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Stochastic PCR amplification of single DNA template molecules followed by capillary electrophoretic (CE) analysis of the products is demonstrated in an integrated microfluidic device. The microdevice consists of submicroliter PCR chambers etched into a glass substrate that are directly connected to a microfabricated CE system. Valves and hydrophobic vents provide controlled and sensorless loading of the 280-nL PCR chambers; the low volume reactor, the low thermal mass, and the use of thin-film heaters permit cycle times as fast as 30 s. The amplified product, labeled with an intercalating fluorescent dye, is directly injected into the gel-filled capillary channel for electrophoretic analysis. Repetitive PCR analyses at the single DNA template molecule level exhibit quantized product peak areas; a histogram of the normalized peak areas reveals clusters of events caused by 0, 1, 2, and 3 viable template copies in the reactor and these event clusters are shown to fit a Poisson distribution. This device demonstrates the most sensitive PCR possible in a microfabricated device. The detection of single DNA molecules will also facilitate single-cell and single-molecule studies to expose the genetic variation underlying ensemble sequence and expression averages.  相似文献   

This paper describes a simple microfluidic sorting system that can perform size profiling and continuous mass-dependent separation of particles through combined use of gravity (1 g) and hydrodynamic flows capable of rapidly amplifying sedimentation-based separation between particles. Operation of the device relies on two microfluidic transport processes: (i) initial hydrodynamic focusing of particles in a microchannel oriented parallel to gravity and (ii) subsequent sample separation where positional difference between particles with different mass generated by sedimentation is further amplified by hydrodynamic flows whose streamlines gradually widen out due to the geometry of a widening microchannel oriented perpendicular to gravity. The microfluidic sorting device was fabricated in poly(dimethylsiloxane), and hydrodynamic flows in microchannels were driven by gravity without using external pumps. We conducted theoretical and experimental studies on fluid dynamic characteristics of laminar flows in widening microchannels and hydrodynamic amplification of particle separation. Direct trajectory monitoring, collection, and post-analysis of separated particles were performed using polystyrene microbeads with different sizes to demonstrate rapid (<1 min) and high-purity (>99.9%) separation. Finally, we demonstrated biomedical applications of our system by isolating small-sized (diameter <6 microm) perfluorocarbon liquid droplets from polydisperse droplet emulsions, which is crucial in preparing contrast agents for safe, reliable ultrasound medical imaging, tracers for magnetic resonance imaging, or transpulmonary droplets used in ultrasound-based occlusion therapy for cancer treatment. Our method enables straightforward, rapid, real-time size monitoring and continuous separation of particles in simple stand-alone microfabricated devices without the need for bulky and complex external power sources. We believe that this system will provide a useful tool to separate colloids and particles for various analytical and preparative applications and may hold potential for separation of cells or development of diagnostic tools requiring point-of-care sample preparation or testing.  相似文献   

To explore genome variation meaningfully, there is a critical need for a high-throughput and inexpensive platform for DNA analysis. Pyrosequencing is a nonelectrophoretic bioluminometric DNA sequencing method that uses a four-enzyme mixture reaction to monitor nucleotide incorporation in real time. Currently, the commercialized pyrosequencing technique is limited to a 96-microtiter plate format. However, high throughput and inexpensive pyrosequencing is required to meet the need of screening large numbers of samples. We present here DNA pyrosequencing on a nanoliter-volume microfluidic platform. The microfluidic approach involves the trapping of the DNA on microbeads in an on-chip filter chamber and flow-through of the pyrosequencing reagents to monitor the reaction in real time. Two single-nucleotide polymorphisms were successfully scored to evaluate the microfluidic platform. In addition to significantly reducing reagent costs, microfluidic systems promise to improve the read length by eliminating intermediate product accumulation by constant removal of unincorporated nucleotides and elimination of dilution effects at each reaction cycle in the current plate format. Although only one filter chamber was used in this study, the platform should be readily adaptable to parallel analyses of nanoliter samples using filter chamber arrays to obtain high-throughput DNA analysis.  相似文献   

