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A family with hereditary factor X deficiency is presented. One member, a 25-year-old man, showed a mild bleeding tendency. His factor X activity (extrinsic: 56%; intrinsic: 55%; Russell's viper venom: 57%) and his level of circulating factor X antigen (55% of normal) were markedly reduced. Analysis of his factor X gene revealed a single point mutation within exon II resulting in the substitution of +25 Gla (GAA) by Lys (AAA). The mutation was determined by gene analysis to be heterozygous in this patient, his mother and one of his brothers. Clotting assays of factor X purified from the plasma of the index patient revealed an activity of 89% of normal upon activation with Russell's viper venom, 77% of normal in the intrinsic and 81% of normal in the extrinsic coagulation pathway. The mutation responsible for the substitution of Lys for Gla+25 was introduced into an expression plasmid containing a wild type factor X cDNA and expressed in a mammalian cell line. Factor X antigen levels in the cell lysates and in the supernatant were identical in the mutant and wild type constructs. The specific activity of the factor X expressed from the mutant construct was 3% compared with the wild type construct. These data demonstrate that the substitution of Lys for Gla+25 results not only in a reduced level of factor X in the affected family members, but also in a substantial loss of specific factor X activity.  相似文献   

Regulation of smooth muscle contractility is essential for many important biological processes such as tissue perfusion, cardiovascular haemostasis and gastrointestinal motility. While an increase in calcium initiates smooth muscle contraction, relaxation can be induced by cGMP or cAMP. cGMP-dependent protein kinase I (cGKI) has been suggested as a major mediator of the relaxant effects of both nucleotides. To study the biological role of cGKI and its postulated cross-activation by cAMP, we inactivated the gene coding for cGKI in mice. Loss of cGKI abolishes nitric oxide (NO)/cGMP-dependent relaxation of smooth muscle, resulting in severe vascular and intestinal dysfunctions. However, cGKI-deficient smooth muscle responded normally to cAMP, indicating that cAMP and cGMP signal via independent pathways, with cGKI being the specific mediator of the NO/cGMP effects in murine smooth muscle.  相似文献   

The product of the c-abl protooncogene is a nonreceptor tyrosine kinase found in both the cytoplasm and the nucleus. We report herein that cell adhesion regulates the kinase activity and subcellular localization of c-Abl. When fibroblastic cells are detached from the extracellular matrix, kinase activity of both cytoplasmic and nuclear c-Abl decreases, but there is no detectable alteration in the subcellular distribution. Upon adhesion to the extracellular matrix protein fibronectin, a transient recruitment of a subset of c-Abl to early focal contacts is observed coincident with the export of c-Abl from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. The cytoplasmic pool of c-Abl is reactivated within 5 min of adhesion, but the nuclear c-Abl is reactivated after 30 min, correlating closely with its return to the nucleus and suggesting that the active nuclear c-Abl originates in the cytoplasm. In quiescent cells where nuclear c-Abl activity is low, the cytoplasmic c-Abl is similarly regulated by adhesion but the nuclear c-Abl is not activated upon cell attachment. These results show that c-Abl activation requires cell adhesion and that this tyrosine kinase can transmit integrin signals to the nucleus where it may function to integrate adhesion and cell cycle signals.  相似文献   

