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杨庆丰  吕廷杰 《世界电信》2005,18(11):40-42
VoIP业务发展迅猛,近年成为监管政采研究的重点.各国监管机构也都纷纷向公众咨询VoIP业务的监管政策建议,其中VoIP业务的结算问题是VoIP发展需要考虑的一个重点问题。针对VoIP业务的结算提出几点建议并且进行比较,以选取较优的结算方案,引导和促进VoIP业务在我国的应用和健康发展。  相似文献   

禹璐  吴伟  吕廷杰 《世界电信》2005,18(8):12-14
加拿大监管部门对VoIP监管的主要内容是从业务而不是从技术层面上考虑,将其纳入电路交换语音业务的管制范围内,如同样使用北美编号计划(NANP)的号码,对传统运营商和竞争性运营商实施非对称资费管制等。我国应实行许可证准入制度,建立对拥有网络资源的传统运营商的补偿机制,制定出激励相容的VoIP监管政策,杜绝服务商良莠不齐现象,保证VoIP的良性发展。  相似文献   

近年来,VoIP凭借其低廉的价格优势以及对传统电话网络的“旁路”发展迅猛,严重地分流了传统长话甚至本地市话业务,给传统电信运营商尤其是主导固网运营商带来了极大的冲击。由于目前我国 VoIP监管体系并不完善,使得VoIP 运营市场的各方利益难以平衡,甚至在某些地区VoIP成为了电信运营商进行恶性价格战的有利武器, 这些都直接影响了VoIP产业的良性发展。事实上,阻碍VoIP产业良性发展的根本原因在于VoIP所特有的“网业分离”特点,即VoIP业务运营商与VoIP网络承载商往往并不是同一个运营主体,再加上监管政策的缺位导致VoIP业务运营商与网络承载商之间利益难以平衡,最终受损害的只能是整个VoIP 产业。  相似文献   

张丽 《通信世界》2011,(19):18-18
以码号资源管理作为VoIP分层次管制的有效手段,制定符合我国的码号分配政策,既可方便用户识别VoIP业务,又便于监管者根据码号情况溯源。澳大利亚通信和媒体管理局(ACMA)对VoIP业务有一套完备的监管框架。在澳大利亚,VoIP服务提供商被看作是运营服务提供商(CSP)的一种,  相似文献   

李剑华 《世界电信》2007,20(8):49-52
我国电信主管部门自2004年启动了关于VoIP服务质量标准、码号分配、结算体系调整、公众安全保障、业务分类、市场准入等相关政策研究,随着SP及民营资本强烈要求开放VoIP业务,铁通等基础电信运营商支持VoIP全面开放,微软、Google等外资企业等积极推动监管部门明确VoIP监管政策等,  相似文献   

何廷润 《通信世界》2005,(14):22-23
VoIP业务在全球呈现快速发展的势头,美国、欧盟、日本等国家和地区都加快了发展步伐,著名的Sonus网络公司通过调查预言,在未来4~5年中面向商业用户和个人用户的VoIP承载的业务量将超过传统的电话服务,Analysys咨询公司则预测VoIP技术将在10年内取代PSTN网。在中国,IP电话通话时长保持高速稳定增长,在长途电话中的比重也同步提升,对传统电话的冲击越来越大。从技术发展趋势和消费者的呼声来看, VoIP业务影响深远,开放VoIP业务大势所趋。面对VoIP业务渐盛的态势,美国采取开放的政策,欧盟各国加以适度限制,日本则将其纳入传统电信业务管制范畴。尽管迄今为止,全球范围内尚没有国家或地区针对VoIP制订完善、全面的管制规则,但总的趋势是从管制层面上支持VoIP业务的发展。我国目前对VoIP采取严格管制态度,只有基础电信运营商有权经营IP电话业务。但是,开放或适度开放VoIP业务是必然的政策走向,我国选择何种时机调整VoIP业务管制政策,是值得深入探讨的问题。  相似文献   

在跟踪研究包括欧洲、美国、加拿大以及日本等主要发达电信市场VoIP监管实践基础上,分析了圆外VoIP管制的先进经验。同时结合我国VoIP管制现状及困绕监管的因素,对我国电信监管部门就VoIP管制提出了策略建议。  相似文献   

