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Structural, electrical, and optical properties of undoped and Zn doped lead sulfide (PbS) thin films are benign reported in this paper. The subjected films were grown on glass substrates at 25 °C by a chemical bath deposition (CBD) method. The concentration of Zn in the deposition bath represented by the ratio [Zn2+]/[Pb2+] was varied from 0% to 5%. It was found that the film׳s grains decreased in size with increasing Zn content in the film. XRD data showed the polycrystalline nature of the film its crystal orientation peak intensities decreased with higher doping concentration of Zn. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) measurements revealed that the surface roughness of the films decreased due to zinc doping as well. However, with increasing of the dopant concentration from 0% to 5%, the average transmittance of the films varied over the range of 35–75%. The estimated optical band (Eg) gaps of undoped and Zn doped PbS thin films were in the range of 0.72–1.46 eV. Hall Effect measurements electrical resistivity, carrier concentration and Hall mobility have been determined for the titled film as functions on the Zn content within the film׳s textures. The overall result of this work suggested that the Zn:PbS film is a good candidate as an absorber layer in the modern solar cell devices.  相似文献   

Chemical bath deposition method has been employed to deposit nanocrystalline magnesium selenide thin films of thickness 104–292 nm onto glass substrates at room temperature. The deposition bath consists of magnesium chloride, triethanolamine (TEA) and selenium dioxide. The as deposited films were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), optical absorption, electrical resistivity and thermo-emf measurements. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies revealed that the crystallinity of the magnesium selenide thin film increases with thickness. SEM studies reveal that MgSe films exhibit uniform distribution of round shaped grains over the entire substrate surface.The optical band-gap and electrical resistivity of MgSe film decrease as the film thickness increases. Such type of dependence is attributed to the quantum size effect that is observed in nanocrystalline semiconductors.The thermo-emf measurement confirms its p-type conductivity.  相似文献   

The effect of annealing temperature (Ta) on the structural, optical, and electrical properties of thermally evaporated Cd20Sn10Se70 thin films has been investigated. Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) was used to determine the glass transition temperature (Tg) of the prepared alloy. X-ray diffraction studies showed that the as-deposited film and the films that were annealed at Ta<Tg are of low crystallinity. On annealing above Tg, these films showed a polycrystalline nature. The surface morphology and microstructure of as-deposited and annealed films have been examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Their optical constants were calculated from the transmittance measurements in the range 200–2500 nm. The dispersion of refractive index was analyzed in terms of the single-oscillator Wemple-Di Domenico model. Analysis of the optical absorption data indicates that the optical band gap Eg of these films obeys Tauc׳s relation for the allowed direct transition. The optical band gap Eg as well as the activation energy for the electrical conduction ∆E were found to increase with increase of annealing temperature up to Tg, whereas above Tg there is a remarkable decrease in both Eg and ∆E. The obtained results were interpreted in terms of the Mott-Davis model and amorphous–crystalline transformation.  相似文献   

In this study, the annealing effect on structural, electrical and optical properties of CuIn2n+1S3n+2 thin films (n=0, 1, 2 and 3) are investigated. CuIn2n+1S3n+2 films were elaborated by vacuum thermal evaporation and annealed at 150 and 250 °C during 2 h in air atmosphere. XRD data analysis shows that CuInS2 and CuIn3S5 (n=0 and 1) crystallize in the chalcopyrite structure according to a preferential direction (112), CuIn5S8 and CuIn7S11 (n=2 and 3) crystallize in the cubic spinel structure with a preferential direction (311). The optical characterization allowed us to determine the optical constants (refractive indexes 2.2–3.1, optical thicknesses 250–500 nm, coefficients of absorption 105 cm?1, coefficients of extinction <1, and the values of the optical transitions 1.80–2.22 eV) of the samples of all materials. We exploited the models of Cauchy, Wemple–DiDomenico and Spitzer–Fan for the analysis of the dispersion of the refractive index and the determination of the optical and dielectric constants.  相似文献   

Nickel oxide thin films were prepared by the sol–gel technique combined with spin coating onto glass substrates. The as-deposited films were pre-heated at 275 °C for 15 min and then annealed in air at different temperatures. The effects of the annealing temperature on the structural and optical properties of the films are studied. The results show that 600 °C is the optimum annealing temperature for preparation of NiO films with p-type conductivity and high optical transparency. Then, by using these optimized deposition parameters, NiO thin films of various thicknesses were deposited at the same experimental conditions and annealed under different atmospheres. Surface morphology of the films was investigated by atomic force microscopy. The surface morphology of the films varies with the annealing atmosphere. Optical transmission was studied by UV–vis spectrophotometer. The transmittance of films decreased as the thickness of films increased. The electrical resistivity, obtained by four-point probe measurements, was improved when NiO layers were annealed in N2 atmosphere at 600 °C.  相似文献   

