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An efficient PSTD algorithm for cylindrical coordinates   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
A pseudospectral time-domain (PSTD) algorithm is developed to overcome limitations in the conventional solution methods for Maxwell's equations in cylindrical coordinates. It is based on the fast Fourier transform (FFT) representation of spatial derivatives and a centered grid. The main contributions of this algorithm are to eliminate the singularity problem at the axis and to allow a larger time step. It uses a coarse grid close to the Nyquist sampling density provided that the geometrical modeling does not require fine cells. It reduces the required number of unknowns and the number of time steps in the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method and is efficient for large-scale problems  相似文献   

加权总场法在PSTD算法中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
伪谱时域(PSTD)方法可以处理电大尺寸目标电磁散射问题。本文介绍了一种能够把入射波有效引入PSTD计算区域的新方法——加权总场法。该方法通过引入类似于FDTD中连接边界的连接层,将计算区域划分为总场区、连接区和散射场区。为了总场区和散射场区的连续,在连接区引入窗函数.通过设置8—10层连接区就可以将入射波有效地引入到PSTD总场区。这样使入射波和目标分离,实现了复杂目标的单独建模,从而使PSTD便于模拟复杂目标的电磁散射。文中以高斯脉冲为入射波,通过二维情况下目标散射宽度的数值结果,验证了加权总场法应用于PSTD算法时的有效性和计算精度。  相似文献   

We propose a hybrid technique combining the pseudospectral time-domain (PSTD) method with the alternating-direction implicit conformal finite-difference time-domain (ADI-CFDTD) method to solve 3-D mixed-scale problems in computational electromagnetics. A mixed-scale problem contains both electrically large and relatively homogeneous regions and electrically small fine details, thus poses a significant computational challenge to any single computational method if it is utilized alone. In particular, the ADI-CFDTD method is an unconditionally stable time-domain method with second-order spatial accuracy, and allows the time step to be increased beyond the Courant-Friedrichs-Levy limit; it is suitable for electrically small problem (structure details much smaller than a wavelength) but is inefficient and suffers from large numerical errors for electrically large-scale regions. The PSTD method, on the other hand, is accurate and efficient for regions with large, relatively homogeneous materials, but loses its efficiency for electrically small structures. The hybrid PSTD/ADI-CFDTD method overcomes these disadvantages and is potentially more useful than the individual solvers. The implementation details and numerical accuracy of this hybrid method are examined. Numerical examples demonstrate the advantages of the hybrid PSTD/ADI-CFDTD method  相似文献   

CFS-PML边界条件在PSTD算法中的实现与性能分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
文中将具有复频率参数的PML(CFS-PML)边界条件引入到时域伪谱(PSTD)算法中,并利用卷积PML(CPML)方法予以实现,CPML的吸收性能作为时间的函数被给出。与传统PML相比,该边界条件不仅可以吸收传播模,而且还可以吸收低频凋落模。仿真结果也表明,CPML中参数α,Kmax在一定范围内取值可使该边界的反射误差得到最小。  相似文献   

PSTD算法及其吸收边界分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在解时域电大尺寸电磁场问题时,由于受到有限差分格式二阶精度的限制,传统FDTD算法的效率很低,对内存的要求高.采用以伪谱方法离散Maxwell微分方程为核心的Pseudospectral time-domain(PSTD)算法计算电大尺寸电磁场时域问题,将大大提高计算效率,降低内存需求.本文重点探讨了在PSTD技术中,电大尺寸问题的高效实现,并和传统FDTD算法进行了比较.此外还分析了其吸收边界-完全匹配层(PML)所发挥的作用,PML的设置以及各参数对场吸收的影响.  相似文献   

