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Microbial pollution in surface waters is a concern throughout the world, with both public health and economic implications. One contributing source to such pollution is stormwater runoff, often treated using various types of stormwater control measures. However, relatively little is known regarding microbe sequestration in constructed stormwater wetlands (CSWs), one type of commonly installed stormwater control measure. In this study, indicator bacteria concentrations in both the water and sediment of a CSW were evaluated at multiple locations. Results suggested that fecal coliform concentrations in stormwater runoff decrease through the system, with relatively consistent concentrations noted throughout the second half of the wetland. This potentially indicates a baseline concentration of fecal coliform is present due to internal processes such as animal activity and microbial persistence. However, wetland sediments showed little E. coli present during most sampling events, with minimal patterns existing with respect to sediment sampling location. CSW designs should promote optimization of hydraulic retention time and minimization of stormwater velocities to promote sedimentation and degradation of microbes by way of wetland treatment functions.  相似文献   

Water quality impairment of Great Lakes beaches is caused by fecal pollution from point and nonpoint sources. Erosion due to wind or wave action, invasive vegetation and chronically wet, flooded or standing water are conditions that can magnify water quality problems at beaches. We investigated the hydrological and geophysical characteristics of the Bradford Beach on Lake Michigan (Milwaukee, WI) and the linkage between standing water and persistent contamination by fecal indicator bacteria (FIB). Our study showed that there is a positive correlation between high concentrations of Escherichia coli (E. coli) in sand and high moisture content caused by standing water. The main factor associated with the formation of standing water was rainfall. There were also notable differences in standing water and/or wet sand conditions in the northern and southern parts of the beach. These differences could be accounted for by differences in ground water elevations and beach erosion and accretion patterns. Other important physical features of the beach were the presence of rain gardens and mean grain diameter (d50). Rain gardens above the beach face that capture runoff contributed to transient increases in the water table, facilitating standing water formation. Standing water, stormwater runoff infiltrating through the sand and into groundwater as well as wave run up that delivered contaminated surface water to the back beach area were of health concern following heavy rainfall events. The outcomes of this study will likely be useful to beach managers investigating mechanisms/sources of fecal indicator bacteria loading and potential mitigative approaches.  相似文献   

Estimation of stormwater pollutant loads using land use based models has been widely used for establishing regulations and management practices. This approach requires land use information to assign the imperviousness or runoff coefficients (RC) and event mean concentrations (EMCs) for the pollutants of interest. This simplistic approach is useful to estimate the total mass emissions. However, different research groups have used various parameters based upon similar data sources, and there are very few validations using actual field data. This study compares the assumptions, methodologies and results of several, independent modelling efforts, and functions as a quality and sensitivity study of the methodologies. The similarity or differences of the various model results serve as a qualitative indicator of the state of art for this type of stormwater modelling.  相似文献   

Urbanization causes hydrological change and increases stormwater runoff volumes, leading to flooding, erosion, and the degradation of instream ecosystem health. Best management practices (BMPs), like detention ponds and infiltration trenches, have been widely used to control flood runoff events for the past decade. However, low impact development (LID) options have been proposed as an alternative approach to better mimic the natural flow regime by using decentralized designs to control stormwater runoff at the source, rather than at a centralized location in the watershed. For highly urbanized areas, LID stormwater management practices such as bioretention cells and porous pavements can be used to retrofit existing infrastructure and reduce runoff volumes and peak flows. This paper describes a modeling approach to incorporate these LID practices and the two BMPs of detention ponds and infiltration trenches in an existing hydrological model to estimate the impacts of BMPs and LID practices on the surface runoff. The modeling approach has been used in a parking lot located in Lenexa, Kansas, USA, to predict hydrological performance of BMPs and LID practices. A performance indicator system including the flow duration curve, peak flow frequency exceedance curve, and runoff coefficient have been developed in an attempt to represent impacts of BMPs and LID practices on the entire spectrum of the runoff regime. Results demonstrate that use of these BMPs and LID practices leads to significant stormwater control for small rainfall events and less control for flood events.  相似文献   

