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A. M. Pierce H. D. Pierce Jr. J. H. Borden A. C. Oehlschlager 《Journal of chemical ecology》1991,17(3):581-597
Responses by five species of cucujid grain beetles (mixed-sex adults) to various volatiles were assessed by means of a two-choice, pitfall olfactometer. The test volatiles were short-chain alcohols and ketones known to be produced by fungi. Both racemic and chiral 1-octen-3-ols were strong attractants forCryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens), as had been found previously forOryzaephilus surinamensis (L.),O. mercator (Fauvel), andAhasverus advena (Waltl). 3-Methylbutanol was another good attractant for these four cucujids, and it was the only test compound to whichCathartus quadricollis (Guér.) responded positively. 1-Octen-3-one, racemic 3-octanol, and 3-octanone showed various degrees of attractiveness for the former four species of cucujids.O. surinamensis was the only species of test beetle to show much positive response to 2-phenylethanol and ethanol. ForO. mercator andO. surinamensis, 3-methylbutanol enhanced positive response to their respective cucujolide aggregation pheromones.Research supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Strategic Grant G0958 and Operating Grants A3881 and A3785. 相似文献
Three Brassicaceae species, Brassica napus (low glucosinolate content), Brassica nigra (including sinigrin), and Sinapis alba (including sinalbin) were used as host plants for two aphid species: the generalist Myzus persicae and the specialist Brevicoryne brassicae. Each combination of aphid species and prey host plant was used to feed the polyphagous ladybird beetle, Adalia bipunctata. Experiments with Brassicaceae species including different amounts and kinds of glucosinolates (GLS) showed increased ladybird larval mortality at higher GLS concentrations. When reared on plants with higher GLS concentrations, the specialist aphid, B. brassicae, was found to be more toxic than M. persicae. Identification of GLS and related degradation products, mainly isothiocyanates (ITC), was investigated in the first two trophic levels, plant and aphid species, by high-performance liquid chromatography and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry, respectively. While only GLS were detected in M. persicae on each Brassicaceae species, high amounts of ITC were identified in B. brassicae samples (allyl-ITC and benzyl-ITC from B. nigra and S. alba, respectively) from all host plants. Biological effects of allelochemicals from plants on predators through aphid prey are discussed in relation to aphid species to emphasize the role of the crop plant in integrated pest management in terms of biological control efficacy. 相似文献
J. H. Borden A. M. Pierce H. D. Pierce Jr. L. J. Chong A. J. Stock A. C. Oehlschlager 《Journal of chemical ecology》1987,13(4):823-836
The most prominent beetle-produced volatiles identified in the abdominal extracts of maleDryocoetes confusus Swaine after they had bored for 24 hr in logs of subalpine fir,Abies lasiocarpa (Hook.) Nutt. were:exo andendo-brevicomin,trans-verbenol, verbenone, myrtenol,trans-pinocarveol,cis- andtrans-p-menthen-7-ol, 3-caren-10-ol, and several monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes. Myrtenol was the only conspicuous compound in extracts from males that had been exposed toA.lasiocarpa resin volatiles for 24 hr. Laboratory bioassays indicated that both (–)- and (+)-exo-brevicomin were attractive to femaleD. confusus, and that the (–) enantiomer did not inhibit response to its antipode. Results from field trapping experiments indicated that bothero-brevicomin and myrtenol are aggregation pheromones forD. confusus.exo-Brevicomin baits were effective in causing attack byD. confusus on baited and surrounding trees, suggesting that this pheromone may have utility in manipulating populations of the beetle.Research supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Operating Grants A3881 and A3706 and Strategic Grant G1039. 相似文献
J. G. Millar H. D. Pierce Jr. A. M. Pierce A. C. Oehlschlager J. H. Borden 《Journal of chemical ecology》1985,11(8):1071-1081
