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A retroviral vector was constructed that induces long-term expression of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) rev, vpu and env genes. The vector contains the neo gene and a cytomegalovirus (CMV) immediate early promoter followed by HIV-1 sequence. When HeLa cells were infected with viral stocks derived from this vector, about 25% of the resulting G418-resistant clones expressed HIV-1 envelope protein (Env), easily detectable by Western blot analysis, metabolic labelling, and syncytium formation after co-cultivation with HeLa-CD4 cells. In most cases the level of Env expression was higher than in a T cell line (H9) chronically infected with HIV-1. Env-expressing HeLa cell lines also expressed Rev, detected by transfection with a Rev-dependent CAT gene construct, and Vpu, detected by immunoprecipitation with a Vpu-specific antiserum. The 75% of G418-resistant HeLa cell lines that did not express Env were found to contain proviruses that had undergone deletion of env sequences corresponding to a known intron; presumably these cell lines arose as a result of infection with virions derived from spliced RNAs. This vector should be useful for studying non-transient effects of HIV Env, Rev and Vpu in tissue culture, and for the production of Env- and/or Rev-expressing cell lines.  相似文献   

Two aspects of T cell differentiation in T cell receptor (TCR)-transgenic mice, the generation of an unusual population of CD4-CD8-TCR+ thymocytes and the absence of gamma delta cells, have been the focus of extensive investigation. To examine the basis for these phenomena, we investigated the effects of separate expression of a transgenic TCR alpha chain and a transgenic TCR beta chain on thymocyte differentiation. Our data indicate that expression of a transgenic TCR alpha chain causes thymocytes to differentiate into a CD4-CD8-TCR+ lineage at an early developmental stage, depleting the number of thymocytes that differentiate into the alpha beta lineage. Surprisingly, expression of the TCR alpha chain transgene is also associated with the development of T cell lymphosarcoma. In contrast, expression of the transgenic TCR beta chain causes immature T cells to accelerate differentiation into the alpha beta lineage and thus inhibits the generation of gamma delta cells. Our observations provide a model for understanding T cell differentiation in TCR-transgenic mice.  相似文献   

We have studied retroviral transgene expression in primary human lymphocytes. Our data demonstrate that transgene expression is high in activated primary CD4+ T cells but significantly decreased in mitotically quiescent cells. Incorporation of a DNA fragment from the scaffold attachment region (SAR) of the human beta interferon gene into the vector improved transgene expression, particularly in quiescent cells. The SAR element functioned in an orientation-dependent manner and enhanced expression of Moloney murine leukemia virus- and murine embryonic stem cell-based vectors. Clonal analysis of transduced T cells showed that the SAR sequence did not confer position-independent expression on a transgene but rather prevented the decrease of expression when cells became quiescent. The SAR sequence also enhanced transgene expression in T cells generated from retrovirally transduced CD34-enriched hematopoietic progenitor-stem cells in a SCID-hu thymus-liver mouse model. We have used the SAR-containing retroviral vector to express the RevM10 gene, a trans-dominant mutant of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Rev gene. Compared to a standard retroviral vector, the SAR-containing vector was up to 2 orders of magnitude more efficient in inhibiting replication of the HIV-1 virus in infected CD4+ peripheral blood lymphocyte populations in vitro. This is the first demonstration that SAR elements can be used to improve retroviral vector expression in human primary T cells.  相似文献   

