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根据超声激发振动声成像的基本原理,设计并构建一个能获得振动声图像的实验系统.该系统由高频信号部分、超声发射及传播部分、低频信号处理和计算机处理与控制等四部分构成.实验表明,该系统能获得生物仿体或软组织内刚性物体的振动声图像,为进行生物组织的振动声成像研究提供了基础;通过采用更高灵敏度的低频水听器和改善共焦换能器的分辨力...  相似文献   

一种新的超声成像方法振动声成像   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
文章介绍一种新的超声成像方法———振动声成像。首先从理论上分析了振动声成像的基本原理;然后分别介绍了该方法在钙化动脉血管成像、乳房中微钙化灶的检测以及受热疗和HIFU治疗的肿瘤组织焦斑检测等方面的应用;最后比较了振动声成像与传统超声成像不同点并指出了振动声成像独特的优势。  相似文献   

Under a contract with the National Cancer Institute, we have developed a research interface to an ultrasound system. This ultrasound research interface (URI) is an optional feature providing several basic capabilities not normally available on a clinical scanner. The URI can store high-quality beamformed radio-frequency data to file for off-line processing. Also, through an integrated user interface, the user is provided additional control over the B-mode receive aperture and color flow ensemble size. A third major capability is the ability to record and playback macro files. In this paper, we describe the URI and illustrate its use on three research examples: elastography, computed tomography, and spatial compounding.  相似文献   

Under a contract with the National Cancer Institute, we have developed a research interface to an ultrasound system. This ultrasound research interface (URI) is an optional feature providing several basic capabilities not normally available on a clinical scanner. The URI can store high-quality beamformed radio-frequency data to file for off-line processing. Also, through an integrated user interface, the user is provided additional control over the B-mode receive aperture and color flow ensemble size. A third major capability is the ability to record and playback macro files. In this paper, we describe the URI and illustrate its use on three research examples: elastography, computed tomography, and spatial compounding.  相似文献   

This paper describes the design and implementation of a versatile, open-architecture research data acquisition system using a commercially available medical ultrasound scanner. The open architecture will allow researchers and clinicians to rapidly develop applications and move them relatively easy to the clinic. The system consists of a standard PC equipped with a camera link and an ultrasound scanner equipped with a research interface. The ultrasound scanner is an easy-to-use imaging device that is capable of generating high-quality images. In addition to supporting the acquisition of multiple data types, such as B-mode, M-mode, pulsed Doppler, and color flow imaging, the machine provides users with full control over imaging parameters such as transmit level, excitation waveform, beam angle, and focal depth. Beamformed RF data can be acquired from regions of interest throughout the image plane and stored to a file with a simple button press. For clinical trials and investigational purposes, when an identical image plane is desired for both an experimental and a reference data set, interleaved data can be captured. This form of data acquisition allows switching between multiple setups while maintaining identical transducer, scanner, region of interest, and recording time. Data acquisition is controlled through a graphical user interface running on the PC. This program implements an interface for third-party software to interact with the application. A software development toolkit is developed to give researchers and clinicians the ability to utilize third-party software for data analysis and flexible manipulation of control parameters. Because of the advantages of speed of acquisition and clinical benefit, research projects have successfully used the system to test and implement their customized solutions for different applications. Three examples of system use are presented in this paper: evaluation of synthetic aperture sequential beamformation, transverse oscillation for blood velocity estimation, and acquisition of spectral velocity data for evaluating aortic aneurysms.  相似文献   

Vibro-acoustography is a method that produces images of the acoustic response of a material to a localized harmonic motion generated by ultrasound radiation force. The low-frequency, oscillatory radiation force (e.g., 10 kHz) is produced by amplitude modulating a single ultrasound beam, or by interfering two beams of slightly different frequencies. Proper beam forming for the stress field of the probing ultrasound is very important because it determines the resolution of the imaging system. Three beam-forming geometries are studied: amplitude modulation, confocal, and x-focal. The amplitude of radiation force on a unit point target is calculated from the ultrasound energy density averaged over a short period of time. The profiles of radiation stress amplitude on the focal plane and on the beam axis are derived. The theory is validated by experiments using a small sphere as a point target. A laser vibrometer is used to measure the velocity of the sphere, which is proportional to the radiation stress exerted on the target as the transducer is scanned over the focal plane or along the beam axis. The measured velocity profiles match the theory. The theory and experimental technique may be useful in future transducer design for vibro-acoustography.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study of the stress field forming of sector array transducers for vibro-acoustography applications. The system point-spread function (PSF) is given in terms of the dynamic radiation stress exerted on a point target by a dual ultrasound beam with slightly different frequencies. The radiation stress is calculated by assuming that the resulting ultrasound beam is a plane wave. The stress is proportional to the product of the velocity potential of each incident ultrasound beam. The beamforming and stress field forming of sector array transducers are analyzed through linear acoustics. An expression for the velocity potential produced by sector array transducers is derived. The vibro-acoustography PSF is evaluated numerically. A comparison between the PSF of a sector array and a confocal transducers is presented. The compared characteristics of the PSF are sidelobe levels, transverse, and in-depth spatial resolution. Indeed, one motivation to study sector transducers is the fact the depth-of-field of these transducers should be smaller than that of same size confocal transducers. An experimental setup was used to validate the theoretical PSF of sector array transducers. Results show that the measured PSF is in good agreement with the theoretical predications. Vibro-acoustography images of a breast-phantom by both transducers are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

