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Undergraduates age 18 to 24 years (n=656) completed questionnaires assessing tobacco use, depressive symptoms, coping responses, weight concerns, and exercise. The majority of participants were female (72%), White/non-Hispanic (95%), and in the 1st or 2nd year of college (80%). Current tobacco users (n=236) had a higher frequency of depression (40%) than never tobacco users (32%; p=.05). Tobacco users classified as depressed (Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale [CES-D] score a 16) reported greater weight concerns and more frequent maladaptive coping in response to negative mood than tobacco users classified as nondepressed (CES-D score  相似文献   

The prevalence of dieting, weight change history, and specific weight loss behaviors was examined in a population-based sample of 1,015 female 9th–12th graders. Healthy weight loss behaviors were reported much more frequently than unhealthy weight loss behaviors (e.g., healthy behaviors: exercise?=?32.4%, decrease fat intake?=?26.0%, reduce snacks?=?25.0%, reduce kilocalorie intake?=?22.4%; unhealthy behaviors: fasting?=?8.1%, diet pills?=?5.4%, vomiting?=?4.4%). Obesity status and restrained eating scores were positively related to greater history of weight loss episodes, pounds lost, and weight fluctuations and to greater use of healthy weight loss methods and weight loss programs. Implications for public health recommendations regarding dieting and its associated behaviors in female adolescents are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Although college women are known to be at high risk for eating-related problems, relatively little is known about how various aspects of concerns related to eating, weight, and shape are patterned syndromally in this population. Moreover, the extent to which various patterns represent stable conditions or transitory states during this dynamic period of development is unclear. The present study used latent class and latent transition analysis (LCA/LTA) to derive syndromes of concerns related to eating, weight, and shape and movement across these syndromes in a sample of 1,498 women ascertained as first-time freshmen and studied over 4 years. LCA identified 5 classes characterized by (a) no obvious pathological eating-related concerns (prevalence: 28%–34%); (b) a high likelihood of limiting attempts (prevalence: 29%–34%); (c) a high likelihood of overeating and binge eating (prevalence: 14%–18%); (d) a high likelihood of limiting attempts and overeating or binge eating (prevalence: 14%–17%); and (e) pervasive bulimiclike concerns (prevalence: 6%–7%). Membership in each latent class tended to be stable over time. When movement occurred, it tended to be to a less severe class. These findings indicate that there are distinct, prevalent, and relatively stable forms of eating-related concerns in college women. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The computerized records of 3074 women who were delivered during the period 1987-1990 were analysed. We studied possible relations of birth weight and gestational age to maternal first- and second-trimester hemoglobin levels. Birth weight and gestational age were taken as outcome variables in a multiple stepwise regression analysis, including factors that might interact with hemoglobin levels. A strong independent inverse correlation between the lowest second-trimester hemoglobin and birth weight was observed. First-trimester hemoglobin levels explained little with regard to birth weight, but had a small negative correlation to gestational age. For gestational age < 259 days we found a strong positive correlation between the first- to second-trimester decrease in hemoglobin and birth weight.  相似文献   

