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半年前,卫士通公司在实施"安全IT化"发展战略的转折过程中,种下了两颗种子:税控和"一KEY通",它们承载着卫士通阔步变革的诸多希望。其中,"一KEY通"要解决什么,能解决什么,达到什么成效?记者近日走访了卫士通副总经理李学军。  相似文献   

前言 随着信息技术的飞速发展,计算机和网络已成为各行业日常办公、通信交流和协作互动的必备工具和途径。但是,信息系统在提高人们工作效率的同时,也对信息的存储、访问控制及信息系统中的计算机终端及服务器的访问控制提出了安全需求。目前对局域网的安全解决方案,还停留在采用防火墙、入侵检测、网络防病毒等被动  相似文献   

王莉 《中国信息界》2005,(19):35-35
日前,在信息安全领域打拼多年的卫士通公司提出了“因您而异”产品策略。在对银行客户提供具体方案时,卫士通公司为网络银行系统定制了功能全面、安全性极高的整体解决方案。而这其中最重要的应用层安全防护工作,就是由卫士通的“中华卫士防火墙”来实现的。  相似文献   

信息安全在IT业中的角色演变 在当今信息时代,信息技术日新月异,信息产业已经成为拉动GDP增长的第一支柱产业,并以每年20%—30%的速度迅猛发展。其发展过程也经历了从传统IT向新型IT的转变,其中一个重要的转变因素便是信息安全。 1.传统IT与信息安全的关系。传统IT涵盖了五大类:通信、网络、计算机、软件、电子材料及元器件。这五类IT行业本身的发展一度呈现结构失衡:一方面过度投资到“信息高速公  相似文献   

由计算机世界传媒集团和《计算机世界》报主办的2011年中国“IT两会”于2011年12月1—2日在成都隆重召开,会议汇聚了千余位政府机构领导、企业集团老总、信息化负责人等业界精英。工信部副部长,工信部信息化推进司、电子信息司、  相似文献   

卫士通一直在寻求改变。作为国内信息安全领域的首家上市企业,卫士通近几年一直在寻求改变,这种改变不仅是在公司形象、市场战略的转变上,更多的是沉淀在其产品和技术储备中。几年来,卫士通带着中国信息安全国家队的光环,面临市场竞争带来的需要,始终保持快速增长的发展势头。紧跟信息安  相似文献   

由于当前信息系统十分复杂,各种攻击技术和手段不断涌现,单纯依靠几个产品来保障信息系统的安全和实现业务安全已经变得十分困难,需要进行综合防范.所以必须在信息系统的整个生命周期中提供咨询、规划、建设、运维甚至系统废弃等全面的服务,以保证用户业务信息系统的安全可靠运行.在深入分析系统的基础上,按照等级保护的思路,并贯彻实事求是的思想,才能为用户的信息系统提出有针对性的策略建议、管理建议、技术保护建议、运维建议等等.在此背景下,客户对安全服务这种新型安全产品的需求就显得十分迫切了.要搞好信息安全服务的关键点有三个方面:一是流程和规范要好,类似于企业中的企业文化;第二是业务能力要高,也就是安全服务企业要练好内功,要切实为用户解决问题,类似于企业的核心能力;第三个方面是前面两个方面的载体,那就是一支有战斗力的安全服务队伍.  相似文献   

曙光天罗TLFW系列防火墙是一款将状态包过滤技术、应用代理技术巧妙结合起来的高性能防火墙。通过实现一体化的软硬件设计、基于状态的包过滤、双机热备、系统备份、透明代理、三权分立机制等技术手段,易于安装和使用,且网络性能和透明性好。同时,它还可根据系统管理者设定的安全规则(SecurityRules)把守网络的大门,提供强大的访问控制、身份认证、网络地址转换、带宽控制、P2P协议过滤等功能。该产品具有以下特点:1.高安全性该产品采用了专为防火墙、V P N等安全应用设计开发的专用的、高性能的安全操作系统,最大程度地确保了系统自身…  相似文献   

