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Disposal of solid wastes is a stinging and widespread problem in both urban and rural areas in many developed and developing countries. Municipal solid waste (MSW) collection and disposal is one of the major problems of urban environment in most countries worldwide today. MSW management solutions must be financially sustainable, technically feasible, socially, legally acceptable and environmentally friendly. Solid waste management issue is the biggest challenge to the authorities of both small and large cities’.Valorization of food organic waste is one of the important current research areas. The conventional landfill, incineration, composting, and ways of handeling solid wastes are common as mature technologies for waste disposal. Traditionally, the most commonly used technologies for the treatment and valorization of the organic fraction of MSW are composting and anaerobic digestion (AD). The generation of organic solid waste (OSW); worldwide; is dramatically increasing each year. Most of the OSW’s are composed of agricultural waste, household food waste, human and animal wastes, etc. They are normally handled as animal feed, incinerated or disposed to landfill sites. OAW’s are comprised of materials rich in proteins, minerals, and sugars that could be used in other processes as substrates or raw materials.  相似文献   

废弃钻井液污染大、种类多、处理难,给水质和土壤环境带来巨大的负面影响,随着近些年环保法规的日益完善,对废弃钻井液的处理技术也提出了新要求。概述了9种不同处理方法及其发展现状,重点分析了固化法、热解吸法、化学强化固液分离法、不落地技术和多种技术联用等处理技术,并对几种现行的主流处理技术进行了对比,指出了各类方法的发展前景,得出多种技术联用具有较好的发展潜力。分析认为今后的研究方向与热点在于如何低能耗、高效率地实现对废弃钻井液的资源化处理,具体工作既要包含污染物的源头、过程和结果控制,也要加强管理和相关制度的建立,综合开发新技术。   相似文献   

废弃钻井液污染大、种类多、处理难,给水质和土壤环境带来巨大的负面影响,随着近些年环保法规的日益完善,对废弃钻井液的处理技术也提出了新要求。概述了9种不同处理方法及其发展现状,重点分析了固化法、热解吸法、化学强化固液分离法、不落地技术和多种技术联用等处理技术,并对几种现行的主流处理技术进行了对比,指出了各类方法的发展前景,得出多种技术联用具有较好的发展潜力。分析认为今后的研究方向与热点在于如何低能耗、高效率地实现对废弃钻井液的资源化处理,具体工作既要包含污染物的源头、过程和结果控制,也要加强管理和相关制度的建立,综合开发新技术。  相似文献   

废弃钻井液处理技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对国内外废弃钻井液的处理现状,介绍了国内外几种常用的废弃钻井液处理技术和方法。并指出了废弃钻井液处理技术的发展趋势是开发环保型钻井波及钻井液处理工艺、提高固控效率、统一钻井液处理技术的行业标准和加强对外技术交流与合作。  相似文献   

在川渝地区页岩气产能建设过程中,不可避免地会产生大量的废水、废气、废渣(特别是含油岩屑)和噪声,并且还有可能造成水土流失。如何防治上述环境风险源、确保页岩气的"绿色"开发,是一个重大难题。为此,总结了中国石油天然气集团有限公司在长宁—威远国家级页岩气产业示范区开发实践中形成的系列环保技术体系:(1)采用井场清污分流系统、钻井液不落地技术、随钻实时处理工艺和岩屑资源化利用技术保障钻井清洁生产;(2)优选环保型压裂液、对压裂返排液进行循环利用,从而实现压裂环保管理;(3)配套平台化作业实现"井工厂化"、实施油改电降噪音、推行环保钻井工艺、制订全面的环境评价方案等措施,进一步降低环境污染的风险。实践证明,页岩气清洁生产工艺从废弃物产生源头入手,加强作业过程控制、末端污染治理,则可实现废弃物减量、无害化、资源化的目标。结论认为,采用上述污染防治和"绿色"开发配套技术,可以有效促进该区页岩气的可持续开发。  相似文献   

目前处理废弃油基钻井液一般采用集中填埋或回注地层,依然存在潜在的环境污染问题,同时也浪费了大量矿物油资源。笔者对威202H3平台废弃油基钻井液进行回收利用研究,首先测定了废弃钻井液本身的性质,测得其表观黏度为100~120 mPa·s、塑性黏度为80~100 mPa·s、动切力为20 Pa、初终切为20/35 Pa/Pa,粒度主要集中在5.59~13.74μm。在现场及实验室进行复配再利用研究,发现在威202H3-3井龙马溪地层加入2 m3废弃油基钻井液后,油基钻井液终切不断升高、动塑比难以控制;利用废弃油基钻井液中劣质固相,在长宁H12-3井用于配制堵漏浆,施工顺利,效果较好。因此得出,废弃油基钻井液回收再利用的困难在于其中含有大量粒径小于20 μm的固体颗粒,现有固控设备难以除去,并且现有处理技术均存在安全、占地面积、能耗、交通运输、环保及成本问题,建议这种废弃油基钻井液体系用于配制页岩地层发生漏失时的堵漏浆,在一定程度上减小经济损失。而在今后废弃油基钻井液处理技术的研究过程中,如果超临界CO2流体萃取技术能够降低成本,将成为废弃油基钻井液重要的处理技术。   相似文献   

