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Active-passive airborne ocean color measurement. 1: Instrumentation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Hoge FE  Swift R  Yungel J 《Applied optics》1995,34(18):3468-3476
It is shown that airborne active-passive (laser-solar) ocean color data can be used to develop and validate oceanic radiance models. The two principal inputs to the oceanic radiance model, chlorophyll pigment and incident solar irradiance, are obtained from a nadir-viewing laser-induced fluorescence spectrometer and a zenith-viewing radiometer, respectively. The computed water-leaving radiances are validated by comparison with the calibrated output of a separate nadir-viewing radiometer subsystem. In the North Atlantic Ocean, the calculated and the observed airborne radiances are found to compare very favorably for the 443-, 520-, and 550-nm wavelengths over an ~ 170-km flight track east of St. John's, Newfoundland. The results further suggest that the semianalytical radiance model of ocean color, the airborne active (laser) fluorescence spectrometer, and the passive (solar) radiometric instrumentation are all remarkably precise.  相似文献   

Gregg WW 《Applied optics》1999,38(3):476-485
The ocean color and temperature scanner (OCTS) collected global ocean color data from November 1996 to June 1997. Analyses of OCTS imagery indicate three features that impair scientific research uses: (1) band misalignments, (2) image striping, and (3) image noise. These are due to (1) band offsets in the sensor design, (2) detector radiometric response variability, and (3) primarily cloud contamination, respectively. Methods are analyzed to ameliorate the effects of each that facilitate use of OCTS ocean color data for quantitative scientific analyses.  相似文献   

Gregg WW  Patt FS  Esaias WE 《Applied optics》1999,38(27):5692-5702
We assessed the geometric and radiometric performance of the ocean color and temperature scanner (OCTS) using data acquired over the United States. Initial results indicated a geometric offset in the along-track direction of 4-5 pixels that was attributed to a tilt bias. OCTS radiometric data appeared to suffer from near-field and possibly far-field scatter effects. Analysis of radiometric stability was inconclusive because of daily variability and the absence of a full seasonal cycle. Comparison of OCTS-computed water-leaving radiances with colocated in situ measurements showed that the prelaunch calibration required adjustment from -2% to +13%. Minor modification of OCTS data processing based on these results and avoidance of near-field scatter effects can enable improved and more-reliable OCTS data for quantitative scientific analyses.  相似文献   

Analytic model of ocean color   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Ocean color is determined by spectral variations in reflectance at the sea surface. In the analytic model presented here, reflectance at the sea surface is estimated with the quasi-single-scattering approximation that ignores transspectral processes. The analytic solutions we obtained are valid for a vertically homogeneous water column. The solution provides a theoretical expression for the dimensionless, quasi-stable parameter (r), with a value of ~0.33, that appears in many models in which reflectance at the sea surface is expressed as a function of absorption coefficient (a) and backscattering coefficient (b(b)). In the solution this parameter is represented as a function of the mean cosines for downwelling and upwelling irradiances and as the ratio of the upward-scattering coefficient to the backscattering coefficient. Implementation of the model is discussed for two cases: (1) that in which molecular scattering is the main source of upwelling light, and (2) that in which particle scattering is responsible for all the upwelled light. Computations for the two cases are compared with Monte Carlo simulations, which accounts for processes not considered in the analytic model (multiple scattering, and consequent depth-dependent changes in apparent optical properties). The Monte Carlo models show variations in reflectance with the zenith angle of the incident light. The analytic model can be used to reproduce these variations fairly well for the case of molecular scattering. For the particle-scattering case also, the analytic and Monte Carlo models show similar variations in r with zenith angle. However, the analytic model (as implemented here) appears to underestimate r when the value of the backscattering coefficient b(b) increases relative to the absorption coefficient a. The errors also vary with the zenith angle of the incident light field, with the maximum underestimate being approximately 0.06 (equivalent to relative errors from 12 to 17%) for the range of b(b)/a studied here. One implication of this result is that the model could also be used to obtain approximate solutions for the Q factor, defined for a given look angle as the ratio of the upwelling irradiance at the surface to the upwelling radiance at the surface at that angle. This is a quantity that is important in remote-sensing applications of ocean-color models. An advantage of the model discussed here is that its implementation requires inputs that are in principle accessible only in a remote-sensing context.  相似文献   

