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Electric discharge machining (EDM) is an acclaimed non-conventional machining process that is used for machining of hard or geometrically complex and electrically conductive materials which are extremely difficult to machine by conventional methods. One of the foremost demerits of this process is its very low material removal rate (MRR). For this, researchers have proposed some modifications like; providing rotational motion to the tool or workpiece, mixing of conducting fine powders (such as SiC, Cr, Al, graphite etc.) in the dielectric, providing vibrations to either the tool or the workpiece etc. The present research examines how the MRR and tool wear rates (TWR) vary with the variation in the tool rotation speed and their effects on the surface integrity of the workpiece. The results obtained clearly indicate that the tool rotation significantly improves the average MRR up to 49%. Moreover, the average surface finish also gets improved by around 9–10% while using the rotational tool EDM. Due to the tool rotation, the recast layer thickness is less for the rotary EDM as compared with the stationary tool EDM process. Furthermore, the micro-cracking on the recast surface of the workpiece is also less for the rotary tool EDM as compared with the stationary tool EDM. 相似文献
In this work we investigated the electrical discharge machining (EDM) of a Fe-Mn-Al alloy. The surface phenomena caused by EDM were studied in terms of machining parameters. An empirical model of the Fe-Mn-Al alloy was also proposed based on the experimental data. Experimental results indicate that the higher the discharge energy, the faster the machining time. This treatment introduces machining damage in the resolidified surface layer and worsens the surface roughness. The optimum pulse-on duration on the basis of the electrode wear ratio for the copper electrode was about 200 μs. The increase of crater depth with the applied pulsed current and pulse-on duration appears minimal under a small input energy. 相似文献
Electrical discharge machining (EDM) is a well-established modern machining process used to manufacture geometrically complex shapes, process hard materials that are extremely difficult to machine by conventional machining processes. This noncontact machining technique is continuously emerging from a mere tool and dies making process to a microscale machining applications. In recent years, researches have emphasized on increasing machining performance coupled with deliberate surface treatments. Additive mixed electrical discharge machining (AEDM) is a novel innovation for enhancing the capabilities of electrical discharge machining process in this direction. This article presents comprehensive history, mechanism of AEDM process, and reviews research literature in this area. The last part of this article outlines trends for future AEDM research directions. 相似文献
In this study, machining of AA6061/10%SiC composite fabricated by mechanical stir casting process has been experimentally investigated using electrodischarge machining (EDM) process with tungsten-powder-mixed dielectric fluid (PMEDM). Peak current, pulse on-time, pulse off-time, and gap voltage are selected as machining parameters. Mathematical relation has been established for response quality characteristics like surface roughness with and without tungsten powder dielectric fluid using Central Composite Rotatable Design (CCRD) through response surface methodology (RSM). Surface characteristics like microhardness, surface topography, and white recast layer have been evaluated through scanning electron microscope (SEM), electrodispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), and micro-Vicker hardness. Results have also been compared with simple EDM of AA6061/10%SiC composite without powder-mixed dielectric fluid. The existence of tungsten powder in dielectric fluid increases surface quality owing to decrease in number, size, and depth of craters formed while machining. Thickness of white recast layer is reduced whereas surface hardness is increased when machined with powder-mixed EDM. 相似文献
The present investigation aims at evaluating the performance of electrical discharge diamond cutoff grinding (EDDCG) of cemented carbide. EDDCG is an abrasive based hybrid process consisting of diamond cutoff grinding (DCG) and electrical discharge cutoff grinding (EDCG) and is a playing major role in the processing of modern materials viz. cemented nitrides, titanium alloys, super alloys, composites of metal matrix, cemented carbides, etc. This article investigates the influence of four different parameters viz. rates per minute (RPM) of wheel, gap current, on-time ( t on ), and duty factor ( d f ) on material removal rate (MRR) and surface roughness (R a). Large numbers of experiments were performed on indigenously built EDDCG set up mounted as an attachment on electrical discharge machining (EDM). The experimental results reveal that R a increases with an increase of gap current and as well as d f but decreases with an increase of wheel RPM. Further, it also shows that the MRR rises with rise in wheel RPM, gap current, and t on but decreases as d f increases. After machining of cemented carbide workpiece by EDDCG process, the scanning electron microscope (SEM) micrographs of the machined surface were observed to study the combined effect of mechanical and electroerosion process. 相似文献