For Part I, see ibid., vol.40, no.5, p.469-481 (1992). The general analysis of part I is applied to several practical geometries of multilayer/multifeed printed antennas. These examples include a dual-feed circularly polarized geometry; a stacked patch geometry; a stripline-aperture coupled geometry with a radome; an open-end proximity-coupled patch; and dipole and slot geometries inclined or perpendicularly coupled to different feedlines. Features of the selected geometries cover many practical aspects of multilayer integrated phased arrays. Experimental results for several geometries are compared with the analytical results to demonstrate the accuracy and versatility of the analysis used. Various design considerations for the use of these multilayered printed antenna geometries in integrated phase array applications are discussed  相似文献   

The backscattered fields of a perfectly conducting circular disk are analyzed from a transient signature viewpoint. The significant dominant scattering mechanisms are identified for both principal polarizations at a variety of angles. Particular attention is given to the edge wave. The backscattered field behavior due to an incident plane wave on a perfectly conducting disk is presented. Good agreement was obtained between the eigenfunction and geometric theory of diffraction solutions. The expected mechanisms from first-, second-, and third-order diffractions with an accurate edge wave representation are demonstrated through the use of transient signatures. The most significant error in the geometric theory of diffraction (GTD) solution occurs in time where the nonprincipal plane double diffraction term exists  相似文献   

A time-frequency analysis method to study electromagnetic scattering is presented and demonstrated using canonical objects. The time-frequency analysis method utilizes the Bargmann transform to formulate the signal representation in phase space. The use of the Bargmann transform leads to an attractive parametric signal representation in terms of complex polynomials, and elliptical filters can be constructed to crop or extract selected areas of the phase plane. The signal representation and filtering operations are demonstrated using scattering responses from spheres and thin wires, and the prominent scattering features are identified and extracted  相似文献   

A so-called add-on procedure is proposed to deal with the data analysis problem resulting from the collection of scattering data from large planar structures. The computations (involving of the order of a few thousand unknowns) is undertaken in a gradual manner by building up the body from small patches which are added sequentially. The procedure is based on an initial expansion of the unknown current distribution into subsectional (pulse-type) basic functions. Each segment of the scatterer carries an unknown amplitude which is the response to an incident wave. However, rather than forming a matrix equation for these responses, they are computed in a gradual manner where the scatterer is built up from these segments as they are added one at a time. At the end of each addition of a segment, the result for scattering from a partial body is obtained. At each stage, the problem solved reflects the size of the small addition only, and the solution to an actual partial body is obtained. An important feature of this method is its ability to utilize a priori known information on a portion of the scatterer as an initial stage for the economic analysis of the entire structure. The process takes into account the interactions between all segments of the body. The process proves to be very efficient both in terms of computation time and storage requirements, as seen in the computed examples on of the order of 1000 to 6000 unknowns  相似文献   

For pt.1 see ibid., vol.44, no.1, p.134-42 (2002). Higher-order schemes for the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method - in particular, a second-order-in-time, fourth-order-in-space method, FDTD(2,4) - are applied to a number of problems. The problems include array analysis, cavity resonances, antenna coupling, and shielding effectiveness case studies. The latter includes a simplified model of a commercial airliner, with a personal electronic device operating in the vicinity of the aircraft. The FDTD computations are also compared to measured data for this case. Incorporating PEC and other types of material boundaries into higher-order FDTD is problematic; a hybrid approach using the standard FDTD method in the proximity of the boundary is proposed, and shown to perform well  相似文献   

包秀龙  章文勋  李乐伟 《电子学报》2003,31(12):1761-1764
本文采用时域伪谱(PSTD)法分析复杂媒质中的光子带隙(PBG)结构,建立了电磁波色散特性的统一数学模型,经数值计算绘出色散曲线.在各向同性媒质情况下所得的曲线,与时域有限差分法及平面波展开法的结果相一致.在各向异性媒质情况下,能展宽原各向同性媒质PBG结构的第一阻带、并增多阻带条数.  相似文献   

C波段中国陆地电磁散射特性统计分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陆地表面的电磁散射特性同地形地物存在的真实物理状态密切相关。利用ERS-1和ERS-2卫星1991至1999年的C波段VV极化散射计数据,对中国陆地不同地形地物分类环境所对应的散射系数特性进行了统计分析和比较,为地球遥感信息分析和雷达目标检测地杂波环境评价提供参考。  相似文献   