Recently the Ministry of Environment in Korea has developed the total maximum daily load program in accordance with the target pollutant and its concentration goal on four major large rivers. Since the program is largely related to regional development, nonpoint source control is both important and topical. Of the various nonpoint sources, highways are stormwater intensive land uses since they are impervious and have high pollutant mass emissions from vehicular activity. The event mean concentration (EMC) is useful in estimating the loadings to receiving water bodies. However, the EMC does not provide information on the time varying changes in pollutant concentration or mass emissions, which are often important for best management practice development, or understanding shock loads. Therefore, in this study a new concept, the dynamic EMC determination method, will be introduced to clearly verify the relationship between EMC and the first flush effect. Three monitoring sites in Daejeon metropolitan city areas were equipped with an automatic rainfall gauge and a flow meter for accumulating the data such as rainfall and runoff flow. The dynamic EMC method was applied to more than 17 events, and the improved first flush criteria were determined on the ranges of storm duration and accumulated rainfall.  相似文献   

Attempts to mitigate shoreline microbial contamination require a thorough understanding of pollutant sources, which often requires multiple years of data collection (e.g., point/nonpoint) and the interacting factors that influence water quality. Because restoration efforts can alter shoreline or beach morphology, revisiting source inputs is often necessary. Microbial source tracking (MST) using source-specific molecular markers, genomic community analyses, and physical modeling was used to identify contamination sources along three Lake Michigan beaches of the Laurentian Great Lakes with historically high fecal indicator bacteria (FIB, E. coli) concentrations. Genetic markers for human (Bacteroides HF183) and mixed gull species (Catellicoccus marimammalium) fecal sources were tested from water and sediment. Gene sequencing (16S rRNA) was used to identify similarities in bacterial communities in nearshore water, river inputs, sand, sediment, and groundwater. Synoptic surveys of water exchange were conducted to determine nearshore-offshore interactions of FIB. In addition to these MST studies, best management practices to mitigate FIB, including gull deterrence, slope grading, wetland establishment, and shoreline plantings, were reviewed for their effectiveness at reducing FIB concentrations over time. Using multiple tools for MST helped identify primary and secondary sources of FIB (gulls, stormwater inputs) and the physical processes that exacerbate FIB concentrations (onshore currents, limited circulation). Management actions were successful in the short-term at reducing FIB, but scope of success was temporally limited, with FIB concentrations often rebounding. Results highlight the usefulness of MST to inform best management practices and the need for a sustained adaptive approach that adjusts for changes in the coastal system.  相似文献   

受物理、化学、生物等多重因素的影响,城市降雨径流水质的模拟研究比较模糊。以TSS(总悬浮固体量)为例,利用SWMM的污染物模块及其土地利用模块、污染物累积模块和污染物冲刷模块进行城市雨水径流水质模拟;考虑了不同土地利用情况对污染物的累积及冲刷的影响,针对不同的降水量,利用EMC法(平均浓度法)以及指数方程法进行污染物的冲刷模拟,指数方程法的模拟精度大于EMC法的模拟精度,与监测值更接近。指数方程法的模拟结果表明:当降水量小于2.5mm时,其TSS冲刷量增长幅度较缓;而当降水量大于3.5mm时,其TSS冲刷量呈显著线性增加关系,从而表明,降水量较大的降水事件对于TSS的冲刷量影响更为显著。  相似文献   

Pathogen level of surface waters has received great attention for protecting public health. In this study, total coliform, fecal coliform and Escherichia coli concentrations were monitored as the pathogen indicator organisms at six monitoring stations in the Geum River, Korea. Rainfall runoff from two agricultural-forestry watersheds was analyzed for their microbial aspect as well. Total coliform concentration of the Geum River showed high correlation with the flow rate. To estimate total coliform loading on the Geum River in probability scale, the duration curve method was applied. In addition, a standard duration curve reflecting the water quality criteria was constructed to determine water quality compliance. Under the assumption of linearity between flow rate and total coliform concentration of the Geum River, total coliform duration curve revealed that total coliform concentrations exceed the desired criteria mainly due to pollutants from diffuse sources.  相似文献   


