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基于时延的动态优先级调度算法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
队列管理是提高网络 QoS 的一种有效方法.在基于时延的调度算法(BDS)基础上将时间片与优先级相结合,提出了一种基于时延的动态优先级调度算法(DDPQS).为了实现该算法,针对进入缓冲区的每个子队列设置一个计数器,以调整的计数器值为基准来动态的改变队列的优先级,从而达到队列调度的效果;又从研究该算法的过程中,发现其局限性,即计数器值对时间片过于敏感的问题,于是进一步采用设置阈值进行区分的方法来优化.优化前后的仿真结果表明,时延和吞吐率性能具有明显改善. 相似文献
介绍网络路径性能参数的概念,分析现有的IPv6网络路径性能的探测机制和技术。重点研究一种使用主动探测技术、基于ICMPv6的双程时延和包丢失率探测技术。给出详细的技术方案并进行编程实现。实验结果表明,所提出的探测方法是可行和有效的。 相似文献
具有长时延及丢包的网络控制系统稳定性分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
研究了同时具有大于一个采样周期的随机传输时延及数据包丢失的网络控制系统的稳定性问题.对于给定的数据包丢失率,网络控制系统被建模为具有两个事件速率约束的异步动态系统,利用异步动态系统理论给出了网络控制系统指数稳定的充分条件,状态反馈控制器可通过解一组矩阵不等式求出.仿真示例验证了所提出方法的有效性. 相似文献
在无线传感器网络中,传感器节点的能量由电池提供,有时难以更换。因此,降低能耗是目前无线传感器网络设计中一个很重要的技术问题。通过对层次型路由协议的研究,提出了一种基于能量和时延的动态分簇算法,该算法通过动态地确定每一轮数据收集时无线传感器网络中的簇头数目,从而在满足不超过网络最大延迟时间的基础上,使网络能耗达到最小,最大延迟时间由Sink节点确定。通过仿真实验与传统的LEACH和PEGASIS协议进行比较,结果表明,该算法有效地减少了网络能耗,同时显著降低了传输时延。 相似文献
存在时延和数据包丢失情况下状态反馈网络控制系统的指数稳定性 总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11
同时考虑网络诱导时延和数据包丢失以及传感器与控制器、控制器与执行器之间均存在网络的情况,研究了状态反馈网络控制系统的稳定性问题.基于一定的数据包丢失率和恒定时延,系统被建模为由结构事件率约束的异步动态切换系统.利用李亚普诺夫方法和线性矩阵不等式描述,推导出由数据包丢失率约束的系统指数稳定的充分条件,给出了系统指数稳定的容许数据丢包率和系统开环状态及闭环结构的关系,以使系统指数稳定.用Matlab LMI工具箱容易判定系统的指数稳定性,同时获得系统指数稳定的状态反馈控制律.Matlab仿真说明,分析方法是有效的,稳定判据是可行的. 相似文献
端到端最小包时延作为反映端到端路径拓扑特征的基本指标得到广泛应用,但目前缺少对最小时延测量方法的研究。以仿真为手段定量分析了在不同路径长度下最小时延的可测性,并建立了反映探测包数量与路径长度关系的线性方程。以此为基础,提出一种基于仿真分析的最小时延测量方法。在互联网的实际测量表明该方法能以较小的测量开销获得较准确的最小时延测量结果。 相似文献
动态包过滤防火墙规则优化研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
传统的静态防火墙是根据预先规定的特定的过滤规则对访问网络的数据包进行简单过滤,难以防范越来越复杂动态的网络攻击,同时随着静态过滤规则数目的不断增大,规则的管理也越来越复杂。而动态包过滤防火墙具有传统防火墙的功能,更能提供对运输层完整的控制能力,简化了对规则集的匹配工作,提高了网络通信速率。文章对动态包过滤防火墙的工作原理和过滤规则的优化进行了研究,能在不影响网络安全访问的前提下,提高过滤规则表的管理效率。 相似文献
In packet audio applications, packets are buffered at a receiving site and their playout delayed in order to compensate for
variable network delays. In this paper, we consider the problem of adaptively adjusting the playout delay in order to keep
this delay as small as possible, while at the same time avoiding excessive “loss” due to the arrival of packets at the receiver
after their playout time has already passed. The contributions of this paper are twofold. First, given a trace of packet audio
receptions at a receiver, we present efficient algorithms for computing a bound on the achievable performance of any playout delay adjustment algorithm. More precisely, we compute upper and lower bounds (which are shown to be tight for the
range of loss and delay values of interest) on the optimum (minimum) average playout delay for a given number of packet losses
(due to late arrivals) at the receiver for that trace. Second, we present a new adaptive delay adjustment algorithm that tracks
the network delay of recently received packets and efficiently maintains delay percentile information. This information, together
with a “delay spike” detection algorithm based on (but extending) our earlier work, is used to dynamically adjust talkspurt
playout delay. We show that this algorithm outperforms existing delay adjustment algorithms over a number of measured audio
delay traces and performs close to the theoretical optimum over a range of parameter values of interest. 相似文献
Internet中的包延迟分布与包丢失关系研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
包延迟的分布特征是Internet端到端行为特征的一个重要组成部分,前人已在该方面进行了大量研究,但许多研究结论只适用于丢包率较小的情况,通过研究我国科技网和教育网上34条端到端路径上的延迟特征,得出了如下结论:(1)包延迟的分布特征与丢包率存在一定的关系;(2)在丢包率较小的情况下,包延迟的分布多具有单峰性,但随着丢包率的增大,包延迟的分布不再具有单峰性,而是呈现出越来越分散的特点;(3)随着丢包率的增大,固有延迟的发生次数呈现逐渐减少的趋势,当丢包率增大到一定程度,固有延迟的发生次数就很少了。 相似文献
针对AMP-Live模型中存在的问题,提出一种基于报文延迟预测的自适应媒体播放算法(NEWAMP),采用未来信道和缓冲状态的预测值作为视频报文播放速率调整的依据,将速率变化的程度进一步细化,同时考虑应用要求的最大端到端延迟,提高算法性能,与传统播放算法相比,NEWAMP在保证报文因下溢和上溢而丢弃的概率足够小的前提下,缓冲延迟减小了约50%,而与普通AMP-Live方法相比,NEWAMP不仅减小了报文因下溢和上溢而丢弃的概率,还将缓冲延迟减小了约40%。实验结果证明了该算法的有效性。 相似文献