McLean JW  Freeman JD 《Applied optics》1996,35(18):3261-3269
The effects of ocean waves on lidar imaging of submerged objects are investigated. Two significant consequences of wave focusing or defocusing are quantified: (a) intensification of near-surface backscatter in which the mean return is increased relative to that for a flat interface, and (b) spatial-temporal modulations of the backscattered return. For the former, mean returns can be as much as 50% larger than flat surface returns at shallow depth. For the latter, the strong modulations induced by wave motion present a dominant clutter field that significantly affects the imaging of shallow objects. Both effects are compensated at greater depths by beam spreading caused by multiple scattering, which diminishes the intensity of the wave focusing.  相似文献   

The polarization correction for the Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) instruments on the Terra and Aqua satellites is described. The focus is on the prelaunch polarization characterization and on the derivation of polarization correction coefficients for the processing of ocean color data. The effect of the polarization correction is demonstrated. The radiances at the top of the atmosphere need to be corrected by as much as 3.2% in the 412 nm band. The effect on the water-leaving radiances can exceed 50%. The polarization correction produces good agreement of the MODIS Aqua water-leaving radiance time series with data from another, independent satellite-based ocean color sensor, the Sea-Viewing Wide Field-of-View Sensor (SeaWiFS).  相似文献   

Wang M 《Applied optics》1999,38(3):451-455
Using the reciprocal equation derived by Yang and Gordon [Appl. Opt. 36, 7887-7897 (1997)] for atmospheric diffuse transmittance of the ocean-atmosphere system, I examined the accuracy of an analytical equation proposed by Gordon et al. [Appl. Opt. 22, 20-36 (1983)] in computing the atmospheric diffuse transmittance for wavelengths from 412 to 865 nm for both a pure Rayleigh and a two-layer Rayleigh-aerosol atmosphere overlying a flat Fresnel-reflecting ocean surface. It was found that for viewing angles up to approximately 40 degrees , the analytical formula produces errors usually between 2% and 3% for nonabsorbing and weakly absorbing aerosols and for aerosol optical thicknesses tau(a) 相似文献   

Recent advances in global biogeochemical research demonstrate a critical need for long-term ocean color satellite data records of consistent high quality. To achieve that quality, spaceborne instruments require on-orbit vicarious calibration, where the integrated instrument and atmospheric correction system is adjusted using in situ normalized water-leaving radiances, such as those collected by the marine optical buoy (MOBY). Unfortunately, well-characterized time-series of in situ data are scarce for many historical satellite missions, in particular, the NASA coastal zone color scanner (CZCS) and the ocean color and temperature scanner (OCTS). Ocean surface reflectance models (ORMs) accurately reproduce spectra observed in clear marine waters, using only chlorophyll a (C(a)) as input, a measurement for which long-term in situ time series exist. Before recalibrating CZCS and OCTS using modeled radiances, however, we evaluate the approach with the Sea-viewing Wide-Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS). Using annual C(a) climatologies as input into an ORM, we derive SeaWiFS vicarious gains that differ from the operational MOBY gains by less than +/-0.9% spectrally. In the context of generating decadal C(a) climate data records, we quantify the downstream effects of using these modeled gains by generating satellite-to-in situ data product validation statistics for comparison with the operational SeaWiFS results. Finally, we apply these methods to the CZCS and OCTS ocean color time series.  相似文献   