Sensitivity analysis of a model can identify key variables affecting the performance of the model. Uncertainty analysis is an essential indicator of the precision of the model. In this study, the sensitivity and uncertainty of the Long-Term Hydrologic Impact Assessment-Low Impact Development 2.1 (L-THIA-LID 2.1) model in estimating runoff and water quality were analyzed in an urbanized watershed in central Indiana, USA, using Sobol′‘s global sensitivity analysis method and the bootstrap method, respectively. When estimating runoff volume and pollutant loads for the case in which no best management practices (BMPs) and no low impact development (LID) practices were implemented, CN (Curve Number) was the most sensitive variable and the most important variable when calibrating the model before implementing practices. When predicting water quantity and quality with varying levels of BMPs and LID practices implemented, Ratio_r (Practice outflow runoff volume/inflow runoff volume) was the most sensitive variable and therefore the most important variable to calibrate the model with practices implemented. The output uncertainty bounds before implementing BMPs and LID practices were relatively large, while the uncertainty ranges of model outputs with practices implemented were relatively small. The limited observed data in the same study area and results from other urban watersheds in scientific literature were either well within or close to the uncertainty ranges determined in this study, indicating the L-THIA-LID 2.1 model has good precision.


This study compares stormwater management in two coastal cities: Hong Kong and Singapore. Hong Kong adopted conventional urban stormwater management for flood control and embraced hard-engineering infrastructure in the scheme. In contrast, Singapore has put in place a series of holistic management practices to manage urban runoff. By comparing the stormwater management practices in these two cities, the differences in approaches to non-structural and structural practices were elucidated. Life cycle costing and environmental benefit analysis indicate that holistic urban stormwater management can lead to higher economic efficiency, sustainability and environmental friendliness, compared to conventional urban stormwater management.  相似文献   

许伟  常素云  占强 《水资源保护》2017,33(5):159-163
在对天津典型居民区域的不同下垫面雨水径流水质进行监测的基础上,以典型降雨为例,探讨了雨水径流污染物的特征和事件平均浓度(event mean concentrations,EMC)。结果表明,天津典型居民区主干道和菜市场雨水径流中的污染物质量浓度随着降雨历时的延续呈降低趋势,冲刷效应明显;屋顶雨水径流中污染物的质量浓度随降雨历时的延续变化较小,冲刷效应较弱。3种下垫面雨水径流中污染物质量浓度大小差异明显,菜市场和主干道雨水径流中SS质量浓度相差不大,且都远远超过屋顶雨水径流;雨水径流中COD和TP质量浓度的顺序由大到小依次为菜市场、主干道、屋顶;雨水径流中TN质量浓度的顺序由大到小依次为菜市场、屋顶、主干道。以EMC中值计,菜市场雨水径流中污染物平均浓度要高于主干道和屋顶,菜市场雨水径流中TP的质量浓度是主干道的3倍、屋顶的24倍。天津典型居民区雨水径流污染比较严重,如不经截留或处理直接排入城市河道等接纳水体,会严重影响河道的水质和城市的环境。  相似文献   

