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During eye development in Drosophila, cell cycle progression is coordinated with differentiation. Prior to differentiation, cells arrest in G1 phase anterior to and within the morphogenetic furrow. We show that Decapentaplegic (Dpp), a TGF-&bgr; family member, is required to establish this G1 arrest, since Dpp-unresponsive cells located in the anterior half of the morphogenetic furrow show ectopic S phases and ectopic expression of the cell cycle regulators Cyclins A, E and B. Conversely, ubiquitous over-expression of Dpp in the eye imaginal disc transiently inhibits S phase without affecting Cyclin E or Cyclin A abundance. This Dpp-mediated inhibition of S phase occurs independently of the Cyclin A inhibitor Roughex and of the expression of Dacapo, a Cyclin E-Cdk2 inhibitor. Furthermore, Dpp-signaling genes interact genetically with a hypomorphic cyclin E allele. Taken together our results suggest that Dpp acts to induce G1 arrest in the anterior part of the morphogenetic furrow by a novel inhibitory mechanism. In addition, our results provide evidence for a Dpp-independent mechanism that acts in the posterior part of the morphogenetic furrow to maintain G1 arrest.  相似文献   

The Drosophila gene shuttle craft (stc) is expressed zygotically in the embryonic central nervous system (CNS) where it is required to maintain the proper morphology of motoneuronal axon nerve routes following their migration from the ventral cord. Here, we report that a prominent maternal source of STC protein is also present throughout both oogenesis and embryogenesis. To determine whether this maternal component is required in the ovary and/or embryo, we used the Drosophila autosomal dominant female sterile technique to generate germ-line clones that lacked the stc maternal function. Our results demonstrate that a maternally derived source of STC protein is required during embryogenesis but not oogenesis. In contrast to the zygotic phenotype, the primary defect in embryos derived from stc germ-line clones affects segmentation by causing disruptions and deletions in distinct thoracic (T1-T3) and abdominal (A4-A8) segments. These localized defects are responsible for additional phenotypes observed later in development which include gaps in the ventral nerve cord and deletions of denticle belts in the cuticle. An additional phenotype occurring in all other neuromeric segments consists of the misguided migration of motoneuronal axons as they project out of the ventral nerve cord. Thus, the stc zygotic function is required later in development and cannot correct the segmentation and subsequent CNS abnormalities associated with loss of its earlier acting maternally derived activity.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND & AIMS: Hydrophobic bile acids have been implicated in the pathogenesis of cholestatic liver injury. The hypothesis that hydrophobic bile acid toxicity is mediated by oxidant stress in an in vivo rat model was tested in this study. METHODS: A dose-response study of bolus intravenous (i.v.) taurochenodeoxycholic acid (TCDC) in rats was conducted. Rats were then pretreated with parenteral alpha-tocopherol, and its effect on i.v. TCDC toxicity was evaluated by liver blood tests and by assessing mitochondrial lipid peroxidation. RESULTS: Four hours after an i.v. bolus of TCDC (10 mumol/100 g weight), serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels peaked, hepatic mitochondria showed evidence of increased lipid peroxidation, and serum bile acid analysis was consistent with a cholestatic injury. Liver histology at 4 hours showed hepatocellular necrosis and swelling and mild portal tract inflammation. Treatment with parenteral alpha-tocopherol was associated with a 60%-70% reduction in AST and ALT levels, improved histology, and a 60% reduction in mitochondrial lipid peroxidation in rats receiving TCDC. CONCLUSIONS: These data show that hepatocyte injury and oxidant damage to mitochondria caused by i.v. TCDC can be significantly reduced by pretreatment with the antioxidant vitamin E. These in vivo findings support the role for oxidant stress in the pathogenesis of bile acid hepatic toxicity.  相似文献   

