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The German Federal Government has undertaken a series of particularly interesting policy experiments in the field of technology policy in recent years, a major policy innovation being the explicit recognition of regional clustering aspects in federal support programmes. The paper provides a categorization and assessment of these policy experiments and tries to shed some new light on two fundamental policy questions that are important beyond the German context: (i) can clusters be built by national government policy action? and (ii) is regionalization of technology policy a suitable means of achieving goals at the national level? We find that utilizing the regional level to boost national innovation and competitiveness can—under certain conditions explicated in the paper—indeed be seen as a promising means of achieving national goals. More specifically, we find that InnoRegio type programmes might be particularly useful in regions with distinctive structural problems such as the Central and Eastern European countries, whereas BioRegio type models might be a suitable means of policy‐making at the level of the European Union.  相似文献   

Innovations are inherently connected to knowledge transfers. The need of face-to-face contacts to transfer tacit knowledge is commonly argued to cause a regional dimension of innovative activities. The paper presents an alternative explanation based on a model of boundedly rational actors who search for knowledge. It is shown that a regional dimension exists in these processes that results from a regional bias in an actor's search activities. Social embeddedness, a shared regional identity and limited spatial mobility foster this bias. We argue that insights from research on these topics can help to define the geographic size of a region.  相似文献   

面向产品的高技术企业集群协同创新系统集成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高集群创新能力和提升集群在全球产业链中的竞争力,运用系统协同思想来分析集群创新实现问题。构建了基于集群产品创新有序集成的集群知识互动价值创造网络系统,及系统创新集成实现的模块化运作模式。实现了企业集群发展所需创新要素的统一,提高了要素间互动的效率,加快创新的进程与步伐,有效解决了集群创新面临的困境。  相似文献   

We build on recent literature to highlight the distinction between knowledge-diffusion and knowledge-creation benefits of technology clustering and argue that firms located in technology clusters will have differential access to the latter. To explain the antecedents of such differential access, we first argue that clustering gives rise to three knowledge-creation benefits: easier identification of potential knowledge partners with complementary knowledge, easier initiation of knowledge partnerships and increased effectiveness of knowledge partnerships. Subsequently, we develop a conceptual model and propositions that focus on a cluster firm's awareness of knowledge assets inside the cluster, attractiveness as a knowledge partner and ability to benefit from knowledge partnerships to explain differential access by firms to these three knowledge-creation benefits that clustering provides. This study highlights the theoretical significance of distinguishing externality-type benefits of technology clustering from benefits that firms need to actively pursue, and discusses implications for firms' location decisions.  相似文献   

The importance of geographic proximity for innovation has been widely stressed in the cluster literature. Yet, new insights from the inter-organisational network and cluster literatures underline the role of non-local linkages in enabling firms in networks to enhance learning and to innovate. This paper contributes to this literature by examining the importance of local and non-local knowledge networks for the innovation performance of firms in clusters. Our analysis is based on primary data from a survey of 95 software firms clustered in Montevideo, Uruguay. The results highlight that the most innovative firms in clusters heavily rely on non-local knowledge networks. Moreover, the number of indirect local ties to other firms is a better predictor of innovative performance than the number of direct local ties. Finally, our findings confirm the presence of knowledge gatekeepers in clusters and emphasise their role in enhancing innovation in clusters by absorbing knowledge from extra-cluster sources and diffusing it to other local firms.  相似文献   

《Industry and innovation》2008,15(2):199-221
Firms increasingly rely upon information technology (IT) to manage organizational knowledge, though this does not inevitably result in increased knowledge sharing. In contrast, we know that in the case of non-commercial open software development, IT plays a central role in knowledge sharing between software developers. This paper acknowledges the impact of a blogosphere—a system of connected weblogs (i.e. personalized and informal publications on the Internet in reverse chronological order)—on the motivation of lead users to develop commercial software together with the employees of a large for-profit organization. On the basis of multi-method data, collected over a 28-month period, our results indicate parallels to the field of open source software: we argue that weblog technology and its features evoke intrinsic and extrinsic motivation to engage in knowledge sharing within a commercial software development project.  相似文献   