The ability of BCR-ABL oncoproteins to induce leukemic transformation of hematopoietic cells depends on their tyrosine kinase activity, which is essential for recruitment and activation of multiple pathways that transduce oncogenic signals. Although it is unknown yet whether activation of PI 3-kinase is required for transformation, the colony-forming ability of Philadelphia cells is dependent on PI 3-kinase activity, as indicated by the results of studies using a number of strategies to interfere with the synthesis and/or the function of the regulatory and catalytic subunits of this kinase. In particular, wortmannin, a specific PI 3-kinase inhibitor, preferentially affected colony formation of Philadelphia cells over that of normal marrow hematopoietic progenitors. The mechanism(s) of such effects are unknown, but PI 3-kinase inhibitors may represent a novel class of therapeutic agents for the ex vivo and/or in vivo treatment of Philadelphia leukemias.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Trabecular meshwork and ciliary muscle express properties of smooth muscle cells. The contractility of trabecular meshwork and ciliary muscle is differently modulated by various agents. To reveal contractile regulatory processes, the effects of activation and inhibition of protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs) and their interaction with other protein kinases on contractility were measured. METHODS: Measurements of isometric tension were performed on isolated bovine trabecular meshwork and ciliary muscle strips using a custom-built, electromagnetic, force-length transducer. Protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) was stimulated by epidermal growth factor (EGF) and was inhibited by genistein or tyrphostin 51. Protein kinase C (PKC) was inhibited by chelerythrine or NPC-15437 and protein kinases A and G (PKA-PKG) by H8. RESULTS: Isolated strips were precontracted by applying carbachol 10(-6) M for 30 minutes (100% carbachol maximum contraction). Inhibition of PTK evoked a maximum relaxation of 79.2+/-4.2% in trabecular meshwork and of 38.1+/-3.1% in ciliary muscle (n=8). Inhibition of PKC or PKA-PKG induced relaxations only in trabecular meshwork. When PTK and PKC or PKA-PKG were inhibited, the relaxation induced by inhibition of PTK was additive to inhibition of the other protein kinases. Stimulation of a receptor with PTK activity by EGF induced a relaxation in trabecular meshwork and a contraction in ciliary muscle precontracted by carbachol. When trabecular meshwork and ciliary muscle were activated by EGF, inhibition of PTK by genistein relaxed the cell preparations. CONCLUSIONS: Inhibition of PTK induces more prominent relaxation in trabecular meshwork than in ciliary muscle. The effects of inhibition of PTK on relaxation are independent of inhibition of PKC and PKA-PKG. The signaling cascade after activation of a tyrosine kinase receptor by EGF is differently modulated in trabecular meshwork and ciliary muscle. The effect of genistein on relaxation is probably not directly related to the EGF receptor. PTK inhibitors are possible agents for the development of novel antiglaucoma drugs.  相似文献   

Using site-directed mutagenesis, we proposed that an autoinhibitory domain(s) is located at the C-terminal region (301-386) of the phosphorylase kinase gamma-subunit (Huang, C.-Y.F., Yuan C.-J., Livanova, N.B., and Graves, D.J. (1993) Mol. Cell. Biochem. 127/128, 7-18). Removal of the putative inhibitory domain(s) by truncation results in the generation of a constitutively active and calmodulin-independent form, gamma 1-300. To probe the structural basis of autoinhibition of gamma-subunit activity, two synthetic peptides, PhK13 (gamma 303-327) and PhK5 (gamma 343-367), corresponding to the two calmodulin-binding regions, were assayed for their ability to inhibit gamma 1-300. Competitive inhibition of gamma 1-300 by PhK13 was found versus phosphorylase b (Ki = 1.8 microM) and noncompetitive inhibition versus ATP. PhK5 showed noncompetitive inhibition with respect to both phosphorylase b and ATP. Calmodulin released the inhibition caused by both peptides. These results indicate that there are two distinct auto-inhibitory domains within the C terminus of the gamma-subunit and that these two domains overlap with the calmodulin-binding regions. Two mutant forms of gamma 1-300, E111K and E154R, were used to probe the enzyme-substrate-binding region using peptide substrate analogs corresponding to residues 9-18 of phosphorylase b (KRK11Q12ISVRGL). The data suggest that Glu111 interacts with the P-3 position of the substrate (Lys11) and Glu154 interacts with the P-2 site (Gln12). Both E111K and E154R were competitively inhibited with respect to phosphorylase b by PhK13, with 14- and 8-fold higher Ki values, respectively, than that observed with the wild-type enzyme. These data are consistent with a model for the regulation of the gamma-subunit of phosphorylase kinase in which PhK13 acts as a competitive pseudosubstrate that directly binds the substrate binding site of the gamma-subunit (Glu111 and Glu154).  相似文献   