Diffuse pollution from urban stormwater and agricultural runoff are among the leading causes of water pollution in the USA. A process-oriented, stakeholder-driven research approach was implemented in the small heterogeneous watershed of St. Albans Bay, Vermont to model the relative load of phosphorus from all sources, including diffuse transport pathways, and compared to goals and assumptions outlined by a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) developed for phosphorus in Lake Champlain. Mass-balance and dynamic landscape simulation models were used to describe the distribution of the average annual phosphorus load to streams (10.57 t/year) in terms of space, time, and transport process. The majority of the phosphorus load comes from two subwatersheds dominated by clay soils, Stevens and Jewett Brooks. Dissolved phosphorus in surface runoff from the agricultural landscape, driven by high soil phosphorus concentrations, accounts for 41% of the total load to watershed streams. Direct discharge from farmsteads and stormwater loads, primarily from road sand wash-off, are also significant sources. Results reported in this study could help target watershed interventions both in terms of the types and locations of recommended best management practices (BMPs). The study offers an approach to attaining TMDL diffuse pollution targets in a cost-effective and participatory manner and could be replicated for other TMDL processes around the country.  相似文献   

城市污水再生利用中病原菌指示微生物及其限值研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在对目前国内外再生水中病原菌指示微生物进行调研的基础上,结合再生水厂运行数据对再生水中病原菌指示微生物及其限值进行了探讨。研究结果表明,以粪大肠菌群作为再生水病原菌指示微生物更能够反映出水体中病原菌的存在状况,目前的再生水处理和消毒技术要达到《城市污水再生利用城市杂用水水质》(GB/T 18920—2002)对总大肠菌群≤3个/L的要求需要投加大量的消毒剂,增加了再生水的处理成本以及再生水中的消毒副产物。  相似文献   

Although street sweeping is commonly regarded as a cost-effective stormwater best management practice, there is little quantitative evidence that street sweeping directly improves runoff water quality. In this paper, several previous street sweeping studies were re-evaluated using statistical power analysis. Two-group, independent-sample one-sided t-test power analyses were performed using log-transformed event mean concentrations (EMCs) of total suspended solids, suspended sediment concentration or chemical oxygen demand. The effect size between the two groups was estimated using the sweepers' pick-up efficiency, which showed that the failure to detect the difference between mean EMCs of the two sample groups (i.e., unswept and swept groups) is likely due to limited sample numbers. Too few samples, which also resulted in a high coefficient of variation, were analysed to detect the likely difference between swept and unswept observations. In addition, the temporal gap between street sweeping and subsequent storm events was not controlled to improve statistical power.  相似文献   

Elevated levels of indicator bacteria within a river system represent a significant impairment to surface water quality in many urban areas within the Great Lakes watershed. Outfalls from combined sewer systems are assumed to be the major source of bacteria to streams in many of these urban areas, including the Rouge River of southeastern Michigan. Current remediation strategies largely disregard other potential sources, including water entering the river from its headwaters region, rural runoff, and contaminated groundwater. These other potential sources of bacterial pollution to the Rouge River were assessed and compared with bacteria contributed from combined sewer outfalls (CSOs). Fecal coliform (FC) and fecal streptococci (FS) densities were determined at 28 locations in the Rouge River Watershed during the spring and summer of 1997, 1998, and 1999. The mean levels of both indicator groups vary considerably along each branch of the river and show no correlation to CSO locations. The magnitude of both FC and FS levels are, in fact, frequently greater at sites upstream of the part of the river influenced by discharges from CSOs. The highest FC levels coincided with rainfall events, but FC levels at various sites along each branch of the Rouge River violated acceptable water quality standards (200 colonies/100 mL) at nearly 50% of the sites even during dry weather. Total suspended solids were moderately correlated with FC (r = 0.79) throughout the watershed, suggesting that solids may play a role in transporting bacteria into the Rouge River. The data depict a strong influence of upstream water and rural runoff on the water quality of the Rouge River. FC to FS ratios (FC/FS) suggest the primary source of bacteria throughout the watershed is from domesticated animals and wildlife and not from sewage derived from CSOs.  相似文献   

Highway runoff can cause a number of water quantity and quality problems. Stormwater management systems for highways have been developed based on a fast drainage for large storm situations. Non-point source pollution from highway runoff is a growing water quality concern. Stormwater quality control needs to be integrated into highway drainage design and operation to reduce the stormwater impacts on the receiving water. A continuous simulation/optimisation model for analysing integrated highway best management practices (BMPs) is presented. This model can evaluate the life cycle performance of infiltration and/or storage oriented highway BMPs. It can be directly integrated with spreadsheet optimisation tools to find the least cost options for implementing BMPs throughout a specified life cycle.  相似文献   