《Industry and innovation》2006,13(4):393-414
The aim of this paper is to compare the socio-spatial patterns of innovation and knowledge linkages of a biopharmaceutical and an agro-food biotech cluster. Dissimilarities can be expected based on differences in terms of historical technological regimes and sectoral innovation system dynamics between the agro-food and pharmaceutical industries in general and particularly the distinctive analytical (science-based) knowledge base of biopharmaceuticals in contrast with the more synthetic (engineering-based) knowledge base of agro-food biotechnology. Drawing on bibliometric data and case material the study compares two representative bioregions: a biopharmaceutical cluster in Scania, Sweden and an agro-food biotech cluster in Saskatoon, Canada. The empirical study supports the theoretical expectations and shows that knowledge dynamics in the agro-food cluster are more localized than in the biopharmaceuticals cluster. It is important, however, to acknowledge that these differences are relative. Both sectors display local and non-local patterns of collaboration following the general pattern for biotechnology.  相似文献   

The paper aims to investigate how innovations cluster in different technological systems (TSs) when their “techno‐economic”, rather than “territorial” space, is considered. Innovation clusters of economic sectors are identified by referring to the innovation “potential” represented by their R&D expenditure and by applying social network analysis to the intersectoral R&D flows matrices of 15 OECD countries in the mid‐1990s. Different clusterization models are first tested in order to detect the way sectors group on the basis of the embodied R&D flows they exchange. Actual clusters are then mapped in the different TSs by looking for intersectoral relationships which can be qualified to constitute “reduced TSs” (ReTSs). In all the 15 TSs investigated the techno‐economic space appears organized in hierarchies, along which its constitutive sectors grouped into clusters with different density and composition. Once ReTSs are looked for, the 15 TSs display highly heterogeneous structures, but with some interesting similarity on the basis of which different clusters of TSs can be identified in turn.  相似文献   

Based-off the regional development theory developed from knowledge and innovation, Huggins & Thompson [1] have proposed the concept of Network Capital, which aims to explain the importance of knowledge flow, knowledge absorptive capacity and investments on associations between firms and Universities or Scientific Centers or other firms in order to increase regional development. This paper used empirical data from Mexico for the period 2012–2016 to propose an alternative to the calculation of Network Capital at State level as an alternative to the Huggins and Thompson proposal. The data used cover all the 32 Mexican States about innovation activities. On this paper is shown the deep differences between Mexican States about the knowledge qualities, the absorptive capacity of knowledge and the investments on strategic associations, it that might be typical at non-innovation Nations. Although the proposal on this paper cannot be directly compared to that of Huggins and Thompson, both shows evidence that, the greater network capital, the greater the potential development based on knowledge.  相似文献   

The literature on innovation and interactive learning has tended to emphasize the importance of local networks, inter-firm collaboration and knowledge flows as the principal source of technological dynamism. More recently, however, this view has come to be challenged by other perspectives that argue for the importance of non-local knowledge flows. According to this alternative approach, truly dynamic economic regions are characterized both by dense local social interaction and knowledge circulation, as well as strong inter-regional and international connections to outside knowledge sources and partners. This paper offers an empirical examination of these issues by examining the geography of knowledge flows associated with innovation in biotechnology. We begin by reviewing the growing literature on the nature and geography of innovation in biotechnology research and the commercialization process. Then, focusing on the Canadian biotech industry, we examine the determinants of innovation (measured through patenting activity), paying particular attention to internal resources and capabilities of the firm, as well as local and global flows of knowledge and capital. Our study is based on the analysis of Statistics Canada's 1999 Survey of Biotechnology Use and Development, which covers 358 core biotechnology firms. Our findings highlight the importance of in-house technological capability and absorptive capacity as determinants of successful innovation in biotechnology firms. Furthermore, our results document the precise ways in which knowledge circulates, in both embodied and disembodied forms, both locally and globally. We also highlight the role of formal intellectual property transactions (domestic and international) in promoting knowledge flows. Although we document the importance of global networks in our findings, our results also reveal the value of local networks and specific forms of embedding. Local relational linkages are especially important when raising capital—and the expertise that comes with it—to support innovation. Nevertheless, our empirical results raise some troubling questions about the alleged pre-eminence of the local in fostering innovation.  相似文献   

Gold nanocubes are assembled into clusters of varying numbers and ordering on indium tin oxide substrates. The plasmon coupling in the clusters is studied with both dark‐field imaging and finite‐difference time‐domain calculations. Generally, as a cluster becomes larger and more asymmetric, it exhibits more scattering peaks towards longer wavelengths. The coupling of the vertically oriented dipole in the nanocube with its image dipole in the substrate generates two scattering peaks. One is fixed in energy and the other red‐shifts with increasing cluster size. The coupling of horizontally oriented dipoles among different nanocubes produces multiple scattering peaks at lower energies. Their positions and intensities are highly dependent on the number and ordering of nanocubes in the cluster. Au nanocubes in the clusters are further welded together by thermal treatment. The scattering peaks of the thermally treated clusters generally become sharper. The lower‐energy scattering peaks arising from dipolar oscillations are red‐shifted.  相似文献   