介绍USAN(Univalue Segment Assimilating Nucleus即吸收同值核区)算法在实时系统上的应用。应用USAN模板对图像扫描,并且对扫描后的数据做方向识别,获得目标上的角点特征,从而得到以角点为跟踪点的跟踪算法。此算法由于其跟踪点稳定,不受随机噪声的影响,因而可以大大提高跟踪精度,在实际应用中获得较好的效果。  相似文献   

Modeling ultrasound imaging as a linear, shift-variant system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wo solve the equation that governs acoustic wave propagation in an inhomogeneous medium to show that the radio-frequency (RF) ultrasound signal can he expressed as the result of filtering the scatterer field with a point-spread function. We extend the analysis to make the link between the RF ultrasound signal and the representation of ultrasound scatterers as vectors with small magnitude and random phase in the complex plane. Others have previously performed parts of this analysis. The contribution of the present paper is to provide a single, coherent treatment emphasizing the assumptions that have to be made and the physical consequences of the models derived. This leads to insights into the interaction of monopole and dipole scattering, useful techniques for simulating and analyzing speckle statistics in the complex plane and a new expression for the normalized covariance of the analytic RF ultrasound signal in terms of the complex envelope of the point-spread function.  相似文献   

This paper describes an implementation of JIT concepts in a medium-sized make-to-order manufacturing company. We develop a hybrid production control system for the company based on separating jobs with high production volumes following a standard routeing from relatively low-volume jobs with more complex routeings. The machines processing the high-volume standard-routeing jobs are treated as a virtual flow shop and controlled by a hybrid push/pull system, while the remainder of the floor is managed as a job shop. Initial tests have shown that this system can significantly improve throughput and simplify the production scheduling task. We believe that the system can be applied to a wide range of industries with similar characteristics. We also describe the testing of the system and the circumstances under which its implementation was discontinued, which indicate some of the difficulties faced by small manufacturers in implementing such systems.  相似文献   

Clinical translation of photoacoustic (PA) imaging can be facilitated by integration with commercial ultrasound (US) scanners to enable dual-modality imaging. An array-based US scanner was modified for hand-held PA imaging. The performance was benchmarked in terms of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), axial spatial resolution and sensitivity. PA images of a tube, filled with methylene blue (MB; approx. 30?mM) and placed at various depths in chicken tissue, were acquired. A 5?cm penetration depth was achieved with an 18.6?dB SNR using a laser fluence of 3?mJ?cm(-2), only one-seventh of the safety limit (20?mJ?cm(-2)). An axial resolution of approximately 400?μm was maintained at all imaging depths. The PA sensitivity to MB placed 2.3?cm deep in chicken tissue was less than 100?μM. Further, after intradermal injection of MB (approx. 30?mM), a rat sentinel lymph node was clearly identified in vivo, beneath a 3.8?cm thick layer of chicken breast. The accumulated concentration of MB in the node was estimated to be approximately 7?mM. The noise-equivalent sensitivities (approx. 2?cm depth) were 17 and 85?μM, ex vivo and in vivo, respectively. These results support the use of this PA system for non-invasive mapping and image-guided needle biopsy of sentinel nodes in breast cancer patients.  相似文献   

设计改进了多屏拼接显示系统的桌面计算机到纯硬件设计的信号处理器的连接,利用来自桌面计算机的USB电压信号作为信号处理器开关机的使能,触发信号处理器内部的开关机控制模块.通过网络对桌面计算机进行远程开关机操作的同时,也实现了对信号处理器的同步开关机控制.采用本文提出的远程开关机控制方法的多屏拼接显示系统产品运行稳定可靠.  相似文献   

For application in a portable transdermal drug-delivery system, novel transducers have been designed to enhance insulin transmission across skin using ultrasound. Previous research has shown transdermal delivery of insulin across skin using commercial sonicators operating at 20 kHz with intensities ranging from 12.5 to 225 mW/cm/sup 2/. The goal of this research was to design and construct a small, lightweight transducer or array that could operate with a similar frequency and intensity range as a commercial sonicator used in previous transdermal ultrasound insulin experiments, but without the weight and mass of a sonicator probe. To obtain this intensity range, a cymbal transducer design was chosen because of its light, compact structure and low resonance frequency in water. To increase the spatial ultrasound field for drug delivery across skin, two arrays, each comprising of four cymbal transducers, were constructed. The first array, designated the standard array, used four cymbals transducer elements in parallel. A second array (named the stack array) used four cymbal transducers that used stacked piezoelectric discs to drive the titanium flextensional caps. Under similar driving conditions, the standard array produced intensities comparable to those achieved using a commercial sonicator.  相似文献   

