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The 2005 AISC Specification for Structural Steel Buildings is the leading specification for composite construction in the US. However, these provisions do not provide a recommendation for computing the strength of headed steel stud anchors (traditionally used as shear connectors) under tension or combined tension and shear. Headed stud anchors are subjected to these types of forces in composite structures such as infill walls, composite coupling beams, the connection region of composite columns, or composite column bases. While the ACI 318-08 Building Code, the PCI Handbook, 6th edition, and CEB Design of Fastenings in Concrete include provisions for such conditions, those provisions are geared for more general anchorage conditions than are typically seen in composite construction. It would thus be beneficial to have design guidance specifically for the case of headed steel stud anchors subjected to tension or combined tension and shear in composite construction, evaluated within the context of the AISC and EC-4 Specifications. In this work, different strength equations to compute the nominal tensile strength of a headed stud are reviewed and compared to experimental results. The resulting recommendations seek to ensure a ductile failure in the steel shank instead of a brittle failure within the concrete. Several criteria are proposed to ensure that ductile failure controls in composite construction, and, different headed stud configurations and detailing reinforcement recommendations are proposed to improve the ductile behavior of headed stud anchors subjected to tension and combined tension and shear.  相似文献   

In steel-concrete composite beams, the longitudinal shear force is transferred across the steel flange/concrete slab interface by the mechanical action of the shear connectors. The ability of the shear connectors to transfer these longitudinal shear forces depends on their strength, and also on the resistance of the concrete slab against longitudinal cracking induced by the high concentration of shear force. Most of the research in composite construction has concentrated on the more traditional reinforced concrete and metal deck construction, and little information is given on shear capacity of the headed studs in precast hollowcore slabs. In this paper, a standard push test procedure for use with composite beams with precast hollowcore slabs is proposed. Seven exploratory push tests were carried out on headed studs in solid RC slabs to validate the testing procedures, and the results showed that the new test is compatible with the results specified in the codes of practice for solid RC slabs. Once a standard procedure is established, 72 full-scale push tests on headed studs in hollowcore slabs were performed to determine the capacities of the headed stud connectors in precast hollowcore slabs and the results of the experimental study are analysed and findings on the effect of all the parameters on connectors’ strength and ductility are presented. Newly proposed design equations for calculating the shear connectors’ capacity for this form of composite construction are also be given.  相似文献   

在钢-混凝土组合梁中,剪切连接件的机械作用使得纵向剪力转移到钢翼缘/混凝土板的接合处。这种转移能力取决于剪切连接件的强度和混凝土板抵抗由剪力高度集中所导致的纵向开裂的能力。大多数对组合结构的分析都集中在传统的钢筋混凝土和金属面板结构,而对预制空心板中栓钉的剪切能力研究很少。本文对带栓钉的预制空心板组合梁结构提出标准的推力试验方法。一共进行7组测试性试验,试验结果显示新方法符合钢筋混凝土楼板规范要求。在确定这个新的标准方法后,对栓钉进行了72个足尺推力试验,确定了该类型连接件的性能,通过分析试验结果,还指出了各类参数对连接件强度和延性的作用。本文还提出了这种剪力连接件的设计公式。  相似文献   

This paper details the results and subsequent analysis of 27 push tests performed using a new push rig, which investigate the effect of variables such as mesh position, transverse spacing of shear connectors, number of shear connectors per trough and the slab depth on the resistance of headed stud shear connectors through-deck welded into a transverse deck.The analysis of these tests not only allowed characteristic resistances to be determined for the headed stud shear connectors in each case, but also enabled comparisons to be made to determine the effect of the different variables on the resistance. It found that within the limits tested the transverse spacing of the shear connectors has little effect on the resistance, and that including a third shear connector gives no benefit over using shear connectors in pairs. Locating the mesh at the top of the slab, as is common practice for crack control, gives sufficient ductility for design using the minimum shear connection rules in BS EN 1994-1-1, (i.e. the characteristic slip capacity is greater than 6 mm, as required by BS EN 1994-1-1,, but a strength enhancement of approximately 30% can be found by locating the mesh directly on top of the profiled steel sheeting. The results also indicated that the resistance increases with slab depth, but it is not clear if this is an effect of the push test or is a genuine effect of composite construction. Design rules based on these tests are proposed.  相似文献   

Most of the design approaches currently used around the world take into account the weakening effect of trapezoidal types of steel decking in the vicinity of a shear connection by applying a reduction factor to the nominal strength that the same connection would have in a solid concrete slab. Numerous push-out test results on shear connections incorporating this type of decking are presented. These demonstrate that not every shear connection incorporating profiled steel decking which is within the limits of the associated standards, can be classified as sufficiently ductile. A new and more reliable design approach is proposed which also allows for the inclusion of special reinforcing devices to overcome these brittle behaviours. The key element of this design approach is to classify the anticipated connection behaviour, with respect to its deformation capacity, into either ductile or brittle, hence ensuring satisfactory shear connection behaviour where these types of trapezoidal steel decking are used.  相似文献   

