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楼板作为框架结构的重要组成构件,在结构抗连续倒塌中有重要作用。采用有限元ABAQUS非线性拟静力分析法,模拟两层2×1跨框架结构长边中柱失效以后结构连续倒塌的反应,对比分析考虑与不考虑楼板作用时,RC框架结构连续倒塌的情形,研究楼板对RC框架结构连续倒塌的影响。结果表明:楼板可以显著改善结构的刚度,提高结构的整体性,并延缓梁的铰链出现,提高结构的抗连续倒塌性能。  相似文献   

In this study, the effect of three retrofit strategies on enhancing the response of existing steel moment resisting frames designed for gravity loads is investigated using Alternate Path Methods (APM) recommended in the General Services Administration (GSA) and the Department of Defense (DoD) guidelines for resisting progressive collapse. The response is evaluated using 3-D nonlinear dynamic analysis. The studied models represent 6-bay by 3-bay 18-storey steel frames that are damaged by being subjected to six scenarios of sudden removal of one column in the ground floor. Four buildings with bay spans of 5.0 m, 6.0 m, 7.5 m, and 9.0 m were studied. The response of the damaged frames is evaluated when retrofitted using three approaches, namely, increasing the strength of the beams, increasing the stiffness of the beams, and increasing both strength and stiffness of the beams.The objective of this paper is to assess effectiveness of the studied retrofit strategies by evaluating the enhancement in three performance indicators which are chord rotation, tie forces, and displacement ductility demand for the beams of the studied building after being retrofitted.  相似文献   

地震作用下钢筋混凝土框架结构通常呈现弱柱型破坏模式而倒塌。针对其破坏特征,将钢筋混凝土框架结构离散为“板-柱”和“梁-柱-节点”体系,结合块体间碰撞作用的冲量模型,基于离散单元法建立考虑构件间碰撞作用的钢筋混凝土框架结构空间倒塌反应计算机仿真系统,并通过2个框架结构模型的倒塌试验对其进行了验证。利用计算机仿真系统模拟分析了现浇楼板对钢筋混凝土框架结构倒塌模式的影响。结果表明:考虑块体间碰撞作用的框架结构倒塌仿真系统可以真实再现地震作用下框架结构的倒塌过程和废墟堆积情况;考虑楼板影响时,强柱型框架结构可能会出现弱柱型倒塌,局部倒塌型框架结构则可能不倒或呈弱柱型倒塌;框架结构抗震设计或评定中应充分考虑现浇楼板对框架抗震性能的影响。  相似文献   

This research examines the effect of plan irregularities on the progressive collapse of four steel structures located in regions with different seismic activity. The plans of the first and second structure are irregular, whilst those of the third and fourth structures are regular. The collapse patterns of the four buildings are examined and compared under seven loading scenarios using non-linear dynamic and static analyses. In the non-linear dynamic analyses, node displacements above the removed columns and the additional force on the columns adjacent to them are discussed. Furthermore, the strength and capacities of the columns are compared to determine their susceptibility to collapse. In the non-linear static analyses, the pushdown curve and yield load factor of the structures are obtained after column removal. The results indicate that an irregular structure designed in site class C seismic zone, collapses in most of the column-removal scenarios. Moreover, when comparing regular and irregular structures designed in site class E seismic zone, the demand force to capacity ratio (D/C) of the columns in the irregular structures is on average between 1.5 and 2 times that of the regular ones.  相似文献   

为了研究组合梁对方钢管混凝土柱-组合梁框架抗连续倒塌性能的影响,设计了带有混凝土现浇楼板方钢管混凝土柱-组合梁框架(CFSTCBF)及不带楼板的方钢管混凝土柱-钢梁框架(CFSTSBF),采用拆除构件法对两个试件的抗连续倒塌性能进行竖向加载试验研究,对其在中柱失效工况下的破坏模式、受力机理以及主要的抗力机制进行分析,同时对现浇混凝土楼板和节点在连续倒塌过程中的性能进行探讨。研究表明:两个试件的破坏均是由正弯矩区钢梁破坏引起,结构的倒塌阶段可分为弹塑性阶段、塑性阶段、过渡阶段和悬链线阶段,压拱机制和悬链线机制均能改善结构的抗倒塌性能;混凝土楼板可以有效增强结构的承载能力,提高结构的初始转动刚度,但在改善结构变形能力方面的作用较弱。  相似文献   

Reliable evaluation of progressive collapse resistance of structures requires substantiated methods and techniques for analyzing the response of critical elements subjected to large deformations. Steel bar fracture is a significant event that can lead to progressive collapse of reinforced concrete (RC) structures. Given the sudden discontinuity associated with bar fracture, modeling of such an event in a continuum domain analysis is challenging. In this paper a method is proposed for finite element modeling and analysis of RC elements that accounts for bar fracture. It is demonstrated that such a modeling technique is capable of developing catenary action. Analytical results based on the proposed method show good agreement with experimental data. The underlying cause for a drop in beam vertical resisting force following the peak force is identified and explained.  相似文献   