胜利油田钻井环保技术进展及发展方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解决胜利油田钻井过程中废弃物总量大、存在环境污染风险等问题,研究开发了抗高温环保钻井液,形成了钻井液随钻治理一体化、废弃钻井液资源化利用和废弃钻屑无害化处理等一系列钻井环保技术。该环保技术在胜利油田及其他油气田的钻井现场进行了集成应用,解决了钻井液环保性与功能性之间的矛盾,显著降低了钻井废弃物的总量与污染风险,初步实现了对钻井废弃物“源头设计,过程控制,末端治理”的目标。研究认为,胜利油田钻井环保技术是在钻井作业“绿色”、高效实施与可持续发展方面探索取得的初步成果,具有现实意义。结合目前环保技术发展所面临的实际问题,指出了胜利油田钻井环保技术应在废弃物前期处理随钻化、经济化,配套设备小型化、智能化,以及末端产物资源化等3个方面开展攻关研究。   相似文献   

钻井废弃泥浆土壤化实验研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为了解决目前废弃泥浆固化处理后占用大量土地资源且存在着环境污染隐患的实际问题,开展了钻井废弃泥浆土地资源化的研究。根据钻井废弃泥浆的特点和土壤环境质量标准(GB15618—1995)的要求,将废弃泥浆中的污染物进行固定化处理,使其不向水环境转移;然后将处理后的泥浆与经过选定的富含微生物的土壤混合,泥浆中污染物降解后余下的固相成分(膨润土等)转化为土壤资源。对固定污染物药剂的用量、泥浆与土壤混合比例等条件进行了实验,并进行了大豆发芽实验。实验结果表明:泥浆中固定污染物药剂加量在20g/L以上时,可以有效固定其中的污染物,其浸出液中COD和SS浓度能达到GB8978—1996中的一级标准,固相物可以达到土壤环境质量一级标准;处理后的泥浆与土壤比例等达到1∶2时,对大豆发芽率没有明显不利影响。结论认为:通过该方法将钻井废弃泥浆转化为土壤资源是可行的,开发了一种废弃泥浆处理的新方法。  相似文献   

油气田钻井废弃泥浆处理技术   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
针对油气田现在应用的废弃泥浆各种环保处理方法,详细阐述了固化处理、MTC(Mud To Cement)、化学强化固液分离及海上废弃泥浆的处理方法。固化处理就是向防渗废弃泥浆土池中投入适量配比的固化剂,按照一定的技术要求进行均匀搅拌,通过一定时间的物理和化学变化,使其中的有害成分发生转化、封闭、固定作用,转变成为一种无污染的固体。矿渣MTC是指在泥浆中加入水淬高炉矿渣以及激活剂、分散剂等处理剂,将泥浆转化为水泥浆,该技术减少了废弃泥浆的处理成本,同时也减少了固井所需费用。化学强化固液分离工艺是先对钻井废弃泥浆进行化学脱稳、絮凝处理,然后将废弃泥浆泵入涡轮式离心机实现固液分离,固体掩埋来达到环境保护的效果,减少废弃泥浆的污染。  相似文献   

??According to China's shale gas development plan (2016–2020), national shale gas production will exceed 300×108 m3 in 2020. However, China's shale gas resources are mainly distributed in the central and western mountain areas which are characterized by complex surface landforms, intensive population and extremely sensitive development environments. Therefore, the uppermost priority of scale shale gas development is to build a more harmonious development environment and pave an environmentally friendly shale gas development road. In this paper, a technology system of cleaner production with "energy conservation, consumption reduction, pollution abatement and efficiency improvement" as the goal and "minimization, harmlessness and resources" as the focus was summarized based on the practical cleaner production in Changning–Weiyuan national shale gas demonstration area in the Sichuan Basin. When well site is designed and drilling and completion technologies and materials are selected, the production demands and environmental requirements should be considered comprehensively to give the priority to the environmentally friendly technologies and materials and control the total drainage of waste liquid and solid in the process of well drilling and completion from the source. The process control of waste gas, water and solid during well drilling and completion is strengthened to cut down further the total volume of waste. Based on the drilling operation and environmental protection practices for years, the waste central treatment and reuse technology system is developed to improve end treatment level. Field application shows that by performing source prevention, process control and end treatment, the bad effect of shale gas drilling operation on the ecology of surrounding environment is reduced significantly and good environmental and social benefits are realized.  相似文献   