Microfluidic devices made from poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) are gas permeable and have been used to provide accurate on-chip oxygen regulation. However, pervaporation in PDMS devices can rapidly lead to dramatic changes in solution osmotic pressure. In the present study, we demonstrate a new method for on-chip oxygen control using pre-equilibrated aqueous solutions in gas-control channels to regulate the oxygen content in stagnant microfluidic test chambers. An off-chip gas exchanger is used to equilibrate each control solution prior to entering the chip. Using this strategy, problems due to pervaporation are considerably reduced. An integrated PDMS-based oxygen sensor allows accurate real-time measurements of the oxygen within the microfluidic chamber. The measurements were found to be consistent with predictions from finite-element modeling.  相似文献   

Although membrane channel proteins are important to drug discovery and hold great promise as engineered nanopore sensing elements, their widespread application to these areas has been limited by difficulties in fabricating planar lipid-bilayer membranes. We present a method for forming these sub-5-nm-thick free-standing structures based on a self-assembly process driven by solvent extraction in a microfluidic channel. This facile automatable process forms high-quality membranes able to host channel proteins measurable at single-molecule conductance resolution.  相似文献   

This paper describes microfluidic devices that contain connections that can be opened by the user after fabrication. The devices are fabricated in poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) and comprise disconnected fluidic channels that are separated by 20 microm of PDMS. Applying voltages above the breakdown voltage of PDMS (21 V/microm) opened pathways between disconnected channels. Fluids could then be pumped through the openings. The voltage used and the ionic strength of the buffer in the channels determined the size of the opening. Opening connections in a specific order provides the means to control complex reactions on the device. A device for ELISA was fabricated to demonstrate the ability to store and deliver fluids on demand.  相似文献   

On-demand immobilization of proteins at specific locations in a microfluidic device would advance many types of bioassays. We describe a strategy to create a patterned surface within a microfluidic channel by electrochemical means, which enables site-specific immobilization of protein matrixes and cells under physiological conditions, even after the device is fully assembled. By locally generating hypobromous acid at a microelectrode in the microchannel, the heparin-coated channel surface rapidly switches from antibiofouling to protein-adhering. Since this transformation allows compartmentalizing of multiple types of antibodies into distinct regions throughout the single microchannel, simultaneous assay of two kinds of complementary proteins was possible. This patterning procedure can be applied to conventional microfluidic devices since it requires only some electrodes and a voltage source (1.7 V, DC).  相似文献   

A glass microdevice has been constructed for the on-line integration of solid-phase extraction (SPE) of DNA and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) on a single chip. The chromatography required for SPE in the microfluidic sample preparation device (muSPD) was carried out in a silica bead/sol-gel SPE bed, where the purified DNA was eluted directly into a downstream chamber where conventional thermocycling allowed for PCR amplification of specific DNA target sequences. Through rapid, simple passivation of the PCR chamber with a silanizing reagent, reproducible DNA extraction and amplification was demonstrated from complex biological matrixes in a manner amenable to any research laboratory, using only a syringe pump and a conventional thermocycler. The muSPD allowed for SPE concentration of DNA from 600 nL of blood coupled to subsequent on-chip amplification that yielded a detectable amplicon; this simple device can be applied to a variety of routine genetic analyses without the need for sophisticated instrumentation. In addition, the applicability of these developments to nonconventional thermocycling was demonstrated through the use of noncontact, IR-mediated heating. This was exemplified with the isolation of DNA from an anthrax spore-spiked nasal swab and the subsequent on-chip amplification of target DNA sequences in a total processing time of only 25 min.  相似文献   

Leukocytes comprise less than 1% of all blood cells. Enrichment of their number, starting from a sample of whole blood, is the required first step of many clinical and basic research assays. We created a microfluidic device that takes advantage of the intrinsic features of blood flow in the microcirculation, such as plasma skimming and leukocyte margination, to separate leukocytes directly from whole blood. It consists of a simple network of rectangular microchannels designed to enhance lateral migration of leukocytes and their subsequent extraction from the erythrocyte-depleted region near the sidewalls. A single pass through the device produces a 34-fold enrichment of the leukocyte-to-erythrocyte ratio. It operates on microliter samples of whole blood, provides positive, continuous flow selection of leukocytes, and requires neither preliminary labeling of cells nor input of energy (except for a small pressure gradient to support the flow of blood). This effortless, efficient, and inexpensive technology can be used as a lab-on-a-chip component for initial whole blood sample preparation. Its integration into microanalytical devices that require leukocyte enrichment will enable accelerated transition of these devices into the field for point-of-care clinical testing.  相似文献   

