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G. E. Abrosimova A. S. Aronin YU. V. Kir'janov I. I. Zver'kova V. V. Molokanov H. Alves U. Köster 《Journal of Materials Science》1999,34(7):1611-1618
The structure, structure evolution and microhardness of nanocrystalline Ni-Mo-B alloys were studied by X-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimetry, transmission and high resolution electron microscopy and microhardness measurements. The nanocrystalline structure was produced by controlled crystallization of amorphous alloys. The annealed samples consist of the FCC nanocrystals with the amorphous regions between them. The grain size of the nanocrystals is about 20 nm and depends on the chemical composition of the alloy. The chemical composition of the amorphous phase between the nanocrystals changes at the annealing. A slight grain growth was observed when the annealing time increases. The diffusion of Mo and B from FCC to the amorphous phase occurs at the annealing. It results in the lattice parameter change. The microhardness of the alloys increases during the annealing. The microhardness values are the same in all alloys before the nanocrystalline structure decomposition. The microhardness is inconsistent with the Petch-Hall equation. The microhardness of the alloys is determined by the microhardness of the amorphous phase bands located between the nanocrystalline grains. 相似文献
Effect of electron irradiation on the crystallization and phase stability of Fe88Zr9B3 and Fe71Zr9B20 amorphous alloys was examined. Electron irradiation at an accelerated voltage of 2000 kV was performed at room temperature. The Fe71Zr9B20 alloy showed a wide supercooled liquid region and the ΔTx value was 71 K, while no glass transition was observed in Fe88Zr9B3 alloy. The amorphous phase in Fe–Zr–B alloys was not stable under irradiation and crystallization from the amorphous phase was accelerated by the irradiation. Nanocrystalline structure composed of α-Fe and cubic-Fe2Zr was formed in Fe88Zr9B3 alloy by irradiation induced crystallization, while no nanoscale precipitates of intermetallic compounds were formed during annealing. In Fe71Zr9B20 alloy, the formation of nanocrystalline precipitates was also confirmed by irradiation induced crystallization, although the formation of nanocrystalline structure had not been realized in high B concentration Fe–Zr–B alloys by annealing. These new results show that electron irradiation is effective in producing a new nanocrystalline structure. 相似文献
V. E. Sidorov M. Calvo-Dahlborg U. Dahlborg P. S. Popel S. Chernoborodova 《Journal of Materials Science》2000,35(9):2255-2262
The atomic structure and the physical properties of amorphous ribbons depend strongly on the state of the melt before quench. It is known that slightly above liquidus metallic melts can preserve a non-equilibrium metastable state for a long time. Moreover some structural transformations in liquid metallic alloys, similar to phase transitions in solids, may take place with an increase of the temperature. In this paper we report measurements of the viscosity, magnetic susceptibility and surface tension in some Fe-based melts. Amorphous ribbons of the same alloys were prepared by standard planar method from different states of the melt. The electrical resistivity, the kinetics of crystallization and the magnetic properties of the ribbons were investigated. It was found that the properties depending upon nanoscale inhomogeneities are different for ribbons produced after different heat treatments of the melt before quench. 相似文献
Quantitative analysis of carbon in thin films of platinum prepared by d.c. reactive sputtering in argon containing a low percentage of methane was achieved using the 12C(d,p0)13C nuclear reaction. The results are compared with those obtained by X-ray microprobe analysis. 相似文献
Cathodoluminescence and infrared absorption studies were made on polycrystalline as well as amorphous cordierite, either in the as-received state or after different thermal treatments. Emission bands centred at about 400 nm were observed in all the samples studied. Red emission bands around 650 nm were also found in samples irradiated with ionizing radiation or annealed in different atmospheres. Infrared absorption measurements were performed to estimate the glass phase and to monitor the presence of OH– ions. 相似文献
Amorphous Fe(73.5)Si(13.5)B9Nb3Cu1 alloy was prepared by the chill block melt-spinning process and nanocrystalline Fe(73.5)Si(13.5)B9Nb3Cu1 alloy was obtained by annealing. The crystallization behaviors were analysed by DSC, XRD and TEM. The electrochemical corrosion behaviors in different annealed states were performed by linear polarization method and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy in 3.5% NaCl solution. The results show that the crystallization of amorphous alloy occurs in the two steps. Some nanometer crystals appear when annealing in 550 degrees C and 600 degrees C, respectively with grain size 13 nm and 15 nm. The nanocrystalline alloy has a tendency to passivation and lower anodic current density than amorphous alloy. It indicates that nanocrystalline alloy has a higher corrosion resistance. Amorphous Fe(73.5)Si(13.5)B9Nb3Cu1 alloy consisted of only single semi-circle. When the alloy was annealed in 600 degrees C, its EIS consisted of two time constants, i.e., high frequency and low frequency capacitive loops. The charge transfer reaction resistances increases as annealing temperature rises. 相似文献
