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石油加工过程中,油品的残炭值是一项非常重要的指标,特别是重油轻质化加工过程.它是油品生焦倾向大小的体现,能够直接或间接反映重油轻质化加工过程中的产品分布比率、生焦率和加工损失.油品的残炭值一般通过实验方法获取.通过对国内外35种原油60余组独立数据分析研究,利用最小二乘法拟合出原油与渣油之间的残炭值关联函数,并参照国家现行的残炭测定标准对关联函数计算值的精密度进行比较和分析.结果证实,残炭关联函数的精密度基本满足现行国家测定标准的再现性要求.  相似文献   

Crude oil represented 50% of primary energy consumption in the world at the beginning of this decade. For each reservoir existent of conventional petroleum or gas there is three times the amount of heavy crude oil in the planet. The present work investigates the thermal behavior of three heavy crude oils from Brazilian basins. It was possible to make an interesting comparison for the same petroleum due to the use of different DSC equipment, especially for the extra heavy crude oils. The petroleum sample with the lowest °API exhibited the highest value for specific heat capacity between all studied samples.  相似文献   

A crude oil has four main constituents: saturates, aromatics, resins, and asphaltenes. The asphaltenes in crude oil are the most complex and heavy organic compounds. The classic definition of asphaltenes is based on the solution properties of petroleum residuum in various solvents. Asphaltenes are a solubility range that is soluble in light aromatics such as benzene and toluene, but are insoluble in lighter paraffins. The particular paraffins, such as n-pentane and n-heptane, are used to precipitate asphaltenes from crude oil. Deposition of asphaltenes in petroleum crude and heavy oil can cause a number of severe problems. The precipitation of asphaltene aggregates can cause such severe problems as reservoir plugging and wettability reversal. Asphaltenes can precipitate on metal surface. Cleaning the precipitation site as well as possible appears to slow reprecipitation. To prevent deposition inside the reservoir, it is necessary to estimate the amount of deposition due to various factors. The processes can be changed to minimize the asphaltene flocculation, and chemical applications can be used effectively to control depositions when process changes are not cost effective. Asphaltene flocculation can be controlled through better knowledge of the mechanisms that cause its flocculation in the first place. The processes can be controlled to minimize the asphaltene flocculation, and chemical applications can be used effectively to control depositions when process changes are not cost effective.  相似文献   

通过对塔河地区22个原油样品的饱和烃色质、芳烃色质和饱和烃色谱的定量分析研究表明,塔河地区中南部和东部原油的二苯并噻吩和姥鲛烷含量高于中北部地区的原油,说明前者代表碳酸盐沉积环境,而后者的缺氧程度更大;中北部地区原油的C35升藿烷含量高于东南部地区的原油,说明水体分层更明显,其还原程度更强;C29S构型甾烷含量越低,二苯并噻吩含量和2-甲基菲+3-甲基菲含量越高,原油的成熟度越高;中北部地区原油的25-降藿烷和二降藿烷含量高,为生物降解原油。  相似文献   

原油及馏分油物性关联研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
综述了国内外原油及馏分油物性关联研究的进展,包括关联参数的选择、关联公式的构造等。并对原油及馏分油物性关联的进一步发展进行展望,提出了将现代仪器分析与数学方法相结合应用于由原油及馏分油物性关联的建议。  相似文献   

黄启玉  王蕾 《石油学报》2013,34(4):765-774
通过显微镜观察并拍摄原油乳状液的微观结构图像,研究了乳状液体系分散相液滴大小及分布规律,以及微观液滴分布对乳状液体系流变性的影响机理。W/O型原油乳状液中含水率增加,引起内相液滴个数增多,小液滴所占的比例减小,相对大的液滴所占的比例增大;搅拌转速的增大,使体系内相液滴个数增多,平均液滴直径减小。通过测试在固定搅拌条件下制备的不同含水率的3种含蜡原油乳状液在原油凝点附近温度屈服特性和触变性等流变特性,可以发现随含水率的增大,乳状液体系屈服应力增大、触变性增强,且含水率越高,变化的趋势越明显。通过测试不同搅拌转速下制备的含水率为30% 的原油乳状液在原油凝点附近温度的触变性,可以看出随搅拌转速的增大,体系经受同等剪切速率剪切时对应的剪切应力增大、触变性增强。进一步建立了屈服应力与测试温度、含水率之间的关系式,其平均相对误差为9.83%。  相似文献   