A microfluidic valve was fabricated with a cross intersection and two tee intersections in close proximity and evaluated for repetitive pinched injections. Electrokinetic forces were used to mobilize the sample and control diffusive transport at a cross intersection to produce sample plugs of short axial extent in an analysis channel similar to the standard pinched valve. The addition of a tee intersection in the sample channel maintained the sample close to the injection valve under "pullback"conditions allowing more rapid loading into the cross intersection. A second tee intersection allowed unidirectional transport in the analysis channel enabling loading of subsequent injections during an analysis. The two tee intersections were each located 80 microm from the cross intersection. Injection frequencies of 1, 2.5, 5, and 10 Hz were tested with a duty cycle of 0.5 for sample loading and dispensing. With 1 kV applied to the microchip during dispensing, the relative standard deviation of the peak areas for 15 injections was 1.6%. The peak width (4sigma) for the repetitive injections increased from 71 to 96 microm compared to a standard pinched injection due to the presence of the tee intersection in the analysis channel.  相似文献   

Fang X  Chen H  Yu S  Jiang X  Kong J 《Analytical chemistry》2011,83(3):690-695
Multiplex gene assay is a valuable molecular tool not only in academic science but also in clinical diagnostics. Multiplex PCR assays, DNA microarrays, and various nanotechnology-based methods are examples of major techniques developed for analyzing multiple genes; none of these, however, are suitable for point-of-care diagnostics, especially in resource-limited settings. In this report, we describe an octopus-like multiplex microfluidic loop-mediated isothermal amplification (mμLAMP) assay for the rapid analysis of multiple genes in the point-of-care format and provide a robust approach for predicting viruses. This assay with the ability of analyzing multiple genes qualitatively and quantitatively is highly specific, operationally simple, and cost/time-effective with the detection limit of less than 10 copies/μL in 2 μL quantities of sample within 0.5 h. We successfully developed a mμLAMP chip for differentiating three human influenza A substrains and identifying eight important swine viruses.  相似文献   

This paper describes a microfluidic device, fabricated in poly(dimethylsiloxane), that is used for potentiometric titrations. This system generates step gradients of redox potentials in a series of microchannels. These potentials are probed by microelectrodes that are integrated into the chip; the measured potentials were used to produce a titration curve from which the end point of a reaction was measured.  相似文献   

We have applied multiple-time-point reaction mapping to generate high-dynamic-range quantitative data from PCR multiplexes. The approach measures, then compensates, numerous PCR slope nonidealities across the multiplex without prejudice. A multilane microelectophoresis device with a novel scanning detector that reports redundantly over more than six decades in signal strength was used to collect data with multiple readings for each amplification point and with double internal calibration (lane standards and gene standards). We investigated scaling properties and sensitivity for readout of 12plex PCR reactions. The sensitive detection, stemming from confocal optics, allowed reduction of the PCR cycle number by approximately five cycles compared to commercial fluorometric readout. This increased sensitivity appears to allow quantitative PCR over a dynamic range of >9 log2 abundance ratio in multiplex reactions exceeding 20plexes. We argue that the combination of mapping, multiplexing, and an internal standard, improves the per-well efficiency of quantitative expression analysis by a factor of 50-100 relative to fluorometric qPCR readout. Therefore, the approach is attractive for analysis of large gene networks at reduced cost.  相似文献   

A novel microfluidic approach for the quantification of reaction kinetics is presented. A three-dimensional finite difference numerical simulation was developed in order to extract quantitative kinetic information from fluorescence lifetime imaging experimental data. This approach was first utilized for the study of a fluorescence quenching reaction within a microchannel; the lifetime of a fluorophore was used to map the diffusion of a quencher across the microchannel. The approach was then applied to a more complex chemical reaction between a fluorescent amine and an acid chloride, via numerical simulation the bimolecular rate constant for this reaction was obtained.  相似文献   