Two biologically active macrolides were isolated from Porapak Q-captured beetle and frass volatiles ofCryptolestes turcicus (Grouvelle) and identified spectroscopically as (Z,Z)-5,8-tetradecadien-13-olide (I) and (Z)-5-tetradecen-13-olide (II). Natural I was active alone and was synergized by inactive II. The pheromones were male-produced but attractive to both sexes. Pheromone production increased dramatically when insects were aerated on a food source. Pure (R)- and (S)-I were inactive, but mixtures of (R)- and (S)-I were active, the first reported instance of enantiomeric synergism in the Cucujidae. 相似文献
A male-produced aggregation pheromone was identified for the Australian sap beetle,Carpophilus davidsoni Dobson (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae), by bioassay-guided fractionation of volatiles collected from feeding beetles. The most abundant components were: (2E,4E,6E)-5-ethyl-3-methyl-2,4,6-nonatriene, (3E,5E,7E)-6-ethyl-4-methyl-3,5,7-decatriene, (2E,4E,6E,8E)-3,5,7-trimethyl-2,4,6,8-undecatetraene, and (2E,4E,6E,8E)-7-ethyl-3,5-dimethyl-2,4,6,8-undecatetraene. The relative abundance of these components in collections from individual males feeding on artificial diet was 100:7:9:31, respectively. Pheromone production began within several days after males were placed onto diet medium and continued for at least 20 weeks. Peak production was >3 µg total pheromone per male per day. Males in groups of 50–60 emitted less pheromone (the peak level was 0.09 µg per beetle per day), and the emissions from groups contained relatively little tetraene (proportions of the components listed above were 100:7:2:7, respectively). Three additional trienes and one additional tetraene were identified in minor amounts; the entire eight-component male-specific blend is qualitatively identical and quantitatively similar to that of the North American sibling species,C. freemani Dobson. A synthetic blend of the four major components on rubber septa, prepared to emit in the same proportions as from individual males, was highly attractive in the field when synergized with fermenting whole-wheat bread dough. Cross-attraction was observed in the field involving the pheromones ofC. davidsoni, C. hemipterus (L.), andC. mutilatus Erichson. Potential uses of the pheromones in pest management are discussed.Names are necessary to report factually on available data; however, the USDA neither guarantees nor warrants the standards of the products, and the use of the names by USDA implies no approval of the products to the exclusion of others that may also be suitable. 相似文献
Steven J. Seybold 《Journal of chemical ecology》1993,19(8):1809-1831
There has been a renaissance of interest in the significance of enantiomeric composition in biological systems. Three chiral monoterpene alcohol aggregation pheromone components (ipsenol, ipsdienol, andcis-verbenol) commonly isolated from engraver beetles (Ips spp.) provide a paradigm for this theme as it relates to olfactory-guided insect behavior. The literature pertaining to this system is reviewed and the effects of the enantiomeric composition of these semiochemicals on theIps spp. community is explored on two trophic levels. Hypotheses generated from the well-studied aggregation pheromone production and response patterns forI. paraconfusus Lanier andI. pini (Say) are generalized to the North American species in the genus. Despite the progress withI. paraconfusus andI. pini, substantial deficiencies exist in our understanding of the role of enantiomeric composition in pheromonal/allomonal effects in different subgeneric groups, in the regulation and mechanisms of stereoselective biosynthesis of the monoterpene alcohols, and in the benefits derived by individual insects that produce relatively large proportions of inactive or interruptive enantiomers with attractive enantiomers. 相似文献