The assumption that values of water-leaving radiance in the near-infrared (NIR) are negligible enable aerosol radiative properties to be easily determined in the correction of satellite ocean color imagery. This is referred to as the black pixel assumption. We examine the implications of the black pixel assumption using a simple bio-optical model for the NIR water-leaving reflectance [rho(w)(lambda(NIR))](N). In productive waters [chlorophyll (Chl) concentration >2 mg m(-3)], estimates of [rho(w)(lambda(NIR))](N) are several orders of magnitude larger than those expected for pure seawater. These large values of [rho(w)(lambda(NIR))](N) result in an overcorrection of atmospheric effects for retrievals of water-leaving reflectance that are most pronounced in the violet and blue spectral region. The overcorrection increases dramatically with Chl, reducing the true water-leaving radiance by roughly 75% when Chl is equal to 5 mg m(-3). Relaxing the black pixel assumption in the correction of Sea-Viewing Wide Field-of-View Sensor (SeaWiFS) satellite ocean color imagery provides significant improvements in Chl and water-leaving reflectance retrievals when Chl values are greater than 2 mg m(-3). Improvements in the present modeling of [rho(w)(lambda(NIR))](N) are considered, particularly for turbid coastal waters. However, this research shows that the effects of nonzero NIR reflectance must be included in the correction of satellite ocean color imagery.  相似文献   

A noncontact ultrasonic method for measuring the surface normal vibration of objects was studied. The instrument consists of a pair of 420 kHz ultrasonic air transducers. One is used to emit ultrasounds toward the moving surface, and the other receives the ultrasound reflected from the object under test. Two effects induce a phase modulation on the received signal. The first effect results from the variation of the round trip time interval tau required for the wavefront to go from the emitter to the moving surface and back to the receiver. This is the Doppler effect directly proportional to the surface displacement. The second effect results from the nonlinear parametric interactions of the ultrasonic beams (forward and backward) with the low frequency sound field emitted in the air by the vibrating surface. This latter phenomenon, which is a volume effect, is proportional to the velocity of the vibrating surface and increases with the distance between the transducers and the surface under test. The relative contribution of the Doppler and parametric effects are evaluated, and both have to be taken into account for ultrasonic interferometry in air.  相似文献   

颜色相似性度量在色差检测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对彩色图像缺陷检测中存在的色差问题,在RGB与HSI颜色空间模型的基础上,应用颜色相似性度量的方法来量化一些关键指标,以达到色差识别的目的.实验表明,这种方法符合人眼颜色视觉的相似性判定规律,同时计算简单,易于实现.它不仅避免了复杂的颜色转换过程,而且还能满足颜色视觉特性,因而具有重要的实际意义.  相似文献   

Semianalytical (SA) ocean color models have advantages over conventional band ratio algorithms in that multiple ocean properties can be retrieved simultaneously from a single water-leaving radiance spectrum. However, the complexity of SA models has stalled their development, and operational implementation as optimal SA parameter values are hard to determine because of limitations in development data sets and the lack of robust tuning procedures. We present a procedure for optimizing SA ocean color models for global applications. The SA model to be optimized retrieves simultaneous estimates for chlorophyll (Chl) concentration, the absorption coefficient for dissolved and detrital materials [a(cdm)(443)], and the particulate backscatter coefficient [b(bp)(443)] from measurements of the normalized water-leaving radiance spectrum. Parameters for the model are tuned by simulated annealing as the global optimization protocol. We first evaluate the robustness of the tuning method using synthetic data sets, and we then apply the tuning procedure to an in situ data set. With the tuned SA parameters, the accuracy of retrievals found with the globally optimized model (the Garver-Siegel-Maritorena model version 1; hereafter GSM01) is excellent and results are comparable with the current Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view sensor (SeaWiFS) algorithm for Chl. The advantage of the GSM01 model is that simultaneous retrievals of a(cdm)(443) and b(bp)(443) are made that greatly extend the nature of global applications that can be explored. Current limitations and further developments of the model are discussed.  相似文献   