春暖花开,一个阳光明媚的日子,记者走进了北京市工业促进局,在一个坐有多人的不大的办公室的一张普通桌子前,有幸见到了梁胜本人。于是,记者就目前IT界的困惑及政府部门如何发挥自身作用帮助IT业谋求发展向他抛出一个个问题。  相似文献   

中国工程院院长徐匡迪曾经说过:“没有安全的工程就是豆腐渣工程”。在国家以信息化带动工业化发展的战略框架下,大力推进信息化建设,同样离不开信息安全的坚强保障。2004年6月27日,由国务院信息化工作办公室网络与信息安全组指导、中国信息安全产品测评认证中心主办的“2004中国信息安全论坛·信息系统安全保障与评估研讨会”,是为了进一步贯彻落实中央办公厅、国务院办公厅《关于加强信息安全保障工作意见》和全国信息安全保障工作会议精神的具体举措。研讨会以“研究理论、交流技术、发布标准、推广实践”为宗旨,目的在于促进和规范政府…  相似文献   

Graduating with a doctorate and conducting research as a student do not prepare the average faculty member for team leadership. At most universities that require faculty to conduct research, secure funding, and produce scholarly works, it is imperative that the faculty member have a research team, and that the team produce. To develop a team and to make that team produce requires a certain amount of skill: leadership skill. Leadership of people is an acquired skill, and differs vastly from management of things, although many feel that people can be managed. From selecting the right team members to giving them the correct assignments, it is the leader who must carefully weigh the skills of the team member and the proper position for those skills. Time management becomes an issue early on and must be watched, or time will become the enemy of the team. The leader must set priorities, and must be clearly visible in taking the team to the next level. Effective and efficient teams win, and so do their leaders. This paper will address the methods for building a team, and the way to take a new group of researchers and make them operate at high speed.  相似文献   

一种强混响环境下的盲语音分离算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
顾凡  王惠刚  李虎雄 《信号处理》2011,27(4):534-540
强混响环境下语音信号的频域盲分离问题是盲源分离领域的一个难点,主要是因为混合系统的脉冲响应时间过长,甚至超过信号的非平稳时间,导致算法性能下降。本文针对这个问题提出了一种解决方法,在用一个短时傅立叶变换将时域卷积混合信号转化为频域的过程,再在时频域上使用另一个短时傅立叶变换,将信号变换到调制谱域,这样较长的脉冲响应就被转化为调制谱域上的瞬时混合形式,而瞬时混合情形则采用独立向量分析(IVA)算法来避免排序模糊性问题。计算机仿真实验证实了该算法在强混响环境下优于传统频域盲分离算法。   相似文献   

In vehicular ad hoc networks, vehicles may use a routing protocol to inform emergent events, for example, car accidents or traffic jams. Hence, many of the researchers are focused on minimizing the end‐to‐end delay of the routing protocol. However, some applications, for example, email or ftp, are not time critical, and radio spectrum is a limited resource. Hence, delay‐bounded routing protocol, whose goal is to deliver messages to the destination within user‐defined delay and minimize the usage of radio, has become an important issue. The delay‐bounded routing protocols deliver message to the destination by the hybrid of data muling (carried by the vehicle) and forwarding (transmitted through radio). When the available time is enough, the message will be delivered by muling; otherwise, it will be delivered by forwarding. However, in an urban area, there are many traffic lights, which may greatly affect the performance of the delay‐bounded routing protocols. Existing works do not consider the effect of traffic lights, and hence, it may adopt an improper delivery strategy and thus wastes much available time. To improve previous works, we propose a novel delay‐bounded routing protocol, which has considered the effect of traffic lights. Whenever a vehicle passes an intersection, it will gather the information of the traffic light and traffic load of the next road section, and thus, it can make a more accurate prediction and adopt a more proper strategy to deliver message. Simulation results show that the proposed protocol can make a better usage of the available time and uses less radio resource to deliver the message in time. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A simple organic diode structure has been made based on N,N′-bis(naphthalen-1-yl)-N,N′-bis(phenyl)-benzidine (NPB)/Fullerene (C60) heterojunction. Ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy measurements show an energy level alignment at the heterojunction as such that no potential barrier near this heterojunction to hinder the formation of charge transfer excitons, which recombines at a very fast rate. This fast exciton recombination at this heterojunction makes NPB/C60 behave like an ideal Ohmic contact and thus leads to an extremely high 7.8 × 104 rectifying ratio from the electrode/organic contacts.  相似文献   