郭志毅  成果 《山西建筑》2006,32(24):58-59
在分析国内外钢-混凝土组合梁各种剪切连接件形式的基础上,着重阐述了钢-高强混凝土组合梁中栓钉连接件的受力性能和承载力计算方法,提出了有待完善的地方。  相似文献   

This paper describes the structural performance of shear connection in composite beams with profiled steel sheeting. An accurate and efficient nonlinear finite element model was developed to study the behaviour of headed stud shear connectors welded through-deck. The profiled steel sheeting had transverse ribs perpendicular to the steel beam. The material nonlinearities of concrete, headed stud, profiled steel sheeting, reinforcement and steel beam were included in the finite element model. The capacity of shear connection, load-slip behaviour of the headed stud, and failure modes were predicted. The results obtained from the finite element analysis were verified against experimental results. An extensive parametric study was conducted to study the effects on the capacity and behaviour of shear connection by changing the profiled steel sheeting geometries, the diameter and height of the headed stud, as well as the strength of concrete. The capacities of shear connection obtained from the finite element analysis were compared with the design strengths calculated using the American Specification, British Standard and European Code for headed stud shear connectors in composite slabs with profiled steel sheeting perpendicular to the steel beam. It is found that the design rules specified in the American and British specifications overestimated the capacity of shear connection, but the design rules specified in the European Code were generally conservative.  相似文献   

In this article, static behavior of three partially encased composite beams under flexural condition is investigated in the context of studying some alternative positions for the headed studs. Shear resistance between the I-shaped beam and the concrete was provided by headed studs in two positions: vertically welded on the bottom flange and horizontally welded on the faces of the web. Experimental results show that the headed studs provide the composite action and increase the bending strength. The most remarkable position seems to be the headed studs vertically welded on the bottom flange. An analytical method to estimate the bending capacity of the encased beams is also proposed, giving a good prediction of the experimental results  相似文献   

蒋彪  邵华英 《山西建筑》2006,32(11):41-42
对比介绍了栓钉和PBL键目前国内外的研究成果,包括承载力试验方法、破坏机理、承载力计算方法和疲劳性能等,为剪力连接件的研究和应用提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

Headed studs are widely used in steel-concrete composite bridges to resist longitudinal shear forces at the interface of steel girder and concrete slab. These studs are subjected to high-cycle fatigue loading due to the growth of traffic and increase in train speed. Within the frame of this paper, the dynamic structural behavior of the shear studs during train passages is studied. Different fatigue endurance models are employed for fatigue life estimation. A parametric study is performed to investigate the effects of different parameters that influence the fatigue life of shear studs. Finally a fatigue-life-cycle design procedure based on the train-bridge interaction analysis and the fatigue endurance model is proposed.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations are carried out in order to provide data for the development of a design model for the shear capacity of steel girders with web openings, with and without transverse stiffeners and opening reinforcements. The numerical model is designed such that the girder is in a state of pure shear at the opening center. Results are presented in terms of ultimate shear capacity and distribution of transverse web deformations and von Mises stresses. Based on the numerical data, a design model is presented that accounts for the reduction in web shear area, shear buckling of the web and the effect of opening position, vertical stiffeners and opening reinforcements.  相似文献   

组合型钢剪力墙刚度大、延性好,在土木工程中应用广泛。组合型钢剪力墙一般通过铺设与钢板连接的混凝土层或纤维增强复合板形成。本试验和数值研究主要分析剪力钉间距、中间梁刚度、梁柱连接方法对组合型钢剪力墙性能的影响。结果表明:增大剪力钉间距可减小荷载-位移曲线的斜率,并提高结构韧性。中间梁刚度和梁柱连接对组合型钢剪力墙性能的影响是非常微小的,可以忽略。  相似文献   

组合型钢剪力墙刚度大、延性好,在土木工程中应用广泛。组合型钢剪力墙一般通过铺设与钢板连接的混凝土层或纤维增强复合板形成。本试验和数值研究主要分析剪力钉间距、中梁刚度、梁柱连接方法对组合型钢剪力墙性能的影响。结果表明:增大剪力钉间距可减小荷载-位移曲线的斜率,并提高结构韧性。中梁刚度和梁柱连接对组合型钢剪力墙性能的影响是非常微小的,可以忽略。  相似文献   