巴楚—麦盖提地区是重要的油气聚集区。玉北地区玉北1井在奥陶系鹰山组测试获25.2 m3/d的海相工业油气流。玉北奥陶系油藏与巴什托(普)油气田的原油是否同源是困扰该地区油气勘探并急需解决的问题之一。通过玉北1井、巴什托(普)主要油气藏(田)的原油地球化学特征研究、油—油对比、油源对比等综合分析,并类比塔河奥陶系原油进行了巴楚—麦盖提地区主要油气藏原油地球化学特征及油源探讨分析。综合研究认为玉北地区奥陶系的原油地球化学特征与塔河奥陶系原油相近。通过烃源有机相类比,认为玉北地区奥陶系原油可能来自塔西南地区中下寒武统斜坡相烃源岩;巴什托轻质油推测主要来自盆地—陆棚相寒武系烃源岩,部分来源于海陆交互相石炭系。  相似文献   

酒泉盆地酒西坳陷目前已发现的原油主要分布在青西凹陷和南部凸起,可分为3种不同类型,油源分别为青西凹陷青南次凹下白垩统不同层段的烃源岩。第1类原油为低成熟原油,油源主要为低成熟的下白垩统下沟组上段烃源岩,下沟组中段上部烃源岩可能也有一定的贡献;第2类原油为中等成熟原油,油源主要为下沟组中段烃源岩,下沟组下段上部烃源岩可能也有部分贡献;第3类原油为高成熟原油,油源为下沟组下段和赤金堡组烃源岩。青南次凹中部柳沟庄油田中-浅层的原油主要为第2类原油,少量为第1类原油,油源分别为青南次凹中部下沟组中段和下沟组上段烃源岩;青南次凹中部深层的原油为第3类原油,油源为青南次凹中部深层的下沟组下段和赤金堡组烃源岩。青南次凹南部的窟窿山构造带和北部的柳北构造带的原油属于第3类原油,油源分别为青南次凹南部和北部下沟组下段与赤金堡组烃源岩。南部凸起的鸭儿峡-老君庙-石油沟构造带的原油属于第2类原油,油源为青南次凹中部下沟组中段烃源岩。青南次凹的下沟组中段、下沟组下段和赤金堡组是酒西坳陷的主力烃源层。  相似文献   

以聚醚酰胺和脂肪酸为原料合成了系列脂肪酸聚醚酰胺降凝剂,利用FTIR、黏度测试、界面张力测试等方法考察了降凝剂对不同原油流动性的影响.实验结果表明,该系列降凝剂具有较好的表面活性和界面活性.随碳数的增加,饱和脂肪酸聚醚酰胺降凝剂降低表面张力的能力增强.加入0.3%(w)和0.9%(w)的棕榈酸聚醚酰胺降凝剂时,风城原油...  相似文献   

用族组成和全烃色谱确定原油单井产能配比   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用原油地球化学方法 ,研究原油产能配比、储层连通性和监测原油开采动态 ,是油田开发的一项新方法 ,具有周期短、成本低和不影响原油正常生产等优点。运用此方法 ,通过原油的族组成和全烃色谱分析 ,确认了反映原油特征的指标参数。据此对试验区葡萄花和扶余油层混采原油的产能配比进行计算 ,结果表明 ,地球化学试验结论与单井实际产能测试结果具有良好吻合性。该项实验技术为油田产能配比计算提供了新途径。文章同时指出 ,因个别参数存在较大误差 ,需要通过更严格的质量控制或多项参数综合运用 ,以提高地球化学方法计算原油产能配比的准确度  相似文献   