Late-instar larvalTenebrio molitor L. were found to be attracted to aqueous extracts of conspecific larval frass. The attraction was evident at both the individual and group level. The attraction of larval groups to frass indicated the possibility of an aggregation pheromone that would be chemically distinct in the mealworm environment. Chemical analysis of short carbon chain acids present in both the mealworm frass and the diet indicated that lactic acid was present in the mealworm frass only. Acetic acid was identified in both the diet and the larval frass. Larvae aggregated on filter papers treated with aqueous frass extracts that had been dried and also on those freshly wetted. The larvae also aggregated on dried or freshly wetted papers treated with lactic acid, but failed to aggregate on freshly wetted papers or dried papers treated with acetic acid. The role of excreted lactic acid as a discriminant of already infested and, therefore, safer environmental regions is discussed. 相似文献
T. J. Weissling R. M. Giblin-Davis G. Gries R. Gries A. L. Perez H. D. Pierce Jr. A. C. Oehlschlager 《Journal of chemical ecology》1994,20(3):505-515
5-Methyl-4-octanol is the major aggregation pheromone of the palmetto weevil,Rhynchophorus cruentatus (F.). The pheromone (cruentol) was identified by coupled gas chromatographic-electroantennographic (GC-EAD) analysis of male-produced volatiles, coupled GC-mass spectrometry (MS) in electron impact and chemical ionization mode, and coupled GC-high resolution MS. In laboratory and field assays, a diastereomeric mixture of synthetic cruentol greatly enhanced attraction of weevils to cabbage palmetto,Sabal palmetto (Walter), stem tissue, indicating that cruentol and host volatiles are synergistically attractive. An attractive lure in combination with efficient traps should facilitate development of semiochemical-based management forR. cruentatus. 相似文献
J. G. Millar H. D. Pierce Jr. A. M. Pierce A. C. Oehlschlager J. H. Borden A. V. Barak 《Journal of chemical ecology》1985,11(8):1053-1070
Aggregation pheromones were isolated fromCryptolestes pusillus (Schönherr), a coleopteran pest of stored products. Porapak Q-captured beetle and frass volatiles were fractionated by preparative gas-liquid chromatography. The fractions were bioassayed with an arena olfactometer and/or with a two-choice, pitfall olfactometer. Three biologically active, male-produced compounds eliciting aggregation behavior from adultC. pusillus were isolated and identified by spectroscopic methods as (Z)-3-dodecenolide (I), (Z)-5-tetradecen-13-olide (II), and (Z,Z)-3,6-dodecadienolide (III). Compound I was the major volatile produced and was active alone. Compound II was not active alone, but synergized the response to I. Compound III was active alone at higher concentrations, but did not significantly increase the response when added to the most active mixture of I and II, and so it is probably not part of the aggregation pheromone. Pheromone production increased dramatically when the insects were aerated on a food source.Research supported in part by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Operating Grants A3881 and A3785, Strategic Grant 60958, and a Graduate Scholarship to J. G. Millar. 相似文献
DIMBOA (2,4-dihydroxy-7-methoxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one), a secondary metabolite found in cereal extracts, confers resistance in wheat to aphids. Its effect on beneficial organisms was tested on larvae of the aphid predatorEriopis connexa Germar. Larvae were fed until pupation on artificial diets to which different concentrations of DIMBOA (2–200g/g diet) were added, as well as on aphids that had been feeding on wheat seedlings with different DIMBOA levels (140–440 g/g fresh tissue). In diets, the effect of DIMBOA was greatest on survival of third-instar larvae and on the duration of the second and fourth instars. When aphids were provided as food, those that had fed on a wheat cultivar with an intermediate DIMBOA level led to a significantly longer larval duration in the predator than did those that fed on either low or high DIMBOA cultivars. Shortest predator development times were obtained with aphid prey that had fed on high DIMBOA seedlings. Higher DIMBOA levels in the plant appear to reduce aphid feeding rates (and rates of DIMBOA ingestion), decreasing aphid survival and minimizing the effect of the toxin on the predator.On leave from Departamento de Entomologia, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Apartado aéreo 456, Lima, Perú. 相似文献
