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Sediments from nine floodplain lakes in Pantanal were analyzed for a large-scale (300 km) survey of mercury (Hg) load in sediments and soils of the Alto Pantanal and to study the relationship between Hg and reactive aluminum, iron, and manganese oxy-hydroxides. The results were compared with the Hg content in river and stream sediments from the Poconé gold mining area, where Hg has been extensively used and still is in use. The results indicate that the Hg concentrations were elevated in river sediment close to the mining area in Bento Gomes river basin (average in the < 74-microm fraction 88.9 ng Hg g(-1) dry wt.; interquartile range 50.3-119.5), but there was no clear indication that the local Hg emissions have contaminated the remote floodplain lakes, where concentrations were surprisingly low (average in the < 74-microm fraction 33.2 ng Hg g(-1) dry wt. sediment; interquartile range 18.4-46.8), in particular when considering geochemical characteristics of the sediment. The sediment from the floodplain lakes contained less Hg-tot and more reactive iron oxy-hydroxides than soils from the Tapajós area in the Amazon basin. This resulted in a mass ratio between Hg and amorphous oxy-hydroxides of only 5 x 10(-6) for Hg-tot/Fe-oxa (interquartile range 3-7 x 10(-6).  相似文献   

The removal of iron and manganese from groundwater using biological treatment methods is almost unknown in Latin America. Biological systems used in Europe are based on the process of double rapid biofiltration during which dissolved oxygen and pH need to be strictly controlled in order to limit abiotic iron oxidation. The performance of roughing filter technology in a biological treatment process for the removal of iron and manganese, without the use of chemical agents and under natural pH conditions was studied. Two pilot plants, using two different natural groundwaters, were operated with the following treatment line: aeration, up flow roughing filtration and final filtration (either slow or rapid). Iron and manganese removal efficiencies were found to be between 85% and 95%. The high solid retention capability of the roughing filter means that it is possible to remove iron and manganese simultaneously by biotic and abiotic mechanisms. This system combines simple, low-cost operation and maintenance with high iron and manganese removal efficiencies, thus constituting a technology which is particularly suited to small waterworks.  相似文献   

Inke Schauser 《Water research》2009,43(6):1788-1800
Management models for aquatic systems can be used to determine which measures in the watershed or in the water body have been effective and/or which one should be used in future. The newly developed management models presented in the following for Lake Tegel and Schlachtensee are empirical and lake specific. The values for the unknown factors are estimated by an iterative process using optimisation routines and sensitivity analysis methods. The resulting models describe the water and phosphorus balance of each lake. The Lake Tegel water balance model calculates the unknown water inflow from the River Havel depending on the other main in- and outflows with very good validation results. The phosphorus models of both lakes quantify mixing of the upper and lower water body as well as sedimentation and release from the sediment as functions of measured variables. For Lake Tegel, management scenarios were run indicating effective management interventions. For Lake Schlachtensee, the phosphorus model captured the variations in the hypolimnion well but produced poorer results for the epilimnion because of unknown external phosphorus loads. For these the model indicated possible sources and magnitudes.  相似文献   

The particle size distribution (PSD) of 400 Mn contaminated soil samples was established, and generated data were statistically analysed and spatially presented. The PSD for the 53 µm – 4 µm size fraction soil samples ranged from 11.05 to 100 wt %, whereas that for < 4 µm was from 0.3 to 30 wt %. Texturally, samples were dominantly silt loam, although silt and sandy loam were also present, as well as loam, loamy sand and clay classes. Six clusters were identified with cluster one being the most dominant occurring in sandy loam, silt loam and loamy sand. The < 53 µm fraction had three dominant areas, and the < 4 µm fraction had several unevenly presented populations as reflected in the maps. Because of its spatial distribution, the < 4 µm fraction may pose hazards to human health. Furthermore, predominance of Mn limits land use to subsistence agriculture with possibly low crop yield.  相似文献   