宋杰 《世界电信》2007,20(8):41-43
随着宽带和通信技术的不断发展,人们已逐步认识到VoIP代表着通信技术的进步.因此一些国家和地区也在积极研究和制订宽带电话的监管政策,以促进VoIP的健康发展。对各国和地区监管政策的跟踪分析可发现,与PSTN相连的VoIP服务的监管在逐步加强,并陆续出台了管制法规。  相似文献   

张杰 《世界电信》2005,18(10):16-16
美国对VoIP管制问题的争论一直没有停止,从FCC最近一些行动来看,FCC试图通过911服务、执法侦听业务、税收等手段,加强对VoIP的监管力度.FCC进一步明确了VoIP的通信辅助执法法案(CALEA)的要求,重新提议对VoIP征税,但是,由于技术上的局限性,FCC也不得不延长对VoIP业务提供商的“紧急服务要求”期限.  相似文献   

VoIP如同一场冲击波,它以低廉的资费为用户带来了实实在在的利益,对传统TDM业务收入造成严重分流,对传统运营商构成巨大挑战。VoIP在世界各地发展程度各异,欧美日本等国家和地区VoIP发展势头迅猛,我国尽管实行了较为严格的监管政策,但也挡不住VoIP暗流涌动。此外不可忽视的是,VoIP作为一项新兴的IP通信技术,或多或少存在一些问题。未来VoIP发展方向如何,传统固网运营商如何趋利避害应对VoIP带来的挑战?请看本专题文章。  相似文献   

As new voice-over-IP (VoIP) services rapidly emerge, a debate is growing over how the emerging technology fits into the traditional telecommunications regulation and industrial schemes. The debate on VoIP has been whether VoIP traffic should be subjected to any or all of the various common carrier regulations. VoIP sparked a regulatory debate whether it is phone call service, which will have a great impact on telecom industry’s business or just information service. Because of the complexity of the issue, and the intent to let the premature technology grow, the FCC has so far taken a hands-off approach taking tentative assumption that VoIP is not a telecom service. Under the provisional hand-off approach, VoIP providers are exempt from rules that govern telecom services. However, traditional service providers argue that VoIP should be classified as a telecom service and take equal responsibilities as traditional voice calls. VoIP providers counter argue that incumbent telcos can easily dominate market driving VoIP providers out of the market. They request new legislation that protects the services from being hit with access charges from entrenched telco. This paper reviews the nature of these debates, outlines the challenges faced by regulators, briefly summarizes how other countries’ views may have to adapt and offer new praxis that will benefit the consumers in the long run.  相似文献   

《IEE Review》2004,50(11):30-34
Finally, after a number of false starts and much scepticism from the telecommunications establishment, voice over IP (VoIP) services are finally starting to take off in many countries around the world. However, as the VoIP wave begins to swell, with significant amounts of traffic migrating from traditional public networks onto this new technology, questions about its security and reliability are starting to arise, both from users and governments. This article first examines the various VoIP services available and then outlines the security threats to them along with measures to counteract there threats.  相似文献   

Regulatory experts tend to think of the United States as the bastion of market-based laissez-faire telecommunications economics and regulation, and conversely to think of European regulators as being notably more willing to intervene in markets. Recent regulatory rulings relating to access to emergency services via voice over IP (VoIP) show the United States to be surprisingly interventionist and the United Kingdom, by contrast, to be far more liberal and temperate. The elements of similarity and of difference between these U.S. and U.K. policies are presented in this paper.  相似文献   

如何利用宽带IP城域网快速地向用户提供现有的业务已成为每一个电信运营商急需解决的问题。为此,本文提出了建设智能宽带IP城域网的思想,将智能网业务与因特网业务有机地融合在一起,并提供了在此基础上逐步建设宽带本地电话网的解决方案,为我国城域网的建设提供了有益的参考。  相似文献   