Donald C. Booth Thomas W. Phillips Alf Claesson Robert M. Silverstein Gerald N. Lanier Janet R. West 《Journal of chemical ecology》1983,9(1):1-12
Two related volatile compounds were identified from each of two species ofPissodes bark weevils and implicated as components of their aggregation pheromones. Grandisol (cis-2-isopropenyl-1-methylcyclobutaneethanol), and its corresponding aldehyde, grandisal, were isolated from males of bothP. strobi andP. approximatus and were found in the abdomens and hindguts of the respective species. In field tests synthetic grandisol and grandisal together with odors from cut pine acted synergistically in attracting both sexes ofP. approximatus. This response was similar to that elicited by maleP. approximatus feeding on cut pine. Males and females of natural populations ofP. strobi were more responsive to caged males feeding on leaders of white pine than they were to leaders alone. The combination of grandisol, grandisal, and leaders was less attractive than males on leaders, but more attractive than leaders alone. From isolation of pheromone components at different times of the year, it was determined that males of both species produced grandisol and grandisal only at times when cohort females were reproductively mature. 相似文献
Alejandro D. Camacho Harold D. Pierce Jr. John H. Borden 《Journal of chemical ecology》1994,20(1):111-124
Chemical analysis of whole body extracts and volatiles produced by feeding malesDryocoetes affaber (Mann.) disclosed (+)-exo-brevicomin and (+)-endo-brevicomin [(+)EXOB and (+)ENDOB], as the major insect-produced potential pheromones. Laboratory bioassays and field-trapping experiments demonstrated that (+)ENDOB is the main pheromone component, and (-)ENDOB has an inhibiting effect. EXOB either as (+) or (±) appears to be a multifunctional pheromone. It has a synergistic effect in blends of EXOB and ENDOB in ratios up to 1:1, and it is inhibitory at higher ratios. (-)EXOB was inactive. The most attractive blend forD. affaber was a 1:2 blend of (+)EXOB and (+)ENDOB. When this blend was compared with a 9:1 blend, the best known blend forDryocoetes confusus Swaine, the responses by beetles of each of the two species were highly specific, providing evidence for pheromonal exclusion between the two congenerics. We conclude that the combined effect of chirality and the ratio of geometrical isomers of brevicomin determines both the level of response and the species-specificity of the chemical signal inD. affaber.On educational leave from the Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas. I.P.N. Depto. de Zoología, Prol. Carpio y Plan de Ayala, México 11340 D.F. México. 相似文献
Robert J. Bartelt David K. Weaver Richard T. Arbogast 《Journal of chemical ecology》1995,21(11):1763-1779
The major component of the male-produced aggregation pheromone ofCarpophilus dimidiatus (F.) is (3E, 5E, 7E, 9E)-6,8-diethyl-4-methyl-3,5,7,9-dodecatetraene. It attracts beetles of both sexes in the field and is synergized by odors from fermenting bread dough; mean trap catches for the tetraene alone, tetraene plus dough, dough alone, and control were 24.5, 48.3, 0.02, and 0.00, respectively. In the laboratory, individual males produced 0.58 µg±0.35 µg (SD) of the tetraene per day, but males in groups of 10–50 produced <2% as much per beetle. A second male-specific compound, (3E, 5E, 7E, 9E)-5,7-diethyl-9-methyl-3,5,7,9-tridecatetraene, was also identified fromC. dimidiatus and is about 5% as abundant as the major pheromone component.Carpophilus flight activity was monitored for one year in South Carolina corn fields with the pheromones forC. dimidiatus, C. freemani Dobson,C. mutilatus Erichson,C. hemipterus (L.),C. lugubris Murray, andC. obsoletus Erichson, all in combination with bread dough. The first four of these species accounted for 18, 70, 5.7, and 0.03%, respectively, of the totalCarpophilus trapped, but noC. lugubris orC. obsoletus were captured. Captures ofC. freemani were as high as 11,400/trap/week. Species specificity for the first four pheromones was high, except that a synthetic impurity in theC. dimidiatus pheromone was somewhat attractive toC. freemani andC. mutilatus. Three other species captured.C. antiques