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Vicente A. Mu oz Kim L. Kasperski Oladipo E. Omotoso Randy J. Mikula 《Petroleum Science and Technology》2003,21(9):1509-1529
Oil sand, which is found in various deposits around the world, consists mostly of sand, surrounded by up to 18 wt% bitumen. The largest deposits known are situated in northern Alberta, Canada, where reserves of bitumen are estimated to be 1.7 trillion barrels. Bitumen is similar to heavy oil, but with much higher viscosity and density. The two main commercial oil sand operations in Alberta are surface mines and use aqueous flotation of the bitumen to separate it from the rest of the oil sand. Under optimal conditions up to 95% of the bitumen can be recovered, but occasionally ores are mined that create problems in extraction, and recovery can drop to 70% or less. This article discusses the microscopic morphologies of various bitumen and heavy oil streams and their relationship to processing problems. The results of extensive microscopic work have demonstrated that the bitumen in an oil sand ore is the phase most susceptible to oxidation and that the resulting changes manifest themselves in particular microscopic structures. The presence and type of these structures can be related to the processing behavior of oil sand ores. Morphological features found in froths from commercial operations are similar to those found in froths from laboratory-prepared samples. The morphological features found in froths of oxidized ores have been categorized and quantified for a variety of samples and are referred to as degraded bitumen structures. Experiments in which fresh oil sand ores were subjected to low-temperature oxidation showed that bitumen froth morphology changed dramatically compared to that of nonoxidized ores for identical bulk compositions and extraction water chemistries. 相似文献
《Petroleum Science and Technology》2013,31(9-10):1509-1529
Abstract Oil sand, which is found in various deposits around the world, consists mostly of sand, surrounded by up to 18 wt% bitumen. The largest deposits known are situated in northern Alberta, Canada, where reserves of bitumen are estimated to be 1.7 trillion barrels. Bitumen is similar to heavy oil, but with much higher viscosity and density. The two main commercial oil sand operations in Alberta are surface mines and use aqueous flotation of the bitumen to separate it from the rest of the oil sand. Under optimal conditions up to 95% of the bitumen can be recovered, but occasionally ores are mined that create problems in extraction, and recovery can drop to 70% or less. This article discusses the microscopic morphologies of various bitumen and heavy oil streams and their relationship to processing problems. The results of extensive microscopic work have demonstrated that the bitumen in an oil sand ore is the phase most susceptible to oxidation and that the resulting changes manifest themselves in particular microscopic structures. The presence and type of these structures can be related to the processing behavior of oil sand ores. Morphological features found in froths from commercial operations are similar to those found in froths from laboratory-prepared samples. The morphological features found in froths of oxidized ores have been categorized and quantified for a variety of samples and are referred to as degraded bitumen structures. Experiments in which fresh oil sand ores were subjected to low-temperature oxidation showed that bitumen froth morphology changed dramatically compared to that of nonoxidized ores for identical bulk compositions and extraction water chemistries. 相似文献