The relationships between perceived stress, depressive symptoms, concern about weight gain and smoking dependence were examined among 83 European American and 175 African American female smokers bringing children to pediatric clinics serving a low-income population. Among African American women, but not European American women, greater stress and more depressive symptoms predicted greater smoking dependence, and less concern about weight gain predicted greater smoking dependence. Multivariate analyses confirmed the bivariate relationships among stress, depressive symptoms, and smoking dependence among African American women but reduced the relationship between weight concern and smoking dependence. The stronger relationships among stress, depressive symptoms, and smoking dependence among African American women may be indicative of smoking patterns more associated with affect regulation than are the smoking patterns of European American women. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated the relationships among magazine exposure, self-objectification, body shape dissatisfaction, and eating disorder symptomatology in 150 men and women (aged 18-42 yrs). Women reading beauty magazines and men reading fitness magazines internalized societal ideals (internalization). For women, beauty magazines predicted self-objectification, mediated by internalization. For men, only internalization predicted self-objectification. For men, fitness magazines predicted body shape dissatisfaction, mediated by internalization. For women, only internalization predicted body shape dissatisfaction. Reading magazines also predicted eating problems for men and women, for women this was mediated by internalization. Findings suggest that magazine reading is related to concerns with physical appearance and eating behaviors. Many of the relationships previously found for women are similar for men. A sociocultural model is used to explain these results. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: Recent studies in primary biliary cirrhosis have reported the detection of serum antibodies against Mycobacterium gordonae and of mycobacterial DNA in liver sections. The aim of this study was to investigate whether mycobacterial DNA is present in liver biopsy material in primary biliary cirrhosis. METHODS: Archival liver biopsy specimens from 11 patients with primary biliary cirrhosis (10 female, mean age 52 years) and 11 patients with autoimmune hepatitis (10 female, mean age 53 years) were identified. Positive control tissue comprised five archival lymph node specimens from patients with tuberculous lymphadenopathy, three of which had stained positive on ZN staining, and also a liver biopsy specimen from a patient with tuberculous hepatitis (ZN positive). Fixed sections were deparaffinised and DNA was extracted by mechanical disruption with glass beads. DNA was purified by use of diatoms and lysis in guanidinium thiocyanate in a technique previously validated for archival DNA. Primers were directed to amplify a partial 16S ribosomal RNA gene yielding the species-specific character for mycobacteria, and also to amplify the constitutively-expressed human gene GAPDH. RESULTS: The polymerase chain reaction was shown to be capable of detecting 1 fg of M. gordonae DNA in 'spiked' samples, equivalent to 1-5 bacterial cells. No mycobacterial DNA was detected in liver biopsy samples from either the primary biliary cirrhosis or autoimmune hepatitis groups. Of the tuberculous control sections, mycobacterial DNA was detected in four of five lymph nodes and the liver biopsy specimen. GAPDH amplification was detected in all tested samples from liver disease and tuberculous control samples. CONCLUSION: These data do not support a role for mycobacteria in the aetiology of primary biliary cirrhosis.  相似文献   

Tested 36 male, spayed female, and pseudohermaphroditic female dogs in pairs for competition over a large bone. Pseudohermaphrodites had been exposed to testosterone propionate before and immediately after birth. In equal opportunity (EO) tests, both members of a pair had equal chance to seize the bone. Each EO test was followed by an established possession (EP) test. During an EP test, the loser of the preceding EO test was given possession of the bone before the former winner was returned to the test arena. Every S was tested against all other members of its own and the other groups. Males won 78 of 100 EO tests against normal females but only 61 of 100 against pseudohermaphrodites. Pseudohermaphrodites won 70 of 100 EO tests against normal females. When either normal or pseudohermaphroditic females were given possession of the bone in EP tests they were equally ineffective in defense against male challengers, losing 75 and 71% of their tests, respectively. Both types of females were more successful in defending possession during EP tests against each other. When normal and pseudohermaphroditic females were treated with testosterone, their performance in competition tests was not altered. Androgenic stimulation before and immediately after birth permanently modified the social behavior of pseudohermaphrodites as well as the behavior of males and normal females toward experimental Ss. (6 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Rowers compete in a sport that allows comparison of male and female athletes and where some (lightweight) but not others (heavyweights) must meet specific weight criteria. Eating attitudes, dieting patterns, weight fluctuation, and methods of weight loss were evaluated in 162 rowers: 82 heavyweights (56 females, 26 males) and 80 lightweights (17 females, 63 males). Females displayed more disturbed eating practices and weight control methods than did males. Lightweights did not have more disturbed eating practices than heavyweights, but employed more extreme weight loss methods. Male rowers were more affected by weight restriction than were female rowers. Lightweight males showed greater weight fluctuation during the season and gained more weight during the offseason than did lightweight females and heavyweight males and females. These results indicate that rowing can join the growing list of sports where eating and weight disturbances may be present. Male athletes may be more vulnerable to these problems than previously recognized.  相似文献   

