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建筑立面对场地的声环境存在不可忽视的影响。以往的研究都是基于国际标准或者计算机模拟,不能直观地展示建筑立面上不同部位对入射声的几何反射和扩散反射效应。本文通过现场实测的方式,运用声学照相机,对建筑立面如何影响周围场地声环境的全过程展开可视化研究。结果表明,由于台阶、雨篷檐口等建筑构件在空间位置上处于立面之前,会发生声扩散反射现象。台阶的声扩散反射性能在315~630 Hz频段最强,雨篷檐口的声扩散反射性能在100~1k Hz频段最强。建筑立面上声扩散反射强信号区域为雨篷内部空间和立面中轴线。雨篷内的声反射强信号区域面积随着声源距离的增加而逐渐变大。在中轴线上,来自建筑立面的扩散反射声信号的声压级随着立面高度的增加而有所衰减,这种衰减趋势随声源距建筑立面的距离越远越明显。  相似文献   

针对绿色建筑中公共建筑的室内物理环境,对比分析了不同类型建筑中室内声环境、室内光环境和室内热环境在绿色建筑要求下的性能提升。通过绿色建筑标准体系的对比,分析了绿色办公建筑、校园建筑、商店建筑、医院建筑、饭店建筑和博览建筑在室内物理环境方面要求的差异性。针对标准的不同要求,分析了满足标准要求的技术实施途径:室内声环境方面对如何提高建筑围护结构的空气声隔声性能提升进行了分析计算,得到了墙体面密度对隔声性能的影响;室内光环境方面主要通过实测与模拟分析结合的方式研究了采光系数与窗墙面积比之间的关系,并总结了采光分析的步骤和方法;室内热湿环境则从热舒适度等级的角度出发,分析了作业温度对其的影响作用,并以平均辐射温度和建筑外围护结构热工性能提升为途径,提出了改善热舒适的实施策略。  相似文献   

本文从建筑立面设计角度出发,通过实例研究的方法,提出在应用一系列主动式太阳能技术时与立面协调的手法。太阳能技术如何通过色彩、肌理、节奏、韵律、对比、微差、变化与统一的手法,与建筑立面一体化结合,是本文重点研究的内容。  相似文献   

本文介绍了在对一般住宅建筑进行室内装修时,如何提高围护结构的隔声性能及如何增加室内材料对传入噪声的吸声量,从而达到改善室内声环境的效果。  相似文献   

被动式与主动式节能建筑地球环境战略研究所是一个研究基金会的中心实验室。建筑依山而建,向西可以眺望富士山和相模湾。建筑呈弧线形,环绕着景观展开,并将实验室全部集中在顶层。建筑立面突出的特点是大型的天窗和由再生木材制成的轻质框架。它们与窗户共同作用产生空气流动,显著降低了西面朝向的吸热量。另外,间接采光可以满足70%的室内照明要求。  相似文献   

胡泊  刘冰 《河南建材》2021,(6):23-25
室内声环境是影响人们健康舒适生活的重要因素,而绿色建筑对于室内声环境的标准要高于其他传统建筑,因此,通过对绿色建筑和传统建筑声环境评价标准的比较分析,得到了居住空间针对声环境的限定水平.人们可以通过该标准来评判所处声环境是否符合居住要求,同时,可以为房屋建造中有关声环境的控制提供有利参考.  相似文献   

创造良好的室内声环境是提升建筑品质的重要手段之一。不同空间的声品质要求受空间的使用功能和空间容积共同影响。作为室内空间中重要的界面,顶棚的声学性能对室内声环境有着重要的影响。针对不同空间的使用功能和空间容积,本文尝试采用计算机模拟的和案例统计的方法对以剧院为代表的观演空间、以多功能厅为代表的多用途空间和以体育馆为代表的大型公共空间进行分析,总结不同类型空间内的顶棚声学性能对室内声环境的影响规律。以期对建筑设计带来新的设计思路,为提升建筑声环境品质提供设计策略。  相似文献   

建筑遮阳设计对塑造建筑立面形象和营造舒适的室内物理环境尤其是热环境都十分重要。近年来,针对遮阳与建筑立面设计的研究层出不穷,对遮阳与建筑立面整合设计的研究进行梳理是对遮阳设计的补充和完善。从遮阳类型、建筑类型及气候区、整合设计原则以及计算机模拟软件的应用这几个方面进行总结,归纳现有研究成果,分析研究中存在的不足,以期为接下来该领域的研究工作重点提供线索,更有效地进行遮阳设计和相关学术研究。  相似文献   