We describe a microfluidic device with rapid stimulus and lysis of mammalian cells for resolving fast transient responses in cell signaling networks. The device uses segmented gas-liquid flow to enhance mixing and has integrated thermoelectric heaters and coolers to control the temperature during cell stimulus and lysis. Potential negative effects of segmented flow on cell responses are investigated in three different cell types, with no morphological changes and no activation of the cell stress-sensitive mitogen activated protein kinases observed. Jurkat E6-1 cells are stimulated in the device using alpha-CD3, and the resulting activations of ERK and JNK are presented for different time points. Stimulation of cells performed on chip results in pathway activation identical to that of conventionally treated cells under the same conditions.  相似文献   

A three-phase flow, water/n-heptane/water, was constructed in a microchannel (100-microm width, 25-microm depth) on a glass microchip (3 cm x 7 cm) and was used as a liquid membrane for separation of metal ions. Surface modification of the microchannel by octadecylsilane groups induced spontaneous phase separation of the three-phase flow in the microfluidic device, which allows control of interfacial contact time and off-chip analysis using conventional analytical apparatus. Prior to the selective transport of a metal ion through the liquid membrane in the microchannel, the forward and backward extraction of yttrium and zinc ions was investigated in a two-phase flow on a microfluidic device using 2-ethylhexyl phosphonic acid mono-2-ethylhexyl ester (commercial name, PC-88A) as an extractant. The extraction conditions (contact time of the two phases, pH, extractant concentration) in the microfluidic device were examined. These investigations demonstrated that the conventional methodology for solvent extraction of metal ions is applicable to solvent extraction in a microchannel. Finally, we employed the three-phase flow in the microchannel as a liquid membrane and observed the selective transport of Y ion through the liquid membrane. In the present study, we succeeded, for the first time, in the selective separation of a targeted metal ion from an aqueous feed solution to a receiving phase within a few seconds by employing a liquid membrane formed in a microfluidic device.  相似文献   

We report the electrochemical detection of individual redox-active molecules as they freely diffuse in solution. Our approach is based on microfabricated nanofluidic devices, wherein repeated reduction and oxidation at two closely spaced electrodes yields a giant sensitivity gain. Single molecules entering and leaving the cavity are revealed as anticorrelated steps in the faradaic current measured simultaneously through the two electrodes. Cross-correlation analysis provides unequivocal evidence of single molecule sensitivity. We further find agreement with numerical simulations of the stochastic signals and analytical results for the distribution of residence times. This new detection capability can serve as a powerful alternative when fluorescent labeling is invasive or impossible. It further enables new fundamental (bio)electrochemical experiments, for example, localized detection of neurotransmitter release, studies of enzymes with redox-active products, and single-cell electrochemical assays. Finally, our lithography-based approach renders the devices suitable for integration in highly parallelized, all-electrical analysis systems.  相似文献   

In this work, we describe and implement an electrokinetic approach for single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) discrimination using a PDMS/glass-based microfluidic chip. The technique takes advantage of precise control of the coupled thermal (Joule heating), shear (electroosmosis), and electrical (electrophoresis) energies present at an array of probes afforded by the application of external electrical potentials. Temperature controllers and embedded thermal devices are not required. The chips can be easily and inexpensively fabricated using standard microarray printing methods combined with soft-lithography patterned PDMS fluidics, making these systems easily adaptable to applications using higher density arrays. Extensive numerical simulations of the coupled flow and thermal properties and microscale thermometry experiments are described and used to characterize the in-channel conditions. It was found that optimal conditions for SNP detection occur at a lower temperature on-chip than for typical microarray experiments, thereby revealing the importance of the electrical and shear forces to the overall process. To demonstrate the clinical utility of the technique, the detection of single-base pair mutations in the survival motor neuron gene, associated with the childhood disease spinal muscular atrophy, is conducted.  相似文献   

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