Eutrophication causes seasonally anoxic bottom waters in coastal environments, but we lack information on effects of onset of anoxia and subsequent reoxygenation on benthic fluxes of redox-sensitive minerals and associated organic carbon (OC). As the first study, we determined the effect of inducing anoxia and subsequently restoring oxic conditions in mesocosms with surface sediment and water from a coastal environment. These concentration changes were compared with those in an oxygenated control. We determined water column concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), particulate organic carbon (POC), iron, manganese, and phosphate.Benthic fluxes of DOC, POC, and iron increased at the onset of anoxia in oxygen-depleted treatments. DOC and iron concentrations increased concomitantly towards maxima, which may have indicated reductive dissolution of FeOOH and release of associated OC. The subsequent concomitant concentration decreases may have been the result of coprecipitation of OC with iron-containing minerals. In contrast, the phosphate-concentration increase occurred several days after the onset of anoxia and the manganese concentration was not affected by the onset of anoxia. Restoring oxic conditions resulted in a decrease in DOC, POC, and phosphate concentrations, which may indicate coprecipitation of OC with phosphate-containing minerals. The high DOC fluxes at the onset of anoxia indicate that redox oscillations may be important in OC degradation. Further, our results indicate a close coupling between OC cycling and dissolution/precipitation of iron-containing minerals in intermittently anoxic sediments.  相似文献   

Lake Tegel (Berlin, Germany) is controlled by two main inflows: inflow #1 (River Havel) is heavily phosphorus-laden, whereas inflow #2 is an artificial confluence that includes discharge from a municipal wastewater treatment plant distinguished by high levels of phosphorus and pharmaceuticals. To reduce the phosphorus load on the lake, a phosphorus elimination plant (PEP) is situated at inflow #2. Moreover, the two inflows are short-circuited by a pipeline that transfers part of the inflow #1 water to the PEP and finally releases it into inflow #2. The pipeline and the PEP have contributed to a continuous reduction in the total phosphorus concentration of Lake Tegel in the past 25 years. We investigate the question of whether the existing lake pipeline can also be used to reduce the amount of pharmaceuticals in Lake Tegel originating from inflow #2 by dilution with water from River Havel, by diverting part of inflow #2 around the lake, or by a combination of both strategies. The circulation pattern of Lake Tegel is complicated by complex bathymetry and numerous islands and is therefore highly sensitive to winds. We tested seven different management scenarios by hydrodynamic modeling for a period of 16 years with the two-dimensional version of the Princeton Ocean Model (POM). None of the scenarios provided a strategy optimal for both pharmaceuticals and phosphorus. Nonetheless, compound regimes, such as alternating the pipe flow direction or adding another pipeline, allowed the most abundant pharmaceutical (carbamazepine) to be reduced while maintaining the current phosphorus level. This study demonstrates the ability of immediate lake regulation measures to maintain water quality. In the case of Lake Tegel, the pipeline can be fully effective with regard to pharmaceuticals only in combination with additional efforts such as advanced pharmaceutical treatment of wastewater and/or phosphorus reduction in the River Havel catchment.  相似文献   

Excess phosphorus in wastewaters promotes eutrophication in receiving waterways. A cost-effective method for the removal of phosphorus from water would significantly reduce the impact of such wastewaters on the environment. Acid mine drainage sludge is a waste product produced by the neutralization of acid mine drainage, and consists mainly of the same metal hydroxides used in traditional wastewater treatment for the removal of phosphorus. In this paper, we describe a method for the drying and pelletization of acid mine drainage sludge that results in a particulate media, which we have termed Ferroxysorb, for the removal of phosphorus from wastewater in an efficient packed bed contactor. Adsorption capacities are high, and kinetics rapid, such that a contact time of less than 5 min is sufficient for removal of 60-90% of the phosphorus, depending on the feed concentration and time in service. In addition, the adsorption capacity of the Ferroxysorb media was increased dramatically by using two columns in an alternating sequence so that each sludge bed receives alternating rest and adsorption cycles. A stripping procedure based on treatment with dilute sodium hydroxide was also developed that allows for recovery of the P from the media, with the possibility of generating a marketable fertilizer product. These results indicate that acid mine drainage sludges - hitherto thought of as undesirable wastes - can be used to remove phosphorus from wastewater, thus offsetting a portion of acid mine drainage treatment costs while at the same time improving water quality in sensitive watersheds.  相似文献   