为了减少太阳能LED草坪灯控制系统的成本,降低对太阳能电池的要求,设计了一种能工作在0.8V的低压太阳能LED草坪灯驱动控制器.该电路的输出电流可以在5mA~100mA范围内调节,能够满足各种不同LED对电流的需求.控制充电回路通断的开关管集成在芯片内部,减少了外围器件,使得整个草坪灯系统只需外接一个电感、二极管、电容...  相似文献   

A multi-band low noise amplifier (LNA) is designed to operate over a wide range of frequencies (with center frequencies at 1.2, 1.7 and 2.2 GHz respectively) using an area efficient switchable \(\pi\) network. The LNA can be tuned to different gain and linearity combinations for different band settings. Depending upon the location of the interferers, a specific band can be selected to provide optimum gain and the best signal-to-intermodulation ratio. This is accomplished by the use of an on-chip built-in-self-test circuit. The maximum power gain of the amplifier is 19 dB with a return loss better than 10 dB for 7 mW of power consumption. The noise figure is 3.2 dB at 1 GHz and its third-order intercept point (\(IIP_3\)) ranges from ?15 to 0 dBm. Implemented in a 0.13 \(\upmu\)m CMOS technology, the LNA occupies an active area of about 0.29 mm\(^2\). This design can be used for cognitive radio and other wideband applications, which require a dynamic configuration of the signal-to-intermodulation ratio, when sufficient information about the power and the location of the interferers is not available.  相似文献   

This work discusses the teams that are basically left to run themselves can be highly efficient and productive. To be successful, though, such autonomous groups require a specific type of external leadership. To get work done, many companies organize employees into self-managing teams that are basically left to run themselves with some guidance from an external leader. In fact, comprehensive surveys report that 79% of companies in the fortune 1000 and 81% of manufacturing organizations currently deploy such "empowered", "self-directed" or "autonomous" teams. Because of their widespread use, much research has been devoted to understanding how best to set up self-managing teams to maximize their productivity and effectiveness. Interestingly, though, relatively little attention has been paid to the leaders who must oversee such working groups.  相似文献   

利用IGS台网观测数据,以总电子含量TEC、TEC的变化率ROT及其标准差ROTI作为表征电离层不规则结构和扰动的特征参量,研究发生在2004年11月上旬的一次强磁暴期间全球电离层扰动的分布以及扰动的传播.分析结果表明,在磁暴急始和初相阶段,全球电离层相对平静,没有显著扰动发生;不规则体和扰动主要发生在磁暴主相极大前后,并且在日落后几小时开始出现,持续到午夜之后.第一个主相极大期间,强扰动和不规则体主要出现在美洲扇区的中低纬度带;第三个主相极大期间,强扰动和不规则体主要出现在亚太扇区的中低纬度带.  相似文献   

This study proposes a new calculation method for generating real nighttime lamp-lit images. In order to improve the color appearance in the prediction of a nighttime lamp-lighted road scene, the lamp-lit image is synthesized based on spectral distribution using the estimated local spectral distribution of the headlamps and the surface reflectance of every object. The principal component analysis method is introduced to estimate the surface color of an object and the local spectral distribution of the headlamps is calculated based on the illuminance data and spectral distribution of the illuminating headlamps. High-intensity discharge and halogen lamps are utilized to create beam patterns and captured road scenes are used as background images to simulate actual headlamp-lit images on a monitor. As a result, the reproduced images presented a color appearance that was very close to a real nighttime road image illuminated by single and multiple headlamps.  相似文献   

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