We describe mutations in the orb gene, identified previously as an ovarian-specific member of a large family of RNA-binding proteins. Strong orb alleles arrest oogenesis prior to egg chamber formation, an early step of oogenesis, whereas females mutant for a maternal-effect lethal orb allele lay eggs with ventralized eggshell structures. Embryos that develop within these mutant eggs display posterior patterning defects and abnormal dorsoventral axis formation. Consistent with such embryonic phenotypes, orb is required for the asymmetric distribution of oskar and gurken mRNAs within the oocyte during the later stages of oogenesis. In addition, double heterozygous combinations of orb and grk or orb and top/DER alleles reveal that mutations in these genes interact genetically, suggesting that they participate in a common pathway. Orb protein, which is localized within the oocyte in wild-type females, is distributed ubiquitously in stage 8-10 orb mutant oocytes. These data will be discussed in the context of a model proposing that Orb is a component of the cellular machinery that delivers mRNA molecules to specific locations within the oocyte and that this function contributes to both D/V and A/P axis specification during oogenesis.  相似文献   

The protein 4.1 superfamily is comprised of a diverse group of cytoplasmic proteins, many of which have been shown to associate with the plasma membrane via binding to specific transmembrane proteins. Coracle, a Drosophila protein 4.1 homologue, is required during embryogenesis and is localized to the cytoplasmic face of the septate junction in epithelial cells. Using in vitro mutagenesis, we demonstrate that the amino-terminal 383 amino acids of Coracle define a functional domain that is both necessary and sufficient for proper septate junction localization in transgenic embryos. Genetic mutations within this domain disrupt the subcellular localization of Coracle and severely affect its genetic function, indicating that correct subcellular localization is essential for Coracle function. Furthermore, the localization of Coracle and the transmembrane protein Neurexin to the septate junction display an interdependent relationship, suggesting that Coracle and Neurexin interact with one another at the cytoplasmic face of the septate junction. Consistent with this notion, immunoprecipitation and in vitro binding studies demonstrate that the amino-terminal 383 amino acids of Coracle and cytoplasmic domain of Neurexin interact directly. Together these results indicate that Coracle provides essential membrane-organizing functions at the septate junction, and that these functions are carried out by an amino-terminal domain that is conserved in all protein 4.1 superfamily members.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We investigated the ability of a variety of growth factors to regulate the differentiation of prostatic fibroblasts into smooth muscle cells. METHODS: Smooth muscle actin levels were monitored by immunoblot analysis and immunocytochemistry. Proliferation was measured in clonal growth assays and by cell counts. RESULTS: We determined that TGFbeta inhibited proliferation and induced smooth muscle differentiation of stromal cells derived from prostatic adenocarcinomas, as we previously reported for cells derived from the normal peripheral zone. Basic FGF, EGF, TGFalpha, and PDGF, but not IGF, retinoic acid, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3, or androgen, attenuated induction of differentiation by TGFbeta, by a mechanism apparently unrelated to proliferation. CONCLUSIONS: Regulation of growth and differentiation occurs equivalently in prostatic stromal cells derived from adenocarcinomas and normal peripheral zone. TGFbeta is a potent inducer of the smooth muscle phenotype. Basic FGF, EGF and/or TGFalpha, and PDGF attenuate TGFbeta's activity, and promote a fibroblastic phenotype. Our studies provide an in vitro model system in which fibroblastic or smooth muscle cells can be promoted, maintained, and investigated in a defined manner. The results suggest that the ratio of fibroblasts to smooth muscle cells in the stroma reflects the relative levels of growth factors, which may be altered in diseased states.  相似文献   