T cell activation and clonal expansion is the result of the coordinated functions of the receptors for antigen and interleukin (IL)-2. The protein tyrosine kinase p56(lck) is critical for the generation of signals emanating from the T cell antigen receptor (TCR) and has also been demonstrated to play a role in IL-2 receptor signaling. We demonstrate that an IL-2-dependent, antigen-specific CD4(+) T cell clone is not responsive to anti-TCR induced growth when propagated in IL-2, but remains responsive to both antigen and CD3epsilon-specific monoclonal antibody. Survival of this IL-2-dependent clone in the absence of IL-2 was supported by overexpression of exogenous Bcl-xL. Culture of this clonal variant in the absence of IL-2 rendered it susceptible to anti-TCR-induced signaling, and correlated with the presence of kinase-active Lck associated with the plasma membrane. The same phenotype is observed in primary, resting CD4(+) T cells. Furthermore, the presence of kinase active Lck associated with the plasma membrane correlates with the presence of ZAP 70-pp21zeta complexes in both primary T cells and T cell clones in circumstances of responsive anti-TCR signaling. The results presented demonstrate that IL-2 signal transduction results in the functional uncoupling of the TCR complex through altering the subcellular distribution of kinase-active Lck.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to describe the appearance of bowel-related abscesses on magnetic resonance (MR) images. Sixteen consecutive patients who had bowel-related abscesses underwent MR examination at 1.5T. MR sequences included T1-weighted fat-suppressed imaging pre- and post-intravenous gadolinium chelate administration (all patients) and breathing-independent single-shot T2-weighted half Fourier turbo (fast) spin echo (6 patients). Patients with pelvic abscesses also underwent sagittal imaging with post-gadolinium T1-weighted images (9 patients) and T2-weighted turbo (fast) spin echo (8 patients). Abscesses were confirmed by open surgery or surgical drainage (6 patients), percutaneous drainage (8 patients), or combined physical examination, fluoroscopic fistulogram, and clinical follow-up (2 patients). Oval-shaped fluid collections were identified in all of the patients, which ranged in diameter from 2 cm to 18 cm, mean: 8 cm. Abscesses were low to intermediate in signal on T1-weighted images, heterogenous and moderately high signal on T2-weighted images, and low signal on post-gadolinium images. A layering effect of lower signal material in the dependent portion of the abscess was noted in abscesses in 6 of 14 patients on T2-weighted images. Post-gadolinium images demonstrated a definable 3- to 7-mm thick abscess wall, which enhanced substantially with contrast. Definition of the wall was best shown on fat-suppressed images post-gadolinium. Substantial enhancement of surrounding periabscess tissues was demonstrated in all cases and was most clearly defined on fat-suppressed images. Image acquisition in two orthogonal planes was of value to demonstrate that fluid collections were oval, and separate from bowel. Image acquisition in the sagittal plane was useful in the evaluation of pelvic abscesses. The results from this preliminary study show that bowel-related abscesses are demonstrable on MR images using gadolinium-enhanced fat-suppressed T1-weighted and turbo (fast) spin-echo T2-weighted sequences. The presence of a thickened, enhancing lesion wall and enhancement of perilesional tissues on T1-weighted fat-suppressed images were observed in all abscesses. A layering effect of low signal intensity material in the dependent portion of the abscess was an important ancillary feature.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated the development of acoustically reflective liposomes as a novel ultrasound contrast agent, that can be conjugated to antibodies for site specific acoustic enhancement of pathologically altered vascular tissue. The liposomes are echogenic due to the lipid composition, without gas entrapment, and have a size of less than one micron (Alkan-Onyuksel et al., 1996). When conjugated to anti-fibrinogen antibodies, the liposomes have the ability to attach to fibrin coated surfaces and thrombi in vitro as demonstrated by scanning electron microscopy and ultrasound imaging (Demos et al., 1997a). Anti-fibrinogen liposomes were shown to attach to fibrous atheroma and thrombi in a Yucatan miniswine model of induced atherosclerosis whereas liposomes conjugated to anti-intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (anti-ICAM-1) were demonstrated to target early stage atherosclerotic plaques (Demos et al., 1997b). The purpose of this study is to evaluate the binding characteristics of anti-fibrinogen liposomes in vitro under a variety of flow conditions in order to optimize the targeting ability of the immunoliposomes. Radiolabeled anti-fibrinogen liposomes were applied to fibrin coated filter paper and placed in a flow circuit under controlled flow conditions. Flow conditions were altered to study the effects of different shear stresses, temperature, plasma flow and pulsatile flow on the retention of liposomes to fibrin after set time periods. The retention of liposomes conjugated to polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies as well as Fab fragments made from monoclonal antibodies were compared. The binding characteristics of liposomes conjugated to different quantities of polyclonal antibodies were analyzed. At physiological shear stress of 1.5 N/m2 (15 dynes/cm2) over 70% of the liposomes remained attached to fibrin after two hours. A smaller and greater portion of the liposomes remained attached at higher and lower shear stresses respectively. Plasma components and temperature had no effect on liposomal retention whereas pulsatile flow resulted in a slight reduction in binding. Monoclonal antibodies showed a slight trend of reduced retention to fibrin over time as compared with polyclonal antibodies and Fab fragments. The quantity of antibody conjugated to the liposomes plays a role in liposome retention as demonstrated by the reduction in liposome retention caused by reducing the quantity of antibody conjugated to the liposomes. Anti-fibrinogen liposomes were retained to the fibrin surface to a large extent under all flow conditions likely to occur in vivo and therefore can provide site specific ultrasound contrast for a long enough time period to allow for imaging after injection.  相似文献   