The continuing trend of donor attention and resources away from Latin America threatens the sustainability of nongovernmental family planning organizations in that region. Managers can improve sustainability through cost control, cost recovery, and income generation. The Population Council's INOPAL II and INOPAL III projects and Family Health International assisted CEMOPLAF, an Ecuadoran private voluntary organization, in carrying out operations research in each of these areas. Studies included cost-savings analysis from altering IUD revisit norms (cost control), an ability-to-pay study that showed potential gains from increased prices for reproductive health services (cost recovery), and a feasibility study to estimate income from ultrasound services (income generation). Results indicate that any one intervention will probably have a limited impact, and that managers likely will need to undertake several initiatives simultaneously to make significant progress toward sustainability.  相似文献   

Caveolar localization of protein kinase C and the regulation of caveolar function by protein kinase C are well known. This study was undertaken to examine whether caveolin subtypes interact with various protein kinase C isoenzymes using the caveolin scaffolding domain peptide. When protein kinase C-alpha, -epsilon, and -zeta were overexpressed in COS cells followed by subcellular fractionation using the sucrose gradient method, all the isoenzymes (alpha, epsilon, and zeta) were detected in the same fraction as caveolin. The scaffolding domain peptide of caveolin-1 and -3, but not -2, inhibited the kinase activity and autophosphorylation of protein kinase C-alpha and -zeta, but not of protein kinase C-epsilon, overexpressed in insect cells. Truncation mutation studies of the caveolin-1 and -3 peptides demonstrated that a minimum of 16 or 14 amino acid residues of the peptide were required for the inhibition or direct binding of protein kinase C. Thus, the caveolin peptide physically interacted with protein kinase C and regulated its function. Further, this regulation occurred in a protein kinase C isoenzyme-dependent manner. Our results may provide a new mechanism regarding the regulation of protein kinase C isoenzyme activity and the molecular interaction of protein kinase C with its putative binding proteins.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of myosin regulatory light chain (RLC) catalysed by myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) is a key reaction in the regulation of actin-myosin interaction in smooth muscle. The activation of MLCK by calmodulin (CaM) and Ca2+ was investigated over a wide range of the enzyme concentrations using myosin or its RLC with Mw = 20 kDa as substrates. Kinase activation by CaM (at saturating Ca2+ concentrations) was characterized by positive cooperativity even though noncooperative activation would be expected from the established 1:1 binding stoichiometry between MLCK and CaM. The activation of the kinase by Ca2+ was also cooperative but only at relatively low CaM levels. This cooperativity was shown to result from time dependent changes in MLCK that take place during its incubation with Ca2+ and CaM before substrate addition in phosphorylation assays. As a result the kinase activity as a function of its concentration at constant CaM level was biphasic: there was the activity optimum at 1:1 ratio of CaM to MLCK and almost complete inhibition at 3 to 7 molar excess of kinase over CaM. Such changes that take place during 10 to 15 min preincubation with Ca2+ and CaM may involve the kinase supramolecular structure formation or/and its conformational rearrangements.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which beta adrenergic agonist stimulate glycogenolysis in intact skeletal muscle was investigated in mice with the phosphorylase kinase deficiency mutation (I strain). Although extracts of I strain diaphragm muscle had only 3.7% of the phosphorylase kinase activity found in extracts of the control strain (C57BL), incubation of I strain hemidiaphragms in Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate buffer with either isoproterenol or epinephrine resulted in a stimulation of the rate of glycogenolysis. In C57BL diaphragms, the EC50 values for isoproterenol and epinephrine were 2 and 14 nM, respectively. With I strain diaphragms, dl-isoproterenol or l-epinephrine stimulated glycogenolysis as a linear function of the log of the drug concentration with no apparent plateau of response up to concentrations of 30 to 40 mugM. For each 10-fold increase in drug concentration, isoproterenol and epinephrine stimulated glycogenolysis in I strain muscles an additional 0.37 to 0.42 mg/g/hr, a slope in the concentration-response relationship of 0.17 and 0.37, respectively, of that measured in C57BL diaphragms at concentrations around the EC50. The highest glycogenolytic response measured in I strain hemidiaphragms (at 40 mugM isoproterenol) was 80% of the maximal catecholamine-stimulated glycogenolysis in C57BL diaphragms. Both 4 nM and 4 mugM isoproterenol, in a concentration-dependent manner, stimulated phosphorylase b to a conversion in I and C57BL diaphragms and increased cyclic adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate (cyclic AMP) concentrations. The glycogenolytic response to 10.1 nM dl-isoproterenol in both I and C57BL diaphragms was blocked by 34 nM l-propranolol but not by 34 nM d-propranolol. The response to 4 mugM isoproterenol was enhanced by the cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase inhibitors papaverine (27 mugM) or dl-4-(3-butoxy-4-methoxybenzyl)-2-imidazolidinone (Ro 20-1724, 3 mugM). From the results of these studies, we conclude: 1) Catecholamines stimulate glycogenolysis in skeletal muscle of I mice, as in C57BL mice, by interacting with the beta adrenergic receptor, thereby increasing tissue cyclic AMP concentrations and stimulating phosphorylase b to a conversion. 2) alternative hypotheses for the mechanism of the catecholamine-stimulated decrease in glycogen concentration in I skeletal muscle-inhibition of glycogen synthesis, hyposia and 5'-AMP stimulation of phosphorylase b activity-have been ruled out. 3) the activity of the mutant phosphorylase kinase, although it is only 3.7% of that in extracts of C57BL muscle, is sufficient to produce phosphorylase b to a conversion and thereby account for the glycogenolytic response of I strain muscle to catecholamines.  相似文献   