原油生物降解模拟实验   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
为了查明原油在生物降解过程中化学组成的变化,在30℃恒温和有氧条件下,对渤中凹陷BZ36-2-1井和PL14-3-1井原油进行了生物降解模拟实验。实验结果表明,原始化学组成明显影响原油生物降解作用的进程,链烷烃浓度高的原油降解速度低于链烷烃浓度低的原油,低分子量正构烷烃先于中、高分子量正构烷烃被细菌降解。植烷系列抗生物降解能力强于正构烷烃系列,正构烷烃系列原始浓度高的原油其植烷系列受生物降解作用的时间晚于正构烷烃系列原始浓度低的原油。在生物降解作用的早期阶段,Pr/Ph几乎不受生物降解作用的影响,但Pr/nC17和Ph/nC18极易受到影响。因此,对生物降解原油而言,这些参数应该慎用。图4表3参14  相似文献   

In this research, low-temperature oxidation (LTO) and thermal kinetics analysis of light and medium crude oils were analyzed by static isothermal experiments and thermogravimetry (TG). The results elucidated that, during LTO process, medium oil possessed stronger oxygen consumption capability than light oil and oxygen addition was the dominating reaction path for both light and medium oils; more heavy components contained in medium oil were oxidized to form higher molecular-weight material with lower H/C. In TG experiments, three main reaction zones were identified known as LTO, fuel deposition (FD) and high-temperature oxidation (HTO). Compared with light oil, LTO range and corresponding mass loss were lowered for medium oil with more oxygenated compounds left behind to be converted into coke materials. The activation energy for medium oil were higher than that for light oil in LTO stage while less in HTO stage owing to the difference of oil components.  相似文献   

Non-Newtonian fluids are the most complex ones when it comes to predicting their flow behavior. In the pre-existing models, rheological behavior in waxy crude oils is mainly affected by shear rate and thermal history of crude oils. In the present work, rheological characteristics of four different crude oils were studied by coaxial cylindrical rheometer at three different temperatures (40°C, 50°C, and 60°C) and a model was proposed keeping into consideration wax content for the first time. This model is prepared to predict the viscosity of four different crude oils with different wax content and at different temperature. The proposed model can efficiently estimate the viscosity as compared to other established models.  相似文献   

为探究蒸馏装置电脱盐系统波动原因,分别考察了电脱盐罐操作条件及原油性质两方面因素,并结合原油混合相容性理论进行分析,得到以下结论.两种性质差异较大的原油混合时,存在不相容的可能,沥青质析出,增大原油乳化程度,导致电脱盐系统运行波动;重质原油掺炼比例越低,不相容程度越明显,随着重质原油混合比例增加,原油不相容状态逐渐得到...  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地中部原油地球化学特征   总被引:18,自引:5,他引:18  
准噶尔盆地中部1区块和3区块原油地球化学特征相近,正构烷烃分布完整,呈单峰型,主峰碳为C17~C23,弱姥鲛烷优势(Pr/Ph为1.33~1.75)。生标特征:三环萜烷含量丰富,伽马蜡烷含量高,孕甾烷、升孕甾烷含量较高,规则甾烷呈“上升型”分布,ααα20RC27相对含量高,β-胡萝卜烷和γ-胡萝卜烷含量高。碳同位素值偏轻(一般小于-29‰),生源构成可能以低等水生生物和菌藻类为主,母源形成环境为湖相还原环境。原油主要源自二叠系源岩。中部2区块和4区块原油地球化学特征相近,正构烷烃分布完整,呈单峰型,主峰碳为C13和C19,明显姥鲛烷优势(Pr/Ph为5.62~7.24)。生标特征:三环萜烷含量很低,伽马蜡烷含量较低或缺乏,孕甾烷、升孕甾烷含量低,C29甾烷含量很高,规则甾烷呈“反L型”分布,不含β-胡萝卜烷和γ-胡萝卜烷。碳同位素偏重(一般大于-27‰),生源构成可能以高等植物为主,母源形成环境为氧化环境。原油主要源自侏罗系煤系烃源岩。  相似文献   