Resolution and penetration are primary criteria for clinical image quality. Conventionally, high bandwidth for resolution was achieved with a short pulse, which results in a tradeoff between resolution and penetration. Coded excitation extends the bounds of this tradeoff by increasing signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) through appropriate coding on transmit and decoding on receive. Although used for about 50 years in radar, coded excitation was successfully introduced into commercial ultrasound scanners only within the last 5 years. This delay is at least partly due to practical implementation issues particular to diagnostic ultrasound, which are the focus of this paper. After reviewing the basics of biphase and chirp coding, we present simulation results to quantify tradeoffs between penetration and resolution under frequency-dependent attenuation, dynamic focusing, and nonlinear propagation. Next we compare chirp and Golay code performance with respect to image quality and system requirements, then we show clinical images that illustrate the current applications of coded excitation in B-mode, harmonic, and flow imaging.  相似文献   

A novel ultrasound imaging system has been implemented using two 32-element linear phased array transducers oriented at an angle of 40 degrees to one another. The system simultaneously acquires and displays, in real time, a conventional backscatter image and an angular scatter image formed using side-scattered echoes from the same region. The design of the system is shaped by the influence of the scatter angle on the spatial resolution and receive signal processing requirements of the instrument. The subtended scatter angles are restricted to values >90 degrees to ensure that the angular scatter receiver effectively tracks the transmitted pulse and that the spatial resolution in the two images is comparable. The system is sufficiently tolerant of small variations in the average acoustic velocity of the medium to guarantee reliable pulse tracking in biomedical applications. The angular scatter signal magnitude is significantly weighted by the directivity of the receive array. The imaging system will most effectively demonstrate angular variations in scattering at scatter angles between 125 and 145 degrees , where the angular response of the receiver is near its peak.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to determine whether a clinical diagnostic scanner, a Hewlett-Packard (HP) 77020A, could produce cavitation in water containing suspensions of either 0.245-mum polystyrene spheres or Albunex, 1-10 mum albumin-coated microbubbles. Two calibrated, phased-array HP imaging transducers with 2.5- and 5.0-MHz operating frequencies were driven in M-mode (single cycle) and Doppler mode 4 cycles by the HP imaging system. Cavitation was detected in the water with polystyrene spheres at 2.5 MHz in both M-mode and Doppler mode at a peak negative acoustic pressure of 1.1 MPa or greater. Insonification at 5.0 MHz in either mode did not produce a detectable amount of cavitation, even with peak negative pressures as high as 1.2 MPa. Cavitation was not detected in water with the Albunex spheres at either frequency.  相似文献   

The error characteristics of a single-transducer (one dimensional), dual-transducer (two-dimensional), and triple-transducer (three-dimensional) system for velocity estimation are examined. A velocity vector is completely characterized by the magnitude and the directional angles. For a single-transducer case, the velocity magnitude alone can be estimated. The variation in the directional angles for a single-transducer case cannot be accounted for in the estimation process, thus resulting in large errors. For a dual transducer, both the velocity magnitude and the angle on the x-y plane can be estimated. The use of an extra transducer provides added flexibility in the estimation process. Variation in one of the directional angles is accounted for in the estimation process, thus resulting in smaller error than the single-transducer case. For a triple-transducer case, if the normal angles between the three transducer axes are known, then the complete velocity vector with all the directional angles can be estimated.  相似文献   

内容管理系统中统一访问接口的实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文提出了一种实现内容管理系统的组件——统一访问接口的方法,该方法运用CastorXML和CastorJDO实现了XML与Java对象及XML与数据库数据的互换,解决了异地操作和数据存储、查询等问题。  相似文献   

The most accurate way of determining the strength of lumber requires destructive testing. An intelligent mechanics-based lumber-grading system was developed to provide a better estimation of the strength of a board nondestructively. This system processed X-ray-extracted geometric features (of 1080 boards that eventually underwent destructive strength testing) by using finite element methods to generate associated stress fields. The stress fields were then fed to a feature-extracting-processor, which produced 26 strength predicting features. The best strength predicting features were determined from the coefficient of determination (correlation r/sup 2/) between the features and actual strengths of the boards. The coefficients of determination of each feature (or combination of features), with the actual strength of the board, were calculated and compared. A coefficient of determination of 0.4158 was achieved by using a longitudinal (along the local grain angle) maximum stress concentration (MSC) feature to predict the estimated strength of lumber.  相似文献   

1引言 超声在医疗中的应用正变得越来越重要.从其应用看,我们大致可以将医疗超声分为诊断超声和治疗超声两个应用方向.  相似文献   

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