The traditional telecommunications operator of China has entered into a substantive network construction stage of NGN and new VoIP service in 2006. As the increasing understanding and the consideration of cost to VoIP, VoIP has become more acceptable for CIO of large-scale enterprises. Small and medium-scale enterprises are sensitive to communication cost, but influenced by the maturity of VoIP technology and reduction of VoIP equipment price, the market is intensified. All these drive the VoIP equipment entering into the actual purchase stage and promote the stable growth of VoIP equipment scale.  相似文献   

Stix  G. 《Spectrum, IEEE》1990,27(6):25-26
The telecommunications blueprint for a single Europe after 1992 is examined. This `green paper' is an ambitious three-year-old document in which the European Community's Commission calls for a Western-Europe-wide telecommunications infrastructure based on the integrated-services digital network (ISDN) and other digital communication links. The progress that has been made toward this goal is assessed, showing that progress toward opening national markets and establishing an infrastructure varies greatly from country to country. The highly variable quality of network services throughout Europe presents a further obstacle to unification. Nevertheless, the national segments of a trans-European ISDN system are beginning to emerge, and work on the specific technologies, standards, and regulations for cross-border telecommunications systems are advancing  相似文献   

VoIP reliability: a service provider's perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Voice over IP services offer important revenue-generating opportunities, as well as many technical challenges in providing high-quality services. Users have come to expect highly available telecommunications services with high-quality voice. Service providers need reliable high-performance networks to meet user expectations, and must be able to guarantee performance and reliability to their customers. In converged voice and data networks, the network infrastructure must deliver very high quality and availability for some customer needs, while also providing low-cost high-capacity bandwidth for other needs. The use of quality of service mechanisms to provide prioritization for various traffic types is a key element needed for voice and data network convergence. However, it is not sufficient if the underlying networks are unreliable. The focus of this article is to address the reliability aspects of VoIP services, including the underlying IP networks.  相似文献   

We describe the process of introducing new equipment for the telecommunications networks of the former USSR, taking into account our personal experience. First, it is important that we are dealing mainly with local switching, so the examples discussed are mainly from this particular field. Today the former Soviet Union is still a united country from the point of view of telecommunications (and telephony in particular). Though different countries have gained their independence, the telephone network is still united and built according to the same technical standards and regulations. In all the new countries; local calls are not billed as yet and additional services are virtually nonexistent, so it is impossible to generate revenue providing them. Local administrations need to install new equipment in order to upgrade their services, thus making it possible to earn more income from users. The three main sources of income are: installation and subscriber fees; payments on a per-call or per-time-unit basis; and payments for services and special features. Currently, the Republic's administrations are trying to increase the first item, which can be achieved by upgrading the old electromechanical switches and the analog network  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an approach of integrating SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) in converged multimodal/multimedia communication services. An extensible VoIPTeleserver for VoIP in SIP environment is described. It is based on the concept of dialogue system and Web convergence that separates the channel dependent media resources from the application dependent service creation and hosting environment. It supports XML based service applications for multiple channels including voice, DTMF, IM and chat over IP. The loosely coupled open architecture in our approach is highly extensible. We describe the concept and structure of VoIPTeleServer used in our approach in detail, which interfaces to the VoIP world through SIP signaling and works as a broker between the VoIP SIP environment and MTIP to deliver converged communication services. A prototype of VoIPTeleServer was implemented, and services and applications based on SIP and MTIP convergence are constructed. Special attention is given to the adverse effect of delay, jitter and packet loss for voice portal services over IP. In particular, case studies of DTMF service in voice portal under adverse channel conditions are performed. The compounding effects of multiple channel impairments to DTMF in voice portal services over IP are characterized. The potential high error rate of the DTMF service indicates that the data redundancy method as proposed in RFC 2198 is needed for DTMF in order to achieve reliable voice portal services over IP.  相似文献   

余勇昌  韦岗 《电信科学》2007,23(4):16-21
本文首先介绍了WiMAX的技术特点,然后着重对WiMAX技术的当前两大主流业务--中小企业数据和语音业务、家庭用户数据和语音业务进行了经济分析,提出在当前情况下,WiMAX可以考虑在有一定业务需求的地方进行部署,最后对WiMAX的应用进行了分析和探讨.  相似文献   

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