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Isamu Nonaka Shoji Torihata Shigemitu Kihara Hideo Umaki 《Materials at High Temperatures》2013,30(2):69-73
Creep-fatigue tests were conducted to verify long-term structural integrity for weldments of modified 9Cr-1Mo steel at boiler plants. As a result, it was proved that the weldments were fractured mainly at the HAZ and the fatigue lives were reduced by strain hold. This appeared to be due to acceleration of crack initiation by creep strain concentration and acceleration of crack growth by void generation in the HAZ. A method for predicting the life is proposed based on the fracture mechanism, and its accuracy was confirmed to be within a factor of two. 相似文献
9Cr-1Mo钢在含水蒸汽气氛中的氧化行为 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
研究了9Cr-1Mo(ASME T91)钢在(Ar 10%H_2O)气氛中600℃、650℃和700℃下的高温氧化行为.在恒温氧化10 h过程中,在600℃氧化遵从抛物线规律;而在650℃和700℃氧化则遵从分阶段抛物线规律,且后一阶段的速度常数高于前一阶段的;随着温度的升高,氧化速度明显增大;氧化激活能为157.2 kJ/mol.T91钢氧化时表面形成了多层结构的氧化膜,从外到内依次为Fe_2O_3、Fe_3O_4和(Fe,Cr)_3O_4;钢基体也发生了内氧化,内氧化物为FeO和Cr_2O_3.只有在700℃氧化时没有外层Fe_2O_3形成和内氧化发生.9Cr-1Mo钢氧化后冷却至室温后,氧化膜发生开裂或局部剥落.最外层Fe_2O_3与次外层Fe_3O_4间出现很大的裂隙,Fe_2O_3层容易剥落.同时探讨了9Cr-1Mo钢在含水蒸汽气氛中的氧化机制. 相似文献
T. Sakthivel S. M. Nandeswarudu P. Shruti G. V. S. Nageswara Rao K. Laha G. Sasikala 《Materials at High Temperatures》2019,36(1):76-86
Modified 9Cr-1Mo steel weld joints generally experience the type IV premature failure in the intercritical region (ICR) of HAZ under long term creep exposure at high temperature. Possibility of improving the resistance of this joint to type IV cracking through thermo-mechanical treatment (TMT) of the steel has been explored. Weld joints have been fabricated from the TMT and conventional normalized and tempered (NT) steels using electron beam (EB) welding process. Creep tests have been carried out on NT and TMT steels joint at 923 K (650°C) and 110–100 MPa applied stress. Creep rupture life of the TMT weld joint was significantly higher than the NT steel weld joint. Significant variations of microstructural constituents such as M23C6 precipitate; lath structure and hardness across the joint have been examined in both the joints. The coarser M23C6 precipitate and lath, and subgrain formation in the ICR resulted in the soft zone formation and was predominant in the ICR of NT steel joint. The enhanced MX precipitation through TMT processing and reduction in coarsening of M23C6 precipitate under thermal cycle resulted in improved creep rupture strength of TMT steel weld joint. 相似文献
The ductile to brittle transition temperature (DBTT) of the modified 9Cr-1Mo steel and its laser welds was studied. The increase in grain size of the weld structure ascended the DBTT of the steel significantly. The transformation of retained austenite at martensite interlath boundaries into untempered and/or twinned martensite could also contribute to increased DBTTs of the steel and its welds tempered at 540℃. 相似文献
H.C.Wu R.K.Shiue C.Chen 《材料导报》2004,18(8):121-123
The ductile to brittle transition temperature (DBTT) of the modified 9Cr-lMo steel and its laser welds was studied. The increase in grain size of the weld structure ascended the DBTT of the steel significantly. The transformation of retained austenite at martensite interlath boundaries into untempered and/or twinned martensite could also contribute to increased DBTTs of the steel and its welds tempered at 540℃. 相似文献
《Materials at High Temperatures》2013,30(5):492-501
AbstractEvaluation of creep–fatigue failure is essential in design and fitness evaluation of high-temperature components in power generation plants. Cyclic deformation may alter the creep properties of the material and taking cyclic effects into account may improve the accuracy of creep–fatigue failure life prediction. To evaluate such a possibility, creep tests were conducted on 316FR and modified 9Cr–1Mo steel specimens subjected to prior cyclic loading; their creep deformation and rupture behaviours were compared with those of as-received materials. It was found that creep rupture life and elongation generally decreased following cyclic loading in both materials. In particular, the rupture elongation of 316FR in long-term creep conditions drastically decreases as a result of being cyclically deformed at a large strain range. Use of creep rupture properties after cyclic deformation, instead of those of as-received material, in strain-based and energy-based life estimation approaches brought about a clear improvement of creep–fatigue life prediction. 相似文献
黄秀华 《中国计量学院学报》1993,(2)
本文介绍了16Mn钢和2 1/4Cr-1Mo钢[注1]在人造海水中的自腐蚀电位和析氢电位的测量原理和方法。在实验中用怛电位仪测量不同试样的自腐蚀电位和析氢电位;研究了温度对试样自腐蚀电位的影响;不同热处理方法对试样自腐蚀电位和析氢电位的影响。 相似文献