A whole-lake hypolimnetic Ca(OH)2 addition, that induced calcium carbonate precipitation, combined with deep water aeration has been applied to eutrophic Lake Luzin, Germany during 1996-1998. In this study we investigated the dynamic of phosphorus and its binding forms in seston and sediment before and during the treatment. The sedimentation rates of phosphorus increased within three years of induced calcite precipitation. The phosphorus binding forms shifted to the calcite-bound phosphorus in the settling matter. The increase of calcite-bound P in the settling material did not coincide with the maximum induced CaCO3-precipitation caused by the hypolimnetic addition of Ca(OH)2. An impact of chemicals additions and pH on phosphorus binding forms in seston and surface sediments has been studied in laboratory experiments with sediment core incubations and slurry experiments.Laboratory studies showed that the lowest phosphorus flux from sediment was related to the experiment with pH = 7 in overlaying water adjusted with Ca(OH)2. The adjusting of pH with Ca(OH)2 leads to a lower P flux of 2.3 mg P m−2 d−1, while the highest P-flux is attributed to the experiment with the pH which was adjusted with NaOH. Phosphorus fraction which reflects phosphorus binding on carbonates in surface sediments increased within one year of treatment, enhancing the phosphorus retention capacity of sediments.  相似文献   

Phosphorus loss from soil can play an important role in eutrophication of aquatic bodies. The seasonal variation of available phosphorus in soil profiles of three major paddy soils (Bai soil, Huangni soil and Wushan soil) during wheat and rice growth seasons was studied in the Taihu Lake region of China. The results were as follows: the available phosphorus contents differed in the three paddy soils. Available phosphorus content in Bai soil was the lowest in these soils. The available phosphorus content decreases rapidly with depth from the soil surface and reach the minimum value at approximately 45 cm before increasing slightly near the groundwater. The contents of available phosphorus were higher in February (tillering and shooting period of wheat) and in September (full heading time of rice) than in other months. The total phosphorus content strongly affects available phosphorus content in the studied soils. During the period of wheat cultivation, they show a typical power function relationship with correlation coefficient r = 0.6492** (n = 13), a significant positive linear correlation. In addition, available phosphorus content has a remarkable positive linear correlation with organic matter content, r = 0.9111** (n = 13), and a remarkable negative linear correlation with pH value, r = ?0.5945* (n = 13). In Wushan soil, there is a negative linear correlation between clay content and available phosphorus content, r = ?0.9289* (n = 4). Therefore, total phosphorus content, organic matter content and pH value are major impact factors on available phosphorus content in these soils.  相似文献   

During recent decades the amounts of nutrients discharged to Finnish surface waters have markedly decreased. This has been achieved by considerable investments in water protection, which were made mainly to improve municipal and industrial wastewater purification. We investigated whether these water protection measures have decreased phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations in Finnish rivers and lakes. In addition, possible trends in chlorophyll a concentrations in lakes were studied. The data consisted of a total of over 68 000 monitoring results of 22 rivers and 173 lakes (or sub-basins of lakes) with different types of catchment areas. The study period covered the years 1975–2000 and the non-parametric Kendall Tau b and Seasonal Kendall tests were applied for detecting trends. Decreasing nutrient concentration trends were typical in many lakes and rivers earlier polluted by municipal and industrial wastewaters. Increasing nutrient concentration trends were common in smaller rivers and lakes receiving diffuse loading from agriculture. The results show that the investments directed towards wastewater purification have effectively improved the quality of Finnish inland waters. However, no clear effects of decreasing non-point loading were found. Thus, more effective measures should be directed towards decreasing non-point source loading.  相似文献   

Lake Sapanca has been the only source of drinking and recreational water for the city of Adapazari, Turkey. This paper reports a study of the variation of nutrient loading and trophic state of the lake, and also water quality parameters of Lake Sapanca compared to those of the neighbouring Lake Iznik. Through one year, samples were taken every three months from 15 different points on the streams feeding and draining off the lake. Nitrate, NO2‐N, NH3‐N, TKN, PO4‐P concentrations on the 12 streams fe and three draining off points were determined. Then, loading, discharge, and accumulation amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus causing eutrophication were calculated and the trophic state of the lake was determined. A simple model was used to analyse the response of Lake Sapanca when the phosphorus loading rate was changed. Through this model, the variation of different parameters (t, M, K, Q, V and A) with respect to phosphorus concentration (C) was studied to identify effects and results. The consequences of an eutrophic state and measures to protect the lake are also discussed.  相似文献   