Nanocrystalline CdO thin films were prepared onto a glass substrate at substrate temperature of 300 °C by a spray pyrolysis technique. Grown films were annealed at 250, 350, 450 and 550 °C for 2.5 h and studied by the X-ray diffraction, Hall voltage measurement, UV-spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscope. The X-ray diffraction study confirms the cubic structure of as-deposited and annealed films. The grain size increases whereas the dislocation density decreases with increasing annealing temperature. The Hall measurement confirms that CdO is an n-type semiconductor. The carrier density and mobility increase with increasing annealing temperature up to 450 °C. The temperature dependent dc resistivity of as-deposited film shows metallic behavior from room temperature to 370 K after which it is semiconducting in nature. The metallic behavior completely washed out by annealing the samples at different temperatures. Optical transmittance and band gap energy of the films are found to decrease with increasing annealing temperature and the highest transmittance is found in near infrared region. The refractive index and optical conductivity of the CdO thin films enhanced by annealing. Scanning electron microscopy confirms formation of nano-structured CdO thin films with clear grain boundary.  相似文献   

Highly transparent, low resistive pure and Sb, Zn doped nanostructured SnO2 thin films have been successfully prepared on glass substrates at 400° C by spray pyrolysis method. Structural, electrical and optical properties of pure and Sb, Zn doped SnO2 thin films are studied in detail. Powder X-ray diffraction confirms the phase purity, increase in crystallinity, size of the grains (90–45 nm), polycrystalline nature and tetragonal rutile structure of thin films. The scanning electron microscopy reveals the continuous change in surface morphology of thin films and size of the grains decrease due to Sb, Zn doping in to SnO2. The optical transmission spectra of SnO2 films as a function of wavelength confirm that the optical transmission increases with Sb, Zn doping remarkably. The optical band gap of undoped film is found to be 4.27 eV and decreases with Sb, Zn doping to 4.19 eV, 4.07 eV respectively. The results of electrical measurements indicate that the sheet resistance of the deposited films improves with Sb, Zn doping. The Hall measurements confirm that the films are degenerate n-type semiconductors.  相似文献   

Structural and electrical properties of brush plated ZnTe films   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zinc telluride thin films were deposited by the brush plating technique at a potential of −0.90 V (SCE) on conducting glass and titanium substrates at different temperatures in the range 30–90 °C. The films were polycrystalline in nature with peaks corresponding to the cubic phase. Direct band gap of 2.30 eV was observed. XPS studiers indicated the formation of ZnTe. Depth profiling studies indicated a uniform distribution of Zn and Te throughout the entire thickness. EDAX measurements were made on the films and it was found that there was a slight excess of Te. The carrier concentration was found to vary from 1014–1015 cm−3 with increase of substrate temperature. The mobility was found to vary from 5 to 60 cm2 V−1 s−1.  相似文献   

ZnO films have been prepared by electrodeposition from aqueous solutions. Dense, nanostructured and doped samples can be prepared by changing the composition of the electrolytic bath and fine-tuning the electrochemical parameters. Duplex layers can also be produced, with a nanostructured ZnO layer electrodeposited using as the substrate a previously prepared dense or In-doped ZnO layer. The films are deposited potentiostatically using conductive glass as the primary substrate. Deposition over various periods of time has been explored in order to achieve the desired thickness. Different combinations of materials have been prepared entirely by electrodeposition, all showing absorption and XRD spectra, as well as morphologies, in good agreement with those reported for similar materials prepared otherwise. After thermal annealing in air, the optical quality of the ZnO further improves. Thus, the feasibility of electrodepositing one semiconductor using another as a substrate has been demonstrated.  相似文献   

FeS2 thin films were grown on a glass substrate using a physical vapor deposition technique at room temperature. Subsequently, the thin films were annealed in two different atmospheres: vacuum and vacuum-sulfur. In the vacuum-sulfur atmosphere a graphite box was used as sulfur container and the films were sulfurated successfully at 200–350 ºC. It was found that annealing in a vacuum-sulfur atmosphere was indispensable in order to obtain polycrystalline FeS2 thin films. The polycrystalline nature and pure phase were determined by XRD and Raman techniques and the electrical properties by the Hall effect. Using the sulfurating technique, the n-type semiconductor was prepared at 200–350 °C and a p-type at 500 °C. The carrier concentrations were between 1.19×1020 and 2.1×1020 cm−3. The mobility was 9.96–5.25 cm2 V−1 s−1 and the resistivity was 6.31×10−2 to 1.089×10−2 Ω cm. The results obtained from EDS showed that the films prepared in the vacuum-sulfur atmosphere were close to stoichiometric and that the indirect band gap varied between 1.03 and 0.945 eV.  相似文献   

