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An oscillator-amplifier technique is used to study gain saturation in cw 12.08-microm waveguide NH 3 lasers. Population transfer in the NH3 ground state, rather than pump depletion, is shown to be the dominant mechanism for reduction of the Raman gain in this laser system. A model based on the density matrix formalism accounts for the main features of the experimental results and allows an effective rate to be determined for rotational relaxation in the ground state of NH3.  相似文献   

《Optical Materials》1999,11(2-3):205-216
This paper reviews recent advances in diode pumped cw solid-state lasers in the visible spectral region. Such lasers are based on rare earth doped materials. Visible wavelengths can be generated by frequency conversion of near IR-lasers or by up-conversion pumped rare earth ion lasers.  相似文献   

Haga T  Kinoshita H 《Applied optics》1995,34(28):6527-6532
We describe a direct x-ray imaging system that uses an amplified metal-oxide-semiconductor imager to detect soft x rays directly for real-time imaging. From the absolute sensitivity of this system as measured through the use of a monochromatic synchrotron radiation beam and a GaAsP Schottky-type photodiode, the minimum sensitivity at a wavelength of 13 nm was estimated to be greater than 10(8)photons mm(-2). This is sufficient to detect soft x rays directly for real-time imaging. Onion cell observations at wavelengths of 4.3 and 4.6 nm indicate that x-ray absorption by the carbon in the cells was detected. This is a promising imaging system for the soft x-ray region in which conventional CCD's are difficult to use.  相似文献   

We applied a Mo/B4C multilayer coating to a laminar holographic grating with 2400 grooves/mm and a 1-m radius of curvature. By use of synchrotron soft x rays the multilayer-coated grating was evaluated to have diffraction efficiencies of 3.1% and 0.017% for s- and p-polarized radiation, respectively, at a 6.7-nm wavelength at a 45.35 degrees grazing angle of incidence in the +1 (inside) grating order. Thus the polarizance was estimated to be 98.9% at least. The zero-order peak was suppressed by the destructive interference caused by the groove profile.  相似文献   

Seely JF  Goray LI  Hunter WR  Rife JC 《Applied optics》1999,38(7):1251-1258
Thin-film interference effects were observed in the normal-incidence efficiency of a 2400-groove/mm replica grating. The efficiency was measured in the 100-350-A wavelength range and had an oscillatory behavior that resulted from the presence of a thin SiO(2) coating. The thicknesses of the SiO(2) and the underlying oxidized aluminum layers were inferred from computer modeling of the zero-order efficiency. The efficiencies in the diffracted orders were calculated with the modified integral approach and accounting for the multilayer coating and the groove profile derived from atomic force microscopy. The calculated and measured efficiencies were in good agreement.  相似文献   

Werle P  Popov A 《Applied optics》1999,38(9):1494-1501
Antimonide semiconductor laser devices designed for continuous-wave emission in the 3-4-mum spectral range have been investigated with respect to spectroscopic applications. Representative data on the mode structure, output power, noise characteristics, far-field pattern, and modulation response are presented. Selected laser devices have been applied for methane (CH(4)) and formaldehyde (HCHO) measurements by use of a high-frequency modulated diode laser spectrometer. From an Allan variance analysis of experimental data a detection limit for HCHO of 120 pptv (where 1 pptv = 10(-12) volume mixing ratio) with a 40-s integration time and for CH(4) of 2 ppbv (where 1 ppbv = 10(-9) volume mixing ratio) with 20-s integration time were determined. The results show that, for selected gases, InAsSb lasers can be an alternative to lead-salt diode lasers.  相似文献   

The present work considers the evaporation process ofNH 3 inNH 3/H2 atmosphere, that takes place in neutral gas absorption refrigeration units. The data obtained are used to calculate the “psychrometric problem” and the evaporation process within an insulated tube. The “psychrometric problem” deals with the determination of the mass fraction of theNH 3/H 2 gas mixture from known “dry” and “wet bulb” temperatures for Lewis numbers not equal to one. The results are in good agreement with some existing experimental data.  相似文献   

The normal-incidence efficiencies of two 4800-grooves/mm ruled replica gratings, one with a dual-bandpass molybdenum/silicon multilayer coating and the other with a gold coating, were measured by use of synchrotron radiation in the 125-325-A wavelength region. The peak reflectance of the multilayer coating was 22% in the first Bragg order near 235 A and 28% in the second Bragg order near 126 A. The peak efficiency of the multilayer grating was 2.6% in the first diffraction order near 225 A and 0.3% in the second diffraction order near 125 A. The efficiencies of the multilayer grating were much higher than the corresponding efficiencies of the gold grating. The characterization of the surfaces of the gratings by atomic force microscopy indicated rms microroughness values in the 5-18-mum(-1) frequency range of 12-20 A for the multilayer grating and 22-32 A for the gold grating. Both gratings had bumpy surface features larger than the nominal groove height. The rather large surface roughness and groove irregularities had a detrimental effect on the grating efficiencies.  相似文献   

We characterized a laminar grating with a Mo/Si multilayer coating by using synchrotron radiation and atomic force microscopy. The grating substrate had 2400 grooves/mm, 40-A groove depth, and 2080-A groove width. The microroughness of the grating substrate was 5 A rms. The multilayer coating was optimized to have peak normal-incidence reflectance at a wavelength near 150 A. For an angle of incidence of 10 degrees the peak grating efficiency was 16.3% in the +1 order and 15.0% in the -1 order. The efficiency in the zero order was lower by a factor of 40 owing to the excellent matching of the groove depth and groove width to the wavelength of the incident radiation. By dividing the grating efficiencies by the measured reflectance of the multilayer coating, we obtained inferred groove efficiencies of 34% and 32% in the +1 and -1 orders, respectively.  相似文献   

We present the scheme of a beam separator for ultrashort high-order harmonic radiation below 10 nm. The system consists of a collimating mirror and two plane grazing-incidence gratings in compensated configuration. The first grating acts as the beam separator: it diffracts the extreme ultraviolet (XUV) light into the first order while reflecting the fundamental laser beam into the zero order. The diffracted light goes to a second grating that compensates both for the spectral dispersion and for the temporal broadening of the XUV ultrashort pulse caused by the diffraction at the first grating. The system can be designed for any wavelength in the 3-40 nm region. Since the gratings are operated at extreme grazing incidence, the area of the optical surface illuminated by the fundamental laser pulse is large, and therefore there is no risk of damage of the optical surfaces. The effects on the phase of the ultrashort pulse for narrowband applications are discussed.  相似文献   

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