extraction and to find out the best suite. Finally the capsule network is used to categorize the sub-dataset into COVID positive and normal patients. The experimental results show that, the best performance exhibits by the ResNet50 with capsule network as an extractor-classifier pair with the combined dataset, which is composed of 575 numbers of x-ray images and 930 numbers of CT images. The proposed model achieves accuracy of 98.2% and 97.8% with x-ray and CT images, respectively, and an average of 98%.  相似文献   

Neural Computing and Applications - The outbreak of a global pandemic called coronavirus has created unprecedented circumstances resulting into a large number of deaths and risk of community...  相似文献   

Exploring the complicated relationships underlying the clinical information is essential for the diagnosis and treatment of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Currently, few approaches are mature enough to show operational impact. Based on electronic medical records (EMRs) of 570 COVID-19 inpatients, we proposed an analysis model of diagnosis and treatment for COVID-19 based on the machine learning algorithms and complex networks. Introducing the medical information fusion, we constructed the heterogeneous information network to discover the complex relationships among the syndromes, symptoms, and medicines. We generated the numerical symptom (medicine) embeddings and divided them into seven communities (syndromes) using the combination of Skip-Gram model and Spectral Clustering (SC) algorithm. After analyzing the symptoms and medicine networks, we identified the key factors using six evaluation metrics of node centrality. The experimental results indicate that the proposed analysis model is capable of discovering the critical symptoms and symptom distribution for diagnosis; the key medicines and medicine combinations for treatment. Based on the latest COVID-19 clinical guidelines, this model could result in the higher accuracy results than the other representative clustering algorithms. Furthermore, the proposed model is able to provide tremendously valuable guidance and help the physicians to combat the COVID-19.  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all the countries in the world with its droplet spread mode. The colossal amount of cases has strained all the healthcare...  相似文献   

Neural Computing and Applications - In late 2019, a new Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) appeared in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. The virus began to spread throughout many countries, affecting a...  相似文献   

In this paper, we compare and evaluate different testing protocols used for automatic COVID-19 diagnosis from X-Ray images in the recent literature. We show that similar results can be obtained using X-Ray images that do not contain most of the lungs. We are able to remove the lungs from the images by turning to black the center of the X-Ray scan and training our classifiers only on the outer part of the images. Hence, we deduce that several testing protocols for the recognition are not fair and that the neural networks are learning patterns in the dataset that are not correlated to the presence of COVID-19. Finally, we show that creating a fair testing protocol is a challenging task, and we provide a method to measure how fair a specific testing protocol is. In the future research we suggest to check the fairness of a testing protocol using our tools and we encourage researchers to look for better techniques than the ones that we propose.  相似文献   

在深度学习应用于新型冠状肺炎CT智能识别的研究中,大量研究人员通过构建深度神经网络训练模型,从而理解医学影像数据内容,辅助新冠肺炎诊断。提出AMDRC-Net架构,其中的残差结构,通过恒等映射解决了网络退化问题,与此同时,针对残差结构阻碍新特征探索的新问题,受到注意力机制等最新研究启发,研究了长短注意力引导机制。关注深度学习模型安全性问题,讨论基于梯度上升的对抗攻击方法;为了解决其单一性问题,通过长短注意力机制,增加有效对抗扰动的同时减少冗余扰动,紧接着,提出的对抗攻击算法A-IM-FGSM,将对抗攻击问题转化为自适应约束问题,即可微变换思想用于迭代攻击中,探究注意力引导机制与DNN对抗攻击的相互关系。最后进行的实验中,在新型冠状肺炎CT数据集上,通过AMDRC-Net进行模型训练,设计对比实验、可视化实验、对抗攻击实验。  相似文献   

目的 新冠肺炎(COVID-19)已经成为全球大流行疾病,在全球范围数百万人确诊。基于计算机断层扫描(computed tomography,CT)数据的影像学分析是临床诊断的重要手段。为了实现快速高效高精度地检测,提出了一种超级计算支撑的新冠肺炎CT影像综合分析辅助系统构建方法。方法 系统整个处理流程依次包括输入处理模块、预处理模块、影像学分析子系统和人工智能(artifiaial intelligence,AI)分析子系统4部分。其中影像学分析子系统通过分析肺实变、磨玻璃影和铺路石等影像学典型特征检测是否有肺炎和典型新冠肺炎特征,给出肺炎影像分析结论;AI分析子系统通过构建深度学习模型来区分普通病毒肺炎与新冠肺炎,增加肺炎的筛查甄别能力。结果 系统发布以来,持续稳定地为国内外超过三十家医院与一百多家科研机构提供了新冠肺炎辅助诊断服务和科研支撑,为抗击疫情提供重要支撑。结论 本文提出的超级计算支撑的新冠肺炎CT影像综合分析辅助系统构建方法,取得了应用效果,是一种有效实现快速部署服务、对突发疫情提供高效支撑的服务方式。  相似文献   

Pattern Analysis and Applications - Since the emergence of COVID-19, thousands of people undergo chest X-ray and computed tomography scan for its screening on everyday basis. This has increased the...  相似文献   

2019年新型冠状病毒肺炎(corona virus disease 2019,COVID-19)的爆发对人们的健康和生活造成了极大的危害和影响.预测疫情的发展趋势可帮助人们提前制定应对措施.SEIR模型是经典的传染病模型之一,由于该模型中病毒传染率为常数,难以对新冠肺炎传播情况进行准确建模并完成疫情趋势预测.针对此问...  相似文献   

