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提出一种求解异质结双极晶体管(HBT)小信号等效电路模型的解析方法。在提取过程中,采用集电极开路测量和直流测量相结合的方法,精确提取到了具有物理意义的唯一的外部串联电阻值,并在精确提取非本征参数的基础上,直接提取本征参数。较大频率范围S参数的计算值与测量值有很好的吻合。  相似文献   

基于GaNHEMT小信号等效电路模型参数的提取,针对扰动机制、退火方式、记忆功能、回火机制等关键点,提出了一种改进的模拟退火算法。用Matlab仿真工具实验证明,在5~15GHz之间基于S参数测试数据,选取16个频率参考点,利用改进算法返回等效电路的13个参数,与测试数据有良好的一致性,是一种快速的全局优化算法。  相似文献   

文章针对S参数提取微波功率FET小信号等效电路参数方法,着重论述二种改进的算法,并应用于我所研制的微波功率2100μm栅宽的GaAsMESFET管芯的小信号等效电路13只元件参数计算,计算得出的S参数与实验数据相吻合,提高了计算速度和精度。  相似文献   

SiGe HBT小信号等效电路的参数直接提取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种求解硅锗异质结双极型晶体管(SiGe HBT)小信号等效电路模型的参数直接提取方法.整个提取过程使用由小信号等效电路推导出的一系列解析表达式,不使用任何数值优化方法.参数提取结果使用ADS软件仿真验证.结果表明,该方法简单易行,较为精确.  相似文献   

用模拟退火算法从S参数提取HFET小信号等效电路模型参数   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
微波集成电路和微波器件的设计需要准确地提取 HFET的小信号等效电路模型参数 .采用带回火的模拟退火算法从 S参数提取 HFET小信号等效电路模型参数 ,得到了高质量的解 .计算结果是全局最优解 ,摆脱了初始值的影响 ,并且克服了局部优化算法遇到的不收敛或收敛到错误解的问题 .利用测量得到的栅电阻 ,计算结果的精度可以进一步提高 .这个算法同样也适用于 HBT、电容和电感等器件模型参数的提取  相似文献   

微波集成电路和微波器件的设计需要准确地提取HFET的小信号等效电路模型参数.采用带回火的模拟退火算法从S参数提取HFET小信号等效电路模型参数,得到了高质量的解.计算结果是全局最优解,摆脱了初始值的影响,并且克服了局部优化算法遇到的不收敛或收敛到错误解的问题.利用测量得到的栅电阻,计算结果的精度可以进一步提高.这个算法同样也适用于HBT、电容和电感等器件模型参数的提取.  相似文献   

利用国际通用的ColdFET以及宽带小信号提取方法对AlGaN/GaN HEMT器件进行小信号参数的提取,用仿真软件ADS(advanced design system)建立HEMT小信号等效电路模型,并对参数值进行优化.可快速提取器件的小信号参数并给予工艺一些反馈和指导.  相似文献   

讨论了一种提取GaAsMESFET小讯号等效电路参数的方法,本方法可直接决定外部和本征小讯号参数。所得到的等效电路的S参数计算值与测量值基本吻合。  相似文献   

将新型算法—退火遗传算法用于GaAsFET大信号等效电路模型参数的提取,给出了具体流程并提取了器件的模型,结果表明该算法快速可靠,文中为提取大信号模型提供了新的方法,并扩展了遗传算法的应用。  相似文献   

为了有效地表征GaN HEMTs在微波频段下的电学特性,研究了其高频等效电路的精确建模方法。基于GaN HEMTs器件的本征物理结构,综合考虑器件在制版过程中由电极和通孔所带来的寄生特性,描述了一种具有26个详细参数网络的小信号等效电路模型。此模型考虑了器件在工作环境下所受到的集肤效应,同时通过对小信号等效电路进行双端口网络参数分析,推导了其准静态近似的微波等效电路参数直接提取的简化算法,最终通过ADS仿真平台将所建模型和传统模型的S参数模拟结果与实测数据的一致性进行对比,验证了小信号等效电路模型的精确性与参数提取算法的有效性。  相似文献   

针对氮化镓高电子迁移率晶体管(GaN High Electron Mobility Transistor,GaN HEMT)小信号等效电路模型参数提取和优化过程中存在的误差累计问题,基于GaN HEMT 19元件小信号模型,提出了一种扫参与迭代相结合的参数提取算法.该算法在迭代过程中,每次使用比前一次更准确的元件值进行计算,可使结果趋向最优解.通过Mat-lab编程实现后计算结果表明,仿真与实测S参数在0.1~40 GHz频率范围内吻合良好.  相似文献   

In this paper we present an analytical, fast, accurate and robust technique for the determination of the circuit model elements of HEMTs in the microwave range. By this method the values of the equivalent circuit parameters of the device under test are extracted using three measured scattering (S) parameter sets without any optimization. We also investigated the influence of the reverse transfer conductance Re(Y12) on the modelling by means of a gate drain resistance Rdg. The validity of this method was verified upon a set of pseudomorphic HEMTs having different gate widths tested on wafer at several bias and temperature conditions. Very good agreement between the simulated and measured S-parameters has been obtained. The procedure has been implemented in Agilent VEE language as a fully automated tool to allow an accurate, fast and complete device characterization requiring no operator supervision.  相似文献   

