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The ability to express derived predicates in the formalization of a planning domain is both practically and theoretically important. In this paper, we propose an approach to planning with derived predicates where the search space consists of ??Rule-Action Graphs??, particular graphs of actions and rules representing derived predicates. We propose some techniques for representing such rules and reasoning with them, which are integrated into a framework for planning through local search and rule-action graphs. We also present some heuristics for guiding the search of a rule-action graph representing a valid plan. Finally, we analyze our approach through an extensive experimental study aimed at evaluating the importance of some specific techniques for the performance of the approach. The results of our experiments also show that our planner performs quite well compared to other state-of-the-art planners handling derived predicates.  相似文献   

领域知识的获取是智能规划研究中的重要内容之一.派生规则是一种基于逻辑推理的领域知识表示方法.在对动作模型和派生规则综合分析的基础上提出了基于派生谓词的STRIPS领域知识提取策略,并给出了该提取策略的算法描述.在规划求解过程中,利用提取所得的领域规则可减少派生规则的逻辑推导,从而提高规划效率.对任意一个规划领域,利用提...  相似文献   

C代码API一致性检验中的等值分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孟策  贺也平  罗宇翔 《软件学报》2008,19(10):2550-2561
在实际中对C代码进行API一致性检验的过程中发现,API(application programming interface)规范大都涉及以数值为论域的时序性质,与在静态分析过程中所能获取的以变量符号为占位符的独立语义之间存在分析上的缺口.在仔细考察C代码变量符号间等值关系的基础上,给出基于值等价类空间的等值分析方法.这种流相关的分析方法不仅可以在API一致性检验的过程中维护变量符号域和数值域之间的对应关系,而且由于能够屏蔽等值关系以外的其他信息,还可以为后继分析的优化提供有力的支持.  相似文献   

In real-world domains (e.g., a mobile robot environment), things do not always proceed as planned, so it is important to develop better execution-monitoring techniques and replanning capabilities. This paper describes these capabilities in the SIPE (System for Interactive Planning and Execution Monitoring) planning system. The motivation behind SIPE is to place enough limitations on the representation so that planning can be done efficiently, while retaining sufficient power to still be useful. This work assumes that new information given to the execution monitor is in the form of predicates, thus avoiding the difficult problem of how to generate these predicates from information provided by sensors.
The replanning module presented here takes advantage of the rich structure of SIPE plans and is intimately connected with the planner, which can be called as a subroutine. This allows the use of SIPE's capabilities to determine efficiently how unexpected events affect the plan being executed and, in many cases, to retain most of the original plan by making changes in it to avoid problems caused by these unexpected events. SIPE is also capable of shortening the original plan when serendipitous events occur. A general set of replanning actions is presented along with a general replanning capability that has been implemented by using these actions.  相似文献   

基于与状态无关的激活集的包含派生谓词的规划问题求解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
派生谓词是PDDL2.2语言的新特性之一。在2004年的规划大赛IPC-4上,许多规划系统都无法求解包含派生谓词的两个标准竞赛问题。在经典规划中,派生谓词是指不受领域动作直接影响的谓词,它们在当前状态下的真值是在封闭世界假设中由某些基本谓词通过领域公理推导出来的。本文提出一种新的方法来求解包含派生谓词的规划问题,即用与状态无关的激活集来取代派生谓词用于放宽式规划中。  相似文献   

Relational databases are the most popular repository for structured data, and is thus one of the richest sources of knowledge in the world. In a relational database, multiple relations are linked together via entity-relationship links. Multirelational classification is the procedure of building a classifier based on information stored in multiple relations and making predictions with it. Existing approaches of inductive logic programming (recently, also known as relational mining) have proven effective with high accuracy in multirelational classification. Unfortunately, most of them suffer from scalability problems with regard to the number of relations in databases. In this paper, we propose a new approach, called CrossMine, which includes a set of novel and powerful methods for multirelational classification, including 1) tuple ID propagation, an efficient and flexible method for virtually joining relations, which enables convenient search among different relations, 2) new definitions for predicates and decision-tree nodes, which involve aggregated information to provide essential statistics for classification, and 3) a selective sampling method for improving scalability with regard to the number of tuples. Based on these techniques, we propose two scalable and accurate methods for multirelational classification: CrossMine-Rule, a rule-based method and CrossMine-Tree, a decision-tree-based method. Our comprehensive experiments on both real and synthetic data sets demonstrate the high scalability and accuracy of the CrossMine approach.  相似文献   

Discovering unexpected documents in corpora   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Text mining is widely used to discover frequent patterns in large corpora of documents. Hence, many classical data mining techniques, that have been proven fruitful in the context of data stored in relational databases, are now successfully used in the context of textual data. Nevertheless, there are many situations where it is more valuable to discover unexpected information rather than frequent ones. In the context of technology watch for example, we may want to discover new trends in specific markets, or discover what competitors are planning in the near future, etc. This paper is related to that context of research. We have proposed several unexpectedness measures and implemented them in a prototype, called UnexpectedMiner, that can be used by watchers, in order to discover unexpected documents in large corpora of documents (patents, datasheets, advertisements, scientific papers, etc.). UnexpectedMiner is able to take into account the structure of documents during the discovery of unexpected information. Many experiments have been performed in order to validate our measures and show the interest of our system.  相似文献   