建筑遮阳方式的选择和设计是建筑设计的重要组成部分之一,对节约建筑能耗、改善室内热、光环境、改善室内热舒适度有着积极作用,与遮阳充分结合进行科学合理的建筑立面设计不但可以充分反映建筑美学思想,亦能够促使能源得到有效节约,拥有非常高的艺术和生态价值,对于建筑立面设计的现状和历史进行了简要的阐述,并结合建筑的立面设计原则,简要阐述了建筑遮阳一体化体系的原则和发展。  相似文献   

世界著名建筑设计事务所UN Studio与英国Arup工程公司密切合作,为世界最大的光伏电池板生产商之一的韩国Hanwha总部设计了一个“由周边、自然、环境引导的’’建筑立面。这个立面设计日间能控制室内温度,夜间会带来动感十足的灯光秀。“通过全面整合设计策略,建筑立面提供了可以回应的表现外观,在概念上反映当地环境,从而塑造室内的环境,”UNStudio的主创人VanBerkel如是说。改造后的立面采用绝缘玻璃和铝框架,从而增加自然采光,减少能量消耗。这些元素的位置可以根据太阳走向计算得出。  相似文献   

An active facade is often used to promote the flow of air through a building, however in order to ensure that this process is effective the facade should face a southerly orientation. This means that not only solar energy is transferred across the glazing but in sunny periods shading is needed to prevent excess brightness levels occurring on the working areas where it may result in the luminance distributions not complying with current lighting requirements. The building investigated is located in Sheffield, England and is one of the University of Sheffield's recently built green buildings. It has a high thermal mass which is used to promote the use of night cooling. This paper reports the initial findings of an internal assessment of the thermal comfort and daylighting conditions in such a building. The results have indicated that such designs are to be commended for their passive use of solar energy and can provide a high quality working environment.  相似文献   

Jan de Boer 《Bauphysik》2006,28(1):27-44
Daylight and thermal energy performance of facades in office buildings, Part 1: Daylight performance. Regarding the impact on indoor illumination facade systems have to provide an appropriate visual indoor environment. In addition daylight penetrating the room through the facades should favourably influence the overall building energy balance. Daylight utilization can directly reduce energy consumption for electric lighting and can indirectly – due to the higher luminous efficacy of daylight compared to commonly used artificial lighting systems – reduce the thermal loads within the conditioned building spaces. In part 1 of this contribution the influence of different facade solutions on room illumination is systematically investigated by means of a parametric study of significant room, outdoor, environmental and climatic parameters for ten facade systems. The facade systems considered are conventional, permanently shaded, and light redirecting systems. The analysis of system performance is based on newly developed characteristics which allow the analysis and optimization of different facade systems under working conditions. Part 2 of the contribution shows the energetic interaction of the facade dependent internal loads by artificial lighting system and solar heat gains.  相似文献   

The design of a building facade influences internal thermal and lighting conditions and energy use associated with the provision of these conditions. Key decisions about the building facade are usually taken during the concept design stage of a building, while decisions about the method of providing the environmental conditions are often made later in the design process. This dilemma is addressed by the development of a concept design tool that allows the design team to investigate the effect of facade design on the resulting internal environmental conditions, energy use and environmental impact. The concept design tool was developed by performing detailed thermal, lighting and environmental modelling for a number of generic office building facade designs and a range of parameters that affect directly the environmental performance of an office building. The results are presented in a user-friendly interface requiring a minimum number of inputs. Key parameter outputs (such as temperature, lighting levels, heating/cooling energy demand, embodied energy and eco-points) can then be viewed, while a more detailed analysis can also be created for specified facade designs. A parametric analysis of the summary result outputs for selected facade parameters indicates that natural ventilation and cooling can reduce the environmental impact of offices by up to 16%, although heating energy demand could increase significantly. Improving the construction standard of the facade and reducing the internal heat loads can reduce the environmental impact by up to 22%. Use of this tool at early design stages will benefit the design team through an improved understanding of the dynamics between facade design and building services and assist with a more integrated approach.  相似文献   

简述了国内外光伏技术在建筑窗体上的研究及应用现状,设计了一种自动追光百叶帘式光伏窗,将薄膜太阳能光伏片取代传统百叶帘中的百叶并内置于中空双层窗中,调节室内采光量的同时还能获得电能收益。通过光敏元件的控制使其具有追踪太阳光的能力,光伏百叶倾角的调节过程将形成扰流,加速空冷散热,进而提高光电转换效率。此外,利用不同的工作模式将散热量与室内外进行热量交换,进一步提升了光伏的发电效率,极大降低了室内建筑能耗,在建筑环境与能源应用领域拥有着广大的市场前景。  相似文献   