The retrieval of ocean color radiometry from space-based sensors requires on-orbit vicarious calibration to achieve the level of accuracy desired for quantitative oceanographic applications. The approach developed by the NASA Ocean Biology Processing Group (OBPG) adjusts the integrated instrument and atmospheric correction system to retrieve normalized water-leaving radiances that are in agreement with ground truth measurements. The method is independent of the satellite sensor or the source of the ground truth data, but it is specific to the atmospheric correction algorithm. The OBPG vicarious calibration approach is described in detail, and results are presented for the operational calibration of SeaWiFS using data from the Marine Optical Buoy (MOBY) and observations of clear-water sites in the South Pacific and southern Indian Ocean. It is shown that the vicarious calibration allows SeaWiFS to reproduce the MOBY radiances and achieve good agreement with radiometric and chlorophyll a measurements from independent in situ sources. We also find that the derived vicarious gains show no significant temporal or geometric dependencies, and that the mission-average calibration reaches stability after approximately 20-40 high-quality calibration samples. Finally, we demonstrate that the performance of the vicariously calibrated retrieval system is relatively insensitive to the assumptions inherent in our approach.  相似文献   

To address the challenges of the parameterization of ocean color inversion algorithms in optically complex waters, we present an adaptive implementation of the linear matrix inversion method (LMI) [J. Geophys. Res.101, 16631 (1996)], which iterates over a limited number of model parameter sets to account for naturally occurring spatial or temporal variability in inherent optical properties (IOPs) and concentration specific IOPs (SIOPs). LMI was applied to a simulated reflectance dataset for spectral bands representing measured water properties of a macrotidal embayment characterized by a large variability in the shape and amplitude factors controlling the IOP spectra. We compare the inversion results for the single-model parameter implementation to the adaptive parameterization of LMI for the retrieval of bulk IOPs, the IOPs apportioned to the optically active constituents, and the concentrations of the optically active constituents. We found that ocean color inversion with LMI is significantly sensitive to the a priori selection of the empirical parameters g0 and g1 of the equations relating the above-surface remote-sensing reflectance to the IOPs in the water column [J. Geophys. Res.93, 10909 (1988)]. When assuming the values proposed for open-ocean applications for g0 and g1 [J. Geophys. Res.93, 10909 (1988)], the accuracy of the retrieved IOPs, and concentrations was substantially lower than that retrieved with the parameterization developed for coastal waters [Appl. Opt.38, 3831 (1999)] because the optically complex waters analyzed in this study were dominated by particulate and dissolved matter. The adaptive parameterization of LMI yielded consistently more accurate inversion results than the single fixed SIOP model parameterizations of LMI. The adaptive implementation of LMI led to an improvement in the accuracy of apportioned IOPs and concentrations, particularly for the phytoplankton-related quantities. The adaptive parameterization encompassing wider IOP ranges were more accurate for the retrieval of bulk IOPs, apportioned IOPs, and concentration of optically active constituents.  相似文献   