通过将一足尺两层2×2空间钢框架结构底层边跨中柱突然拉倒进行抗连续倒塌试验研究,采用了实体单元和壳单元相结合的建模方式,对试验框架进行了非线性动力有限元分析,试验结果和有限元分析结果表明:关键柱失效后,组合楼板可提供可靠拉结并形成新的荷载传递路径。  相似文献   

为研究楼板对RC空间框架结构抗连续倒塌性能的影响作用,文章以汶川地震中完全倒塌的漩口中学教学楼为原型结构,设计3个单层2×2跨1/3缩尺模型,包括2个带楼板子结构和1个纯框架子结构,通过拟静力加载试验研究RC框架结构在拆除中柱状态下的连续倒塌破坏过程。试验结果表明:纯框架子结构首先进入梁机制阶段,框架梁内产生轴向压力,产生“压拱效应”,在梁端部截面抗弯承载力丧失后,进入悬链线机制阶段,依靠梁内部钢筋拉结力抵抗上部荷载。对比分析带楼板子结构与纯框架子结构试验结果,由于楼板的“薄膜效应”使梁机制峰值承载力提高了145%,悬链线机制峰值承载力提高了75%,楼板显著提高了梁机制和悬链线机制的抗连续倒塌能力。增加板厚增加梁板的“压拱效应”,极大提高梁机制承载力,然而大变形下梁板开始不协同作用,板发生冲切破坏,降低了悬链线阶段承载力和延性。  相似文献   

浅析楼板板缝开裂的原因及防治   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
许二林 《山西建筑》2004,30(10):49-50
针对楼板板缝开裂的原因,从楼板自身质量问题、楼板与墙体的结合、楼板板缝灌注施工质量等方面进行了分析,提出了相应的防治方法,以有效地杜绝楼板和天棚裂缝的产生。  相似文献   

以某医院的超长复杂隔震结构为工程背景,对超长复杂隔震结构进行了抗连续倒塌研究。运用非线性有限元软件建立考虑楼板作用的精细三维模型和未考虑楼板作用的简化三维模型,通过非线性动力拆除构件法对两种模型进行了分析,对比两种模型的抗倒塌能力。结果表明:该超长复杂隔震结构仅拆除1根柱时,结构未发生连续倒塌,且角柱对该隔震结构的连续倒塌影响较大|拆除2根柱时,未考虑楼板作用的简化三维模型发生了连续倒塌,而考虑楼板作用的精细三维模型未发生连续倒塌。因此,不考虑楼板作用的简化三维模型计算结果会偏于保守,进行结构抗连续倒塌时需考虑楼板的影响。  相似文献   

Structural engineers have long been trying to develop solutions using the full potential of its composing materials. At this point there is no doubt that the structural solution progress is directly related to an increase in materials science knowledge. These efforts in conjunction with up-to-date modern construction techniques have led to an extensive use of composite floors in large span structures. On the other hand, the competitive trends of the world market have long been forcing structural engineers to develop minimum weight and labour cost solutions. A direct consequence of this new design trend is a considerable increase in problems related to unwanted floor vibrations. For this reason, the structural floors systems become vulnerable to excessive vibrations produced by impacts such as human rhythmic activities. The main objective of this paper is to present an analysis methodology for the evaluation of the composite floors human comfort. This procedure takes into account a more realistic loading model developed to incorporate the dynamic effects induced by human walking. The investigated structural models were based on various composite floors, with main spans varying from 5 to 10 m. Based on an extensive parametric study the composite floors dynamic response, in terms of peak accelerations, was obtained and compared to the limiting values proposed by several authors and design standards. This strategy was adopted to provide a more realistic evaluation for this type of structure when subjected to vibration due to human walking.  相似文献   

为研究钢筋混凝土柱 钢梁(RCS)组合结构在拆除底层第2根侧边柱工况(最危险工况)下节点的抗连续性倒塌性能与机理,试验以梁翼缘切割式的梁贯通型RCS结构节点构件为研究对象,通过梁跨度差异模拟第2根侧边柱失效时剩余结构抗侧移刚度及梁端约束能力不同的特点,采用静力加载的方式模拟非对称倒塌破坏全过程。研究试验曲线特征与破坏模式,分析试件节点控制截面内力发展情况与抗力机制。结果表明:底层第2根侧边柱失效后的梁贯通型RCS结构节点的受力薄弱部位出现在梁上翼缘,且易首先在侧向刚度较小一侧的上翼缘出现局部屈曲,结构的抗力机制由梁抗弯机制转变为抗弯机制与悬链线机制共同作用,之后由于该侧上翼缘及腹板发生严重局部屈曲,导致结构在充分发挥悬链线效应之前发生非对称破坏。  相似文献   