A major issue confronting investigators in the area of counseling research has been the existence or nonexistence of sexism. To eliminate problems of possible reactivity and insensitivity of previous research, this counseling analog study with 53 male (M) and 29 female (F) internship-level PhD candidates in clinical psychology employed tasks of incidental memory and a task requiring counselors to formulate questions for the client to assess counselor behavior toward an F and an M client. Four major findings were obtained. First, contrary to charges of sexism, Ss were equally attentive to the vocational concerns of an F and an M client. However, M Ss asked significantly more questions related to social concerns of an F client than of an M client who had identical concerns. Furthermore, both M and F Ss tended to recall fewer concerns of the F client. F Ss remembered more client information than M Ss. Implications for training mental health professionals are discussed. (20 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The issue of women flying military aircraft in a combat role has been very controversial. HYPOTHESIS: To succeed, female military aircrew are very similar to their male peers. METHODS: We conducted a comprehensive anonymous questionnaire survey of all U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force rated female aircrew, with an equal number of age and duty matched male aircrew. We are reporting on the interpersonal relationship and prisoner of war (P.O.W.) responses here. RESULTS: Male and female aircrew respond in a similar manner to posed questions, although differences do exist. Women reported: unequal treatment by opposite gender peers; problems relating to peers, superiors and subordinates; their gender influences assignments; the need to perform to higher standards and the need to work harder to be accepted as equals; ability to bond equally to their own and opposite gender peers; improved squadron cohesiveness in mixed gender squadrons; problems with peers' spouses; and, in a P.O.W. situation, fear of rape and sexual abuse. Men reported: women get inappropriate privileges and get special "breaks"; a gender difference in how flight duties are performed; worsened squadron cohesiveness in mixed gender squadrons; less likeliness to recommend their career path to their daughters; and a higher concern for welfare of families in a P.O.W. situation. CONCLUSIONS: Although responding in a similar manner to most questions, male and female military aircrew differ in the perception of their ability to function in mixed squadrons because of their gender. Some of these perceptions can be modified through training, others may need to be resolved through high level orders/policy; while in others, the military may have to accept women are different from men in some aspects.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to investigate whether a meaningful task-switching construct could be identified and, if so, to determine how it was related to measures of higher order cognition and to adult age. Both studies revealed that measures of task switching were moderately correlated across different combinations of tasks and that a switching construct could be distinguished from a construct reflecting processing speed. The results of the 2nd study revealed that although the task-switching construct was related to age and to measures of episodic memory, inductive reasoning, and spatial visualization, most of the relations between the switching construct and both age and other measures of cognition were shared with other variables. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

I examined sex-typed traits (instrumentality and expressiveness), the work environment (demands and interpersonal resources), and importance of stressor episodes as predictors of 3 measures of coping (avoidance, problem reappraisal, and active problem solving) derived from a modified Ways of Coping Checklist. The data were collected from 132 managers (60 men and 72 women). Sex-typed trait measures and demographic information were assessed 1 month before the assessment of the work environment, stressful episodes, and coping responses. Women, compared with men, were more likely to use avoidance and problem-reappraisal coping, whereas there were no gender differences with regard to active problem-solving coping. Multiple regression analyses showed that sex-typed traits, the work environment, and episode importance were significant predictors of the coping scores after the effects of sex were removed, and that patterns of effects were different for each type of coping. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Endoscopic carpal tunnel release is a controversial procedure used in the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome. Although endoscopic carpal tunnel release is associated with less incisional pain and faster recovery time than the open carpal tunnel release, opponents of endoscopic carpal tunnel release suggest that its benefits are outweighed by its higher complication rates from median nerve transection and transient numbness of the fingers. Because of the huge economic and social impact of carpal tunnel syndrome in this country, we performed a cost-effectiveness analysis comparing endoscopic carpal tunnel release and open carpal tunnel release using guidelines established by the Panel on Cost-Effectiveness in Health and Medicine of the U.S. Public Health Service. A decision analytic model was used to measure differences in cost and effectiveness--expressed as quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs)--between endoscopic carpal tunnel release and open carpal tunnel release. The societal perspective was chosen, and probabilities for various outcomes for the two procedures were obtained from published randomized-controlled trials. Cost data were derived from the Medicare Resource-Based Relative Value Units published in the Federal Register. QALYs were obtained from two groups of health care providers using a utility-assessment questionnaire. Using probabilities for various outcomes from the two published randomized-controlled trials comparing endoscopic carpal tunnel release and open carpal tunnel release, we constructed a decision tree to derive both the cost and the QALYs for the two procedures. The incremental cost difference between endoscopic carpal tunnel release and open carpal tunnel release was $46, using Medicare cost and probabilities of various outcomes derived from a study by Brown et al. in 1993. We calculated QALYs for five age groups--25, 35, 45, 55, 65--assuming a life expectancy of 75 years. The marginal effectiveness (QALY of endoscopic carpal tunnel release minus QALY of open carpal tunnel release) ranged from 0.235 QALY for the 25-year-old age group to 0.066 QALY for the 65-year-old age group, giving a cost-effectiveness ratio of $195/QALY and $693/QALY, respectively. When compared with other accepted medical interventions such as breast cancer screening ($4836/QALY) and exercise to prevent coronary heart disease ($13,508/QALY), endoscopic carpal tunnel release seems to be cost-effective. However, our sensitivity analysis indicated that the cost-effectiveness ratio was very sensitive to a major complication such as median nerve injury. For endoscopic carpal tunnel release to be a cost-effective procedure, the incidence of median nerve injury must be one percentage point less for endoscopic carpal tunnel release than for open carpal tunnel release. Based on the data from the randomized-controlled trials, endoscopic carpal tunnel release seems to be a cost-effective procedure; however, before it can be recommended, greater emphasis must be given to the training of surgeons in this new technique, so that major complications such as median nerve injuries can be avoided. In addition, future studies must better define the actual incidence of nerve injuries for both endoscopic carpal tunnel release and open carpal tunnel release in the community setting.  相似文献   