The T cell receptor (TCR) delta locus lies within the TCR alpha locus and is excised from the chromosome by V alpha-J alpha rearrangement. We show here that delta sequences persist in a large fraction of the DNA from mature CD4+CD8- alpha beta+ mouse thymocytes. Virtually all delta loci in these cells are rearranged and present in extrachromosomal DNA. In immature alpha beta lineage thymocytes (CD3-/loCD4+CD8+) and in CD4+CD8- alpha beta+ thymocytes expressing a transgene-encoded alpha beta receptor, rearranged delta genes are present both in chromosomal and extrachromosomal DNA. Thus, contrary to earlier proposals, commitment to the alpha beta lineage does not require recombinational silencing of the delta locus or its deletion by a site-specific mechanism prior to V alpha-J alpha rearrangement.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of a mutant T cell receptor (TCR) V alpha domain containing a grafted third complementarity-determining region (CDR3) from a different V alpha was determined at 2.3 A resolution by molecular replacement using the wild-type V alpha structure as a search model. Like the wild-type V alpha domain, the mutant crystallized as a homodimer very similar to TCR V alpha V beta and antibody V(L)V(H) heterodimers, with the CDR loops disposed to form part of the antigen-binding site. However, the relative orientation of the two chains in the mutant V alpha homodimer differs from that in the wild-type by a rotation of 14 degrees such that the buried surface area in the dimer interface of the mutant is 140 A2 less than in the wild-type. While the residues forming the interface are essentially the same in the two structures, there are only four pairs of interface hydrogen bonds in the case of the mutant compared with eight for the wild-type. These results suggest that multiple relative orientations of the V alpha and V beta domains of TCRs may be possible, providing a significant contribution to TCR combining site diversity.  相似文献   

Appropriate staging and evaluation of residual disease is critical to improving the treatment of patients with lymphoma. The specific expression of homing receptors may determine the preferential dissemination pattern of tumoral cells. We investigated the expression of the mucosal homing receptor alpha4beta7 on tumoral cells from peripheral lymph node in patients with newly diagnosed mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) to check whether it is associated with gastrointestinal involvement. Expression of the alpha4beta1 integrin and the peripheral lymph node addressin CD62L were also examined. Thirteen MCL patients presenting with peripheral lymphadenopathy were studied. Expression of the mucosal homing receptor integrin alpha4beta7 by peripheral lymph node lymphoma cells was found to be frequent (5/13) and associated with gastrointestinal involvement (5/7). In contrast, lymphoma cells from patients without gastrointestinal involvement did not express alpha4beta7 (6/6) (P = 0.03). These data suggest that alpha4beta7 integrin is expressed by a subset of MCLs and that its expression may predict digestive tract involvement in MCL, furnishing a basis for recognizing two distinct clinical and phenotypic forms, ie, "digestive homing (or digestive primitive)" versus "peripheral" MCL. Further studies on more patients will be needed to understand the impact of biological differences on the prognosis of these two clinical forms.  相似文献   

A novel subset of peripheral T cells, peripheral NK T cells, is found to be a major population comprising 5% of splenic T and 40% of bone marrow T cells. The majority of peripheral NK T cells are characterized by the expression of an invariant TCR-alpha encoded by V alpha 14/J alpha 281 with a one nucleotide N region. Moreover, a specific reduction of V alpha 14+ NK T cells has been demonstrated to be tightly associated with various autoimmune diseases, indicating their decisive role in autoimmune disease development. In this study, we investigated the phenotypes of peripheral V alpha 14+ NK T cells and their TCR-beta repertoire. Peripheral V alpha 14+ NK T cells, comprise two populations, i.e., small and large sized cells, at an equal frequency, belonged to the CD4- CD8- fraction, and are heat stable antigen(bright), macrophage-1bright, B220bright, CD45RBdim, and Mel-14dim, but CD5-, distinct from thymic NK T cells. TCR-beta analysis clearly showed that peripheral V alpha 14+ NK T cells utilized two to three dominant invariant TCR-beta, such as V beta 8.2 D beta J beta 2.5/V beta 7 D beta J beta 2.1 in the spleen and liver, V beta 8.2 D beta J beta 2.5/V beta 8.3 D beta J beta 2.2/V beta 7 D beta J beta 2.6 in the bone marrow, and V beta 7 D beta J beta 2.1/V beta 3 D beta J beta 1.2 in intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes. Judging from the unusual surface phenotypes, such as heat stable antigen, macrophage-1, B220, CD45RBdim, and Mel-14dim, which are known to be T cell activation markers, peripheral V alpha 14+ NK T cells may always be activated under physiologic conditions, resulting in the oligoclonal expansion of V alpha 14+ NK T cells with different invariant TCR-beta in different peripheral organs. The unique features of V alpha 14+ NK T cells are discussed.  相似文献   