Both systems of innovation and cluster theories emphasize the importance of institutions that facilitate learning and information diffusion as well as community building for the continuous success of industrial systems. Nevertheless, they fail to combine their insights into a general system-level understanding. In order to fill this gap the concept of collaborative public space (CPS) is defined. It is then used to analyze the Israeli military's role within the Israeli IT industry, employing the case study method to analyze a specific section of the military—MAMRAM—the main programming, software engineering, and computer users training unit. The paper's main findings are that, contrary to the commonly argued view, which sees the military mainly as a supplier of factors of production such as high skilled labor, or technological spin-offs, the military has been playing a critical role in the continuing success of the high-tech industry by providing it with a CPS. The military acts as an important center of information gathering, processing, and dissemination for the Israeli software innovation system, as the originator and strengthener of many social networks, and as the connecting node between various weakly tied social networks.  相似文献   

Herein, AlKα X‐rays are used to drive the growth of luminescent silver clusters in zeolites. The growth of the silver species is tracked using Auger spectroscopy and fluorescence microscopy, by monitoring the evolution from their ions to luminescent clusters and then metallic, dark nanoparticles. It is shown that the growth rate in different zeolites is determined by the mobility of the silver ions in the framework and that the growth dynamics in calcined samples obeys the Hill–Langmuir equation for noncooperative binding. Comparison of the optical properties of X‐ray‐grown silver clusters with silver clusters formed by standard heat treatment indicates that the latter have a higher specificity toward the formation of luminescent clusters of a specific (small) nuclearity, whereas the former produce a wide distribution of cluster species as well as larger nanoparticles.  相似文献   

制造企业知识管理实施方法的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
企业知识管理实施是一项系统工程,本文从企业知识管理概念模型出发,从企业战略选择,企业文化培养,企业组织创新和有效的知识管理的构建四个方面对知识管理的实施进行了讨论,分析表明:知识管理的实施不是四个方面的简单叠加,需要各方面的协调发展,需要针对企业自身情况,通过企业各子系统和过程的整合,建立适合自身特点的具有特色的知识管理模式是企业知识管理实施的最佳选择。  相似文献   

How do organizations learn from a drastic failure? We distinguish between ad hoc and systematic reactions and discuss their effectiveness for dealing with two basic challenges: (1) identifying and solving the problems that caused the failure; and (2) changing the organization accordingly. We apply this conceptual perspective to illustrate the dynamics of learning from the drastic failure that occurred during the development of the Airbus A380 “superjumbo.” Our findings echo extant observations that efforts to redesign organizational behavior in an ad hoc manner are often insufficient. Instead, the organizational system must provide scaffolding that allows experiencing a critical event in a rich and systematic manner. When seen from a dynamic perspective, however, we find that even imperfect ad hoc efforts may play a vital role. By enforcing changes, providing stability, and raising awareness, they can act as a helpful prelude to more systematic problem solving and change.  相似文献   

新世纪我国工业工程发展的战略思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
分析了面向新世纪制造业所面临的挑战,提出了工业工程的研究发展方向,并指出制造业的变革将促进工业工程的发展。  相似文献   

This paper aims to contribute to research on the knowledge dimension of industrial innovation and competitive advantage by combining two conceptual constructs that are applied in growing but separate bodies of research. One, the so-called “SAS model”, regards knowledge bases of firms and distinguishes between Synthetic, Analytical and Symbolic knowledge. The second, the “Worlds of Production” construct, classifies firms according to differences in technologies and markets and outlines four possible action frameworks within which companies operate and innovate. Combining these conceptualizations seems to enrich analyses within both perspectives and provide a useful framework for studies on knowledge dynamics in different economic contexts. Empirical evidence regarding knowledge dynamics of two “alternative food” producers is presented, indicating that symbolic knowledge which in current literature is mainly delimited and described within cultural industries, may also be relevant for other industries such as the alternative food sub-sector.  相似文献   

The paper aims at explaining the changes in how economic actors and their organizations acquire and coordinate innovative and productive capabilities. Using the illustrative evidence from organizational change in the automobile industry in Piedmont over the last 50 years, the paper describes how transformations in the structure of interactions between firms are steered by changes in the pattern of specialization and differentiation in the capabilities and technological skills of economic actors. The system is characterized by the emergence of a platform for the coordination of productive and technological activities, which can be seen as a major change in the organization of innovation in the system.  相似文献   

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