The objective of this research is to investigate the machining characteristics of manganese-zinc (Mn-Zn) ferrite magnetic material using electrical-discharge machining (EDM). The material removal rate, the surface topography, the surface roughness, the recast layer, and the chemical composition of the machined surface were studied in terms of EDM processing variables. Experimental results indicate that the morphology of debris revealed the mechanism of material removal. The surface microgeometry characteristics are not always uniform and homogenous and the EDM process produces much damage on the machined surface. The material removal rate, the surface roughness, and the recast layer are proportional to the applied discharge energy. 相似文献
The objective of this research is to investigate the machining characteristics of manganese–zinc (Mn–Zn) ferrite magnetic material using electrical-discharge machining (EDM). The material removal rate, the surface topography, the surface roughness, the recast layer, and the chemical composition of the machined surface were studied in terms of EDM processing variables. Experimental results indicate that the morphology of debris revealed the mechanism of material removal. The surface microgeometry characteristics are not always uniform and homogenous and the EDM process produces much damage on the machined surface. The material removal rate, the surface roughness, and the recast layer are proportional to the applied discharge energy. 相似文献
This paper reports the results of a metal matrix composite (MMC) machined with electric discharge machining (EDM). The results were optimized using lexicographic goal programming to predict the ideal parametric combinations for machining of MMCs. Optimal conditions for the significant parameters were listed depending upon the requirements of the machining process which may vary from rough machining (higher material removal rate) and finish machining (lower surface roughness). The mean thickness of the recast layer formed after machining was also studied. 相似文献
The effect of microstructural refinement and presence of TiB particles on the electrical discharge machinability of hypoeutectic B-modified Ti-6Al-4V alloys have been studied. This has been characterized on the basis of changes in the following machining responses: material removal rate and tool wear rate. Material removal rate remains unaffected by B addition to Ti-6Al-4V because of insignificant changes in hardness and melting point of the alloy with B modification. On the other hand, microstructural refinement associated with minor amount of B addition leads to enhancement in alloy strength, and hence, tool wear rate has been found to reduce constantly with increasing the amount of B addition. Moreover, the shielding effect of TiB particles, which have higher melting temperature and hardness compared to the Ti-6Al-4V matrix, has also been found to control the wear of the tool. 相似文献
The demand for miniaturized products having a glossy surface or nano-level surface is increasing exponentially in automobile, aerospace, biomedical, and semiconductor industries. The mirror-like surface finish has generated a need to develop advanced machining processes. The addition of powder particle into electric discharge machining (EDM) oil is considered a promising technique to achieve surface integrity at the miniaturization level. In this research, the Al–10%SiC p metal matrix composite (MMC) has been machined after mixing the appropriate amount of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) into the EDM dielectric fluid. An advanced experimental setup has been designed and fabricated in the laboratory for conducting the experiments. This proposed technology is called nano powder mixed electric discharge machining (NPMEDM). The input parameters of NPMEDM are also optimized using central composite rotatable design (CCRD) based on response surface methodology (RSM) in order to obtain the best surface finish and material removal rate (MRR). The MRR has been increased by 38.22% and surface finish has been improved by 46.06% after mixing the MWCNTs into the EDM dielectric fluid. The results indicate that the combination of parameters A5, B5, C5, and D5 might have produced maximum MRR, whereas A1, B1, C1, and D3 have produced minimum surface roughness (SR). 相似文献
The effects of the machining parameters in electrical-discharge machining (EDM) on the machining characteristics of SKH 57 high-speed steel were investigated. A well-designed experimental scheme was used to reduce the total number of experiments. Parts of the experiment were conducted with the L18 orthogonal array based on the Taguchi method. Moreover, the signal-to-noise ratios associated with the observed values in the experiments were determined by ANOVA and F-test. The significant parameters that critically influenced the machining characteristics were examined, and the optimal combination levels of machining parameters for material removal rate, electrode wear rate, and surface roughness were determined. 相似文献
It is difficult to have high accuracy and low surface roughness in processing of metal matrix composites (MMCs). Micro-wire electrical discharge machining (micro-WEDM) has no obvious cutting force in processing because there is no direct action between tool electrode and workpiece, which makes micro-WEDM complete the machining of MMCs with high hardness and high strength. However, the recast layer can be formed with damages on machining surface in micro-WEDM process. Therefore, to resolve these problems, this paper highlights analysis of the surface characteristics of SiC/Al particulate MMC in micro-WEDM process. In addition, the characteristics of recast layer with different discharge energy are analyzed. And the removal process of ceramic particles in the composite is thermal spalling process, which is proved using surface morphology of SiCp/Al MMC by micro-WEDM. Finally, to reduce the thickness of recast layer and improve surface integrity of SiCp/Al2024 MMC by micro-WEDM, a multicutting experimental is performed and the machined surface with 0.774 µm in surface roughness and 3 µm in recast layer thickness are obtained. 相似文献