AbstractIt was recently found that the addition of special elements leading to the deviation from the three empirical rules for the achievement of high glass-forming ability causes new mixed structures consisting of the amorphous phase containing nanoscale compound or quasicrystal particles in Zr–Al–Ni–Cu–M (M ? Ag, Pd, Au, Pt or Nb) bulk alloys prepared by the copper mold casting and squeeze casting methods. In addition, the mechanical strength and ductility of the nonequilibrium phase bulk alloys are significantly improved by the formation of the nanostructures as compared with the corresponding amorphous single phase alloys. The composition ranges, formation factors, preparation processes, unique microstructures and improved mechanical properties of the nanocrystalline and nanoquasicrystalline Zr-based bulk alloys are reviewed on the basis of our recent results reported over the last two years. The success of synthesizing the novel nonequilibrium, high-strength bulk alloys with good mechanical properties is significant for the future progress of basic science and engineering. © 2000 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. 相似文献
研究了Fe71.5Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9V2非晶带材经不同退火工艺处理后的压磁特性,并对不同成分带材的压磁特性进行了对比分析。研究表明,在测试频率f=1 kHz、压应力σ≤0.2 MPa条件下,Fe71.5Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9V2非晶带材闭合回路的电感值随压应力的增大而增大,带材具有良好的压磁稳定性,当退火温度为550℃时,带材的压磁特性稳定性最好,电感值与加载时间、SI(%)与压应力均具有良好的线性关系;热处理工艺对Fe71.5Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9V2带材的压磁性能具有显著影响,退火工艺为300℃×30 min时SI(%)达到最大值0.183;带材的压磁效应与其成分有关,相同测试条件下,Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9带材具有最大的压磁效应,Fe78Si9B13带材次之,Fe71.5Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9V2带材压磁效应最小。 相似文献
《Materials Science & Technology》2013,29(1):416-420
AbstractUltrafine grained nickel (UFG Ni) and microcrystalline nickel (MC Ni) were fabricated on two types of substrates, i.e. the amorphous (Ni–P) and polycrystalline (stainless steel) substrates by pulse electrodeposition without additives. This study demonstrates that when inhibiting the epitaxial growth by first depositing a thin amorphous layer on the polycrystalline substrates, the grain size of the subsequent Ni deposit decreases dramatically from microscale to the UFG regime, which depends on the deposition conditions. Compared with MC Ni, which has an ultimate tensile strength σUTS of 397 MPa and an elongation to failure εTEF of 11·98%, UFG Ni with an average grain size of 120·72 nm exhibits an enhanced σUTS of 807 MPa and a comparable εTEF of 10·44%. The electrodeposited method used in this study provides an effective and low cost way to produce UFG materials with both high strength and ductility, which can meet the demands for practical application as structural materials. 相似文献
The crystallization temperatures, magnetic properties, and density of amorphous alloys of Fex By Siz Cz are reported for72 < x < 88, 16 < y < 28 , and0 < 2z < 12 . The peak value of 4 ± Ms is 17 kG in the as-cast state and occurs in the region of Fe82 B13 Si2.5 C2.5 . The crystallization temperatures, Curie temperatures, saturation magnetization, and density all appear to be average values of the ternary Fe-B-Si and Fe-B-C properties. 相似文献
《IEEE transactions on magnetics》1979,15(4):1146-1149
The magnetic properties and crystallization temperatures of alloys in the ternary Fe-B-Si system are reported. The Curie temperature increases slightly on replacement of boron by silicon. This results in a sharp ridge of relatively constant room-temperature saturation magnetization extending from Fe80 B20 to Fe82 B12 Si6 . The coercivity exhibits a broad minimum, both before and after stress relief annealing, in the region around Fe81 B15 Si4 and extending at least to Fe77 B13 Si10 . The crystallization temperature increases with increasing silicon and with decreasing iron and boron. The alloys with silicon are generally easier to prepare in the amorphous state than the binary Fe-B alloys. Thus for the highest saturation magnetization alloy combined with ease of preparation, stability, and lowest losses, the alloys between Fe81 B17 Si2 and Fe82 B12 Si6 are preferred. 相似文献
A. Inoue Y. Takahashi N. Toyota T. Fukase T. Masumoto 《Journal of Materials Science》1982,17(11):3299-3307