Jan de Boer 《Bauphysik》2006,28(2):103-110
Daylight and thermal energy performance of facades in office buildings, Part 2: Thermal energy performance. In part 1 of this contribution the influence of different facade solutions on room illumination was systematically investigated by means of a parametric study of significant room, outdoor environment and climatic parameters for ten facade systems. Part 2 of the contribution shows the energetic interaction of the facade dependent internal loads by the artificial lighting system and the solar heat gains through the considered facades. The interactions are discussed for four facade systems considered of being representative.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the design of an adaptive biomimetic facade as a practical solution for enhancing energy efficiency of highly glazed buildings in the hot and humid regions. We present an adaptive facade that reduces solar heat gain and hence the energy consumption of the building, with minimal reduction in visual comfort (i.e., indoor lighting levels and visibility to the outer environment) of the users. The basic module of the facade consists of four shading devices that can be folded along both horizontal and vertical axes. The design enables shading under both high and low sun angles, without blocking visibility to the outdoor environment. To develop the facade, we explore and mimic the physical, physiological and adaptation properties of an Oxalis oregana—a leaf that has the natural ability to track sun path and change its angle/position accordingly. As a case study for the proposed facade, we take an existing 20-story office building in the hot and humid climate of Lahore, Pakistan. Our numerical results indicate that after retrofitting of the designed facade, the building's existing energy load decreases by 32%. Moreover, 50% of the interior space (as opposed to 55% before the retrofitting) still has lighting level within the recommended range of 500–750 lux. The investigation demonstrates that the proposed biomimetic facade can significantly reduce the energy consumption, with minimal reduction in visual comfort, of highly glazed buildings.  相似文献   

Schools are the most suitable type of building for the application of energy efficiency and good indoor air quality measures. This is justified by the fact that such measures can promote sustainability to the future citizens, and even more, ensure a comfortable and healthy environment for educational purposes. Unfortunately, in practice school buildings face the same, or even more intense, energy performance and indoor air quality problems as any other building. The purpose of this study is to investigate the energy efficiency, thermal environment and indoor air quality in public nursery and elementary school buildings in the city of Kozani, located at the cold climatic zone of Greece. The survey, conducted both by in-field measurements and by questionnaires, reveals the main parameters affecting the overall performance of the investigated buildings. The problematic building envelope, the improper control of heating and lighting systems, the absence of proper legislative measures and, above all, the lack of interest concerning the efficiency of such buildings are the main factors in the reported efficiency.  相似文献   

双层玻璃幕墙在现代建筑中的应用越来越广泛,其天然采光与照明控制方式是影响照明能耗的主要因素,而照明能耗的改变会使室内冷热负荷发生改变,从而影响室内采暖空调能耗。以天津市某双层玻璃幕墙办公建筑为模型,应用DAYSIM软件模拟有无双层玻璃幕、墙幕墙朝向以及照明控制方式的不同对照明能耗的影响,并结合TRNSYS软件分析不同照明控制方式对室内冷热负荷的影响。  相似文献   

双层皮玻璃幕墙建筑的能耗分析和优化设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蒋骞  龙惟定 《暖通空调》2006,36(11):58-63
介绍了双层皮玻璃幕墙的研究背景及构造。从理论上分析了气流排热、壁面对流及太阳辐射等因素对建筑能耗的影响。应用EnergyPlus分析了通风腔风速、遮阳策略、朝向和结构参数对建筑能耗的影响。  相似文献   

外遮阳百叶隔热性能与采光分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
外遮阳百叶能合理控制太阳光线进人室内,减少建筑空调能耗和人工照明用电,改善室内光环境,已成为当前追求"绿色建筑"目标的一项具体措施.该文通过理论分析和模拟,借助EnergyPlus、Radiance等软件,结合光和热两方面综合考虑,对空调时期上海地区布置不同角度和活动的外遮阳百叶办公房间的空调能耗、照明能耗及室内光环境进行了模拟、分析与比较.算例结果表明:外遮阳对照明能耗和建筑光环境的影响不容忽视;夏热冬冷地区固定式遮阳百叶的不同角度设置对建筑能耗的影响较大,其中实施活动式外遮阳措施能大幅度降低建筑能耗,有效改善室内光环境.  相似文献   

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