The structure of a truncated form of the gamma-subunit of phosphorylase kinase (PHKgammat) has been solved in a ternary complex with a non-hydrolysable ATP analogue (adenylyl imidodiphosphate, AMPPNP) and a heptapeptide substrate related in sequence to both the natural substrate and to the optimal peptide substrate. Kinetic characterization of the phosphotransfer reaction confirms the peptide to be a good substrate, and the structure allows identification of key features responsible for its high affinity. Unexpectedly, the substrate peptide forms a short anti-parallel beta-sheet with the kinase activation segment, the region which in other kinases plays an important role in regulation of enzyme activity. This anchoring of the main chain of the substrate peptide at a fixed distance from the gamma-phosphate of ATP explains the selectivity of PHK for serine/threonine over tyrosine as a substrate. The catalytic core of PHK exists as a dimer in crystals of the ternary complex, and the relevance of this phenomenon to its in vivo recognition of dimeric glycogen phosphorylase b is considered.  相似文献   

Phosphorylase b kinase (PbK) from skeletal muscle is a highly regulated oligomer consisting of four copies of four distinct subunits (alphabetagamma)delta4. The gamma subunit is catalytic, and the remaining subunits are regulatory. To characterize effector-induced changes in the quaternary structure of the enzyme, we utilized the ortho-, meta, and para-isomers of phenylenedimaleimide (PDM), which in addition to having different geometries, also vary 2.5-fold in their cross-linking spans. Even at concentrations equivalent to the alphabetagammadelta protomers of PbK, all three isomers caused specific, rapid, and extensive cross-linking of the holoenzyme to form primarily alphabeta dimers, plus smaller amounts of betagammagamma and alphagammagamma trimers. The formation of these three conjugates was nearly totally inhibited by a 10-fold molar excess over PDM of N-(o- and p-tolyl)succinimide, which are chemically inert structural analogs of PDM. This inhibition suggests that PbK has binding sites for PDM and that PDM acts as an affinity cross-linker in binding to these sites prior to forming cross-linked conjugates. The largest effect on cross-linking in progressing from o- to p-PDM was on the alphagammagamma trimer, which is preferentially formed by the p-isomer. Activation of the enzyme by either phosphorylation or the allosteric activators ADP and GDP resulted in large increases in the amount of alphagammagamma formed, small increases in betagammagamma, and little change in alphabeta. When cross-linked in the presence of the reversibly activating nucleoside diphosphates, PbK remained activated after their removal, indicating that cross-linking had locked it in the active conformation. Our results provide direct evidence for perturbations in the interactions of the catalytic gamma subunit with the regulatory alpha and beta subunits upon activation of PbK.  相似文献   

Cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) are key regulators of the cell cycle and their activities are consequently tightly regulated. Recent developments in the field of CDK regulation have included the discovery and characterization of CDK inhibitors. These developments have had an impact on our understanding of how other signalling pathways may be linked to the cell cycle machinery.  相似文献   

The serum lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] level is a known risk factor for arteriosclerotic coronary artery disease. However, its association with restenosis after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) is controversial. We hypothesized that the Lp(a) level is a significant risk factor for restenosis after angioplasty through a pathophysiological mechanism leading to excess thrombin generation or inhibition of fibrinolysis. We designed a prospective study of the relation of Lp(a) to outcome after PTCA, in which we measured selected laboratory variables at entry and collected clinical, procedural, lesion-related, and outcome data pertaining to restenosis. Restenosis was defined as >50% stenosis of the target lesion by angiography or as ischemia in the target vessel distribution by radionuclide-perfusion scan. Before the patients underwent PTCA, blood was obtained by venipuncture for measurement of Lp(a), total cholesterol, thrombin-antithrombin (TAT) complex, alpha2-antiplasmin-plasmin (APP) complex, and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1). Evaluable outcome data were obtained on 162 subjects, who form the basis of this report. Restenosis occurred in 61 subjects (38%). The Lp(a) level was not correlated significantly with TAT, APP, PAI-1, or the TAT-APP ratio. Levels of TAT, APP, and PAI-1 were not statistically different in the patients with versus those without restenosis. The median ratio of TAT to APP was 2-fold higher in the restenosis group, and this difference approached statistical significance (P=0.07). Univariate analysis was performed for the association of clinical, lesion-related, and procedural risk factors with restenosis. Lp(a) levels did not differ significantly in the restenosis versus no-restenosis group, whether assessed categorically (>25 mg/dL versus <25 mg/dL) or as a continuous variable by Mann-Whitney U test. The number of lesions dilated and the lack of family history of premature heart disease were significantly associated with restenosis (P=0.002 and P=0.008, respectively). A history of diabetes mellitus was of borderline significance (P=0.055). By multiple logistic regression analysis, the number of lesions dilated was the only variable significantly associated with restenosis (P=0.03). We conclude that the number of lesions dilated during PTCA is a significant risk factor for restenosis, whereas the serum Lp(a) level was not a significant risk factor for restenosis in our patient population. The TAT to APP ratio merits further study as a possible risk factor for restenosis.  相似文献   

Phosphorylase kinase (PHK) is a regulatory enzyme of the glycogenolytic pathway composed of a complex of four subunits. We recently mapped the muscle alpha-subunit gene (Phka) to the mouse X chromosome in a region syntenic with the proximal long arm of the human X chromosome and containing the human homologue of this gene, PHKA. We now report the mapping of the liver alpha-subunit gene to the telomeric end of the mouse X chromosome. This mapping position would suggest a location for the human liver alpha-subunit gene on the proximal short arm of the X chromosome, a region recently implicated in X-linked liver glycogenosis (XLG).  相似文献   

Dihydropyridine-sensitive, L-type Ca channels are hetero-oligomeric proteins that are modulated in certain cell types by protein kinase C (PKC). In native skeletal muscle membranes, PKC phosphorylates the alpha 1 and beta subunits of these Ca channels and modulates channel activity. However, it is unknown if phosphorylation of both subunits is necessary for PKC-mediated channel regulation. Here we report that stoichiometric phosphorylation of the alpha 1 subunit was required for activation of these Ca channels by PKC, while PKC-mediated phosphorylation of the beta subunit alone did not modify channel activity. Furthermore, reversal of the functional effects of PKC by protein phosphatase-1c was quantitatively correlated with dephosphorylation of the alpha 1 subunit.  相似文献   

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