This paper presents algebraic identities and algebraic query optimization for a parametric model for temporal databases. The parametric model has several features not present in the classical model. In this model, a key is explicitly designated with a relation, and an operator is available to change the key. The algebra for the parametric model is three-sorted; it includes 1) relational expressions that evaluate to relations, 2) domain expressions that evaluate to time domains, and 3) Boolean expressions that evaluate to TRUE or FALSE. The identities in the parametric model are classified as weak identities and strong identities. Weak identities in this model are largely counterparts of the identities in classical relational databases. Rather than establishing weak identities from scratch, a meta inference mechanism, introduced in the paper, allows weak identities to be induced from their respective classical counterpart. On the other hand, the strong identities will be established from scratch. An algorithm is presented for algebraic optimization to transform a query to an equivalent query that will execute more efficiently  相似文献   

Planning with preferences involves not only finding a plan that achieves the goal, it requires finding a preferred plan that achieves the goal, where preferences over plans are specified as part of the planner's input. In this paper we provide a technique for accomplishing this objective. Our technique can deal with a rich class of preferences, including so-called temporally extended preferences (TEPs). Unlike simple preferences which express desired properties of the final state achieved by a plan, TEPs can express desired properties of the entire sequence of states traversed by a plan, allowing the user to express a much richer set of preferences. Our technique involves converting a planning problem with TEPs into an equivalent planning problem containing only simple preferences. This conversion is accomplished by augmenting the inputed planning domain with a new set of predicates and actions for updating these predicates. We then provide a collection of new heuristics and a specialized search algorithm that can guide the planner towards preferred plans. Under some fairly general conditions our method is able to find a most preferred plan—i.e., an optimal plan. It can accomplish this without having to resort to admissible heuristics, which often perform poorly in practice. Nor does our technique require an assumption of restricted plan length or make-span. We have implemented our approach in the HPlan-P planning system and used it to compete in the 5th International Planning Competition, where it achieved distinguished performance in the Qualitative Preferences track.  相似文献   

This paper presents the GEM concurrency model and GEMPLAN, a multiagent planner based on this model. Unlike standard state-based AI representations, GEM is unique in its explicit emphasis on events and domain structure. In particular, a world domain is modeled as a set of regions composed of interrelated events. Event-based temporal-logic constraints are then associated with each region to delimit legal domain behavior. The GEMPLAN planner directly reflects this emphasis on domain structure and constraints. It can be viewed as a general-purpose constraint satisfaction facility which constructs a network of interrelated events (a “plan”) that is subdivided into regions (“subplans”), satisfies all applicable regional constraints, and also achieves some stated goal. GEMPLAN extends and generalizes previous planning architectures in the range of constraint forms it handles and in the flexibility of its constraint satisfaction search strategy. One critical aspect of our work has been an emphasis on localized reasoning—techniques that make explicit use of domain structure. For example, GEM localizes the applicability of domain constraints and imposes additional “locality constraints” on the basis of domain structure. Together, constraint localization and locality constraints provide semantic information that can be used to alleviate several aspects of the frame problem for multiagent domains. The GEMPLAN planner reflects the use of locality by subdividing its constraint satisfaction search space into regional planning search spaces. Utilizing constraint and property localization, GEMPLAN can pinpoint and rectify interactions among these regional search spaces, thus reducing the burden of “interaction analysis” ubiquitous to most planning systems. Because GEMPLAN is specifically geared towards parallel, multiagent domains, we believe that its natural application areas will include scheduling and other forms of organizational coordination.  相似文献   

Spreadsheets, comma separated value files and other tabular data representations are in wide use today. However, writing, maintaining and identifying good formulas for tabular data and spreadsheets can be time-consuming and error-prone. We investigate the automatic learning of constraints (formulas and relations) in raw tabular data in an unsupervised way. We represent common spreadsheet formulas and relations through predicates and expressions whose arguments must satisfy the inherent properties of the constraint. The challenge is to automatically infer the set of constraints present in the data, without labeled examples or user feedback. We propose a two-stage generate and test method where the first stage uses constraint solving techniques to efficiently reduce the number of candidates, based on the predicate signatures. Our approach takes inspiration from inductive logic programming, constraint learning and constraint satisfaction. We show that we are able to accurately discover constraints in spreadsheets from various sources.  相似文献   