Hongping P  Yong W 《Water research》2003,37(2):416-428
The models such as the eutrophication ecosystem model of West Lake, Hangzhou (EEM), are always used to make policy decisions for eutrophication management. Thus it is important to know the uncertainty in the model predictions due to the combined effects of uncertainty in the full set of input variables, and the individual input parameters whose variations have the greatest effect on variations in model predictions. In this study, randomized methods based on Monte Carlo technique have been developed and applied to the model (EEM). The technique consists of parameter sensitivity analysis, randomly sampling from underlying probability distributions and multivariate regression analysis. With this technique, model uncertainties during modeling are clarified and their propagation evaluated. Results show that among the five input parameters selected for uncertainty analysis, the settling rate of algae SVS and water temperature TEM have the largest contribution to model prediction uncertainty of the model outputs (PC, PS and PHYT).  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are essential elements for life, but in excess they contribute to aquatic eutrophication. The Baltic Sea is a brackish semi-enclosed sea that is heavily influenced by anthropogenic loading of nutrients, resulting in a major environmental problem, eutrophication. In this study, the nutrient balance of the food production and consumption system in seven countries in the Baltic Sea drainage area was quantified for the period 2002-2005. The food production and consumption system accumulates nutrients in the Baltic Sea drainage area, due to extensive imports to the system. The average annual net surplus of nutrients was 1 800 000 tons N and 320 000 tons P in 2002-2005, or annually 28 kg N and 5 kg P per capita. The average total annual import was 2 100 000 tons N and 340 000 tons P during 2002-2005. The largest imports to the system were fertilizers, totaling 1 700 000 tons N and 290 000 tons P. Traded nutrients in food and fodder amounted to a net annual surplus of 180 000 tons N and 25 000 tons P. The nutrient load to the Baltic Sea due to the food consumption and production system was 21% N and 6% P of the respective annual net inputs to the region. This study shows that large amounts of nutrients to Baltic Sea drainage area are inputs from outside the region, eventually contributing to eutrophication. To reduce the nutrient imports, fertilizers should be used more efficiently, nutrients should be recycled more efficiently inside the region, and food system should be guided toward low-nutrient intensive diets.  相似文献   

Morton SC  Zhang Y  Edwards MA 《Water research》2005,39(13):2883-2892
Control of microbial regrowth in iron pipes is a major challenge for water utilities. This work examines the inter-relationship between iron corrosion and bacterial regrowth, with a special focus on the potential of iron pipe to serve as a source of phosphorus. Under some circumstances, corroding iron and steel may serve as a source for all macronutrients necessary for bacterial regrowth including fixed carbon, fixed nitrogen and phosphorus. Conceptual models and experimental data illustrate that levels of phosphorus released from corroding iron are significant relative to that necessary to sustain high levels of biofilm bacteria. Consequently, it may not be possible to control regrowth on iron surfaces by limiting phosphorus in the bulk water.  相似文献   

Information is provided on phosphorus in the River Kennet and the adjacent Kennet and Avon Canal in southern England to assess their interactions and the changes following phosphorus reductions in sewage treatment work (STW) effluent inputs.A step reduction in soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) concentration within the effluent (5 to 13 fold) was observed from several STWs discharging to the river in the mid-2000s. This translated to over halving of SRP concentrations within the lower Kennet. Lower Kennet SRP concentrations change from being highest under base-flow to highest under storm-flow conditions. This represented a major shift from direct effluent inputs to a within-catchment source dominated system characteristic of the upper part to the catchment. Average SRP concentrations in the lower Kennet reduced over time towards the target for good water quality. Critically, there was no corresponding reduction in chlorophyll-a concentration, the waters remaining eutrophic when set against standards for lakes.Following the up gradient input of the main water and SRP source (Wilton Water), SRP concentrations in the canal reduced down gradient to below detection limits at times near its junction with the Kennet downstream. However, chlorophyll concentrations in the canal were in an order of magnitude higher than in the river. This probably resulted from long water residence times and higher temperatures promoting progressive algal and suspended sediment generations that consumed SRP. The canal acted as a point source for sediment, algae and total phosphorus to the river especially during the summer months when boat traffic disturbed the canal's bottom sediments and the locks were being regularly opened. The short-term dynamics of this transfer was complex. For the canal and the supply source at Wilton Water, conditions remained hypertrophic when set against standards for lakes even when SRP concentrations were extremely low.  相似文献   