Manganese indium sulphide (MnIn2S4) thin films were deposited using an aqueous solution of MnCl2, InCl3 and (NH2)2CS in the molar ratio 1:2:4 by simple chemical spray pyrolysis technique. The thin film substrates were annealed in the temperature range between 250 and 350 °C to study their various physical properties. The structural properties as studied by X-ray diffraction showed that MnIn2S4 thin films have cubic spinel structure. The formation of cube and needle shaped grains was clearly observed from FE-SEM analysis. The energy dispersive spectrum (EDS) predicts the presence of Mn, In and S in the synthesized thin film. From the optical studies, it is analyzed that the maximum absorption co-efficient is in the order between 104 and 105 cm−1 and the maximum transmittance (75%) was noted in the visible and infrared regions. It is noted that, the band gap energy decreases (from 3.20 to 2.77 eV) with an increase of substrate temperature (from 250 to 350 °C). The observations from photoluminescence studies confirm the emission of blue, green, yellow and red bands which corresponds to the wavelength range 370–680 nm. Moreover, from the electrical studies, it is observed that, as the substrate temperature increases the conductivity also increases in the range 0.29–0.41×10−4 Ω−1 m−1. This confirms the highly semiconducting nature of the film. The thickness of the films was also measured and the values ranged between 537 nm (250 °C) to 483 nm (350 °C). This indicates that, as the substrate temperature increases, the thickness of the film decreases. From the present study, it is reported that the MnIn2S4 thin films are polycrystalline in nature and can be used as a suitable ternary semiconductor material for photovoltaic applications.  相似文献   

Tin Sulfide thin films were deposited on soda lime glass substrates at three different substrate temperatures using thermal evaporation technique. The impact of substrate temperature on the deposited films has been studied thoroughly. Surface morphology was modified with the substrate temperature. XRD spectra shows orthorhombic end-centered type SnS having (1 1 0) orientation. The crystallite size increases with the increase in the substrate temperature. At a high substrate temperature (450 °C) small grains form on the surface and crystallinity decreases. The effect of substrate temperature on optical and electrical properties has been studied using UV–Vis–NIR Spectrophotometer and Hall effect respectively. With the increase in the substrate temperature there is a substantial decrease in the transmittance and bandgap value. Refractive index (n), dielectric constant (ε1) and extinction co-efficient (k) have also been calculated for different substrate temperatures.  相似文献   

A consistent set of epitaxial, n-type conducting ZnO thin films, nominally undoped, doped with Ga or Al, or alloyed with Mg or Cd, was grown by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) on single-crystalline c-plane sapphire (0 0 0 1) substrates, and characterized by Hall measurement, and UV/VIS optical transmission spectroscopy.The optical band gap of undoped ZnO films at nearly 3.28 eV was shifted by alloying with Mg up to 4.5 eV and by alloying with Cd down to 3.18 eV, dependent on the alloy composition. In addition, highly doped ZnO:Al films show a blue-shifted optical absorption edge due to filling of electronic states in the conduction band.The Hall transport data of the PLD (Mg,Zn,Cd)O:(Ga,Al) thin films span a carrier concentration range of six orders of magnitude from 3 × 1014 to 3 × 1020 cm−3, which corresponds to a resistivity from 5 × 10−4 to 3 × 103 Ω cm. Structurally optimized, nominally undoped ZnO films grown with ZnO nucleation and top layer reached an electron mobility of 155 cm2/V s (300 K), which is among the largest values reported for heteroepitaxial ZnO thin films so far.Finally, we succeeded in combining the low resistivity of ZnO:Ga and the band gap shift of MgZnO in MgZnO:Ga thin films. This results demonstrate the unique tunability of the optical and electrical properties of the ZnO-based wide-band gap material for future electronic devices.  相似文献   

ZnS thin films were deposited at different temperatures on glass substrates by chemical bath deposition method without stirring the deposition bath. With deposition temperature increasing from 50 °C to 90 °C, pH decreases rapidly, homogeneous precipitation of ZnS, instead of Zn(OH)2 easily forms in the bath. It means that higher temperature is favorable for the formation of relatively high stoichiometric film, due to the lower concentration of OH. The thickness of the films deposited at 90 °C is much higher than that of the films deposited at 50 °C and 70 °C. Combining the film thickness with the change of pH, the growth of film, especially deposited at 90 °C mainly comes from the fluctuation region of pH. At the same time, with the increase of deposition temperature, the obtained films are transparent, homogeneous, reflecting, compact, and tightly adherent. The ZnS films deposited for 1.5 h, 2 h and 2.5 h at 70 °C and 90 °C have the cubic structure only after single deposition. The average transmission of all films, especially the thicker films deposited at 90 °C, is greater than 90% for wavelength values in the visible region. Comparing with the condition of stirring, the structural and optical properties of films are improved significantly. The direct band gaps range from 3.93 to 4.06 eV.  相似文献   