组合钢板剪力墙(CSSW)由于其具有极高的刚度及可变性,在土木工程领域内应用广泛。它可以用于混凝土覆层,与钢板采用剪切螺钉连接,或者与FRP板黏结。现有的试验和数值研究集中在剪切螺钉间距变化时,梁跨中刚度和梁柱连接方法对组合钢板剪力墙的影响上。结果显示:剪切螺钉间距的增加使荷载-位移曲线斜率减小,改善了由特定螺钉间距影响的延性。此外,梁跨中刚度和梁柱节点对组合钢板剪力墙也有很显著的影响。  相似文献   

组合型钢剪力墙刚度大、延性好,在土木工程中应用广泛。组合型钢剪力墙一般通过铺设与钢板连接的混凝土层或纤维增强复合板形成。本试验和数值研究主要分析剪力钉间距、中梁刚度、梁柱连接方法对组合型钢剪力墙性能的影响。结果表明:增大剪力钉间距可减小荷载-位移曲线的斜率,并提高结构韧性。中梁刚度和梁柱连接对组合型钢剪力墙性能的影响非常小,可以忽略。  相似文献   

组合型钢剪力墙刚度大、延性好,在土木工程中应用广泛。组合型钢剪力墙一般通过铺设与钢板连接的混凝土层或纤维增强复合板形成。本试验和数值研究主要分析剪力钉间距、中间梁刚度、梁柱连接方法对组合型钢剪力墙性能的影响。结果表明:增大剪力钉间距可减小荷载-位移曲线的斜率,并提高结构韧性。中间梁刚度和梁柱连接对组合型钢剪力墙性能的影响是非常微小的,可以忽略。  相似文献   

Composite steel shear walls (CSSW) are widely used in civil projects due to its high stiffness and deformability. It can be utilized by either laying a concrete layer connected to the steel plate by shear studs or bonding a Fiber Reinforced Polymer sheet. The present experimental and numerical investigations were focused on the effects of shear studs spacing variation, middle beam rigidity and the method of beam to column connection on the CSSW behavior. Results indicate that increasing the shear studs spacing reduces the slope of load-displacement curve and improves ductility up to a specific studs’ spacing. In addition, the effects of middle beam rigidity and beam to column connections are insignificant on the composite steel shear walls behavior.  相似文献   

A new connection device, based on bent-up tab shear transfer enhancement called bent-up triangular tab shear transfer (BTTST), has been studied through a symmetric cold-formed steel (CFS)-concrete composite beam subjected to a static bending test. BTTST provides an alternative connector system unique to CFS where CFS sections are usually thinner than hot-rolled sections and welding of headed-stud shear connectors is inapplicable. Coupled with the back-to-back arrangement of two CFS channels where symmetricity of the built-up section is restored, the resulting composite floor system has been proven to possess adequate strength and stiffness properties under static loads. The work has shown that the predicted values of the flexural capacities calculated using a new equation of shear capacity of BTTST agrees reasonably well with the experimental values.  相似文献   

The present design procedure for the shear capacity of steel girders with large web openings is based on the shear buckling capacity of webs, as given by Eurocode 3, modified to account for the effect of the openings by means of reduction factors determined on the basis of numerical simulations. Guidelines are given for the use of the design procedure in practical design. Equations for determination of the secondary effects are presented, as well as some cut-off factors which limit the shear capacity for certain opening configurations. Requirements for design of welds are also given. Further, the paper presents equations for shear and primary moment interaction. Finally, two design examples illustrate the features of the guidelines in practical design of girders with openings.  相似文献   

为了对钢-混凝土组合梁施工阶段的受力性能进行准确分析,针对我国常用的隔板式组合梁,通过推出试验研究栓钉连接件受剪承载力随混凝土龄期的变化规律,采用ANSYS有限元分析软件分析栓钉连接件时变受剪承载力对某连续曲线组合梁施工阶段受力性能的影响。分析结果表明:在混凝土龄期很短时栓钉连接件就具有一定的受剪承载力和抗剪刚度,且早期增长快,后期增长慢;混凝土板分段浇筑时组合梁的应力和变形随浇筑时间间隔的增加逐渐减小,在本文实例中,与不考虑浇筑过程中混凝土与钢梁的组合作用时相比,浇筑时间间隔为6 h的组合梁径向变形减小26.5%;与考虑28 d龄期混凝土与钢梁的组合作用时相比,浇筑时间间隔为3 d的组合梁切向应力增大14.2%。因此,当组合梁混凝土板浇筑时间间隔在6 h至3 d之内时,均应采用栓钉连接件的时变受剪承载力来分析浇筑过程中混凝土与钢梁的时变组合作用对组合梁施工阶段受力性能的影响。  相似文献   

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