计算电大尺寸建筑物内电波场强的PSTD方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李清亮  潘鸣  陈迎潮 《通信学报》2000,21(12):36-41
本文采用一种新的时域数值方法-伪谱时域(PSTD)法来计算电大尺寸建筑物内电波场强。提出了由初始条件技术和一维PSTD方程对入射平面波脉冲进行模拟,并利用纯散射场法和线性插值把平面波引入求解问题空间,有效地解决了PSTD方法中入射波设置问题。数值结果表明这种新方法用于模拟电大尺寸建筑物内电波场强的精度和有效性。  相似文献   

Dynamic stimulated Brillouin scattering analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a new simple analysis-including the effect of spontaneous emission-of the (dynamic) influence of stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) on the detected receiver eye diagram. It applies in principle for general types of modulation formats such as the digital formats of amplitude shift keying (ASK), frequency shift keying (FSK), and phase shift keying (PSK). The analysis is formulated for a determination of the signal power depiction and intersymbol interference (ISI) caused by the combined effect of fiber dispersion, fiber attenuation and nonlinear fiber effects such as the effect of self-phase modulation (SPM) and SBS. The analysis allows a quantification of the dithering influence on the SBS threshold. Representative numerical examples are presented for two single-channel ON-OFF modulated 10-Gh/s systems utilizing Franz-Keldysh and Mach-Zehnder-type modulators  相似文献   

扫描电镜/能谱仪在火灾原因技术鉴定中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用扫描电镜/能谱仪对导线断头进行检验,观察其断头熔痕形貌特征,测定其无机元素成份,由此鉴别熔痕的形成原因。  相似文献   

分块阻抗矩阵迭代算法(Block-Iterative Algorithm)是一种非常直接而有效的求解多导体散射的加速求解算法.然而当单导体尺寸较大时,求解多导体散射的宽频带特性时仍然存在较费计算资源问题.基此,提出采用一种有效的Pade逼近型[Z]阻抗矩阵内插技术与分块阻抗矩阵迭代算法相结合的方法来快速分析多导体的宽频带电特性;计算结果与已有结果吻合较好,并且大大节省了计算资源,从而说明了该方法的快速性和精确性.  相似文献   

The time-frequency distributions (TFD) analysis of the electromagnetic scattering from a circular waveguide cavity is investigated. Two time-frequency representations, the Wigner distribution and the running-window Fourier transform, are applied to the frequency-domain scattering data and the results are compared. For the cavity, propagating modes and cutoff frequencies can be determined from the TFD, whereas neither time nor frequency representations will provide such information directly  相似文献   

ADI-FDTD在二维散射问题中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用交替隐式时域有限差分(ADI—FDTD)这一新方法计算二维电磁散射问题。研究了ADI—FDTD方法的入射波设置、连接边界条件、PML吸收边界和近远场变换等关键技术。与传统FDTD方法相比,ADI—FDTD的时间步长不受时间步长和空间步长的稳定性条件(CFL约束条件)限制。在该方法中,可选取较大的时间步长进而提高计算效率。最后还给出了金属和介质柱散射截面的数值算例,证实了ADI—FDTD方法处理散射问题的有效性和实用性。  相似文献   

A full-wave solution for polarimetric scattering from a cluster of randomly oriented three-dimensional lossy dielectric structures above an impedance surface is presented to investigate the importance of multiple scattering. The problem is formulated using an integral equation in conjunction with the exact image representation of dyadic Green's function for the half-space problem. Then, the integral equation is solved for the induced equivalent polarization currents using the method of moments. The accuracy of the numerical code is verified using other existing numerical results and experimental observations. The model is then used to examine the effect of multiple scattering among a cluster of relatively short stems and is shown that multiple scattering significantly affects the cross-polarized backscatter whereas it has a moderate effect on the copolarized backscattering depending on the stem density.  相似文献   

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