Xinbao Liu Mitsuharu Shiwa Kota Sawada Hisashi Yamawaki Makoto Watanabe 《Materials Letters》2010,64(11):1247-1250
In this work, the internal friction of 2.25Cr-1Mo steel measured on a dynamic mechanical analyzer (DMA) was used to evaluate its thermal diffusivity at elevated temperatures. With the dual cantilever clamp, the internal friction of 2.25Cr-1Mo steel at high temperatures was obtained, which was mainly composed of the thermoelastic relaxation with a peak of 15 Hz and the broad spectrum of relaxation processes especially at low frequencies. According to the deconvolution of these results, the thermoelastic internal friction of 2.25Cr-1Mo steel at high temperatures was achieved. Then, the thermal diffusivity of 2.25Cr-1Mo steel at high temperatures was quantitatively estimated, which confirmed the validity of present method. 相似文献
Electron enregy loss spectroscopy (EELS) and energy filtering transmission electron microscopy (EFTEM) investigation on 2.25Cr-1Mo steel was carried out to understand the nature of evolution of secondary carbides. The filtered images obtained from two different ageing treatments indicate that the steel evolves to a more stable carbide namely M23C6 in comparison to M2C. Microchemical information was generated from EELS spectra. Suitable choice for estimating the microchemical state was discussed. To evaluate the behaviour of ageing an elemental ratio of Fe to Cr is employed. 相似文献
Accuracy in the estimation of low cycle fatigue life of modified 9Cr-1Mo steel notched specimen by different analytical methods such as linear rule, Neuber’s rule, strain energy density method and numerical method such as finite element analysis have been studied in this investigation. The fatigue tests on notched specimens having notch radius of 1.25 mm, 2.5 mm and 5.0 mm were carried out at 823 K with net stress amplitudes of 250 MPa, 300 MPa and 350 MPa. The fatigue tests on smooth specimens were carried out with strain amplitudes ranging from ±0.3% to ±0.8% with a strain rate of 3 × 10?3 s?1 at 823 K to evaluate the fatigue life of notched specimen through strain-life approach. In order to predict the cyclic stress response of the material, Chaboche non-linear hardening model was employed considering two back stress components. Predicted hysteresis loops for smooth specimen were well in agreement with experimental results. Estimated fatigue lives of notched specimens by analytical methods and finite element analysis were within a factor ±16 and ±2.5 of the experimental lives respectively. 相似文献
The standard 2.25Cr-1Mo steel, has been used for most of the hydroprocessing reactors built during the 30 years up to the end of the 1990’s. Under service conditions, the steel, and in particular its weldments, may experience degradation by “hydrogen attack”, or high-temperature hydrogen attack (HTHA), which is responsible for several failures and even casualties occurring in the history of the industry. The selection of the structural steels is still based on the empirical Nelson curves which, among other limitations, do not provide information on the behaviour of weldments. This causes uncertainties in the definition of the safety boundaries for operation of pressurized components in the petrochemical industry. The results of the present study confirm that weldments are a weak point of the pressurized components and suggest that the HAZ, and in particular the ICHAZ, is the most sensitive metallurgical zone to hydrogen attack. 相似文献
《Materials and Manufacturing Processes》2012,27(10):1124-1132
This study analyzed the workpiece surface quality (Ra) and the material removal rate (MRR) on process parameters during machining SKD11 by medium-speed wire electrical discharge machining (MS-WEDM). An experimental plan for composite design (CCD) has been conducted according to methods response surface methodology (RSM) and subsequently to seek the optimal parameters. The experimental data were utilized to model MRR and Ra under optimal parameter condition by a backpropagation neural network combined with genetic algorithm (BPNN-GA) method. Eventually, the comparisons between the results from BPNN-GA and those from the RSM demonstrate that BPNN-GA method is a more effective way for optimizing MS-WEDM process parameters. 相似文献
针对Mod.9Cr-1Mo铁素体钢缺口件进行了一系列非比例载荷低周疲劳试验,采用直流电位差法测量裂纹萌生寿命,比较了缺口半径和应变路径对疲劳裂纹萌生寿命的影响。结果表明,缺口件裂纹萌生寿命占总寿命的比例与材料类型、应变路径相关,更与缺口半径尺寸直接相关。同一路径下,随着缺口半径增加,裂纹萌生寿命所占比例增大。采用Neuber律进行缺口局部应力-应变损伤的计算,结合Smith-Watson-Topper (SWT)模型和Kandil-Brown-Miller (KBM)模型进行疲劳寿命预测。结果表明,除单轴路径和比例路径外,SWT模型得到的预测结果偏于不安全;KBM模型除对单轴预测偏于保守外,其他预测值较好,总体预测结果位于2倍分散带内。 相似文献