A new type of refractory metal-metalloid amorphous alloys exhibiting superconductivity has been found in a binary Zr-Ge system by a modified melt-spinning technique. Specimens are in the form of continuous ribbons 1 to 2 mm wide and 0.02 to 0.03 mm thick. The germanium content in the amorphous alloys is limited to the range of 13 to 21 at%. These amorphous alloys are so ductile that no cracks are observed even after closely contacted bending test. The Vickers hardness and crystallization temperature increase from 435 to 530 DPN and from 628 to 707 K, respectively, with germanium content, and the tensile fracture strength is about 1460 MPa. Furthermore, the amorphous alloys exhibit a superconducting transition which occurs very sharply. The superconducting transition temperature (T
c) increases with decreasing germanium content and reaches a maximum value of 2.88 K for Zr87Ge13. The upper critical magnetic field for Zr87Ge13 alloy was of the order of 21.8 kOe at 2.0 K and the critical current density for Zr85Ge15 alloy was about 175 A cm–2 at 1.70 K in the absence of an applied field. The upper critical field gradient atT
c and the electrical resistivity at 4.2 K increase significantly from 24.6 to 31.5 kOe K–1 and from 235 to 310cm, respectively, with the amount of germanium. The Ginzburg-Landau (GL) parameter and the GL coherence length §GL (0) were estimated to be 72 to 111 and about 7.9 nm, respectively, from these experimental values by using the Ginzburg-Landau-Abrikosov-Gorkov (GLAG) theory and hence it is concluded that the Zr-Ge amorphous alloys are extremely soft type-II superconductor with high degree of dirtiness which possesses theT
c values higher than zirconium metal, in addition to high strength combined with good ductility. 相似文献
A series of equiatomic and non-equiatomic Fex(NiCrCo)100?x (at.-%, x?=?25, 45, 55, 65, 75 and 85) multicomponent alloys were prepared and studied. With the increase in x, the phase structure of the alloys evolves from a single FCC phase (x?=?25, 45 and 55), to a mixture of FCC and BCC phases (x?=?55) and finally to a single BCC phase (x?=?65 and 75). As a result, the BCC-structured alloys have much higher strength and hardness than the FCC-structured alloys. The existing VEC criteria are unable to predict the FCC-BCC phase transition in these alloys. 相似文献
In the present paper, the effect of milling process on the chemical composition, structure, microhardness, and thermal behavior of Ti–41Ni–9Cu compounds developed by mechanical alloying was evaluated. The structural characteristic of the alloyed powders was evaluated by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The chemical composition homogeneity and the powder morphology and size were studied by scanning electron microscopy coupled with electron dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Moreover, the Vickers micro-indentation hardness of the powders milled for different milling times was determined. Finally, the thermal behavior of the as-milled powders was studied by differential scanning calorimetery. According to the results, at the initial stages of milling (typically 0–12 h), the structure consisted of a Ni solid solution and amorphous phase, and by the milling evolution, nanocrystalline martensite (B19′) and austenite (B2) phases were initially formed from the initial materials and then from the amorphous phase. It was found that by the milling development, the composition uniformity is increased, the inter-layer thickness is reduced, and the powders microhardness is initially increased, then reduced, and afterward re-increased. It was also realized that the thermal behavior of the alloyed powders and the structure of heat treated samples is considerably affected by the milling time. 相似文献
A. V. Mineev 《Materials Science》1992,27(3):283-285
Translated from Fiziko-khimicehskay Mekhanika Materialov, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 77–79, May–June, 1991. 相似文献
G. Morell A. González-Berríos B. R. Weiner S. Gupta 《Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics》2006,17(6):443-451
The synthesis and properties of sulfur-doped nanocrystalline diamond films were investigated. The films were deposited by
hot-filament chemical vapor deposition on Mo substrates using methane, hydrogen, and hydrogen disulfide. The nanocrystalline
nature of the material arises from the induction of continuous secondary nucleation in the chemical vapor deposition environment.
Complementary characterization tools were employed in order to obtain a comprehensive and coherent understanding of the correlations
between the structural and electronic properties. In particular, sulfur-doped nanocrystalline diamond films show n-type Hall
conductivity, enhanced field emission properties, and insensitivity to ion radiation. It was found that n-type doping of the
tetragonally-bonded carbon matrix together with a nano network of trigonally-bonded carbon are crucial elements for enhanced
field emission from nanocrystalline diamond. These conclusions and the corresponding supporting evidence are discussed. 相似文献