The biogeochemical cycling of iron, manganese, sulfide, and dissolved organic carbon were investigated to provide information on the transport and removal processes that control the bioavailability of isotopic mercury amended to a lake. Lake profiles showed a similar trend of hypolimnetic enrichment of Fe, Mn, DOC, sulfide, and the lake spike ((202)Hg, purity 90.8%) and ambient of pools of total mercury (HgT) and methylmercury (MeHg). Hypolimnetic enrichment of Fe and Mn indicated that reductive mobilization occurred primarily at the sediment-water interface and that Fe and Mn oxides were abundant within the sediments prior to the onset of anoxia. A strong relationship (r(2)=0.986, n=15, p<0.001) between filterable Fe and Mn indicated that reduction of Fe and Mn hydrous oxides in the sediments is a common in-lake source of Fe(II) and Mn(II) to the hypolimnion and that a consistent Mn:Fe mass ratio of 0.05 exists in the lake. A strong linear relationship of both the filterable [Fe] (r(2)=0.966, n=15, p<0.001) and [Mn] (r(2)=0.964, n=15, p<0.001) to [DOC] indicated a close linkage of the cycles of Fe and Mn to DOC. Persistence of iron oxides in anoxic environments suggested that DOC was being co-precipitated with Fe oxide and released into solution by the reductive dissolution of the oxide. The relationship between ambient and lake spike HgT (r(2)=0.920, n=27, p<0.001) and MeHg (r(2)=0.967, n=23, p<0.001) indicated that similar biogeochemical processes control the temporal and spatial distribution in the water column. The larger fraction of MeHg in the lake spike compared to the ambient pool in the hypolimnion suggests that lake spike may be more available for methylation. A linear relationship of DOC to both filterable ambient HgT (r(2)=0.406, n=27, p<0.001) and lake spike HgT (r(2)=0.314, n=15, p=0.002) suggest a role of organic matter in Hg transport and cycling. However, a weak relationship between the ambient and lake spike pools of MeHg to DOC indicated that other processes have a major role in controlling the abundance and distribution of MeHg. Our results suggest that Fe and Mn play important roles in the transport and cycling of ambient and spike HgT and MeHg in the hypolimnion, in part through processes linked to the formation and dissolution of organic matter-containing Fe and Mn hydrous oxides particles.  相似文献   

With over 50% of the US population living in coastal counties, the ocean and coastal environments have substantial impacts on coastal communities. While many of the impacts are positive, such as tourism and recreation opportunities, there are also negative impacts, such as exposure to harmful algal blooms (HABs) and water borne pathogens. Recent advances in environmental monitoring and weather prediction may allow us to forecast these potential adverse effects and thus mitigate the negative impact from coastal environmental threats. One example of the need to mitigate adverse environmental impacts occurs on Florida's west coast, which experiences annual blooms, or periods of exuberant growth, of the toxic dinoflagellate, Karenia brevis. K. brevis produces a suite of potent neurotoxins called brevetoxins. Wind and wave action can break up the cells, releasing toxin that can then become part of the marine aerosol or sea spray. Brevetoxins in the aerosol cause respiratory irritation in people who inhale it. In addition, asthmatics who inhale the toxins report increase upper and lower airway symptoms and experience measurable changes in pulmonary function. Real-time reporting of the presence or absence of these toxic aerosols will allow asthmatics and local coastal residents to make informed decisions about their personal exposures, thus adding to their quality of life. A system to protect public health that combines information collected by an Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) has been designed and implemented in Sarasota and Manatee Counties, Florida. This system is based on real-time reports from lifeguards at the eight public beaches. The lifeguards provide periodic subjective reports of the amount of dead fish on the beach, apparent level of respiratory irritation among beach-goers, water color, wind direction, surf condition, and the beach warning flag they are flying. A key component in the design of the observing system was an easy reporting pathway for the lifeguards to minimize the amount of time away from their primary duties. Specifically, we provided a Personal Digital Assistant for each of the eight beaches. The portable unit allows the lifeguards to report from their guard tower. The data are transferred via wireless Internet to a website hosted on the Mote Marine Laboratory Sarasota Operations of the Coastal Ocean Observation Laboratories (SO COOL) server. The system has proven to be robust and well received by the public. The system has reported variability from beach to beach and has provided vital information to users to minimize their exposure to toxic marine aerosols.  相似文献   