This paper investigates the effects of repeated stress relaxation loadings and post stress relaxation creep to assess the stress relaxation-creep interaction and microstructural evolution of 2.25Cr-1Mo steel. Prior to creep testing, the microstructure of the material subjected to stress relaxation exhibited a structure which was non-conservative in predicting the remaining creep life of the material. The results obtained in the test program showed that the damage due to the effects of stress relaxation was crucial and had a significant effect on the creep life of this material. The study has also shown that the extent of metallurgical degradation, due to stress relaxation, may not be evident through microstructural assessment. Consequently, established life assessment procedures may not represent conservative estimates of remaining life because the microstructural indicators of damage, due to stress relaxation, are not evident.The effects of stress relaxation on the creep properties of ferritic pressure vessel steel are life limiting for critical high temperature power generation plant. In this study a comprehensive test program has been undertaken to assess the interaction of stress relaxation with creep and microstructural evolution in 2.25Cr-1Mo steel. 相似文献
The purpose of this study is to clarify damage process of “Type IV cracking” in weldment of a 2.25Cr-1Mo steel and to propose a micro damage prediction method. From continuous observation under a creep-fatigue test, it was found that spherical shape voids initiated and grew on grain boundaries in fine grain region and these voids grow continuously by changing their shape to crack-like. Both spherical and crack-like void growth rate equations were derived from the proposed void growth model. It was indicated that measured void growth rate under the creep-fatigue loading was well predicted by the growth rate equations. 相似文献
《Materials and Manufacturing Processes》2012,27(11):1171-1177
Tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding process is generally used to produce high quality weld joints of 9Cr-1Mo steel. However, there is limitation associated with the depth of penetration achievable in single pass autogenous welding. Specific activated flux has been developed in the present work to enhance the depth of penetration up to 6 mm in single pass by A-TIG welding. 9Cr-1Mo steel A-TIG weld joint using activated flux was made in single pass welding while the multipass TIG weld joint using modified 9Cr-1Mo filler wire was made in seven passes. The enhancement in depth of penetration during A-TIG welding process for this steel was attributed to arc constriction. The strength properties of the A-TIG weld joint was superior to that of the multipass TIG weld joint. The multipass TIG weld joint exhibited slightly improved impact toughness than the A-TIG weld joint in PWHT condition. Therefore, there was no degradation in the microstructure and mechanical properties of the weld joint produced by A-TIG welding process compared to that of the weld joint produced by conventional TIG welding process in plain 9Cr-1Mo steel. 相似文献
T. Sakthivel K. S. Chandravathi K. Laha M. D. Mathew 《Materials at High Temperatures》2019,36(3):265-274
Effect of joint thickness on Type IV cracking behaviour of modified 9Cr-1Mo steel weld joint has been investigated. Creep tests on multi-pass double-V cross weld joint flat specimens of the steel having thicknesses in the range 1–17 mm have been carried out at 923 K (650°C) and 50 MPa stress. Creep rupture life of the weld joint was found to increase with thickness and reached a maximum value around 10 mm of thickness followed by decrease with further increase in thickness. Failure in the weld joints occurred in the soft intercritical region of the heat-affected zone (HAZ). Creep strain localisation was observed at the fractured location and was more in the thinner weld joints than in the thicker weld joint. Creep cavitation in the intercritical region of HAZ close to the unaffected base metal was more extensive at the mid-location of the weld pass, where the HAZ width was relatively larger and hardness was lowest. The type IV cavitation in intercritical HAZ was more extensive in thicker joint, whereas creep strain concentration in the intercritical HAZ was more in thinner weld joint. Creep cavitation in the joint was more pronounced at near mid-thickness locations than those beneath the specimen surface. Joints of intermediate thickness possessed higher creep rupture life because of relatively less accumulation of creep deformation coupled with lower creep cavitation in the intercritical region of HAZ. 相似文献