运用模糊聚类分析法,对待加工原油的9项性质与已评价过原油的性质进行归类分析。以待加工原油性质最接近的原油特性作为确定加工方案的依据。与西部9种原油相比,待加工原油与南疆原油具有较高的相似度。  相似文献   

Pretreatment of the crude oil with flow improver or pour point depressants has received the greatest acceptance due to its simplicity and economy. Three cationic surfactants Bola form based on urea were prepared by quaternization reaction with alkyl dihalides of different chain length (hexayl, decyl-, and dodecyl-dibromide). The prepared compounds (U6, U10, and U12) were evaluated as surface active agents as well as pour point depressant for crude oil compared to monosurfactant (U12a) corresponding to (U12). The surface parameters of each synthesized surfactant were calculated from their surface tension profile including the critical micelle concentration, maximum surface excess (Γmax), and the minimum surface area (Amin). The free energies of micellization (ΔG°mic) and adsorption (ΔG°ads) were also calculated. Its pour point and viscosity decreased significantly after adding surfactants. FTIR studies of crude-surfactant mixture showed remarkable decrease in concentration of viscosity enhancing groups such as alkanes, alcoholic, and acidic groups, indicating the effectiveness of both the surfactants.  相似文献   

海拉尔盆地原油地球化学特征与成因分类   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
海拉尔盆地原油绝大多数为正常密度的中高蜡低硫成熟原油,部分为轻质中高蜡成熟原油,少量为中低蜡低成熟稠油;全油碳同位素值为-34‰~25‰,生物标志化合物组成与分布特征变化很大,说明生油母质的组成和沉积环境差异很大。根据原油碳同位素和生物标志化合物组成特征,将该盆地原油分为5种类型:第一类以碳同位素组成轻、伽马蜡烷含量高、无重排甾烷为特征,分布于巴彦呼舒凹陷;第二类以碳同位素组成轻、伽马蜡烷和重排甾烷含量中-低为特征,分布干乌尔逊凹陷南部地区;第三类以碳同位素组成较轻、伽马蜡烷含量低和富含重排甾烷、Ts、C29Ts、C30重排藿烷为特征,分布于乌尔逊凹陷北部和贝尔凹陷;第四类以碳同位素组成重、伽马蜡烷含量中一低和富含重排甾烷、Ts、C29Ts为特征,分布于呼伦湖凹陷;第五类以碳同位素组成重、Pr/Ph值高、富含C29甾烷和重排甾烷、C27甾烷异常低、无伽马蜡皖为特征,为煤系原油,分布于呼和湖凹陷。图5参8  相似文献   

采用分散聚合法以聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP)为分散剂,无水乙醇为分散介质,合成了马来酸酐和甲基丙烯酸十八酯为单体的二元共聚物(PSMA-a),并对聚合物用苯胺进行酰胺化处理,得到降凝剂PSMA。采用傅里叶红外光谱和热失重对聚合物的结构和热稳定性进行表征。以大庆油田原油为实验对象,采用差示扫描热分析、石油凝点试验仪和石油产品运动黏度计对其进行了降凝降黏性能的研究。通过正交试验确定了最佳的单体配比、反应温度、反应时间和引发剂用量。实验表明,当降凝剂质量浓度为750mg/L,PVP用量为单体总质量分数的8%时,具有最佳的降凝降黏效果。  相似文献   


Effect of surfactant and extra-light crude oil addition on the rheological behaviors of an Algeria crude oil in order to improving its flowability were studied at low temperature. These rheological properties include steady flow behavior, yield stress and viscoelastic behavior. An AR-2000 rheometer was employed in all of the rheological examination tests. Results show that Toluene and extra-light crude oil addition causes a strong reduction in viscosity, the yield stress and can effectively increase of crude oil transport capacity. The toluene addition gets its best flow capacity and lowest viscosity at 6%. The extra-light crude oil addition obtains its best flow capacity and lowest viscosity at 50%. The viscoelasticity character of the crude oil has indicate a significantly influence by the addition of Toluene and extra-light crude oil.  相似文献   

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