The Transforming Growth Factor-beta superfamily member decapentaplegic (dpp) acts as an extracellular morphogen to pattern the embryonic ectoderm of the Drosophila embryo. To identify components of the dpp signaling pathway, we screened for mutations that act as dominant maternal enhancers of a weak allele of the dpp target gene zerkn?llt. In this screen, we recovered new alleles of the Mothers against dpp (Mad) and Medea genes. Phenotypic analysis of the new Medea mutations indicates that Medea, like Mad, is required for both embryonic and imaginal disc patterning. Genetic analysis suggests that Medea may have two independently mutable functions in patterning the embryonic ectoderm. Complete elimination of maternal and zygotic Medea activity in the early embryo results in a ventralized phenotype identical to that of null dpp mutants, indicating that Medea is required for all dpp-dependent signaling in embryonic dorsal-ventral patterning. Injection of mRNAs encoding DPP or a constitutively activated form of the DPP receptor, Thick veins, into embryos lacking all Medea activity failed to induce formation of any dorsal cell fates, demonstrating that Medea acts downstream of the thick veins receptor. We cloned Medea and found that it encodes a protein with striking sequence similarity to human SMAD4. Moreover, injection of human SMAD4 mRNA into embryos lacking all Medea activity conferred phenotypic rescue of the dorsal-ventral pattern, demonstrating conservation of function between the two gene products.  相似文献   

Cyclin B3 has been conserved during higher eukaryote evolution as evidenced by its identification in chicken, nematodes, and insects. We demonstrate that Cyclin B3 is present in addition to Cyclins A and B in mitotically proliferating cells and not detectable in endoreduplicating tissues of Drosophila embryos. Cyclin B3 is coimmunoprecipitated with Cdk1(Cdc2) but not with Cdk2(Cdc2c). It is degraded abruptly during mitosis like Cyclins A and B. In contrast to these latter cyclins, which accumulate predominantly in the cytoplasm during interphase, Cyclin B3 is a nuclear protein. Genetic analyses indicate functional redundancies. Double and triple mutant analyses demonstrate that Cyclins A, B, and B3 cooperate to regulate mitosis, but surprisingly single mutants reveal that neither Cyclin B3 nor Cyclin B is required for mitosis. However, both are required for female fertility and Cyclin B also for male fertility.  相似文献   

The role of the Drosophila homologue of syntaxin-1A (syx) in neurotransmission has been extensively studied. However, developmental Northern analyses and in situ hybridization experiments show that SYX mRNA is expressed during all stages and in many tissues. We have isolated new mutations in syx that reveal roles for syx outside the nervous system. In the ovary, SYX is present in the germarium, but it is predominantly localized to nurse cell membranes. Mitotic recombination experiments in the germline show SYX is essential for oogenesis and may participate in membrane biogenesis in the nurse cells. In the early embryo, a large contribution of maternally deposited RNA is present, and the protein is localized at cell membranes during cellularization. After the maternal contribution is depleted, zygotically produced SYX assists secretion events occurring late in embryogenesis, such as cuticle deposition and neurotransmitter release. However, SYX is also required in larval imaginal discs, as certain hypomorphic mutant combinations exhibit rough eyes and wing notch defects indicative of cell death. Furthermore, recombinant clones that lack syx cause cell lethality in the developing eye. We propose that, similar to its roles in cuticle secretion and neurotransmitter release, SYX may mediate membrane assembly events throughout Drosophila development.  相似文献   

IL-5 is induced locally in the lung and systemically in the circulation during allergic airways eosinophilic inflammation both in humans and experimental animals. However, the precise role of local and systemic IL-5 in the development of allergic airways eosinophilia remains to be elucidated. In our current study, we demonstrate that compared with their IL-5(+/+) counterparts, IL-5(-/-) mice lacked an IL-5 response both in the lung and peripheral blood, yet they released similar amounts of IL-4, eotaxin, and MIP-1alpha in the lung after ovalbumin (OVA) sensitization and challenge. At cellular levels, these mice failed to develop peripheral blood and airways eosinophilia while the responses of lymphocytes, neutrophils, and macrophages remained similar to those in IL-5(+/+) mice. To dissect the relative role of local and systemic IL-5 in this model, we constructed a gene transfer vector expressing murine IL-5. Intramuscular IL-5 gene transfer to OVA-sensitized IL-5(-/-) mice led to raised levels of IL-5 compartmentalized to the circulation and completely reconstituted airways eosinophilia upon OVA challenge, which was associated with reconstitution of eosinophilia in the bone marrow and peripheral blood. Significant airways eosinophilia was observed for at least 7 d in these mice. In contrast, intranasal IL-5 gene transfer, when rendered to give rise to a significant but compartmentalized level of transgene protein IL-5 in the lung, was unable to reconstitute airways eosinophilia in OVA-sensitized IL-5(-/-) mice upon OVA-challenge, which was associated with a lack of eosinophilic responses in bone marrow and peripheral blood. Our findings thus provide unequivocal evidence that circulating but not local lung IL-5 is critically required for the development of allergic airways eosinophilia. These findings also provide the rationale for developing strategies to target circulating IL-5 and/or its receptors in bone marrow to effectively control asthmatic airways eosinophilia.  相似文献   