Beach monitoring often includes testing for a single fecal indicator organism in the swimmable waters. Here, sediment, algae mat, shallow water, and deep water samples collected from four Saginaw Bay (Michigan, USA) beaches were tested for multiple fecal indicator organisms (Escherichia coli, enterococci, Clostridium perfringens, F + amp coliphage, and CN-13 coliphage) and molecular markers (human and bovine Bacteroides and enterococci surface protein) to determine the occurrence and sources of fecal indicator bacteria across beachscapes and characterize the environmental parameters which influence microbial water quality. Results show algae mats and sediment had higher levels of bacteria compared to surrounding water column. Higher concentrations of fecal indicators in shallow waters compared to deep water were attributed in part to sediment and algae bound bacteria and potential regrowth. Fecal indicator organisms were primarily influenced by wind, waves, and precipitation and partially identified as human specific using the enterococci surface protein gene. This project suggests the potential for sediment and algal mats to act as non-point sources of pollution in the nearshore zone. Future beach protection measures should focus on shallow water monitoring of multiple fecal indicators and beach grooming during calm morning hours.  相似文献   

Biofilters are common, low energy technologies used for the treatment of urban stormwater. While they have shown promising results for the removal of stormwater microorganisms, certain factors affect their performance. Hence, this study investigated the effects of particle-microbial interaction, inflow concentration, antecedent microbial levels and plant species on microbial removal capacity. A biofilter column study was set up to evaluate removal performance and a sequential filtration procedure was used to estimate microbial partitioning. The columns were dosed with different concentrations of free phase Escherichia coli only and E. coli mixed with stormwater sediment. Results indicate that the microbial removal is significantly affected by inflow concentration and antecedent microbial levels. Leaching was only observed when a relatively low inflow concentration event occurred within a short period after a very high inflow concentration event. Finally, Lomandra longifolia showed better removal compared with Carex appressa.  相似文献   

城市降雨径流污染初始冲刷效应对BMPs选择的启示   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
指出城市降雨径流污染初始冲刷效应(FFE)在城市非点源污染的研究中占有重要地位。综述FFE的判定及大小定量化方法、季节性FFE的概念和污染物的相态对FFE的影响。FFE初中期雨水径流污染物浓度高的特性,为选择经济高效的最佳管理措施(BMPs)提供了理论依据和重要启示。结合FFE及冲刷过程中污染物的形态提出的工程BMPs,能使资源配置和污染控制效果达到最优化,为城市公共管理部门的决策和实践提供建议。  相似文献   

Impairment of surface water quality by faecal coliform bacteria is an issue of great importance across the globe. A water quality model, Hydrological Simulation Program FORTRAN, was used to predict the impacts of farming and climate change on faecal coliform loads and concentrations in streams of the Lis River watershed, in the Leiria region, Portugal. The calibrated faecal coliform model simulated well the patterns and range of observed faecal coliform concentrations. The accuracy of the model was evaluated by the per cent bias coefficient and the coefficient of determination. The results indicate a general deterioration of the water quality regarding faecal contamination in Lis River. Maximum daily loads were calculated for each of the impaired streams; an average of 77% reduction in the current faecal coliform load from the watershed is necessary to achieve the established water quality goals by the Council Directive 75/440/EEC ( 1975 ). Climate change scenarios (increments on temperature and precipitation) were assumed to predict the behaviour of faecal coliform bacteria in the watershed. The simulated results showed that an increase of 1°C in air daily temperature results in an increase of water temperature of 1.1°C and a 1.5% decrease on faecal coliform bacteria in stream concentration. The combined effect of air temperature (+1°C) and precipitation (+7%) increment leads to an increase of ~2% in bacteria inflow to the basin. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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