Jinye Wang  Jun Liu  Zhenxin Zhao 《半导体学报》2024,45(5):052302-1-052302-8
An accurate and novel small-signal equivalent circuit model for GaN high-electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs) is proposed, which considers a dual-field-plate (FP) made up of a gate-FP and a source-FP. The equivalent circuit of the overall model is composed of parasitic elements, intrinsic transistors, gate-FP, and source-FP networks. The equivalent circuit of the gate-FP is identical to that of the intrinsic transistor. In order to simplify the complexity of the model, a series combination of a resistor and a capacitor is employed to represent the source-FP. The analytical extraction procedure of the model parameters is presented based on the proposed equivalent circuit. The verification is carried out on a 4 × 250 μm GaN HEMT device with a gate-FP and a source-FP in a 0.45 μm technology. Compared with the classic model, the proposed novel small-signal model shows closer agreement with measured S-parameters in the range of 1.0 to 18.0 GHz.  相似文献   

We present a distributed small signal equivalent circuit model based on hybrid-π for modeling of the low-frequency noise correlation behavior in dual-collector magnetotransistors (MTs). The model is based on the assumption that the noise sources at the emitter-base junction of the transistor are spatially correlated; the degree of spatial correlation in noise sources being limited by the intrinsic base spreading resistance. This gives rise to a degradation in correlation of terminal collector noise currents at high current, or injection, levels due to nonuniformities in the dc bias current distribution  相似文献   

A parameter extraction procedure for determining an improved T-topology small signal equivalent circuit of a metallic collector-up HBT with composite base is presented. The proposed T-small signal equivalent circuit includes base and collector impedances modelled by parallel RC circuits. The new technique employs analytically derived expressions for direct calculation of HBT T-Model equivalent circuit element values in terms of the measured S-parameters. This approach avoids errors due to uncertainty in fitting to large, over determined equivalent circuits and does not require the use of test structures and extra measurement steps to evaluate parasitics. Physically realistic results are demonstrated under various biasing conditions for the npn InP/InGaAsP/InGaAs composed base HBT with metallic collector-up structure (C-up MHBT). The agreement between the measured and model-produced data is excellent over the large frequency range and for several polarizations conditions for devices.  相似文献   

This paper presents a fast and accurate procedure for extraction of small signal intrinsic parameters of AlGaAs/GaAs high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) using artificial neural network (ANN) techniques. The extraction procedure has been done in a wide range of frequencies and biases at various temperatures. Intrinsic parameters of HEMT are acquired using its values of common-source S-parameters. Two different ANN structures have been constructed in this work to extract the parameters, multi layer perceptron (MLP) and radial basis function (RBF) neural networks. These two kinds of ANNs are compared to each other in terms of accuracy, speed and memory usage. To validate the capability of the proposed method in small signal modeling of GaAs HEMTs, data and modeled values of S-parameters of a 200 μm gate width 0.25 μm GaAs HEMT are compared to each other and very good agreement between them is achieved up to 30 GHz. The effect of bias, temperature and frequency conditions on the extracted parameters of HEMT has been investigated, and the obtained results match the theoretical expectations. The proposed model can be inserted to computer-aided design (CAD) tools in order to have an accurate and fast design, simulation and optimization of microwave circuits including GaAs HEMTs.  相似文献   

结合分析法和优化法,针对片上叠层式变压器提出了一种参数提取方法.分析法得出的参数值作为优化法的初始值,从而得出最终的模型参数值.结果表明,在100 MHz~60 GHz频率范围内,硅衬底的叠层式变压器S参数的仿真结果和测试结果吻合很好.  相似文献   

本文比较了四端口和两端口测试方式下变压器模型的差异。虽然两端口测试方式对变压器的测试和应用更为合适,但它将给模型参数的提取带来巨大困难。在这篇文章中,一种基于物理意义的等效电路模型和它相应的直接提取步骤被提出来用于片上变压器。基于两端口(而非四端口)测试方式,这种参数提取步骤能够提取器件的模型参数而不需要使用任何参数优化和拟合。在这个步骤中,一个新方法首次被提出用来提取阶梯电路的参数,而阶梯电路被广泛用于模拟各种无源器件中的趋肤效应。这样,这个方法便可以推广应用到其他无源器件的建模中,如片上传输线、电感、巴伦等。为了检验这种参数提取步骤的有效性和准确性,我们用90-nm 1P9M CMOS工艺制作了一个片上互绕型变压器。我们比较了模型仿真和实际测试在自感、品质因数、感性互感系数和阻性互感系数等方面的结果,在很宽的频带宽度内这两者吻合得很好。  相似文献   

为了研究光电导探测器对高频光信号的响应特性,分析了光电导探测器响应时间的物理机理,应用解析方法推导出了它的响应时间表达式及其适用条件,建立了光电导探测器的微变等效电路模型,测试了CdSe光电导探测器在不同外接负载电阻条件下的响应时间参数。实验表明:在照度小于103lx范围内,CdSe光电导探测器的响应时间平均值为5.4ms,与外接负载电阻的阻值无关。研究表明:线性光电导探测器的响应时间由半导体材料内部的微观结构决定;探测器可等效为恒流源和光电阻的并联;外接输出电路时,其总的响应时间与探测器的响应时间和光电检测电路的时间常数两个参数有关,一般应用中可近似取为探测器的响应时间。  相似文献   

An approach to determining an equivalent circuit for HEMTs   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
A simple way to determine a small-signal equivalent circuit of High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs) is proposed. Intrinsic elements determined by a conventional analytical parameter transformation technique are described as functions of extrinsic elements. Assuming that the equivalent circuit composed of lumped elements is valid over the whole frequency range of the measurements, the extrinsic elements are iteratively determined using the variance of the intrinsic elements as an optimization criterion. Measurements of S-parameters up to 62.5 GHz at more than 100 different bias points confirmed that the HEMT equivalent circuit is consistent for all bias points  相似文献   

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