The functional receptor for the inflammatory cytokine IL-6 is composed of the ligand binding IL-6 receptor alpha chain (IL-6R alpha) and the signal transducing chain gp130, which is a shared component of multiple cytokine receptors. We analyzed the surface expression of gp130 and IL-6R alpha in thymocytes and peripheral T cells. While all thymocytes expressed gp130 throughout thymic maturation, they gained expression of IL-6R alpha at the CD4 or CD8 single-positive stage. Approximately 10-30% of the CD4-CD8+ and 40-50% of the CD4+CD8- thymocytes expressed IL-6R alpha. Within the CD4+CD8- population, the IL-6R alpha- subpopulation was cortisone sensitive, appeared immature according to the cell surface markers expressed and failed to proliferate after TCR cross-linking. Peripheral T cells were predominantly gp130+ and IL-6R alpha+, but down-regulated gp130 and IL-6R alpha expression upon TCR engagement in vitro and in vivo. Peripheral gp130low/-IL-6R alphalow/- T cells expressed surface markers characteristic of memory T cells. We show that gp130 and IL-6R alpha are expressed in a regulated manner in T cells, depending on the developmental and functional stage.  相似文献   

Traffic accidents are a well-known public health problem worldwide. In Mexico research into risk factors for motor involving vehicles accidents and their consequences has recently been taken into account. The relevant literature does not normally describe the methodological aspects involved in the collection of primary data, since most studies have used secondary data the good quality and validity of which are assumed. The paper presented seeks to discuss and share with researchers in this field, some of the methodological aspects to be considered in the attempt to recreate the scene of the accident and obtain information approximating to reality. The measurements in situ of, such traffic accident variables as injury, use of seat belt, speed and alcohol intake are discussed.  相似文献   

Positive selection of CD4+CD8+ T cells to the CD4+CD8- helper and CD4- CD8+ cytotoxic lineages is a multistep process that involves complex regulation of coreceptor gene expression. By analyzing expression of a reporter gene in transgenic mice, we have identified a DNA segment, located between the murine CD8beta and CD8alpha genes, that has enhancer activity restricted to CD8 lineage cells. Remarkably, this enhancer functions in thymocytes undergoing positive selection to the CD4-CD8+ phenotype but not in immature double-positive thymocytes. The enhancer also functions in gut intraepithelial lymphocytes that express CD8alpha but not CD8beta, suggesting that it is specific for CD8alpha expression. The tight correlation between activation of this enhancer and the final step in positive selection has important implications for understanding the mechanism of lineage commitment in thymocytes.  相似文献   

Herein are reported full length cDNA sequences for TCR alpha- and beta-chains of the channel catfish. Included are sequences belonging to four Valpha and six Vbeta families which share hallmarks in common with the Valpha and Vbeta genes of other species. Similar to the situation in other vertebrates, the catfish Calpha and Cbeta sequences exhibit distinct immunoglobulin, connecting peptide, transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains. However, the catfish TCR Calpha and Cbeta regions are shorter than those of mammals and the catfish Cbeta chain lacks a cysteine in its connecting peptide region. Two different catfish Cbeta cDNA sequences were identified, suggesting the existence of either two Cbeta loci or allotypes. Based on Southern blot analyses, each of the catfish TCR gene loci appear to be arranged in a translocon (as opposed to multicluster) organization with multiple V elements and a single or few copies of C region DNA. At the deduced amino acid level, the catfish Cbeta sequence exhibits 42% identity with the Cbeta of Atlantic salmon, 41% identity with the Cbeta of rainbow trout and 26% identity with Cbeta of the horned shark. The catfish Calpha amino acid sequence exhibits 44 and 29% identity with Calpha of the rainbow trout and southern pufferfish, respectively. TCRalpha and beta messages are selectively expressed and rearranged in a catfish clonal cell line that appears to be of the T lineage. This TCR alpha/beta expressing clonal lymphocyte line, designated 28S.1, has T-cell like function in that it constitutively produces a supernatant factor(s) with growth promoting activity. These findings should facilitate functional studies of fish TCRs and T cells in ways not previously possible with other 'lower' vertebrate models.  相似文献   

Little is known regarding the diversity of the host T cell response that is required to maintain immunologic control of microbial pathogens. Leishmania major persist as obligate intracellular parasites within macrophages of the mammalian host. Immunity is dependent upon activation of MHC class II-restricted T cells to an effector state capable of restricting growth and dissemination of the organisms. We generated alpha-beta Leishmania-specific (ABLE) TCR transgenic mice with MHC class II-restricted T cells that recognized an immunodominant Leishmania Ag designated LACK. Naive T cells from ABLE mice proliferated in vitro after incubation with recombinant LACK or with Leishmania-parasitized macrophages and in vivo after injection into infected mice. Infected ABLE mice controlled Leishmania infection almost as well as wild-type mice despite a drastic reduction in the T cell repertoire. ABLE mice were crossed to mice with disruption of the TCR constant region alpha gene to create animals with a single alpha beta T cell repertoire. Although mice deficient in all alpha beta T cells (TCR-C alpha 0 mice) failed to control L. major, mice with a monoclonal alpha beta T cell repertoire (ABLE TCR-C alpha 0 mice) displayed substantial control. The immune system is capable of remarkable efficiency even when constrained to recognition of a single epitope from a complex organism.  相似文献   

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