面向21世纪石油炼制技术的开发   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
三方面综述石油炼制技术的现状与发展,包括现有炼油关键技术,环境友好炼油技术,石油炼制与基本有机化工原料生产的集成技术。指出要弄清世界炼油技术发展水平和趋势,主动分析现有技术的不足和国情特点,开发具有中国特色的石油炼制关键技术。生产工艺中要尽量提高选择性,减少副产品和废物的排放,采用无毒、无害的催化剂、溶剂,实现清洁生产。  相似文献   

针对大庆油田深层致密气废弃水基钻井液固液分离难、泥饼含水率高(>80%)、存在二次污染的问题,开展了废弃水基钻井液无害化处理技术研究,在分析废弃水基钻井液特性与处理难点基础上,应用Box-Behnken中心组合实验和响应面分析法,通过考察破胶剂、助凝剂与絮凝剂的最佳配比对废弃钻井液固液分离效果的影响,创新建立了固液分离泥饼含水率与处理配方参数间的数学模型,研发出了以脱稳絮凝为核心的废弃水基钻井液无害化处理技术,形成了脱稳-絮凝-固液分离处理工艺。现场实验结果表明,废弃水基钻井液经该项技术处理后,泥饼含水率为47%,泥饼浸出液悬浮物含量为63 mg/L,泥饼浸出液中石油类、COD等9项主要污染指标符合GB 8978—1998《污水综合排放标准》、DB23/T693—2000《黑龙江省废弃钻井液处理规范》相关要求,该技术成果解决了大庆油田深层水基钻井液破胶脱稳效果差等难题,具有较好的推广应用价值。  相似文献   

废弃钻井液处理研究进展   总被引:50,自引:4,他引:46  
针对废弃钻井液处理方法在国内外的发展现状,从废弃钻井液的组成和对环境的影响入手,论述了国内外处理废弃钻井液的方法和技术.介绍了13种处理废弃钻井液的方法;并介绍了废弃钻井液的综合利用技术;同时对一些特殊条件下如含高价离子、放射性、油基和海上废弃钻井液的处理也进行了讨论.指出废弃钻井液处理技术的发展趋势为:开发新的环保型钻井液和钻井液添加剂;加强固控,减少废弃物的排放;开发综合利用新技术;降低成本,优化环境;加强井场废弃物的管理.  相似文献   

Most of fresh tomatoes sold in the United States (US) are grown using protected agriculture. The risk of contamination and severe disease outbreaks in humans due to foodborne pathogens linked to fresh produce are a constant threat to the public and the industry. To date, there are limited tools to prioritize food safety management practices in commercial greenhouses to reinforce food safety in a timely manner. One rapid cost effective approach, originally applied in education and healthcare, is the Delphi method that uses expert opinion to quantify and rank priorities.An iterative systematic Delphi expert elicitation approach was used to prioritize management factors for the reduction of foodborne pathogen contamination in tomato greenhouses in the US. A validated online survey addressing eight thematic areas (water management, workers, environment and greenhouse design, equipment sanitation, waste management, animal intrusion, traceability, and propagation) was discussed among 20 individuals internationally recognized as experts in fresh produce production in protected agriculture, foodborne pathogens, and food safety theory and practice. Consensus rankings of activities and practices most likely contributing to microbial contamination and its mitigation were determined.Food safety priorities to prevent contamination of greenhouse tomatoes, in order of significance (i.e, ranking scale, weighted average; 1 lowest, 5 highest), included handwashing (4.67), environmental controls (4.32), enforceable worker health policy (3.94), cleaning and sanitation of reusable plastic containers (3.94), reused retail-ready containers (3.89), and irrigation water testing for human pathogens (3.84) to prevent contamination of greenhouse tomato.The majority of experts indicated that contaminated greenhouse surfaces that are in contact (direct or indirect) with the fruits are important sources of pathogen transfer to fresh tomatoes, highlighting the need for environmental controls in greenhouses. Importance of adequate worker management practices including handwashing and health policy highlights the role of worker education in reducing the risks of foodborne outbreaks linked to greenhouse grown produce. This report illustrates the benefits of using Delphi approach to improve food safety in greenhouses. The provided priority list can be used by growers to guide the routine food safety practice implementation procedures.  相似文献   

为更好解决海洋油气勘探开发中水基钻井液及钻井岩屑的废弃处置问题,对现有技术和工作模式进行了分析。对流动式EPS处理技术适用性进行了阐述,说明了工艺流程设计和使用的技术,在EPS工作船性能优选的基础上,建立了移动式海上水基钻井液废弃物的回收处理装置。通过在垦利油田群的实际应用,有效地解决相邻多个作业点的钻井液废弃物处理问题。该技术和装置在海上的成功应用,为以后水基钻井液及钻井岩屑的废弃处置问题在设备的选用和技术推广方面提供了借鉴,对更加经济有效地保护海洋环境具有重大意义。  相似文献   