We introduce a new, online, stroke-based recognition system for hand-drawn diagrams which belong to a group of documents with an explicit structure obvious to humans but only loosely defined from the machine point of view. We propose a model for recognition by selection of symbol candidates, based on evaluation of relations between candidates using a set of predicates. It is suitable for simpler structures where the relations are explicitly given by symbols, arrows in the case of diagrams. Knowledge of a specific diagram domain is used—the two domains are flowcharts and finite automata. Although the individual pipeline steps are tailored for these, the system can readily be adapted for other domains. Our entire diagram recognition pipeline is outlined. Its core parts are text/non-text separation, symbol segmentation, their classification and structural analysis. Individual parts have been published by the authors previously and so are described briefly and referenced. Thorough evaluation on benchmark databases shows the accuracy of the system reaches the state of the art and is ready for practical use. The paper brings several contributions: (a) the entire system and its state-of-the-art performance; (b) the methodology exploring document structure when it is loosely defined; (c) the thorough experimental evaluation; (d) the new annotated database for online sketched flowcharts and finite automata diagrams.  相似文献   

With the development of pervasive computing techniques, the world will be filled with interconnected context-aware domains (e.g., homes, offices, hospitals, etc.). While the previous studies focused solely on the management of contexts produced in a single domain, in this paper we discuss the challenges to be addressed for cross-domain context management. By analyzing the requirements from several scenarios, we identify two context producer–consumer patterns in multi-domain environments. Furthermore, to deal with the mobile entity problem raised in cross-domain context sharing, a transparent query mechanism that enables applications to obtain context information about mobile entities from remote domains is proposed. Two prototype applications—smart home and community services in a smart campus—have been developed to demonstrate the key features and usefulness of cross-domain context management. Initial experiments have also been conducted to evaluate the performance of our system.  相似文献   

Relational reasoning is concerned with relations over an unspecified domain of discourse. Two limitations to which it is customarily subject are: only dyadic relations are taken into account; all formulas are equations, having the same expressive power as first-order sentences in three variables. The relational formalism inherits from the Peirce-Schröder tradition, through contributions of Tarski and many others.Algebraic manipulation of relational expressions (equations in particular) is much less natural than developing inferences in first-order logic; it may in fact appear to be overly machine-oriented for direct hand-based exploitation.The situation radically changes when one resorts to a convenient representation of relations based on labeled graphs. The paper provides details of this representation, which abstracts w.r.t. inessential features of expressions.Formal techniques illustrating three uses of the graph representation of relations are discussed: one technique deals with translating first-order specifications into the calculus of relations; another one, with inferring equalities within this calculus with the aid of convenient diagram-rewriting rules; a third one with checking, in the specialized framework of set theory, the definability of particular set operations. Examples of use of these techniques are produced; moreover, a promising approach to mechanization of graphical relational reasoning is outlined.  相似文献   

Graphs are widely used for modeling complicated data such as social networks, bibliographical networks and knowledge bases. The growing sizes of graph databases motivate the crucial need for developing powerful and scalable graph-based query engines. We propose a SPARQL-like language, G-SPARQL, for querying attributed graphs. The language enables the expression of different types of graph queries that are of large interest in the databases that are modeled as large graph such as pattern matching, reachability and shortest path queries. Each query can combine both structural predicates and value-based predicates (on the attributes of the graph nodes/edges). We describe an algebraic compilation mechanism for our proposed query language which is extended from the relational algebra and based on the basic construct of building SPARQL queries, the Triple Pattern. We describe an efficient hybrid Memory/Disk representation of large attributed graphs where only the topology of the graph is maintained in memory while the data of the graph are stored in a relational database. The execution engine of our proposed query language splits parts of the query plan to be pushed inside the relational database (using SQL) while the execution of other parts of the query plan is processed using memory-based algorithms, as necessary. Experimental results on real and synthetic datasets demonstrate the efficiency and the scalability of our approach and show that our approach outperforms native graph databases by several factors.  相似文献   

Multi-agent plan based information gathering   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The evolution of the Web has encouraged the development of new Information Gathering techniques. Artificial Intelligence techniques, such as Planning, have also been used for Information Gathering in order to go beyond merely retrieving Web data. Planning has been used traditionally to generate a sequence of actions that specify how information sources should be accessed. In this paper, planning is used mainly for integrating information found in heterogeneous sources. For instance, two different Web sources about flight and train travels, can be represented by two different planning operators, which will be subsequently combined and integrated by a single plan. We have found that a Multi-Agent framework is very appropriate to implement our technique. In order to evaluate our approach empirically, it has been applied to a tourism domain (MAPWEB-ETOURISM), whose purpose is to help a customer to plan his/her trips. In this domain, several specialized Web agents have been used to query travel Web sources, whose results are subsequently integrated by a planning agent to build complete travel solutions. Experimental results show that, by means of integration, more solutions can be found than by using single information sources or even travel meta-searchers. Also, (MAPWEB-ETOURISM) can find new types of solutions by integrating information gathered from heterogeneous Web sources (i.e. flights and trains).  相似文献   

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