Marco Roccetti Vittorio Ghini Giovanni Pau Paola Salomoni Maria Elena Bonfigli 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2001,14(1):23-53
We describe the design and the experimental evaluation of a playout delay control mechanism we have developed in order to support unicast, voice-based audio communications over the Internet. The proposed mechanism was designed to dynamically adjust the talkspurt playout delays to the traffic conditions of the underlying network without assuming either the existence of an external mechanism for maintaining an accurate clock synchronization between the sender and the receiver during the audio communication, or a specific distribution of the audio packet transmission delays. Performance figures derived from several experiments are reported that illustrate the adequacy of the proposed mechanism in dynamically adjusting the audio packet playout delay to the network traffic conditions while maintaining a small percentage of packet loss. 相似文献
In current networks, packet losses can occur if routers do not
provide sufficiently large buffers. This paper studies how many
buffers should be provided in a router to eliminate packet losses.
We assume a network router has m incoming queues, each
corresponding to a single traffic stream, and must schedule
at any time on-line from which queue to take the next packet to
send out. To exclude packet losses with a small amount of
buffers, the maximum queue length must be kept low over the entire
scheduling period. We call this new on-line problem the balanced
scheduling problem (BSP). By competitive analysis, we measure the
power of on-line scheduling algorithms to prevent packet losses.
We show that a simple greedy algorithm is
Θ(log m)-competitive which is asymptotically optimal,
while Round-Robin scheduling is not better than
m-competitive, as actually is any deterministic on-line
algorithm for BSP.
We also give a polynomial time algorithm for
solving off-line BSP optimally.
We also study another on-line balancing problem that tries to
balance the delay among the m traffic streams. 相似文献
In current networks, packet losses can occur if routers do not
provide sufficiently large buffers. This paper studies how many
buffers should be provided in a router to eliminate packet losses.
We assume a network router has m incoming queues, each
corresponding to a single traffic stream, and must schedule
at any time on-line from which queue to take the next packet to
send out. To exclude packet losses with a small amount of
buffers, the maximum queue length must be kept low over the entire
scheduling period. We call this new on-line problem the balanced
scheduling problem (BSP). By competitive analysis, we measure the
power of on-line scheduling algorithms to prevent packet losses.
We show that a simple greedy algorithm is
(log m)-competitive which is asymptotically optimal,
while Round-Robin scheduling is not better than
m-competitive, as actually is any deterministic on-line
algorithm for BSP.
We also give a polynomial time algorithm for
solving off-line BSP optimally.
We also study another on-line balancing problem that tries to
balance the delay among the m traffic streams. 相似文献
一种基于内容的音频流二级分割方法 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
基于内容的音频流分割是多媒体数据分析领域中的一个十分重要和困难的问题.目前大多数传统的音频流分割方法是基于小尺度音频分类的,但是这类分割方法普遍存在虚假分割点过多的缺点,严重影响了实际应用的效果.作者的研究表明,大尺度音频片段的分类正确率要明显高于小尺度音频片段的分类正确率,并且这个趋势与分类器选择无关.基于这个事实和减少虚假分割点的目的,作者提出了一种新的音频流分割方法.首先,采用基于大尺度音频分类的分割方法对音频流进行粗分割,以减少虚假分割点;然后定义了分割点评价函数,并利用它在边界区域中进一步精确定位分割点.实验结果表明这种音频流分割方法可以比较精确地获取分割点位置,同时将虚假分割点减少到传统方法的四分之一. 相似文献
提出了一种基于多跳间时延协作的Crossbar调度算法。该算法以分组头中记录的时延为权重对分组进行调度,通过控制分组在各跳上的时延来达到调节端到端时延的目的。算法还使路由器避免了维护每个流的状态信息以及对单个流进行的复杂的队列管理和调度。计算机仿真表明,算法具有较高的资源利用率、较低的端到端时延抖动和较低的分组丢弃率等特点。 相似文献