将美国、澳大利亚等煤层气生产大国的开发经验简单套用于我国的煤层气开发存在着明显的不适应性。随着以沁水盆地、鄂尔多斯盆地东缘等煤层气主力产区为代表的中高煤阶煤层相继投入煤层气规模开发,总结我国煤层气的开发实践对于规避开发风险和提高开发再实践水平都具有重要的意义。为此,在研究我国煤层气资源特征的基础上,归纳了开发实践所取得的进展和效果,进而对煤层气开发前期评价、地质与气藏工程研究、工程技术的选择等3个方面提出了具体建议。研究结果表明:(1)我国煤层气具有资源量大、类型多、储层条件较差、单井产量较低、产量爬坡期较长的特征;(2)重视开发前期评价、开发方案与调整方案的编制、开发理论与技术的创新,以及工程施工的过程管理是煤层气成功开发的保障;(3)开发前期评价工作内容与节奏的合理设置是煤层气成功开发的基础,针对不同的地质条件应有所区别;(4)储层评价、动态跟踪评价、井网与井型的优选、多层合采的选择是编制煤层气合理开发方案的核心;(5)储层保护与改造、排采管控技术和低成本战略是工程技术的发展重点。结论认为,做好开发前期评价、地质与气藏工程研究、工程技术创新等3个方面的工作是成功开发煤层气的前提和关键。  相似文献   

Along with the rapid development of oil industries internationally,petroleum prospecting and exploitation activities are growing intensively.Especially in China,with the fastest economic growth in the world and shortage of petroleum resources,we are leading the practices of petroleum deep exploitation.Obviously,the risk of damage to the natural environment from these activities is high.Oil contamination in soils and groundwater is becoming a big issue along with pesticide pollution,which makes organic pollution prevention and control (OPPC) much more complex.In this paper,based on recent research on oil-contaminated soil at home and abroad,we make comments on the remediation technologies for polluted soil,emphasizing bioremediation techniques and degradation mechanisms in order to push forward research into bound organic pollution prevention and control (OPPC),especially in China.  相似文献   

针对炼油厂中低浓度氢气的资源化回收,提出了氢气网络系统中含氢气体排放最小化的步骤和方法以及废氢的资源化处置方案。以某炼化公司的氢气网络系统为例,阐述了所提出方法的实现步骤和实施方法。研究表明:对于炼油厂的氢气分配网络,该方法可以有效地降低低浓度含氢气体的排放,并显著地减少了氢气资源的浪费。  相似文献   

结合渤西油气田登陆管道不停产改线项目,介绍了滩涂段废弃油气管道置换清洗及废液回收新工艺。该工艺将置换与物理清洗产生的废液,通过新工艺模块直接注入改线后的生产管线进入终端处理厂,化学清洗产生的废液现场用罐车收集后做单独处理,与传统的废弃管道置换清洗及废液回收方法相比,更安全环保,且成本低。  相似文献   

This study had the major objective of evaluating the food safety knowledge, attitudes and practices of consumers and vendors of street foods in Ho Chi Minh City (MCMC), Vietnam. There were three main surveys performed in this study. A total of 120 consumers and 40 street food vendors from four districts [Binh Thanh (BT), Thu Duc (TD), district 3 (D3) and district 8 (D8)] in HCMC contributed to the study on a voluntary basis. The surveyed consumers had adequate levels of food safety knowledge and attitudes. No significant difference (p > 0.05) occurred between the food safety knowledge levels of the consumers on the basis of gender. However, significant differences (p < 0.05) occurred on the basis of age, education level, food safety training status and location. In contrast, the street vendors had poor food safety knowledge and attitude levels. No significant differences (p > 0.05) were observed in the food safety knowledge levels of the vendors on the basis of gender and age. However, significant differences (p < 0.05) were found on the basis of food safety training status and education level. It was also noted that the vast majority (95%) of the vendors had not received any food safety training. With regards to the practices, it was determined that 52.5% of the vending sites were open air stands without any protection from the sun, wind and dust. 52.5% the vending stalls had no direct access to potable water, while 47.5% did not have adequate hand washing facilities and a further 30% lacked proper waste water and food disposal facilities. In addition, 52.5% of the vendors did not separate raw, partially cooked food and cooked food products. These findings highlighted that street food vendors in HCMC generally have poor food handling practices and most are operating under unhygienic conditions. These results should provide the Vietnamese government with even more reasons to increase their current efforts to improve the safety of street foods and food safety awareness of the consumers.  相似文献   

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