C Hu  L Feng  Z Lee  CO Davis  A Mannino  CR McClain  BA Franz 《Applied optics》2012,51(25):6045-6062
Sensor design and mission planning for satellite ocean color measurements requires careful consideration of the signal dynamic range and sensitivity (specifically here signal-to-noise ratio or SNR) so that small changes of ocean properties (e.g., surface chlorophyll-a concentrations or Chl) can be quantified while most measurements are not saturated. Past and current sensors used different signal levels, formats, and conventions to specify these critical parameters, making it difficult to make cross-sensor comparisons or to establish standards for future sensor design. The goal of this study is to quantify these parameters under uniform conditions for widely used past and current sensors in order to provide a reference for the design of future ocean color radiometers. Using measurements from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer onboard the Aqua satellite (MODISA) under various solar zenith angles (SZAs), typical (Ltypical) and maximum (Lmax) at-sensor radiances from the visible to the shortwave IR were determined. The Ltypical values at an SZA of 45° were used as constraints to calculate SNRs of 10 multiband sensors at the same Ltypical radiance input and 2 hyperspectral sensors at a similar radiance input. The calculations were based on clear-water scenes with an objective method of selecting pixels with minimal cross-pixel variations to assure target homogeneity. Among the widely used ocean color sensors that have routine global coverage, MODISA ocean bands (1?km) showed 2-4 times higher SNRs than the Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) (1?km) and comparable SNRs to the Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS)-RR (reduced resolution, 1.2?km), leading to different levels of precision in the retrieved Chl data product. MERIS-FR (full resolution, 300?m) showed SNRs lower than MODISA and MERIS-RR with the gain in spatial resolution. SNRs of all MODISA ocean bands and SeaWiFS bands (except the SeaWiFS near-IR bands) exceeded those from prelaunch sensor specifications after adjusting the input radiance to Ltypical. The tabulated Ltypical, Lmax, and SNRs of the various multiband and hyperspectral sensors under the same or similar radiance input provide references to compare sensor performance in product precision and to help design future missions such as the Geostationary Coastal and Air Pollution Events (GEO-CAPE) mission and the Pre-Aerosol-Clouds-Ecosystems (PACE) mission currently being planned by the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).  相似文献   

Gordon HR  Du T  Zhang T 《Applied optics》1997,36(33):8670-8684
Current atmospheric correction and aerosol retrieval algorithms for ocean color sensors use measurements of the top-of-the-atmosphere reflectance in the near infrared, where the contribution from the ocean is known for case 1 waters, to assess the aerosol optical properties. Such measurements are incapable of distinguishing between weakly and strongly absorbing aerosols, and the atmospheric correction and aerosol retrieval algorithms fail if the incorrect absorption properties of the aerosol are assumed. We present an algorithm that appears promising for the retrieval of in-water biophysical properties and aerosol optical properties in atmospheres containing both weakly and strongly absorbing aerosols. By using the entire spectrum available to most ocean color instruments (412-865 nm), we simultaneously recover the ocean's bio-optical properties and a set of aerosol models that best describes the aerosol optical properties. The algorithm is applied to simulated situations that are likely to occur off the U.S. East Coast in summer when the aerosols could be of the locally generated weakly absorbing Maritime type or of the pollution-generated strongly absorbing urban-type transported over the ocean by the winds. The simulations show that the algorithm behaves well in an atmosphere with either weakly or strongly absorbing aerosol. The algorithm successfully identifies absorbing aerosols and provides close values for the aerosol optical thickness. It also provides excellent retrievals of the ocean bio-optical properties. The algorithm uses a bio-optical model of case 1 waters and a set of aerosol models for its operation. The relevant parameters of both the ocean and atmosphere are systematically varied to find the best (in a rms sense) fit to the measured top-of-the-atmosphere spectral reflectance. Examples are provided that show the algorithm's performance in the presence of errors, e.g., error in the contribution from whitecaps and error in radiometric calibration.  相似文献   

We have assembled an aerosol-fluorescence spectrum analyzer (AFS), which can measure the fluorescence spectra and elastic scattering of airborne particles as they flow through a laser beam. The aerosols traverse a scattering cell where they are illuminated with intense (50 kW/cm(2)) light inside the cavity of an argon-ion laser operating at 488 nm. This AFS can obtain fluorescence spectra of individual dye-doped polystyrene microspheres as small as 0.5 μm in diameter. The spectra obtained from microspheres doped with pink and green-yellow dyes are clearly different. We have also detected the fluorescence spectra of airborne particles (although not single particles) made from various biological materials, e.g., Bacillus subtilis spores, B. anthrasis spores, riboflavin, and tree leaves. The AFS may be useful in detecting and characterizing airborne bacteria and other airborne particles of biological origin.  相似文献   

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