Thin films with various thickness of 3-amino-2-[(2-nitrophenyl)diazinyl]-3-(piperidin-1-yl)acrylonitrile (ANPA) were produced by conventional thermal evaporation. The dependence of the optical, electrical, and photovoltaic properties on the film thickness was investigated. X-ray diffraction showed that the films have an amorphous structure. The optical properties were investigated in terms of transmittance and reflectance in the spectral range 200–2500 nm. Spectral distribution analysis of the absorption coefficient revealed that the films have an indirect allowed electronic interband transition. The optical bandgap decreased from 2.47 to 2.1 eV for an increase in film thickness from 105 to 265 nm. The direct current electrical conductivity of the films was measured for sandwich-structured samples as a function of the heating temperature and film thickness. The films exhibited semiconductor behavior and electrical conduction was attributed to hopping of charge carriers in localized states. ANPA films of differing thickness were deposited on p-type Si single-crystal substrates. The influence of film thickness on the electrical and photovoltaic parameters of Au/ANPA/p-Si/Al heterojunction solar cells was investigated.  相似文献   

In the presented work, Ga-doped CdS and (Ga-K)-co-doped CdS thin films are grown on glass substrates at a temperature of 400 °C through spray pyrolysis. Influence of K-doping on structural, morphological, optical and electrical characteristics of CdS:Ga thin films are examined. K level is changed from 1 at% to 5 at% for CdS:Ga samples just as Ga concentration is fixed 2 at% for all CdS thin films. It is observed from the X-ray diffraction data that all the samples exhibit hexagonal structure and an increase level of K in Ga-doped CdS samples causes a degradation in the crystal quality. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy measurements illustrate that the best stoichiometric film is acquired when K content is 2 at% in Ga-doped CdS films. Optical transmission curves demonstrate that CdS:Ga thin films exhibit the best optical transparency in the visible range for 4 at% K content compared to other specimens. A widening in the optical bandgap is unveiled after K-dopings. It is obtained that maximum band gap value is found as 2.45 eV for 3 at%, 4 at% and 5 at%. K -dopings while Ga-doped CdS thin films display the band gap value of 2.43 eV. From photoluminescence measurements, the most intensified peak is observed in the deep level emission after incorporation of the 4 at% K atoms. As for electrical characterization results, the resistivity reduces and the carrier density improves with the increase of K concentration from 1 at% to 4 at%. Based on all the data, it can be deduced that 4 at% K-doped CdS:Ga thin films show the best optical and electrical behavior, which can be utilized for solar cell devices.  相似文献   

CuIn11S17 compound was synthesized by horizontal Bridgman method using high-purity copper, indium and sulfur elements. CuIn11S17 thin films were prepared by high vacuum evaporation on glass substrates. The glass substrates were heated at 30, 100 and 200 °C. The structural properties of the powder and the films were investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD). XRD analysis of thin films revealed that the sample deposited at a room temperature was amorphous in nature while those deposited on heated substrates were polycrystalline with a preferred orientation along the (311) plane of the spinel phase. Ultraviolet–visible (UV–vis) spectroscopy was used to study the optical properties of thin films. The results showed that CuIn11S17 thin films have high absorption coefficient α in the visible range (105–106 cm−1). The band gap Eg of the films decrease from 2.30 to 1.98 eV with increasing the substrate temperature (Ts) from 30 to 200 °C. We exploited the models of Swanepoel, Wemple–DiDomenico and Spitzer–Fan for the analysis of the dispersion of the refractive index n and the determination of the optical constants of the films. Hot probe method showed that CuIn11S17 films deposited at Ts=30 °C and Ts=100 °C are p-type conductivity whereas the sample deposited at Ts=200 °C is highly compensated.  相似文献   

Antimony sulfide films have been deposited by pulse electrodeposition on Fluorine doped SnO2 coated glass substrates from aqueous solutions containing SbCl3 and Na2S2O3. The crystalline structure of the films was characterized by X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy and TEM analysis. The deposited films were amorphous and upon annealing in nitrogen/sulfur atmosphere at 250 °C for 30 min, the films started to become crystalline with X-ray diffraction pattern matching that of stibnite, Sb2S3, (JCPDS 6-0474). AFM images revealed that Sb2S3 films have uniformly distributed grains on the surface and the grain agglomeration occurs with annealing. The optical band gap calculated from the transmittance and the reflectance studies were 2.2 and 1.65 eV for as deposited and 300 °C annealed films, respectively. The annealed films were photosensitive and exhibited photo-to-dark current ratio of two orders of magnitude at 1 kW/m2 tungsten halogen radiation.  相似文献   

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