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车底式炉是一种新型的生产炭素制品的焙烧设备,虽然车底式炉焙烧在国外已经使用多年,但在中国还是在起步阶段,车底式炉的结构与其他焙烧炉大不相同,工艺也有其特殊性。用于一次焙烧时需要将生坯装入钢筒,二次焙烧时可直接插入台车的钢制框架中,冷却期喷入少量水,使炉内产品有控制的均匀下降温度。本文对车底式炉的结构和工艺作简要介绍,并列举车底式炉的优缺点。  相似文献   

李圣华 《炭素技术》2005,24(4):47-50
焙烧是炭素制品生坯在填充料保护下、装入专门设计的加热炉内进行高温热处理,使生坯中的煤沥青炭化的工艺过程。焙烧是炭素制品生产的主要工序之一,焙烧生产周期较长,而且能耗较高,生坯焙烧的质量对成品质量和后工序的成品率都有一定影响。20世纪90年代世界各国炭素企业使用的焙烧炉有:环式焙烧炉、隧道窑、倒焰窑、车底式焙烧炉、回转床式焙烧炉、单室炉等多种。  相似文献   

在传统的石墨电极生产过程中,一般一次焙烧采用的设备为带盖式环式焙烧炉,再次焙烧采用隧道窑。随着国际技术交流的不断增加,一种既能用于一次焙烧又能用于再次焙烧的设备在国内炭素行业越来越多地被使用,根据其结构形式,将其称为车底式焙烧炉。本文主要就车底式炉在石墨电极二次焙烧中的应用作扼要论述。1车底式炉1.1概述车底式炉是多个单体设备联合使用的,每一台  相似文献   

在传统的石墨电极生产过程中,一般一次焙烧采用的设备为带盖式环式焙烧炉,再次焙烧采用隧道窑。随着国际技术交流的不断增加,一种既能用于一次焙烧又能用于再次焙烧的设备在国内炭素行业越来越多地被使用,根据其结构形式,将其称为车底式焙烧炉。本文主要就车底式炉在石墨电极二次焙烧中的应用作扼要论述。  相似文献   

本专利公开了一种节能型车底炉的工艺技术工作原理及设备(专利号:ZL 201921358284.6)。节能型车底炉与国外引进型炉相比有以下特点:1)节能型炉建一台炉就可单独生产,它可自成体系:不用建单独的焚烧炉、不用单独建复杂的装出炉用钢筒系统、采用轻型结构炉体,保温好,造价比引进炉低20%左右。  相似文献   

对国内外环式炉现行焙烧制度进行研究分析,提出了一种新焙烧制度。运行实践表明:新焙烧制度可节能降耗,炉室上下温差可缩小到105℃以下,制品焙烧质量能得到改善。  相似文献   

分析了车底式焙烧炉及其焚烧烟气的特点,并对以焚烧烟气余热进行发电的工艺流程及主要设备进行了介绍。  相似文献   

瞿伟 《炭素技术》2001,(3):39-41
长期以来,对焙烧半成品的质量评价仅限于几种比较简单的理化性能检测,而对焙烧半成品内在质量的好坏,一直没有引起足够的重视,也缺乏必要的检测手段。但从近期我厂生产的几批UHP电极的质量情况看,有一定数量的成品存在内部组织不良或电极端头部分出现空洞等问题,影响电极的整体质量。最近的几次跟踪试验表明,焙烧工序存在一定的问题。因此,有必要对这些问题进行认真的探讨,并寻找解决问题的办法,以不断提高我厂产品的质量。  相似文献   

房希春 《维纶通讯》2001,21(2):32-33
16500kVA电石炉新开炉电极没有硬头,只加上小于φ100mm的电极糊。采用电阻焙烧法新技术焙烧电石炉电极,既快又安全。  相似文献   

Data are presented which show the variation of free fatty acid content of steam rendered lard with rendering time, rendering pressure, and age of fat. Two rendering pressures were employed, 32 and 40 pounds gauge. Rendering time was varied from 7 to 10 hours in 1 hour increments. Fat held in the cooler for 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours was used as raw material. It was found that increasing any of the above factors results in increasing the free fatty acid content of the lard. Stability of the lard is not markedly influenced by the above factors within the limits given.  相似文献   

Summary 1. Six fats have been tested for their stability in baked goods, both under normal and accelerated conditions. 2. Accelerated tests on the fats alone or on biscuits baked with them have not been found satisfactory for evaluating the stability of the fats. 3. The accelerated tests have been found particularly inadequate to properly evaluate the stability of hydrogenated lard in baked products. 4. It is concluded that the practice of evaluating fats for baking purposes by accelerated tests is not indicative of their true stability.  相似文献   