The myb proto-oncogenes are thought to have a role in the cell division cycle. We have examined this possibility by genetic analysis in Drosophila melanogaster, which possesses a single myb gene. We have described previously two temperature-sensitive, recessive lethal mutants in Drosophila myb (Dm myb). The phenotypes of these mutants revealed a requirement for myb in diverse cellular lineages throughout the course of Drosophila development. We now report a cellular explanation for these findings by showing that Dm myb is required for both mitosis and prevention of endoreduplication in wing cells. Myb apparently acts at or near the time of the G2/M transition. The two mutant alleles of Dm myb produce the same cellular phenotype, although the responsible mutations are located in different functional domains of the gene product. The mutant phenotype can be partially suppressed by ectopic expression of either cdc2 or string, two genes that are known to promote the transition from G2 to M. We conclude that Dm myb is required for completion of cell division and may serve two independent functions: promotion of mitosis, on the one hand, and prevention of endoreduplication when cells are arrested in G2, on the other.  相似文献   

We have identified a Drosophila gene, peanut (pnut), that is related in sequence to the CDC3, CDC10, CDC11, and CDC12 genes of S. cerevisiae. These genes are required for cytokinesis, and their products are present at the bud neck during cell division. We find that pnut is also required for cytokinesis: in pnut mutants, imaginal tissues fail to proliferate and instead develop clusters of large, multinucleate cells. Pnut protein is localized to the cleavage furrow of dividing cells during cytokinesis and to the intercellular bridge connecting postmitotic daughter cells. In addition to its role in cytokinesis, pnut displays genetic interactions with seven in absentia, a gene required for neuronal fate determination in the compound eye, suggesting that pnut may have pleiotropic functions. Our results suggest that this class of proteins is involved in aspects of cytokinesis that have been conserved between flies and yeast.  相似文献   

Parasite-derived antioxidant proteins have been implicated in playing an important role in protection against the oxygen radicals that are generated during aerobic metabolism and in defense against host immune cell attack. Here we report that filarial nematodes include the thioredoxin peroxidase/thiol-specific antioxidant (TPx/TSA) family of antioxidant proteins as part of their complex defense against radical-mediated damage. At the protein level, the TPx/TSA from Brugia malayi (Bm-TPx-1) was approximately 50% identical and approximately 60% similar to TPx/TSAs from mammals, amphibians and yeast. Bm-TPx-1 was also approximately 60% identical to putative TPx proteins from a related filarial nematode, Onchocerca volvulus, and from the free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. That B. malayi may express multiple forms of molecules with TPx/TSA activity was indicated by the identification of a B. malayi gene encoding a second, distinct member of the TPx/TSA family (Bm-tpx-2). Bm-tpx-1 was found to be transcribed in all stages of the parasite present in the mammalian host and the 25 kDa translation product was present in all of the developmental stages studied. The results of immunohistochemical, immunofluorescent and immunoprecipitation studies showed Bm-TPx-1 to be localized in the cells of the hypodermis/lateral chord in adult parasites and not to be present at the surface or in excretory/secretory products. The distribution in the parasite suggests that Bm-TPx-1 may play its major role in countering radicals produced within cells. A recombinant form of Bm-TPx-1 was biologically active and capable of protecting DNA from oxygen radical-mediated damage. Thioredoxin peroxidases may prove to be a critical component in the parasite's defense against injury caused by oxygen radicals derived from endogenous and exogenous sources.  相似文献   

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