Melsheimer,C. marginellus Motschulsky, andC. humeralis (F.), accounted for 0.005, 5.0, and 1.3% of the total catch, respectively.C. antiquus was attracted primarily to the pheromone ofC. dimidiatus, butC. marginellus andC. humeralis responded to most of the test pheromones. There were two major periods ofCarpophilus flight activity: February through June and September through November.Names are necessary to report factually on available data; however, the USDA neither guarantees nor warrants the standard of the product, and the use of the names by USDA implies no approval of the product to the exclusion of others that may also be suitable. 相似文献
Fred J. Eller Robert J. Bartelt Baruch S. Shasha David J. Schuster David G. Riley Philip A. Stansly Thomas F. Mueller Kenneth D. Shuler Bruce Johnson James H. Davis Carol A. Sutherland 《Journal of chemical ecology》1994,20(7):1537-1555
This study describes the identification of an aggregation pheromone for the pepper weevil,Anthonomus eugenii and field trials of a synthetic pheromone blend. Volatile collections and gas chromatography revealed the presence of six male-specific compounds. These compounds were identified using chromatographic and spectral techniques as: (Z)-2-(3,3-dimethylcyclohexylidene)ethanol, (E)-2-(3,3-dimethylcyclohexylidene)ethanol, (Z)-(3,3-dimethylcyclohexylidene)acetaldehyde, (E)-(3,3-dimethylcyclohexylidene)acetaldehyde, (E)-3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octadienoic acid (geranic acid), and (E)-3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-ol (geraniol). The emission rates of these compounds from feeding males were determined to be about: 7.2, 4.8, 0.45, 0.30, 2.0, and 0.30µg/male/day, respectively. Sticky traps baited with a synthetic blend of these compounds captured more pepper weevils (both sexes) than did unbaited control traps or pheromone-baited boll weevil traps. Commercial and laboratory formulations of the synthetic pheromone were both attractive. However, the commercial formulation did not release geranic acid properly, and geranic acid is necessary for full activity. The pheromones of the pepper weevil and the boll weevil are compared. Improvements for increasing trap efficiency and possible uses for the pepper weevil pheromone are discussed. A convenient method for purifying geranic acid is also described.The mention of firm names or trade products does not imply endorsement or recommendation by the U.S. Department of Agriculture over other firms or similar products not mentioned. All programs and services of the U.S. Department of Agriculture are offered on a nondiscriminatory basis without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, marital status or handicap. 相似文献
The Role of Semiochemicals in the Avoidance of the Seven-Spot Ladybird, Coccinella septempunctata, by the Aphid Parasitoid, Aphidius ervi 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The role of semiochemicals in mediating intraguild interactions between the seven-spot ladybird, Coccinella septempunctata, and the aphid parasitoid, Aphidius ervi, was investigated. Female parasitoids avoided leaves visited by C. septempunctata adults and larvae during the previous 24 hr. Ethanol extracts of C. septempuntata adults and larvae also induced avoidance responses by A. ervi. Two of the hydrocarbons identified by gas chromatography (GC) and coupled GC-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), n-tricosane (C23H48), and n-pentacosane (C25H52), when tested individually at levels found in the adult extract, induced avoidance by A. ervi. Further investigation of the larvae extract, and footprint chemicals deposited by adults in glass Petri dishes, confirmed the presence of the hydrocarbons. Parasitism rates of the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum, on broad bean plants, Vicia faba, which had been sprayed with a mixture of the chemicals, were lower than those on control plants. The effect, however, was no longer evident if parasitoid foraging was delayed by 24 hr after the plants were treated. The ecological significance of intraguild avoidance behavior and implications for possible use of the semiochemicals involved in future biological control programs are discussed. 相似文献