目的 新冠肺炎疫情席卷全球,为快速诊断肺炎患者,确认患者肺部感染区域,大量检测网络相继提出,但现有网络大多只能处理一种任务,即诊断或分割。本文提出了一种融合多头注意力机制的联合诊断与分割网络,能同时完成X线胸片的肺炎诊断分类和新冠感染区分割。方法 整个网络由3部分组成,双路嵌入层通过两种不同的图像嵌入方式分别提取X线胸片的浅层直观特征和深层抽象特征;Transformer模块综合考虑提取到的浅层直观与深层抽象特征;分割解码器扩大特征图以输出分割区域。为响应联合训练,本文使用了一种混合损失函数以动态平衡分类与分割的训练。分类损失定义为分类对比损失与交叉熵损失的和;分割损失是二分类的交叉熵损失。结果 基于6个公开数据集的合并数据实验结果表明,所提网络取得了95.37%的精度、96.28%的召回率、95.95%的F1指标和93.88%的kappa系数,诊断分类性能超过了主流的ResNet50、VGG16(Visual Geometry Group)和Inception_v3等网络;在新冠病灶分割表现上,相比流行的U-Net及其改进网络,取得最高的精度(95.96%),优异的敏感度(78.89...  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - Coronavirus-caused diseases are common worldwide and might worsen both human health and the world economy. Most people may instantly encounter coronavirus in...  相似文献   

Guefrechi  Sarra  Jabra  Marwa Ben  Ammar  Adel  Koubaa  Anis  Hamam  Habib 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2021,80(21-23):31803-31820

The whole world is facing a health crisis, that is unique in its kind, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As the coronavirus continues spreading, researchers are concerned by providing or help provide solutions to save lives and to stop the pandemic outbreak. Among others, artificial intelligence (AI) has been adapted to address the challenges caused by pandemic. In this article, we design a deep learning system to extract features and detect COVID-19 from chest X-ray images. Three powerful networks, namely ResNet50, InceptionV3, and VGG16, have been fine-tuned on an enhanced dataset, which was constructed by collecting COVID-19 and normal chest X-ray images from different public databases. We applied data augmentation techniques to artificially generate a large number of chest X-ray images: Random Rotation with an angle between ??10 and 10 degrees, random noise, and horizontal flips. Experimental results are encouraging: the proposed models reached an accuracy of 97.20?% for Resnet50, 98.10?% for InceptionV3, and 98.30?% for VGG16 in classifying chest X-ray images as Normal or COVID-19. The results show that transfer learning is proven to be effective, showing strong performance and easy-to-deploy COVID-19 detection methods. This enables automatizing the process of analyzing X-ray images with high accuracy and it can also be used in cases where the materials and RT-PCR tests are limited.


Severe Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been a global pandemic which provokes massive devastation to the society, economy, and culture since January 2020. The pandemic demonstrates the inefficiency of superannuated manual detection approaches and inspires novel approaches that detect COVID-19 by classifying chest x-ray (CXR) images with deep learning technology. Although a wide range of researches about bran-new COVID-19 detection methods that classify CXR images with centralized convolutional neural network (CNN) models have been proposed, the latency, privacy, and cost of information transmission between the data resources and the centralized data center will make the detection inefficient. Hence, in this article, a COVID-19 detection scheme via CXR images classification with a lightweight CNN model called MobileNet in edge computing is proposed to alleviate the computing pressure of centralized data center and ameliorate detection efficiency. Specifically, the general framework is introduced first to manifest the overall arrangement of the computing and information services ecosystem. Then, an unsupervised model DCGAN is employed to make up for the small scale of data set. Moreover, the implementation of the MobileNet for CXR images classification is presented at great length. The specific distribution strategy of MobileNet models is followed. The extensive evaluations of the experiments demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed scheme for detecting COVID-19 over CXR images in edge computing.  相似文献   

毛丽  李秀丽 《集成技术》2020,9(6):40-47
胸部 CT 图像中新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)病灶的准确分割可以为诊断提供助力。新型冠 状病毒肺炎在 CT 影像上的表现包括磨玻璃影、实变、胸腔积液病灶等,这些征象的纹理、大小和位置 变化较大。该研究提出的深度神经网络 RCB-UNet++,可以用于新型冠状病毒肺炎在 CT 影像上的分割 问题。该网络在 UNet++网络的基础上,增加了残差模块和卷积块注意力模块。此架构能有效地提取底 层的纹理信息和高层的语义信息,并基于注意力机制优化模型效果。该研究所提出的 RCB-UNet++模 型经过在 45 例样本上的训练后,在 50 例测试集上的 Dice 系数达到了 0.715,且敏感性和特异性分别达 到了 0.754 和 0.952,超过基于同样数据划分的其他已发表的深度学习模型。这表明所提出的算法有效 地提高了分割效果,具有从 CT 图像中全自动分割新型冠状病毒肺炎病灶的潜力。  相似文献   

Chen  Han  Jiang  Yifan  Loew  Murray  Ko  Hanseok 《Applied Intelligence》2022,52(6):6340-6353
Applied Intelligence - Automatic segmentation of infection areas in computed tomography (CT) images has proven to be an effective diagnostic approach for COVID-19. However, due to the limited...  相似文献   

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