紫外光老化对沥青化学族组成和物理性能的影响 总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3
在较高温度下对两种基质沥青(AH-70、AH-90)进行了紫外光氧老化,研究了紫外光对两种沥青化学族组成和物理性能的影响。结果表明:在紫外光的连续辐照下,两种沥青的饱和分、芳香分和沥青质含量的变化趋势基本相同,即饱和分含量变化很小,芳香分含量明显降低,沥青质含量显著增大,而两种沥青的胶质含量变化有明显差异:AH-70的胶质含量先略微增大后又减小最后基本不变;AH-90的胶质含量先稍微增大而后持续减少,总减少量明显比AH-70多。沥青族组分的变化直接影响其物理性能,在老化过程中,沥青的软化点、针入度和延度的变化与沥青的族组成的变化表现出良好的对应关系。 相似文献
分析了SZY-3DQ增液剂在某石化公司炼油厂催化裂化装置上的试用情况,应用结果表明,试用SZY-3DQ增液剂期间,在外甩油浆收率不变的前提下,轻油收率提高0.89%,稳定汽油辛烷值和液化气中丙烯含量均有所提高。 相似文献
黔中隆起地区震旦系灯影组白云岩的溶蚀孔洞、构造裂缝等储集空间中发现有白云石、石英和黑色炭质沥青的充填,其中沥青的形成晚于白云石但早于石英。研究采集了贵州开阳县双流镇白马洞新桥剖面(双流白马)和金沙县岩孔镇箐口村剖面(金沙岩孔)2处沥青样品。沥青样品都具有较高的热演化程度,扫描电镜下呈块状或小球状;根据碳同位素组成,认为沥青来源于下寒武统烃源岩。但2处沥青又具有显著的差异。双流白马沥青与金沙岩孔沥青相比,具有较低的热演化程度,2处沥青反射率平均值分别为4.30%和5.17%;具有相对较高的N、O、S含量和相对较高的H/C值以及相对较轻的碳同位素组成。流体包裹体测温和沥青反射率表明2处埋藏热演化过程的差异导致了沥青在元素组成和同位素组成上的差异。 相似文献
催化裂化柴油具有芳烃含量高、十六烷值低的特点,性质较差,且需求持续低迷,压减催化裂化柴油成为炼油工艺的发展方向.中国石化北京燕山分公司2.0 Mt/a重油催化裂化装置采用回炼催化裂化柴油的工艺生产高辛烷值汽油组分,通过设计催化裂化柴油回炼流程和催化裂化工艺参数,实现最大化生产高辛烷值汽油,解决了催化裂化柴油过剩问题.该... 相似文献
在乙烯裂解工业装置的典型操作条件下,分别选取正构烷烃、异构烷烃、环烷烃、芳烃为裂解原料,考察了这些模型化合物的蒸汽裂解产物分布情况。结果表明,正构烷烃是优质的乙烯裂解原料,乙烯收率为36%~45%;异构烷烃的丙烯收率约为23%,明显高于正构烷烃;环烷烃裂解乙烯和丙烯收率较低,丁二烯收率则较高,为14%~15%;芳烃很难裂解生成烯烃。建立了包含2个隐层的级联前向BP神经网络,以模型化合物和石脑油样本裂解烯烃收率为依据对该神经网络进行训练,确定了模型参数,并对2种石脑油的裂解烯烃收率仿真数据与实验结果进行了对比。结果表明,二者的误差小于1个百分点,该模型可用于预测石脑油裂解的烯烃收率。 相似文献
目的进行乙烯裂解炉裂解气在线采样装置开发,得到结构紧凑、气液分离充分、采样分析误差小,可提高裂解气分析准确性的裂解气在线采样装置。方法分析已有裂解气采样装置的缺点后,确定新开发采样设备应具备全组分采样、气液分离充分、采样和分析误差小、结构紧凑、便于移动、组装检修方便的优点,最终形成两步冷凝、气液分离充分、分析数据真实可靠的裂解气在线采样装置。结果形成的裂解气在线采样装置在冷凝壳体I和深冷壳体II的体积分别不小于140 L和130 L,在采出裂解气流量为15~25 L/min,采出裂解气出口温度≤550℃的条件下,气液分离后气相物料温度≤25℃,能实现裂解气的全组分采样,而且气液分离充分。结论通过开发的裂解气在线采样装置采样分析后,反推出的裂解炉水油比为0.498,与实际操作水油比0.50非常接近,表明裂解气在线采样装置使用的采样方法和数据处理算法具有很高的科学合理性。应用裂解气在线采样装置对工业裂解炉进行标定,用标定数据指导工业裂解炉出口温度(COT)的优化调控,随COT从845℃逐步提升到855℃。虽然,丙烯和丁二烯的收率变化不大,但乙烯收率由27.78%提升到30.31%,增加2.53个百分点,效果显著。总体来看,双烯和三烯收率随裂解炉出口温度的提升先略降低而后提高,提高幅度分别达到5.83%和5.42%,有效提高了装置效益。 相似文献
裂解炉炉管基于风险的检验 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
管式裂解炉炉管受炉内高温及管内介质压力的共同作用,易发生蠕变等现象,因此,对裂解炉炉管进行风险评价尤为重要。应用API 581基于风险的检验规范对炉管的失效可能性及失效后果分别进行定量计算,并由此得到裂解炉炉管的定量风险结果和基于风险的检验周期,为裂解炉的风险控制与管理提供依据。 相似文献
Xianli Zou Shijia Chen Li Wang Huanxu Zhang Pan Zhan Xiaotian Li 《Petroleum Science and Technology》2016,34(5):437-441
Reservoir bitumen is not readily identified on typical log suit, where is usually read as oil reservoir. We comparatively analyze the experimental data of the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) before and after the dissolving of bitumen-rich samples. The short transverse relaxation times (T2) are characteristics of bitumen-rich zones, and the NMR porosity is relative abundance of bitumen in reservoir. A volumetric rock model was used to reconcile core data as well as to calculate the saturation of reservoir bitumen. The NMR log can be applied more reliably to reservoir evaluation and production planning. 相似文献
在催化裂化装置中加入能够增加重油裂化能力、提高平衡催化剂活性的Converter塔底油裂化助剂(简称Converter助剂)。工业应用表明,使用Converter助剂后,在原料性质变差的情况下,干气质量分数下降0.10个百分点,焦炭质量分数没有变化,油浆质量分数下降1.08个百分点,总液收率提高1.08个百分点;汽油研究法辛烷值保持在92左右,烯烃体积分数不大于35%;催化剂单耗下降0.011kg/t。 相似文献
大庆石化分公司乙烯装置裂解原料与裂解方案优化 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
根据大庆地区裂解原料供应的特点,重点阐述大庆石化分公司乙烯装置原料优化的方向,同时结合各种裂解炉特点提出了优化的裂解方案。 相似文献