In this work a multibody collision model, ame-nable to large-scale computation, is developed to simulate material removal
with particulate flows. This model is developed by computing momentum exchange to account for different force interactions:
(1) particle–particle interaction, (2) particle–fluid interaction, and (3) particle–surface interaction. For the particle-fluid
interaction, a velocity field for the fluid is assumed to be known, and the drag force on the particles is computed from this
field. In the particle–surface interaction, the Boussinesq solution for a point load on an elastic half-space is used along
with the von-Mises yield criterion to determine the amount of material removed. Employing this model, inverse problems are
then constructed where combinations of the abrasive particle size, the particle size distribution, the flow velocity, etc.,
are sought to maximize the efficiency of the process. A genetic algorithm is used to treat this inverse problem, and numerical
examples are given to illustrate the overall approach. 相似文献
In electrical discharge machining (EDM), poor debris removal may occur under certain conditions. This leads to debris accumulation and degrades machining efficiency. In this study, the rotation and retracting movements of slotted electrodes were coordinated during EDM to realize a pumping effect for expelling debris in the gap between the electrodes and workpieces. The study compared the performance of different slotted electrodes with that of a regular cylindrical (RC) electrode. Moreover, a computational fluid dynamics module was adopted to simulate the effects of the RC and slotted electrodes on debris removal capability in EDM under different conditions. The experimental results demonstrated that among all slotted electrodes, the deep slotted electrode engendered the most-favorable debris removal capability. The deep slotted electrode saved machining time by shortening the electrode jump time or even obviating electrode jumping. This increased the material removal rates by 120%–153% during EDM drilling. 相似文献
采用硼化法制备的TiBCN导电陶瓷粉末成功热压烧结为块体材料。设置不同电火花线切割加工工艺参数,切割TiBCN块材。通过加工表面质量分析及SEM微观形貌观察,研究了线切割加工表面质量的影响因素及材料蚀除机制。研究结果表明:线切割加工TiBCN陶瓷材料,可以获得质量良好的加工表面,最小表面粗糙度Ra为0.4μm;脉冲电流Ip和脉间ti是影响加工表面质量的主要影响因素;虽然设置长脉宽te有利于提高蚀除效率,但脉间过小,易形成表面裂纹。TiBCN块材线切割加工最佳参数设置范围为:Ip=2~6,te=20~22μs,ti=65~75μs。线切割加工TiBCN陶瓷材料,有三种蚀除机理:剥离、熔融/再凝固、气化蒸发。 相似文献
Studying the variation of the electro-discharge machining (EDM) process outputs due to the change in shape of the generated pulse is one research aspect in the EDM process. In this study, the effects of voltage excitation of the pre-ignition spark pulse on the process outputs material removal rate (MRR), electrode wear ratio (EWR), and surface roughness (Ra) have been investigated. Experiments were designed using design of experiments (DOE), and the results were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). Based on the results, it has become clear that applying voltage excitation of the pulse produces effective pulses, which in turn lessens EWR, increases MRR, and improves surface quality. Hence, the suitability of this method has been verified for EDM. 相似文献
Compound machining (CM) compounded by arc machining and electrical discharge machining (EDM) milling is a new and fast processing method used to machine so-called “difficult-to-machine” materials. This method has an exciting maximum material removal rate that reaches 11,218 mm 3/min with the relative electrode wear rate (REWR) of 1.54% when machining Inconel718. The electrode material is an important factor that affects the processing cost and quality of CM. Traditionally used electrode materials in arc machining and EDM, including pure tungsten (W), cerium tungsten (WCe20), copper (Cu), tungsten copper alloy (W80), and graphite (C), were used as electrode materials to process Inconel718. Experimental results show that tubular C is the best electrode material for CM. When tubular C is unavailable, WCe20 is the suitable electrode material for rough machining and W is a better choice in finish machining. Cu electrode is unsuitable for CM because of its low melting point. Results of this work provide guidance for selecting electrode materials for the industry application of efficient CM. 相似文献
Studies have been carried out to determine the influence of depths of cut of diamond grinding wheels on the wear of diamond abrasives and the material removal rate of silicon nitride during single pass grinding. The results suggest that there is an optimum depth of cut, which yields the greatest material removal rate. If the grinding depth is less than this optimum depth of cut, the grinding efficiency is low. If the grinding depth is larger than this optimum depth of cut, premature dulling of the diamond wheel occurs. Furthermore, some of the diamond abrasives break due to grain fracture, and the original sharp diamond abrasives become flat and smooth. As a result, the material removal rate of silicon nitride drastically decreases. 相似文献
Electrodischarge face grinding (EDFG) process has been developed for machining of flat surfaces of materials that are difficult to machine by creating spark between face of disc shape rotating tool electrode and workpiece.The rotation of non-abrasive disc shape tool electrode about vertical axis (a new feature of face grinding) improves material removal rate (MRR) and average surface roughness (ASR) because of effective flushing of working gap. This paper presents the effect of input process parameters of EDFG, such as discharge current, pulse on-time and off-time, and wheel speed on MRR and ASR during machining of high carbon steel and high speed steel workpieces. An attempt has also been made to compare the results with those of stationary electrodes. 相似文献