This contribution deals with the modelling of reinforced concrete (RC) structures in the context of progressive collapse simulations. One-dimensional nonlinear constitutive laws are used to model the material response of concrete and steel. These constitutive equations are introduced in a layered beam approach, in order to derive physically motivated relationships between generalised stresses and strains at the sectional level. This formulation is used in dynamic progressive collapse simulations to study the structural response of a multi-storey planar frame subjected to a sudden column loss (in the impulsive loading range). Thanks to the versatility of the proposed methodology, various analyses are conducted for varying structural design options and material parameters, as well as progressive collapse modelling options. In particular, the effect of the reinforcement ratio on the structural behaviour is investigated. Regarding the material modelling aspects, the influence of distinct behavioural parameters can be evaluated, such as the ultimate strain in steel and concrete or the potential material strain rate effects on the structural response. Finally, the influence of the column removal time in the sudden column loss approach can also be assessed. Significant differences are observed in terms of progressive failure patterns for the considered parametric variations.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional discrete crack model based on the Applied Element Method is used to perform economic design for reinforced concrete structures against progressive collapse. The model adopts fully nonlinear path-dependent constitutive models for concrete and reinforcing bars. The model applies a dynamic solver in which post-failure behavior, element separation, falling and collision are predicted. First, the model is used to study the behavior of multi-story reinforced concrete buildings designed in a traditional manner according to the ACI 318-08 and subjected to accidental removal of one or two central columns at the ground level. In an iterative way, the model is then used to investigate a safe design against progressive collapse for such extreme loading case. Based on the analytical results of the AEM, it can be concluded that the collapse of only one column would not lead to any progressive collapse of the studied reinforced concrete structure. However, the collapse of more than one column may lead to a progressive collapse of a considerable part of it. It is concluded also that the AEM could be successfully used as an analytical tool to suggest economical designs that are safe against progressive collapse of reinforced concrete structures.  相似文献   

In this study, two nonlinear analysis methods are proposed that can be used for a simplified but accurate evaluation of progressive collapse potential in welded steel moment frames. To this end, the load-resisting mechanism of the column-removed double-span beams in welded steel moment frames was first investigated based on material and geometric nonlinear parametric finite element analysis. A simplified tri-linear model for the vertical resistance versus chord rotation relationship of the double-span beams was developed. The application of the developed model to energy-based nonlinear static progressive collapse analysis was then proposed. The relationship between the gravity loading and the maximum dynamic chord rotation or the concept of collapse spectrum was also established for a quick assessment of the maximum deformation demands.  相似文献   

本文总结了冷轧带肋钢筋在福州地区的应用情况,对现浇砼板裂缝现象进行现场调查,并探究其裂缝发生的机理,最后对高强带肋钢筋在砼楼板中的应用前景提出有益的建议和展望  相似文献   

The concept of semi-rigid composite connection has been widely researched in the past; however, most of the researches are limited to composite joints with metal deck flooring and solid concrete slabs. Composite construction incorporating precast concrete hollowcore slabs (HCU) is a recently developed composite floor system for buildings. The research on the structural behaviour of the semi-rigid composite joints with HCU is new and without any previous experimental database. In this paper, eight full-scale tests of beam-to-column semi-rigid composite joints with steel beams and precast hollowcore slabs are reported. The variables are stud spacing, degree of the shear connections, area of the longitudinal reinforcement and slab thickness. The test set-up and instrumentation is described in detail. The experimental behaviour is analysed and based on the test data the structural behaviour of these semi-rigid composite joints is discussed. Based on the experimental data, a simplified method to predict rotation and moment capacity for this type of composite connection is proposed.  相似文献   

赵轶 《山西建筑》2012,38(4):55-56
对组合楼板设计过程中,关于挠度和频率的相关规范进行了深入细致的比较与分析,明确提出了在组合楼板设计中挠度和频率的限值的要求,对设计人员进行组合楼板的设计具有一定的帮助作用。  相似文献   

为研究钢-混凝土组合楼盖系统在连续倒塌工况下的抗力机制和破坏过程,按照中国现行规范设计了1个典型的组合楼盖钢框架原型结构,并从该原型结构中提取出两个单层2×1跨钢-混凝土组合楼盖子结构.分别开展了移除边中柱和角柱侧边柱两种工况下的足尺连续倒塌试验研究,并得到了相应的荷载-位移曲线、破坏模式、裂缝分布等.在移除边中柱时,...  相似文献   

在5·12汶川特大地震中,许多建筑物发生了连续倒塌。本文结合该次地震造成的建筑物连续倒塌震害,介绍分析了建筑结构连续倒塌的定义、原因以及抗连续倒塌主要设计方法,并对我国抗连续倒塌设计研究提出建议,为我国深入研究和尽快完善建筑结构抗连续倒塌设计提供参考。  相似文献   

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