Individuals with binge eating disorder (BED) have high rates of comorbid psychopathology, yet little is known about the relation of comorbidity to eating disorder features or response to treatment. These issues were examined among 162 BED patients participating in a psychotherapy trial. Axis I psychopathology was not significantly related to baseline eating disorder severity, as measured by the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R (SCID-I and SCID-II) and the Eating Disorder Examination. However, presence of Axis II psychopathology was significantly related to more severe binge eating and eating disorder psychopathology at baseline. Although overall presence of Axis II psychopathology did not predict treatment outcome, presence of Cluster B personality disorders predicted significantly higher levels of binge eating at 1 year following treatment. Results suggest the need to consider Cluster B disorders when designing treatments for BED. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Suggests that the commonly reported preponderance of female over male depression in incidence and prevalence studies requires further analysis. One explanation is that the social consequences of expression of depressive symptomatology are different for males and females. A comparison of 157 male and 189 female undergraduates' reactions to male and female case histories of common reactions to stress confirmed the hypothesis. Depression elicited more rejection of males than of females, and the sex difference in rejection of depression was more pronounced than for anxiety or flat affect-detached responses. A discriminant analysis suggested that depressed males are especially likely to be perceived as impaired in role functioning as compared with depressed females. Results suggest that depressed males are not rejected for expression of emotionality as such. Speculations about the causes and consequences of differential rejection of depression are noted. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The relationship between desirable and undesirable aspects of masculinity and femininity and drinking and eating was investigated. A sample of 144 university women in Australia completed questionnaires that assessed masculinity and femininity, reported drinking, alcohol dependence, eating restraint, frequency of dieting, and overeating. Evidence of a common underlying dimension linking aspects of problem drinking and overeating to undesirable masculine characteristics was found. The results are consistent with the view that women engage in excessive consummatory behaviors such as binging to deal with their gender-role conflict.  相似文献   

Previous studies that have suggested that masculinity is a strong predictor of mental health have been generally limited to college student populations or have focused specifically on women. This study investigated the relation of masculinity to self-esteem and self-acceptance in male professionals (n?=?96), clients (n?=?55), and college students (n?=?73). The Personal Orientation Inventory, Bem Sex Role Inventory, and Rotter Internal–External Locus of Control Scale were administered to the subjects, along with a demographic data sheet. Correlations were used to investigate the relation and relative predictive significance of masculinity, femininity, education, occupation, and locus of control to self-esteem and self-acceptance. Masculinity was found to be the best predictor of self-esteem for male professionals and clients, and the best predictor of self-acceptance for clients. Femininity did not correlate with self-esteem or self-acceptance in any group. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The excessive influence of shape or weight on self-evaluation--referred to as overvaluation--is considered by some a central feature across eating disorders but is not a diagnostic requirement for binge eating disorder (BED). This study examined shape/weight overvaluation in 399 consecutive patients with BED. Participants completed semistructured interviews, including the Eating Disorder Examination (EDE; C. G. Fairburn & Z. Cooper, 1993) and several self-report measures. Shape/weight overvaluation was unrelated to body mass index (BMI) but was strongly associated with measures of eating-related psychopathology and psychological status (i.e., higher depression and lower self-esteem). Participants were categorized via EDE guidelines into 1 of 2 groups: clinical overvaluation (58%) or subclinical overvaluation (42%). The 2 groups did not differ significantly in BMI or binge eating frequency, but the clinical overvaluation group had significantly greater eating-related psychopathology and poorer psychological status than the subclinical overvaluation group. Findings suggest that overvaluation does not simply reflect concern commensurate with being overweight but is strongly associated with eating-related psychopathology and psychological functioning and warrants consideration as a diagnostic feature for BED. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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