This work evaluated the suitability of selected chemical species as indicators for tracking and apportionment of point and non-point phosphorus sources within the Table Rock Lake watershed in Southwest Missouri, USA. The species were evaluated with respect to their uniqueness to specific source types, their ability to be detected in both sources and receiving waters, and the consistency of their concentration ratios to phosphorus. Four sampling events were conducted at 15 sample locations in one year to collect water samples for measuring the concentrations of total and dissolved phosphorus, seven anions, and 19 major and trace elements. Current analytical methods were sensitive enough for quantification of most of the chemical species in both sources and the receiving waterbody. Due to the high seasonal variation of phosphorus concentrations in source samples, no chemical species had consistent concentration ratios to phosphorus across source types. However, several chemicals were found to be unique to specific sources; bromide ion can be used as a unique indicator for the effluent of the largest wastewater treatment plant in the watershed.  相似文献   

Phoslock® is a lanthanum (La) modified bentonite clay that is being increasingly used as a geo-engineering tool for the control of legacy phosphorus (P) release from lake bed sediments to overlying waters. This study investigates the potential for negative ecological impacts from elevated La concentrations associated with the use of Phoslock® across 16 case study lakes. Impact-recovery trajectories associated with total lanthanum (TLa) and filterable La (FLa) concentrations in surface and bottom waters were quantified over a period of up to 60 months following Phoslock® application. Both surface and bottom water TLa and FLa concentrations were <0.001 mg L−1 in all lakes prior to the application of Phoslock®. The effects of Phoslock® application were evident in the post-application maximum TLa and FLa concentrations reported for surface waters between 0.026 mg L−1–2.30 mg L−1 and 0.002 mg L−1 to 0.14 mg L−1, respectively. Results of generalised additive modelling indicated that recovery trajectories for TLa and FLa in surface and bottom waters in lakes were represented by 2nd order decay relationships, with time, and that recovery reached an end-point between 3 and 12 months post-application. Recovery in bottom water was slower (11–12 months) than surface waters (3–8 months), most probably as a result of variation in physicochemical conditions of the receiving waters and associated effects on product settling rates and processes relating to the disturbance of bed sediments. CHEAQS PRO modelling was also undertaken on 11 of the treated lakes in order to predict concentrations of La3+ ions and the potential for negative ecological impacts. This modelling indicated that the concentrations of La3+ ions will be very low (<0.0004 mg L−1) in lakes of moderately low to high alkalinity (>0.8 mEq L−1), but higher (up to 0.12 mg L−1) in lakes characterised by very low alkalinity. The effects of elevated La3+ concentrations following Phoslock® applications in lakes of very low alkalinity requires further evaluation. The implications for the use of Phoslock® in eutrophication management are discussed.  相似文献   

Vera Istv  novics 《Water research》1988,22(12):1473-1481
Phosphorus release was low from intact sediment cores of the mesotrophic area of the lake throughout the year, and amounted to 0.3 mg P m−2 day−1 during autumn in short-term incubations. In the hypertrophic area maximum release (2.8 mg Pm−2 day−1) was measured during summer.

Phosphorus release showed a rapid increase from long-term incubated intact sediment cores with the increasing pH of the overlying water. At the ecologically real maximum pH the release may amount to 0.8 and 4.0 mg P m−2 day−1 in the mesotrophic and hypertrophic areas, respectively. A release of 2.0–3.9 mg P m−2 day−1 was estimated from sediment suspensions of the hypertrophic area within a pH range of 8–9. These values are similar to the external phosphorus loadings of the respective areas.

The most important phosphorus mobilizing factors are pH and the decomposition of the organic matter in the sediments. Redox conditions may play a significant indirect role in the regulation of the internal loading.

A positive feedback is hypothesized between the internal phosphorus loading and primary production both processes being affected by the external loading in different ways.  相似文献   

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