Conclusions The alkali cellulose preripening process in the industrial two-tube apparatus does not exert a marked effect on viscose quality.We are not in a position to reproduce in full measure the parameters selected on an experimental setup in manufacturing processes, either in the stage of mercerization or in the stages of xanthating the alkali cellulose and dissolving it.The authors are grateful to Professor L. S. Gal'braikh for consultation during the process of writing this article.Translated from Khimicheskie Volokna, No. 1, pp. 17–18, January–February, 1988.  相似文献   

Summary 1. Data are given showing the relative keeping properties of various shortenings and the crackers in which they are used. Evidence is presented to show that some anti-oxidants which are effective in prolonging the life of shortenings largely disappear during the mixing, fermentation and baking of crackers. A theory is proposed to explain the contradictory results on the relative stability of the various shortenings and crackers containing them. 2. Metals, particularly iron, are shown to have a powerful effect in promoting the rancidity of crackers. For comparative stability work on crackers, it is necessary to remove all sources of metallic contamination. 3. Determination of the stability of shortenings does not necessarily indicate the stability the shortening will show in crackers. To determine the latter, it is necessary to use the shortenings in crackers and test the stability of the crackers.  相似文献   

The nutritional quality of soya products is determined not only by the quantity and availability of the amino acids which make up the protein of such products, but is also markedly affected by the processing conditions which are employed in their manufacture. The most important factor in this regard is the application of some form of heat treatment which serves to inactivate a number of naturally occurring constituents of the soybean. Although non-toxic in the truest sense of the word, these are substances which can nevertheless elicit adverse physiological responses in animals, and, unless destroyed, can detract from the full nutritional potential of soya protein. The best known and certainly the most studied of these factors are the inhibitors of trypsin and chymotrypsin, enzymes which play a key role in the digestion of proteins in animals. These will be discussed with respect to their possible model of action in vivo, and an attempt will be made to evaluate their nutritional significance in man. Also present in soybeans are several other heat-labile components whose physiological significance is less well understood. These include the phytohemagglutinins (lectins), goitrogens, antivitamins and phytates. Less sensitive to the destruction effects of heat are a number of factors which are capable of producing a wide variety of physiological responses in animals and include saponins, estrogens, oligosaccharides and allergens. Although present in readily detectable quantities, their effect on the nutritional quality of soya protein is questionable. Not to be overlooked is the fact that harsh processing conditions such as excessive heat treatment or extraction under alkaline conditions may lead to the destruction of economic importance at the present time, brief consideration will be given to the possible effects of germination and fermentation on the nutritive quality of the protein resulting from such treatments.  相似文献   

刘杰  孟庆玲 《玻璃》2003,30(6):16-17,54
1 引 言 虽然过去20多年建筑风格的变化相当缓慢,但窗用玻璃性能的变化却很显著。窗户一直是建筑设计的一个基本元素,它不仅为建筑物提供华丽的外表,还可以控制室内的环境。 本文中提到高性能窗用玻璃、玻璃窗系统和建筑外表,虽然三词的本质含义不尽相同,但从文中可  相似文献   

王德宪  金井顺 《玻璃》2004,31(1):34-37
1引言 所谓玻璃的性质,是指玻璃受外部作用后,所表现出的一系列变化或响应.如力学性质(强度、硬度、弹性模量等),电学性质(电阻率、介电常数等),热学性质(热膨胀系数、导热系数等),磁学性质(磁化率、反顺磁性等),光学性质(折射率、反射率、透光率等),玻璃密度等,这些统称为玻璃的物理性质.玻璃的耐化学侵蚀性,玻璃的发霉等现象,由于伴随着化学变化的产生,应该归属于玻璃的化学性质.微观上讲,玻璃的物理性质是玻璃受外部作用后,玻璃中的原子或电子所做出响应的集中统计性平均表现.因此受构成玻璃的原子种类、原子的排列方式、网络结构或化学键的形式的影响.这是影响玻璃性质的内部因素.玻璃的熔化、退火为影响玻璃性质的外部因素.  相似文献   

Hydrogenation of milk fat with palladium and nickel as catalysts was studied at various temperatures, pressures, and concentrations of catalyst. Samples were removed from the laboratory hydrogenator at intervals during the reaction, and changes in refractive index, iodine value, Wiley mp, and percentages of fatty acids andtrans-isomers were determined. Palladium was several times more active as a catalyst than nickel. Milk fat with an iodine value of 35 and mp of 34 C was hydrogenated with 0.05% palladium to an iodine value of 6 and a mp of 46 C in 30 min at 66 C and 53 psi of hydrogen. Kinetic data for each catalyst yielded two slopes, indicating that a change in reaction rate occurred.  相似文献   

Translated from Steklo i Keramika, No. 7, pp. 8–9, July, 1990.  相似文献   

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