The profiles of DNA adducts determined for benzo[a]pyrene (BP), 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA) and dibenzo[a,l]pyrene (DB[a,l]P) reveal that a majority of adducts are released from DNA by depurination. Papillomas were induced in mouse skin by several PAH, and mutations in the c-Harvey-ras oncogene were determined to investigate the relationship between DNA adducts and ras oncogene mutations. The pattern of mutations induced by each PAH correlated with the profile of depurinating adducts. DB[a,l]P and DMBA formed predominantly depurinating adenine adducts (78% and 79%, respectively) and consistently induced a CAA → CTA transversion in codon 61 of ras. In contrast, BP produced both guanine (46%) and adenine (25%) depurinating adducts and induced a GGC → GTC mutation in codon 13 of c-H-ras in 54% of tumors and a CAA → CTA mutation in codon 61 in 15% of tumors. These results support the hypothesis that mis-replication of unrepaired apurinic sites generated by loss of PAH-DNA adducts is responsible for transforming mutations leading to papillomas in mouse skin. 相似文献
Thomas W. Phillips Janet R. West John L. Foltz Robert M. Silverstein Gerald N. Lanier 《Journal of chemical ecology》1984,10(10):1417-1423
The bark weevilPissodes nemorensis, a pest of pines and exotic cedars in the southeastern United States, utilizes a male-produced aggregation pheromone. The presumed pheromone components, grandisol (cis-2-isopropenyl-1-methylcyclobutaneethanol) and its corresponding aldehyde, grandisal, were isolated from extracts of male volatiles and male hindguts. A field test in northern Florida showed that the combination of grandisol, grandisal, and slash pine (Pinus elliottii) bolts acted synergistically to attract large numbers of male and femaleP. nemorensis. These components deployed in various paired combinations were not as attractive as the tripartite mixture. There was no evidence that flying weevils were attracted to unbaited pine bolts. The aggregation pheromone forP. nemorensis appears to be similar to that of a parapatric sibling species,P. approximatus. 相似文献
Bandeira Pamela Taisline Fávaro Carla Fernanda Francke Wittko Bergmann Jan Zarbin Paulo Henrique Gorgatti 《Journal of chemical ecology》2021,47(12):968-986
Journal of Chemical Ecology - With approximately 83,000 species described, Curculionidae is the largest family of beetles, comprising more than 80% of all weevil species worldwide. Many species of... 相似文献
Robert J. Bartelt Karen L. Seaton Patrick F. Dowd 《Journal of chemical ecology》1993,19(10):2203-2216
Males ofCarpophilus antiquus Melsheimer (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) emit an aggregation pheromone that was found to be a novel hydrocarbon, (3E,5E,7E,9E)-6,8-diethyl-4-methyl-3,5,7,9-dodecatetraene. A synthetic scheme and spectra (mass and proton NMR) are given for the compound. Beetles produced the pheromone when feeding on a variety of media, including the brewer's yeast-based artificial diet, fermenting whole-wheat bread dough, corn, and prunes; live baker's yeast was generally added to the food media. Males held individually produced, on average, 25 × more pheromone per beetle than males held in groups of 10 or more. Pheromone was not produced until males were at least 5 days old but was still detected from the oldest beetles tested (47 days). In field tests, the pheromone was attractive to both sexes ofC. antiquus, and it was synergized by food volatiles: A combination of pheromone and fermenting whole wheat dough attracted 2.5× more beetles than pheromone alone, but dough by itself was not significantly more attractive than the control. Semiochemical interactions were studied amongC. antiquus and two other sympatric species for which pheromones are known,C. lugubris Murray andC. freemani Dobson.C. antiquus responded readily to the pheromone ofC. lugubris, but all other interspecific responses to the pheromones were weak. In a sample of naturally infested corn ears, the presence ofC. antiquus was strongly associated with the presence ofC. lugubris, as would be expected if the pheromone ofC. lugubris serves as a kairomone forC. antiquus. 相似文献